Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!

Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!

78 ratings
Kilroy's Guide to Max Gentlemen Sexy Business!
By Kilroy
This guide covers selecting your starting Executive, putting your Executives to work, basic starting strategy, recommended loan payoff order for all four loans, the building and locations, Flower Cart locations, Lunch mini games, all achievements, each and every asset available in the game, what each asset does and which assets to avoid, all non-secret outfits.

The game update has finally been release and I will be working on updating this guide.

Changes from the update
Now that the update has dropped there are many changes to the game.

Additional Lunch Mini Games:
The Spa - A shell game where you have to find your companion after you steam up the room
The Dog Race - Pick a winner and cheer them on to victory
Butler Battle - A battle ship style game

On the more challenging levels the business executives you fight in the town square have different traits that you will need to take into account to win the hostile take over.

Taxes, either pay the taxes you owe or lobby at the Pub to get them lowered.

Demonic essence takes over the town and you have to get rid of it.

A Teamwork feature has been added. When two executives work together, just the two, no extras allowed. They will increase their productivity, one percent per level of team work. At leave six you will unlock a short story for them.

Additional outfits have been added for all of your executives.

Selecting your starting Executive
In the upper right will be the current season.





You can select your starting Executive based upon the Season

Spring - Antoine Hardmeat
Summer - Summer Starling
Fall - Vicki Lestrange
Winter - Sinterklaas

Fanny Shufflebottom has a slight bonus in the daytime
Vlad Nibblesome has a slight bonus when the sun is down

The Moxie bonus for Fanny and Vlad is only 2 instead of the normal 5. So they burn 8 Moxie when their bonus is in effect.

Penny Farthing receives a Moxie bonus at the bank. Since the first part of the game is getting money from the bank she is a strong choice.

Everyone else doesn't have a good reason to start, unless you're going for the Industrialist achievement (Start a company in 12 different industries), another way to say start a game with every Executive (You also have to finish, in order to get the achievement).

Bonbon Von Valentine - Moxie bonus while at the slums - Good for recruiting employees
Pip Whipple - Moxie bonus while fighting rivals - Good for hostile takeovers
Gunn Moses - Moxie bonus while at the barber - Good for gaining Mustaches to recruit employees later
Max Gentlemen - Moxie bonus while at the gym - Good for increasing Fisticuffs for Hostile Takeovers
Samuel Finch - Moxie bonus for a week after travel - Not a good start because you won't get the train station until after you pay your first loan

Your Executives - Put Them to Work
You start with one Executive and there are 11 more for you to hire. Four are available a rewards for paying off your loans, leaving seven for you to acquire though the Executive Gala, which occurs every other weekend.


Each executive starts with 100 Moxie. The maximum amount of Moxie is 220. There are various Assets that will increase executive Moxie by 10. Moxie is essentially the executive's energy level. The normal usage of Moxie is 10 Moxie per action. When an Executive is in a Moxie bonus situation this number goes down to 5, effectively doubling the length of time they can work. The two exceptions are the Day (Fanny Shufflebottom) and Night (Vlad Nibblesome) bonuses which go down to 8 instead of 5.

In addition to the Moxie bonus there are Cheering Crowds, provided you keep your Moral positive, allow your Executive to work with no Moxie cost, take advantage of the Cheering Crowds whenever possible, especially for the Trade Building and The Slums as these are both no cost buildings.

You can tell by looking at your Executive's background what their Moxie situation is.

Title / Color
Idle (Grey)
Blue (Normal)
Gold (Bonus)
Cheering Crowd (Green)
Either out of Moxie or no task assigned
No Buffs
Moxie Bonus
Cheering Crowd buff, no Moxie being used*

*The exception to this is The Town Square where the background will be green and Moxie is still being used. Instead you are not losing any employees during the duration of the crowd.

The preferred Aura / Background Order.

1. Green, no Moxie is used as long as the party is going on. Maximize the number of executives in the building to get the most benefit. For Hostile Takeovers no employees will be lost, Moxie will still be used.
2. Gold, Moxie is being burned at a reduced rate
3. Blue, everything is normal
Grey, this executive isn't doing anything for you, put them to work or let them get some rest

Executive Status Bars

Below each executive's picture, when they are assigned to a board chair is a text banner indicating what they are doing

Banner Text
Building Assigned
Town Square - Engaged in a Hostile Takeover
Trade Building - Buying Money
Boxing Ring - Earning Fisticuffs
None - Either out of Moxie or not assigned a building
[/td]Slums - Recruiting Employees[/td]
Barbershop - Acquiring Mustaches
Training Facility - Training a Kingsmen
Factory - Turning money into Gold

Starting Strategy for the first district and two loans
Due to the random nature of the game there isn't much you can script past the first two loans. Following this advice with get you to the Second District with the first two loans paid.

You can skip this section if you would like.

