Rome: Total War

Rome: Total War

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Play Rome, BI, and mods using Alexander
Av HazardHawk
Playing Rome, BI, or any mod for these Using Alexander
Everyone on Steam who owns RTW also owns Alexander. If you do not have Alexander it is as simple as a screenshot you own Rome on Steam and opening a support ticket asking for your key for Alexander.

Once you have Alexander in your games list, it is a simple matter to drop your Rome folder INTO the Alexander folder, add -mod:(mod folder name with no space between the colon and the mod folder name) -show_err -ne -nm -noalexander to your launch options.

The first error will be missing the chat_filter.sans. Go into your Alexander folder inside of Alexander, go into Data, copy the chat_filter.san file and past it into your Rome folder inside of Alexander in the Data folder.

From here, each time you start the game it will give you a missing file error. Go into your Rome folder to that file, copy the file, go back to the MAIN Alexander folder, open the corresponding folder and paste in the copy overwriting what it there.

Yes, it takes a few minutes to work through and is about a dozen files, but once you are done you can play Rome, BI, or any Rome mod using the testapp.exe Alexander uses and not have ANY problems with FPS on any level; campaign or battle.

When adding mods, example Middle Earth, create a folder named middle_earth, COPY your Rome folder contents into this folder, install your mod if installer to a blank location, right click, copy or if the mod is foldered already, copy and past the contents into the mod folder with the Rome contents overwriting whatever needs overwriting. Change your launch option to the new folder name. YES, with some mods they may want additional files. REPEAT the same as above going into the Rome subfolder, copy the file, and paste it into the corresponding place in the main Alexander folder.

You do not need ANY other fixes and you will once again enjoy playing without any computer or hardware problems.

The Creative Assembly did not make Rome. Atari made Rome. CA lies in saying Rome is made under directx9 because it sees the directx8 wrapper which means it was actually made under directx8 before being converted to use directx9. While the most current directx is backwards compatible, games are not. In any case, all the directx8 file does is disable some of the graphics options. Using Alexander, you do not need to disable any graphics options to get intended FPS. It also plays with ANY CPU or graphics card this way.

When Windows 10 was released Rome was completely blacklisted and would not allow installation, but it would still work if you dropped in a folder where it had already been installed and ran it directly. The ONLY problem with installation was Windows 10 would not allow the creation of the preferences file. It would modify it if it was present and you changed settings, but it would not create it.

I gave both Microsoft and CA ALL of this information, test information, all the bugs from Windows 10, the way they worked, how to work around. Microsoft unblacklisted Rome. The Creative Assembly IGNORED me because they did not want to give everyone at that time a free copy of Alexander if you owned Rome and not Alexander.

Once Rome and Alexander were combined on Steam in a single sales package, what should have happened was exactly what I posted above so that is the way it downloaded to someone installing and everything played through Alexander using nothing more than a simple script.

If someone doesnt believe me, fine, open my profile, pull up Alexander in my games, and look at the screenshots. I have not played Rome or Barbarian Invasion in YEARS using their exe files rather using Alexanders.

If you open guides, al Qamar wrote up the guide for everyone on Windows 10 because I simply did not have time. Many modders even went back and redid their mods to be used in Alexander because it was so simple to do using this same information I just posted above.

I have never made a list of the files needing to be copied from Rome into Alexander's main data folder. If someone wants to do this and make a guide to do this, feel free but please list me as collaborator is all I ask. Oh, and you cannot simply copy the Rome Data over the Alexander main data as there are some specific files needed in Alexander for it to run which are not included in those same files under Rome. I have never taken the time to go through them all individually to find them and make a Rome to Alexander transfer as a mod. Anyone that wishes to do this, again, list me as collaborator and have fun!

I will be more than happy to help anyone who already knows the basics of modding and help you support this, but do keep in mind, between physical therapy, a working farm, and a 40,000 person group among several groups on social media I dont have a lot of time.
6 kommentarer
Eldgrim 18 sep, 2022 @ 5:50 
The problem for me is that Alexander has the same FPS issues that Rome does.
Quarren King of Q 30 apr, 2021 @ 15:41 
i think i may have found something
HazardHawk  [skapare] 30 apr, 2021 @ 9:20 
Downgrading the game is using a dx8 wrapper. It kills many graphics features and does not work for all people. Porting into Alexander as a mod is a one time pain and works for everyone.
Quarren King of Q 30 apr, 2021 @ 1:22 
i just wanna run the game and learn hoe. i heard you had to downgrade the version somehow or something XD i have been looking for some time
Ghosta 10 jan, 2021 @ 6:31 
I must have made mistakes
Ghosta 10 jan, 2021 @ 6:30 
I thank you for the work you have done,

But in spite of the guide, I always turn at 20-30 fps.