Going Under

Going Under

100 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
By ThatDarnPhil
Story Based Achievements
These are the achievements you'll get for completing the story.


The Mana Press

The Toxic Mask

The Grim Ledger


Work Smarter and also Harder

Grab Life by the Horns

Get Rich & Die Trying

Hostile Takeover

You Are (Un)Employed
Grinding Achievements
These are achievements that you will get after playing enough times.

Unboxing Champ
Open 100 delivery cubes.

The Price of Knowledge
Get cursed 13 times.

Padded Resume
Unlock all skills
Mentor Achievements
Each mentor has a series of tasks for you to complete, unlocking bonuses for your run when you equip the mentor.

Some of these tasks will be easier with certain mentors, so it might be worth completing tasks to unlock special mentor perks to help out with other tasks!

A warning, there is an Act Two to this game, which gets significantly harder, so I would advise you to get these done as early as possible!
Tappi's tasks

Task one: Buy an expresso machine from the Joblin cafe.
Solution 1: Save up enough money and purchase it outright (coupon app will decrease the cost).
Solution 2: Get Swomp to steal it for you using his ability (you need him to be your mentor).
Solution 3: Use Ray's credit card and buy it (you need him to be your mentor), this may put you in debt!

Task two: Complete 3 combats in a row without getting hurt.
Play it safe, keep your distance and don't rush. Also keep a close eye on the durability of your weapons. If it's red it means it's close to breaking which might put you in a dangerous situation!

Task three: Defeat the huge Rockstar in Joblin.
This is a special challenge room (challenge rooms will have the task icon (square with a tick in it) on the doors and will be a unique fight. Simply defeat the room to complete the task.

Task four: Put out 5 fires with water.
I find this is easiest done in Winkydink. The guns shoot water, there are fire extinguisher, and weapons that set fire to things.

Task five: Make 60 dollars off a single Styxcoin conversion.
To get enough styxcoins for the conversion:
Complete all rooms.
In the gather styxcoin room (the empty room with a hovering styxcoin icon), focus on picking up styxcoin over defeating enemies (I believe).
Don't spend anything until you reach a floor where you have enough (having Swomp steal stuff is helpful).
Hit the rocks with glowing yellow gems with a pickaxe (or any other mining weapon).
Hit the pots with yellow tops.
Don't let the bats that swoop into the floor steal any of the styxcoins that are lying around.

Task six: Buy 3 Weapons in 1 Run.
Pretty simple, just save your money for weapons. It seems Tippi's primo store doesn't count towards this. But Tippi's restock perk does count, so you can buy three weapons from one store.

Task seven: Open 12 delivery cubes in one dungeon run.
Completing challenge rooms (exclamation rooms) will reward you with a delivery cube.
Completing a floor will reward you with a delivery cube.
Having Tippi as a mentor and using the Primo store will deliver a cube (it will only deliver one cube per floor though, regardless of how much you bought).
Joblin has a lot of cubes just lying around.
Sus cubes count!

Task eight: Complete floor B3 without spending money.
Don't spend money, use Swomp to steal items.
It's misleading, as you will fail if you spend money on floors one and two.
Swomp's Tasks

Task one: light a bunch of stuff on fire (0/30)
Throw torches and any flammable objects onto objects. Winkydink has flamethrowers (like fire extinguisher but blue) which makes it a lot easier.

Task two: run over a car with your car
Cars can be found in the Joblin dungeon. You can drive into other rooms but be careful as hitting into objects causes the car to take damage.

Task three: eat a sandwich when youre not even hungry
Simply eat a jobwich when you are at full health.

Task four: go on a successful date
In Winkydink you will come across rooms with a heart/cross. You can select the cross twice to change who you will be facing. When you hit the heart you will have to fight the enemy you chose. You start with a five star rating, and lose a star each time you get hit. If you defeat them with a four or five star rating they will join your side and fight for you, and also be your girlfriend/boyfriend/blobfriend!

Task five: crash the pizza party in Winkydink
When this task is active you will come across a room in Winkydink (it'll have the task symbol on the door). You just have to complete this room.

Task six: fill your pockets with slime
Defeating slimes in Winkydink will sometimes make them drop slime balls. Fill all three slots with these to complete.