Buy Money until you reach 1,000

Pay Loan to get New Executive (Ideally one that will gain Market Share from one of the rivals in the first district, though you can't go wrong with Penny Farthing or Pip Whipple)

Have your new Executive Buy Money until you reach 1,000

Pay Loan to get Board Chair

Buy Money until you reach 1,000

Pay Loan to get either Barber Membership or Gym Membership, it really doesn't matter which

Buy Money until you reach 1,000

Pay Loan off to get the other option that you did not select previously

You should be at four days to pay off the Loan when the loan is paid off. This is semi-important as time on a previous loan is added to the next loan.

Unlock the Edinburgh train station

Send your resting Executive to Edinburgh on the train. Executives completely out of Moxie can be sent on a trip and will be full when they return.

Open the Event. Each event has three selections, pick the best option for you out of the available options. Selecting an Executive, Maid or Butler will earn Affection with them. Once you have all relationships at level six you will still want to do events until you have both your Morale and Reputation level maxed out.

When your Executive returns from Edinburgh turn in the trip reward and purchase the Helsinki train station

Send your Executive with the least Moxie to Helsinki, even if you can't use the item now, you will be able to later

Take advantage of any crowds that show up, or disperse Rioters if the Event went poorly

Ignore the first Executive Gala, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future to get them all

Train one of your Executives to 5 Fisticuffs and 5 Mustache

Recruit 5 employees from the Slums

Engage in your first Hostile Takeover

Purchase money until you reach 5,000

Pay Loan to get New Executive

Send the new Executive to Helsinki if you want the item, or Edinburgh for money

Train your fighting Executive up to at least 10 Fisticuffs

Engage in your second Hostile Takeover

Buy money until you have 25,000 for the Merchant (You never want to miss a Merchant)

If the Merchant (Saturday) hasn't arrived and you get to 30,000 Pay Loan to get Board Chair

Pay your 25,000 an get an item from the Merchant.

Recommended purchase priority:

1. Board Chair
2. Increase number of execs that can work the same building
3. Assets that increase training or production
4. And Assets (things that have two features, this and that)
5. Assets you want
6. Assets you don't want

If you haven't Paid Loan to get the Board Chair, Buy Money until you reach 5,000 and Pay Loan to get Board Chair

Train to at least 15 Fisticuffs if you're doing the third Hostile Takeover, or 20 Fisticuffs if you're doing the District Boss

Have sufficient employees to get past the Hostile Takeover you've selected.

Buy money to get to 10,000

Purchase Moscow train station

If the item is beneficial send your lowest earning Executive to get it.

Buy Money to get to 5,000

Pay Loan to get Tea for Two

Train Fisticuffs to 20 and take on the District Boss.
Resource Focus Strategy
Where you should focus your resources changes through out the game.

Money / Gold

Early on you need to focus on Buying Money, mainly to pay your loans. You increase the amount of money you buy at the Trade Building by increasing your Market Share through Hostile Takeovers. You want to match your Executives to the Hostile Takeovers you have available, if possible.

Once you get your Factory you will start shifting towards Gold. Since Gold requires 2,500 per bar Buying Money is still important. You can reduce the cost per Gold bar by getting the Snake Oil item for your Executive.

When you get an Executive to earning 10,000 or more you will be highly focused on Gold and less on money as 10,000 will purchase four Gold. This is when you will purchase the Bombay Train Station and the Shark Office.

When you get an Executive to earning 20,000 or more your money problems are pretty much over. This is when you will purchase the Yokohama Train Station and the Elephant Office.


People are our most valuable resources, mostly because they are expendable. Early on in the game you only need enough employees for the Executive you are using for Hostile Takeovers to survive 10 rounds. A Mustache level of 50 is more than enough to accomplish this.

Prior to the first battle with your Rival, at the halfway point, you are going to want to have an Executive dedicated to Employee recruiting, after you unlock the Training Facility. Bonbon Von Valentine or Gunn Moses are the obvious choices. Bonbon gets a Moxie bonus in the Slums and Gunn gets a Moxie bonus in the Barbershop. I prefer Bonbon. There seems to be a glitch in the Kingsmen training prior to getting the Bottled Synergy Asset, take advantage. Recruit the number of employees you need to train a new Kingsmen and train them. This will zero out the employees of every other Executive, but the cost doesn't seem to be the full amount. Continue to do this until you have at least five Kingsmen. Remember that your Hostile Take over Executive will need to Recruit Employees before each Hostile Takeover, normally I do the Hostile Takeover and immediately following a Kingsmen training.

After you have the Bottled Synergy Asset you can use your recruiter while your Hostile Takeover expert is busy on a Takeover so that you don't run out of employees. I recommend alternating between the Barbershop and the Slums on each rested sequence. If you're running low on money recruit at the Slums or Train another Kingsmen.


The first district is easy, but it gets harder each district to maintain the 1/10 Rival Employee Fisticuff level. You have a couple of options, lose more employees or train more Fisticuffs. I prefer the more Fisticuffs option. Obtaining the Cane Item increases your Fisticuffs and should be a priority to obtain and upgrade when possible. My normal strategy to always be training Fisticuffs is after completing a Hostile Takeover go to the Boxing Ring and train with any remaining Moxie.

Once you get to 2,000 Fisticuffs (with Cane and Kingsmen buffs) you pretty much have enough to finish. At this point you can perform two or three Hostile Takeovers each rested period and still have a little Moxie left to train more Fisticuffs.
Recommended Asset Selection Order
Due to the randomness of the game there is no step by step strategy that can be documented. However guidance can be offered.

Completing each district, by defeating the District Boss, will reward you with an Asset. When starting a new district you will be given two options, with the exception of the middle and last districts where you have to defeat your Rival. Select the best Asset available.

Here is the recommended reward order.

1. Board Chair
2. Increases number of execs that can work the same building
3. Gold Production
4. Training Value - Boxing Ring
5. Grooming Value - Barbershop
6. Hot-Air Balloon
7. Increase available Travel Agents at the Train Station
8. Increases conversion efficiency in the Executive Office
9. Reduces cost of training Kingsmen at Facility
10. Increase Moxie
11. Add a market to Industry Awareness
12. Family Heirloom
13. Golden Fish
14. Golden Horse
15. Golden Goose
16. Loaded Dice - Decent Early, very poor late
17. Lucky Rabbit's Foot - Decent Early, very poor late
18. Black Market Membership - Money rewards aren't sufficient to justify
18. Crystal Ball - Worthless as you're going to use the Merchant every time
19. Hourglass - Worthless as you should have no issue defeating a District Boss in three minutes

Recommended Train Stations
Due to the time required to use any of the Train Stations they should be used by Executives that don't have much value elsewhere, or for sending Samuel Finch to Edinburgh weekly to maintain his Moxie bonus. Additionally, due to the restricted routes, four maximum, and randomness of getting additional routes I can't recommend that they be a major part of your strategy.

I recommend purchasing all of the Item Train Stations

Helsinki - 2,000 - When you return from your first trip after paying your first loan
Moscow - 10,000 - After paying your second loan
Bombay - 75,000 - When you have an Executive earning 10,000 or more
Yokohama - 1,000,000 - When you have an Executive earning 20,000 or more

As you can see what the reward is before sending your Executive this allows you to equip your Executives. Since the items refresh every Monday there is a constant churn and you should be able to get the items you're looking for.

Executives that Buy Money - > Monocle
Executives that Recruit Employees -> Mustache Wax and Pastry
Executives for Hostile Takeovers -> Boxing Gloves, Cane, and Umbrella
All other Executives should get Snake Oil

Only after every Executive has a Monocle and Snake oil can you have too many.
Hostile Takeover Strategy
Before you engage in a Hostile Takeover you need to examine the Rival Company.

1. Fisticuffs, this is how many employees you will lose per round. Ideally you want at least 10 times the number of employees as the Rival Company has Fisticuffs.

2. Employees, this is the number of employees you need to beat to complete the hostile takeover. Ideally you want your fisticuffs to be no less than 1/10 of this number.

3. The Market Share increase will increase the money generated when that executive buys money. Each Market Share is worth 100 pounds when you buy money, so in this example the increase would be 1,000 pounds.

The additional bonus can be either an Item, a Tonic or Wealth. The District Boss will reward you with an Asset. You cannot select the Asset for the first District Boss. When you select the district you will travel through you get to pick one of two Assets that you will receive when you defeat the District Boss.
The Clock
The clock provides you a lot of important information. If you click on the clock you will get the calendar view to see if an Executive Gala or the Merchant is coming during the weekend, along with how much time is left in the season.

1. What day of the week it is, new weeks start on Monday and refresh Business Opportunities, Travel Rewards, and Update Industry Awareness.
2. This icon indicates a crowd will be around the town square, if your Reputation (6) is positive a crowd will form around the town square protecting you from losing any employees during a hostile takeover.
3. This icon indicates a riot or celebration will take place. If your Morale (7) is negative you will get a riot, if your Morale is positive you will get a celebration.
a. If you get a riot you will need to click on the building until the crowd disappears, before you can use that building
b. If you get a celebration all work will be done at no Moxie cost, as long as the celebration is going on. It is highly recommended that you employ the maximum number of executives in a building affected by a party, especially at the Bank or the Slums as they are both cost free.
4. Indicates the current season. Each season is four weeks long.
5. Shows the day of the current season. Each season is 28 days long.
6. Shows your Reputation level, this affects crowds around the town square that will prevent you from losing employees during hostile takeovers.
7. Show your Morale, low morale will cause riots, high moral will cause celebrations.

Clicking on the Clock will bring up the Calendar. The calendar has when Lunches, Event, Executive Gala, and Merchant visits will occur. I've found that the Executive Galas and Merchant visits were the most important information.