Task seven: start a polyamorous relationship
So to do this you will need to complete a date level (see task four) and then make it to the next floor and complete a second date level without having your first date die. This is pretty tricky as enemies who fight for you tend to be very accident prone, taking damage easily and somehow setting themselves on fire. Complete a floor (except for the exit room) and go back to complete the date so that there's less enemies to deal with, then on the second floor try to find the date room as quickly as possible (navigation app).

Task eight: buy a dank gaming rig from the styxcoin cafe
The gaming rig will appear on the second floor cafe in Styxcoin. I'm not sure if you can use Ray's credit card as it's in styxcoin rather than cash. But you can get it with Swomp's steal ability. For better odds try to save up as much cash/coin up to this point and purchase everything else so Swomp has less things to steal from.
Fern's tasks

Task one: Deal 30 damage with explosives.
You can throw sus boxes to deal damage. In Joblin, when enemies throw the bean bomb cans you can dodge them so they wont detonate straight away, pick them up and throw them back. In Styxcoin there's a lot of dynamite throughout.

Task two: Apply status effects to 10 enemies
By having Fern as your mentor you will come across fizzle cans instead of apps. These have a range of effects, most of which will count as status effects.

Task three: Toast a Jobwich.
As you can't take jobwiches with you, you'll have to take the fire to it! Grab a torch and when you get a jobwhich (they come from boxes quite often) just hold out the flame until the jobwich is toasted. You can tell if the fire's close enough as the jobwich will be smoking. You can't buy a jobwich from the shop as it will be instantly consumed. Leaving the room and coming back will make the jobwich turn stale, which doesn't seem to toast - it just gets burnt instead.

Task four: Defeat 3 Joblin Canbassadors with bean bombs.
Like in task one, you can dodge the bean bombs thrown at you so that they don't immediately detonate, and then throw them back to defeat them! Try to weaken them beforehand.

Task five: Find the Golden Eggplant in Winkydink.
It'll look like a regular eggplant but it will be gold. You're welcome. Throw something big like a monitor at it and it should pop off.

Task six: Defeat a monster with a frozen monster.
When you freeze a monster you can actually pick them up and use them as a weapon! So go do that. Winkydink has frozen floor traps and fire extinguishers to freeze, as well as using Fern to get freeze fizzle.

Task seven: Have 9 Heart Containers.
If you completed the first three dungeons you should be starting with six heart containers.
You can get an extra heart container if you pin the Room for Growth skill.
In Joblin, you can buy Fizzle Classic for 40 dollars.

Task eight: Find the Fizzle Rock in Styxcoin.
Like task five, it will look like the styxcoin rock but blue. Break it open with a mining tool to complete the task.
Kara's tasks

Task one: Install 10 apps.
Apps are the mobile phones with icons above them that will appear in dungeons. Pick 10 up. They will disappear when you leave the room so pick them up when you see them.

Task two: Destroy 15 laptops
Laptops can be mainly found in Joblin. SMASH THEM.

Task three: Electrocute 5 enemies
There are various skills that will electrocute enemies, and using electrical equipment will have a chance to electrocute (laptops, tablet pens, etc).

Task four: Walk Eclaire to floor B3 of any dungeon.
Eclaire will appear in the first room (slide room) of the dungeon. Make sure to pick her up before leaving, otherwise she'll be gone for that run. She will be tethered to you, making the run harder. Just make it down to the third floor and you'll be free.

Task five: Defeat 10 enemies with bricked phones.
If you don't pick up an app and leave the room it will be turned into a bricked phone. Use these to deal the finishing blow to ten enemies.

Task six: Kill a drone.
I'm not sure the best way to do this, drones are quite weak but hitting them is tricky. There are certain weapons that can damage things above you (you can tell if a weapon does this by swinging it under a shelf (the shelves that have weapons lying on) and seeing if it breaks. Tappi's ability that has the drone store will increase your chances of getting a drone appearing.

Task seven: Deal 50 damage to an enemy in a single hit
There are many skills that will help towards completing this task. Extra damage on breaking an object, double damage on the start of a room, etc. Charging up a weapon's attack will also do more damage!

Task eight: Take a photo of a Blackhat in Styxcoin.
Pick up the photo app (called MobFlash) and wait until you come across a Blackhat. They only appear in Styxcoin and they are the enemies which are floating whilst typing on their laptop and make the whole room dark.

Ray's tasks

Task one: Complete a job with 5 stars.
These are the rooms (in the joblin dungeon) that have an exclamation mark on the door/map. To get five stars you will need to complete them quickly, so stock up with the best weapons and apps you can find before taking it on.