You start off the game with a Tiny Business Loan

Pay off the Tiny Business Loan in this order:

1. New Executive
Executives are the people you send out to collect resources and take care of things, they are also your "romantic" interests if you want, or platonic friend if you don't
2. Board Chair
Board chairs determine the number of active characters you can have
3. Barber Membership, makes the Barber Shop available
The Barber Shop increases your Mustaches which determine how many employees you can recruit from the slums
4. Gym Membership, makes the Boxing Ring available
The Boxing Ring increases your Fisticuffs, one Fisticuff will take out one opposing employee during a hostile take over

After you pay off the Tiny Business Loan you will receive the Train Station and a Small Business Loan

Pay off the Small Business Loan in this order:

1. Zoning Permit
Increases the number of Executives that can work in a building at the same time
2. New Executive
3. Board Chair
4. Tea for Two
Makes lunch dates available where you can increase the affection of Executives. Increasing the Executives love levels adds inventory slots that are used for gear that buffs the Executive.

After you pay off the Small Business Loan you will receive the Factory and a Medium Business Loan

Pay off the Medium Business Loan in this order:

1. Asset
You get a choice of two assets, these are random, pick the best one for you
2. New Executive
3. New Executive
4. Root Beer, increases Moxie by 10
Moxie is your Executive's work time, the more Moxie, the longer they can work

After you pay off the Medium Business Loan you will receive the Executive Offices and a Huge Business Loan

Pay off the Huge Business Loan in this order:

1. Asset
2. Asset
3. New Executive
4. Coffee Pot

After paying off this loan you will need to rely on the Executive Galas and Merchant for additional upgrades. These events alternate every weekend. The cost of the events increases each week. Once you have all 12 executives the Executive Gala will no longer occur.

Since you won't be paying loans you will now have an option to extend the time before you have to face the final boss. The price for the extension starts at 300 gold and goes up 100 gold each time you pay for an extension.
Items come in five grades, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The Epic and Legendary are only usable by a specific executive, indicated by the industry graphic in the lower right hand corner.

10% Bonus
20% Bonus
30% Bonus
40% Bonus
50% Bonus

Ability Granted - Which Executives should use

Boxing Gloves
Decrease Boxing Ring training costs.

Executives that you use for Hostile Takeovers should get this item.

Increase damage in Town Square.

Executives that you use for Hostile Takeovers should get this item, with a preference given to those with higher Fisticuffs.

Increase money gained at the Trade Building.

Every Executive that you use to Buy Money should have one of these, with a preference given to the higher earners.

Mustache Wax
Decrease Barbershop grooming cost.

Executives that you are using to recruit employees from the the Slums should get this.

Increase recruitment in the Slums.

Every Executive you have recruiting Employees from the Slums should have a Pastry to boost their recruitment rates.

Snake Oil
Decrease Factory gold production cost. You want this for as many Executives as possible.

In order to extend the time before you must defeat the last boss you need lots of Gold. Until you have Executives bringing in 20,000 per money buy it is important to reduce the cost of producing Gold.

Decrease losses in Town Square.

You will want the Executives that you use for Hostile Takeovers to carry an Umbrella.

Executives that Buy Money - > Monocle
Executives that Recruit Employees -> Mustache Wax and Pastry
Executives for Hostile Takeovers -> Boxing Gloves, Cane, and Umbrella
All other Executives should get Snake Oil
Buildings / Locations - Page 1
There are nine different Buildings / Locations.

1. Executive Office

The Executive Office is where you can park Executives who aren't that useful in the field, to make them useful. I played at least a dozen games before I figured out how great the Executive Office is. When you get the Executive Office when you pay off your third loan (Medium Business Loan).

The number you see when you hover on the building is the number of occupied offices and the number of offices available, i.e. 2/4 would be two executives and four available offices.

Initially you only get one office, the Bear Office. You can purchase the remaining offices by clicking on them. The Eagle Office is 50,000 and adds the ability to convert Biz Favors into Trade Secrets.
The Shark Office is 200,000 and adds the ability to convert Trade Secrets into Blood Debts. The Elephant Office is 1,000,000 and allows you to purchase one Asset per week for 30 Blood Debts.

Initially, you can exchange 5 Biz Favors for 5,000. Then the numbers increase to 10 Biz Favors for 10,000, and so on. You can exchange 2 Trade Secrets for 2 Gold, again these numbers increase each time you exchange the Trade Secrets. You can exchange 1 Blood Debt for plus five to a specific industry, selected at random. You can exchange 30 Blood Debts for one Asset once per week. When you select the Asset you are given two to select from. All of the counts reset on Monday morning. So if you purchased Gold it will return to the two Trade Secrets for 2 Gold and you will be able to purchase an Asset again. The number required to convert can be reduced with various Assets.

2. Boxing Ring

The Boxing Ring is where your executives train to earn more Fisticuffs. The Boxing Ring is unlocked as an Installment Bonus for the first loan.

The number you see when you hover on the building is the number of executive actively Boxing and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Boxing and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

One Fisticuff will remove one opponent employee per interval. So, if you have five Fisticuffs you will defeat an opponent with ten employees in two rounds.

3. The Slums

The Slums are where you recruit employees. There are no direct upgrades to The Slums. In order to increase the number of employees you need to increase the executive's Mustaches, either at the Barbershop or using Tonics. The Pastry item will also increase the number of employees recruited.

The number you see when you hover on the entrance is the number of executive actively Recruiting and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Recruiting and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

4. The Factory

The Factory is your reward for paying off your second loan. This is where your executive turn money into Gold.

This is very important after the beginning of the game as Gold is used to attend the Executive Galas, Purchase from the Merchant, and extend the time until you need to finish the final boss. Initially you can exchange 2,500 for one Gold. Using various Assets you can convert up to six Gold per increment. Using the Snake Oil item you can reduce the cost of the conversion.

The number you see when you hover on the entrance is the number of executive actively Working and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Working and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

5. The Pub

The Pub is gained when you are playing the second and third difficulties. The Pub is where you lobby to get your taxes lowered. Taxes are lower .5% per Mustache exchanged. Taxes are due every Tuesday night. Taxes go up by 5% for every district that take over and top at at 55% in the last district of the hardest difficulty.

6. The Training Facility

The Training Facility is your reward for paying off the fourth loan. This is where you turn employees into Kingsmen. Kingsmen increase the effectiveness of your Fisticuffs by 10%, per Kingsmen, when involved in a Hostile Takeover.

The number you see when you hover on the entrance is the number of executive actively Training and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Training and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

7. The Barbershop

The Barbershop is where you increase your Mustaches. The Barbershop is unlocked as an Installment Bonus for the first loan. Mustaches increase the number of employees you can recruit from the Slums. One Mustache allows you to recruit one employee. This can be increased by the Pastry item.

The number you see when you hover on the entrance is the number of executive actively Refining and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Refining and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

Buildings / Locations - Page 2
8. The Trade Building

The Trade Building is one of the starting buildings. Here you Buy Money. Initially executives will only have one Market Share this will generate 100. As Market Share increases, by completing Hostile Takeovers, the amount of money purchased also increases at a 100 to 1 ratio, so a Market Share of 10 will generate 1,000. This amount can be increased by the Monocle item and is affected by the Industry Awareness. Industries in the Green will buy more money and industries in the red will buy less.

The number you see when you hover on the entrance is the number of executive actively Earning and the maximum number, i.e. 1/5 would be one executive Earning and four open slots. The number of available slot can be increased using various Assets (those that say "Increases number of execs that can work the same building"). These Assets increase the maximum number for the Trade Building, Barbershop, Boxing Ring, Factory, Slums, Town Square, and Training Facility at the same time. The maximum number of available slots is six.

9. The Temple

The Temple becomes available when you are playing the hardest level. After you defeat bosses their demonic essence will infest the town. You use Fisticuffs to build up the energy in the Temple to clear the demonic presences from the town. You have no control over which demonic presence is cleared.

10. The Train Station

The Train Station is your reward for paying off the first loan. You can use the Train Station to travel and pick up Items, Tonics, and Wealth. Initially you can purchase the Edinburgh station at no cost. The cost to purchase the remaining stations goes all the way up to 1,000,000 for the Yokohama station.

The Train Station is a valid method to increase your executives abilities, however due to the time required and the limited number of slots it is not the most efficient. I recommend using the Train Station for Items and the occasional Wealth or Tonic if the travel time makes it worth it. You can increase the number of executives that can use the Train Station at the same time with various Assets, up to a maximum of four. I have found that two is sufficient most of the time.

You can also Expedite the travel by paying Gold. The amount of Gold required to Expedite will change during the duration of the trip. So, if the cost is 60 Gold half way through the trip that amount will be lower. Expediting the trip cuts the remaining travel time in half.

11. The Town Square

The Town Square is where the Hostile Takeovers take place. Clicking on the Town Square with bring up the current district map.

1. Blue areas are Hostile Takeovers that you have already completed.

2. Red areas are Hostile Takeovers that you have not completed. The one with the crown is the district boss.

3. When you select a Red area you will be shown information about the Executive of that area. Fisticuffs are how many employees you will lose per round. It is recommended that you have 10 times the number of employees listed.

4. The number of employees that the Executive has. It is recommended your Fisticuffs be no less that 1/10 of this number.

5. The Market Share reward and which Executive will get it. One Market Share is worth 100 when buying money from the Bank.

6. Additional bonus, this can be Items, Tonics, or Wealth, for the Boss of the District it will be an Asset.
Flower Carts
Flower Carts appear at regular intervals. There is a sound and a notification that a Flower Cart has appeared. When you click on a Flower Cart you will receive Flowers on your Items tab. You can give the Flowers to any executive to increase their Affection by 1.

Flower carts will not disappear until you click on them. You will continue to receive notices when a new Flower Cart arrives, however if you haven't collected the previous one, it will remain in the same place. Once you have all of the Assets upgraded there is no further need to click on the Flower Carts as the additional Flowers will only fill your inventory and cannot be sold.