Task two: Defeat 10 monsters with only your bare hands.
You have to deal all of the monster's health with your bare hands, not just the last hit. I need confirmation but I don't think the boxing glove skill counts towards it either.

Task three: Break up the Joblin Union.
Another challenge room. This will show up in the Joblin dungeon and will have a task icon on the door.

Task four: Complete a floor without dodge rolling.
If you target an enemy and press the dodge button whilst moving left or right you can lunge out of the way without dodge rolling.

Task five: Acquire 10 skills in one run.
There are various ways of acquiring skills in a run, and it shouldn't be too hard to get ten skills:
Skill room, cafe, Ray's relaxation room, completing a floor, curse room.

Task six: Defeat the King Slime in Winkydink.
Another challenge room!

Task seven: Finish an end floor combat without taking damage.
Prepare beforehand with the best weapons and apps! It can be done on any floor in the room with the exit slide.

Task eight: Reach floor B4 with no skills.
Firstly unpin your skill before entering the dungeon. Choose the dungeon that is easiest for you. I chose Swomp as my mentor for this as you will start on the boss floor with some helpers who will fight for you. Also you can do this after completing the dungeons and getting a bonus three hearts.

Thanks to Pfysicyst for this:
Swomp's perk from visiting his chill-out zone will not count against you when you're going for Ray's final task.
Other Achievements
Kill a Hungry Box.

This will be something you come across in Act 2, they are essentially delivery cube mimics. Defeat one to get the achievement.

Clean Exit
Kill a power loader with the Exit Strategist skill.

Power loaders are the big machines with drills found in Styxcoin dungeon. If you have the exit strategist skill you can dive roll under the machine (between the legs) and the machine will explode!
The Working From Home Update
Spoilers? I'm not sure when in the game these get unlocked so I would suggest completing the main game, then playing around as these are pretty self explanatory.

Win a run in Impostor Mode.

To unlock Impostor Mode, you will have to defeat your impostor. She'll be standing in front of one of the dungeon slides. Follow her in, and then defeat her in the first floor exit room. After that go back to your apartment and inspect the mirror.

Elbow Bumper
Complete the Rolodex.

You can buy blank cards for $5 in rooms that have the @ symbol on the door. They do 50 damage and if you defeat an enemy with one of these you get that enemy added to your Rolodex. Currently I am unsure if this works for bosses, or if there's a different way. For other characters, team members and shop owners, you just have to keep talking to them until they give you their card.

Complete the Imposter's final test.
velkito Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:38am 
if anyone was wondering how to kill a drone, the answer is 'pickaxe charged attack' - it's an overhead smash
Itambé Street Station 🚉🚎 Nov 28, 2021 @ 11:12am 
You don't need to complete two dates to get Swomp's polyamorous quest. I was able to get it by using the weapon that charms an enemy while also having a girlfriend from the special room. I suspect any way to charm an enemy, like peaches, will also work.
Ritualistic Aug 8, 2021 @ 2:47pm 
it works on the bosses but you have to get their health low enough for the card to work
; Expected Jul 2, 2021 @ 9:13pm 
Tried card on the joblin boss and it didn't work for me :(
Dbkibas Jun 14, 2021 @ 10:30am 
if anyone needs the 50 dmg, you can just use the printer card that does 50 dmg to get it
🦄 lainverse Jun 1, 2021 @ 6:39pm 
> Currently I am unsure if this works for bosses
Definitely works for the Joblin boss. Got his card.
mipi123 May 28, 2021 @ 2:27pm 
Easier way I found for Swomps gaming rig was to collect as much Styxcoin as I could before going into Floor 2 shopkeep (I think thats where the gaming rig is sold) then I used the cash phone app to make vendor prices cheaper, it cut the cost of gaming rig. so I would recommend running Kara as your Mentor for that one
۩THE_Incinerate ۩ May 20, 2021 @ 4:02am 
for Swomp last task of getting "dank gaming rig" . you can't use Ray credit card to buy it . i just tried it .
Shero Apr 2, 2021 @ 1:55pm 
Ray credit card don't work on styx coin. Only cash. So it's impossible to buy with his help The gaming rig
DickPays Mar 29, 2021 @ 2:12am 
Easy way to get 50 damage in one hit with Kara is to use a card on an enemy. It does 51 damage!