Lunch Mini Games
After you pay the Small Business Loan with the Tea for Two Bonus you will immediately go on a lunch date and then every other day at noon you will have an opportunity to go on a lunch date by clicking on the teapot when it shows up.

There are a number of Assets that will allow you to increase the number of lunch executives to select from, initially you start with two and with the Assets can get up to five.

When you go to lunch there are a number of mini games that can occur.

Tea Time

A Master Mind type game where you have to match the Leaf, Steep Time and Sweetener the executive likes. If you get all three incorrect they will tell you. If you get at least one correct they will tell you they don't like one of the selections. The tea selections are unique to your game, but will remain the same on future games. So, once you figure it out, they will always drink their tea the same way. You will earn one Affection for serving the incorrect tea and two Affection for serving the correct tea.

Arm Wrestling

Arm wrestling is essentially a rock/paper/scissors game, best two out of three, ties count as a win. You will earn a number of Affection points depending on how well you do.

One Affection point if you lose
Two Affection points if you win three and the opponent has won at least one
Three Affection points if you win all three or tie all three

Spin the Bottle

Press the spin button to spin the bottle, kiss whoever it points to for two affection points. If it points to the question mark a random character is selected.

The character you kiss with gain two Affection.


Initially you play for Affection

You earn one Affection for losing, all ties are losses
You earn two Affection for winning
You earn three Affection for wining with a Blackjack (Ace and 10 count card)

After you reach level 6 with a character, and if the executive's Relationship Status is set to Sexual, it is Strip Blackjack and the loser strips, this is one of the two ways to get the Naked outfit for a character. Affection earned is the same as initially.

How well do you know me?

You are given two cards and have to pick one that you believe the Executive would select. There are three sets. You will get one Affection per correct pick.

Unfortunately other than knowing how many out of three you got right there isn't a good way to narrow them down unless you get all three right, or all three wrong and you don't get the same six cards every time for the same Executive. I gave up at tracking it when I had 28 cards for one Executive. It is possible to track them, however more than one Executive will pick the same card, so you don't eliminate a card when you know it goes with a certain Executive. The Executive will always pick the same Yes card, no matter what it is paired with. Yes, you will see the cards paired differently for the same Executive.

I do not know if the cards change every game, but they stay the same for the same player. In other words my Yes cards may not be your Yes cards, but my Yes cards are always Yes for me.


Fencing is a Simon type game. Butler will appear in the bushes and tell you the moves you need to do to win. You can cheat by taking a video of Butler's command with your phone and then playing back when you need to select the moves.

After Butler tells you the moves you need click them in order.

If all of your moves are in the correct order you will win the match and damage your opponent's clothes.

The same goes for the second match, this time there are five moves you will need to make in the order Butler tells you.

Again once you complete them correctly you will damage your opponent's clothes.

There is one more match with six moves. You will earn one heart per match that you have won. If you win all three matches you will be awarded the Undergarments and Nude (if you haven't already earned it) outfit for that character.

Dog Races

Fist you pick your dog and then your lunch companion will pick theirs. This is a random game and not a skill game.

Next, the race will start. You can use your Cheer button to urge your dog on. You have three cheers to start with as shown by the number of dog biscuits above your cheer button. Use your Cheer button whenever your dog slows down or starts wandering. A win will earn you three hearts, two hearts if you don't place first, but beat your companion, and a loss will earn you one heart.

Butler Battle

Butler Battle is basically a Battle Ship type game. You place your butler where you want and then take turns trying to hit the opponent's Butler.

Hitting your opponent's Butler twice before they hit yours twice will award you two hearts. If your opponent hits your Butler twice first you will only earn one hear.


Click when the gauge is in the green. You get three chances and are awarded one Affection per each time you were able to catch the needle in the green. If the executive's Relationship Status is set to Sexual the towel will be removed.

The Spa

Use the Pour Water button to steam up the room. You can currently cheat the game by switching out of the game after you Pour the Water and the room steams. Switch back and only your character will have an image.

After the room steams you will play a shell game to find the person that you game in with. You get one heart that goes to the person you selected if you guess wrong and two hearts if you guess correctly.

Asset Available means that this is a possible asset that will be available going forward from District Boss Rewards, the Merchant, or from turning in Blood Debts.

Most of the achievements will require multiple play thorughs. Many can be accomplished by extending the time to defeat the last boss until you reach the goal, 12 executives for example

1. Pay off your fist loan
Boxing Credentials Asset Available
2. Pay off the second loan
Ticker Tape Asset Available
3. Pay off the third loan
Lucky Rabbit's Foot Asset Available
4. Have 10,000 pounds
The Fisting Times Asset Available
5. Have 1,000,000 pounds
Company Newsletter Asset Available
6. Train an executive's Fisticuffs to 50
Medicine Ball Asset Available
7. Train an executive's Fisticuffs to 1,000
Motivational Poster Asset Available
8. Train an executive's Mustache to 50
Aftershave Asset Available
9. Train an executive's Mustache to 1,000
Propaganda Poster Asset Available
10. Have 100 employees
Sharp Gloves Asset Available
11. Have 1,000 Gold
Black Market Membership Asset Available
12. Have 10 Kingsmen
Exquisite Tea Asset Available
13. Train 100 total Kingsmen
Inspiring Top Hat Asset Available
14.Defeat 6 Rival companies
Banquet Chair Asset Available
15.Defeat 100 total rival companies
Pocket Watch Asset Available
16. Start 3 Companies
Swivel Chair Asset Available
17. Start 8 Companies
Craft Beer Asset Available
18. Start a company in 12 different industries
Golden Goose Asset Available
19. Hire 3 executives
A Fine Wine Asset Available
20. Have 4 executives on your board
Barbers License Asset Available
21. Have 5 Executives on one building
Safety Goggles Asset Available
22. Have 12 Executives in one Company
Golden Horse Asset Available
23. Travel 10 times
Passport Asset Available
24. Travel 50 times
Automobile Asset Available
25. Purchase all travel destinations
Hot-Air Balloon Asset Available
26. Go on your first date
Pop Asset Available
27. Have a level 2 relationship with 3 Executives
The Daily Fog Asset Available
28. Reach maximum relationship with an executive
Crystal Ball Asset Available
29. Max out 12 Executive relationships
Hourglass Asset Available
30. Have 10 Assets at once
Golden Fish Asset Available
31. Defeat your Rival
Bottled Synergy Asset Available
32. Defeat your Rival 3 times
Loaded Dice Asset Available
33. Reclaim your family's reputation
Family Heirloom Asset Available
Assets - Page 1 - Items 1 through 25

The Star on each asset indicates that the asset has been upgraded.
The * for the second trait is the "upgrade" reward for each asset.

What the different asset rewards mean:

Adds a Board Chair - Board Chairs are the number of active executives you have available to assign to buildings. The maximum number is six.

Increase all exec Moxie by 10. Each executive starts with 100 Moxie. A regular action costs 10 Moxie, so this allows one extra regular action. Most bonus Moxie situations cost 5 Moxie, so this would be two additional actions in a Moxie Bonus situation. Maximum Moxie is 220.

Increases number of execs that can work in the same building. This increases the number of executives that can be assigned to a building. The maximum number is six.

Increase Lunch Date option. Adds one additional executive to select for a lunch data. The maximum number is five.

Increase (training value, grooming value, or gold production) adds one to the number earn per increment. The maximum number is six total per increment.

Increases available Travel Agents at the Train Station. This increases the number of executives actively able to travel. The maximum number is four. Rarely will you want more than two.

Increases conversion efficiency in the Executive Office. Decreases the number of Favors required to create a Trade Secret and the number of Trade Secrets required to create a Blood Debt

Reduces cost of training Kingsmen at Facility. Reduces the number of Employees required to create a Kingsmen.

Adds a market to Industry Awareness. Industry Awareness is indicated in the upper right hand corners. Industries in the green section will earn more when buying money and industries in the red section will earn less.

Executives share one employee pool. This is available after the first play through. All employees recruited are available for all executives. This allows you to assign one executive to recruit employees while focusing on other areas for the remaining executives.

Asset Name
Asset Function
1. Board Chair
Adds a Board Chair - Loan Reward from the First Loan
*Combines to make Board Chair with half moxie drain (3/3)
2. Another Board Chair
Adds a Board Chair - Loan Reward from the Second Loan
*Combines to make Board Chair with half moxie drain (3/3)
3. Gym Membership
Makes Boxing Ring available - Loan Reward from the First Loan
*Reduce cost to train at Boxing Ring
4. Barber Membership
Makes Barbershop available - Loan Reward from the First Loan
*Reduce cost to groom at Barbershop
5. Tea for Two
Makes Lunch Dates available - Loan Reward from the Second Loan
*Record Teatime results
6. Zoning Permit
Increases number of execs that can work in the same building - Loan Reward from the Second Loan
*Automatically remove exhausted executives from board seats
7. Root Beer
Increase all exec Moxie by 10 - Loan Reward from the Third Loan
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
8. Coffee Pot
Increase all exec Moxie by 10 - Loan Reward from the Fourth Loan
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
9. Fancy Chair
Adds a Board Chair
*Combines to make Board Chair with half moxie drain (3/3)
10. Bag Lunch
Increase Lunch Date option
*Make Lunch Date activities visible beforehand
Each Executive's lunch activity will appear over their head.

Asset Name
Asset Function
11. Speed Bag
Increases training value in the Boxing Ring
*Increases training value in the Boxing Ring
12. Straight Razor
Increases grooming value in the Barbershop
*Increases grooming value in the Barbershop
13. Soda
Increase all exec Moxie by 10
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
14. Anvil
Increases gold production at the Factory
*Increases gold production at the Factory
15. Model Train
Increases available Travel Agents at the Train Station
*Decrease destination unlock costs
16. Snazzy Bowtie
Increases conversion efficiency in the Executive Office
*Increases Executive Office frequency
17. Magnifying Glass
Reduces cost of training Kingsmen at Facility
*Further reduces cost of training Kingsmen
18. Ticker Tape
Adds a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for paying off your second loan.
*Remove a negative trending industry
19. Banquet Chair
Adds a Board Chair and a Lunch Date option. Achievement award for defeating six rival companies.
*Executive in this chair always shows up for Lunch Dates
Chair will have a heart on it

Asset Name
Asset Function
20. Swivel Chair
Adds a Board Chair and a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for starting three companies
*Executive in this chair ignores negative market trends

Asset Name
Asset Function
21. Boxing Credentials
Increases number of execs that can work the same building and training value in the Boxing Ring. Achievement award for paying off your first loan.
*Increase number of execs that can be assigned to the Boxing Ring
22. Barbers License
Increases number of execs that can work the same building and training value in the Barbershop. Achievement award for having four executives on your board.
*Increase number of execs that can be assigned to the Barbershop
23. Passport
Increases number of execs that can work the same building and available Travel Agents at the Train Station. Achievement award for traveling 10 times.
*Increases available Travel Agents at the Train Station
24. Pocket Watch
Increases number of execs that can work the same building and conversion efficiency in the Executive Office. Achievement award for defeating 100 total rival companies
*Increases Executive Office Frequency
25. Pop
Increases Lunch Date options and all exec Moxie by 10. Achievement award for going on your first date.
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
Assets - Page 2 - Items 26 through 55

Asset Name
Asset Function
26. Sharp Gloves
Increases training value in the Boxing Ring and Barbershop. Achievement award for having 100 employees.
*Reduce cost to train at Boxing Ring and Barbershop
27. Medicine Ball
Increases training value in the Boxing Ring and all exec Moxie by 10. Achievement award for training an executive's Fisticuffs to 50.
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
28. The Fisting Times
Increases training value in the Boxing Ring and adds a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for having 10,000 pounds.
*Remove a negative trending industry
29. Aftershave
Increases grooming value in the Barbershop and all exec Moxie by 10. Achievement award for training an executive's Moustache to 50.
*Increase all exec Moxie by 5
30. The Daily Fog
Increases grooming value in the Barbershop and adds a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for having a level 2 relationship with three executives.
*Remove a negative trending industry
31. A Fine Wine
Increases all exec Moxie by 10 and adds a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for hiring three executives.
*Remove a negative trending industry
32. Craft Beer
Increases all exec Moxie by 10 and adds a market to Industry Awareness. Achievement award for starting eight companies.
*Remove a negative trending industry
33. Safety Goggles
Increases all exec Moxie by 10 and gold production at the Factory. Achievement award for having five executives on one building.
*Reduce gold production costs
34. Automobile
Increases available Travel Agents at the Train Station and gold production at the Factory. Achievement award for traveling 50 times.
*Reduce gold production costs
35. Motivational Poster
Increases conversion efficiency in the Executive Office and gold production at the Factory. Achievement award for training an executive's Fisticuffs to 1,000.
*Reduce gold production costs
36. Propaganda Poster
Reduces cost of training Kingsmen at Facility and increases gold production at the Factory. Traing an executive's Mustache to 1,000.
*Reduce gold production costs
37. Exquisite Tea
Reduces cost of training Kingsmen at Facility and increases all exec Moxie by 10. Achievement award for having 10 Kingsmen.
*Further reduces cost of training Kingsmen
38. Inspiring Top Hat
Increases all exec Moxie by 15! - Reward for 100 Kingsmen achievement. Achievement award for training 100 total Kingsmen.
*Increases all exec Moxie by 15!
39. Bottled Synergy
Executives share one employee pool. Achievement award for beating your Rival. This reward is available from the mid-level boss in the second and subsequent play throughs.
*Reduce executive gala cost
40. Crystal Ball
See Traveling Merchant Assets before you pay. This is one of the most worthless Assets and should be picked only as a last resort. Achievement award for reaching the maximum relationship (Level 6) with an executive.
*Reduce merchant access cost
41. Company Newsletter
Doubles the effects of Reputation/Morale. While this sounds like it is a good thing, the negatives are also doubled and this asset should be avoided. Achievement award for having 1,000,000 pounds.
*Triples the effects of Reputation/Morale.
42. Black Market Membership
Sell Equipment for more. All equipment sells for twice it's normal selling prices. However since selling equipment is not a large money maker, this asset should be a last choice selection.
Achievement award for having 1,000 Gold.
*Sell Equipment for gold
43. Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Traveling Merchant has more in stock. Adds one Asset to the Merchant's inventory. Due to the limited impact it is recommended this asset be a last choice selection. Achievement award for paying off your third loan.
*Traveling Merchant has even more in stock
44. Hot-Air Balloon
Reduce Travel by 1 day. Reduces train travel by one day, with a one day minimum. This asset has limited value as it depends on the number of Train Trips you are using. Achievement award for purchasing all travel destinations.
*Reduce cost to expedite Travel
45. Loaded Dice
Larger districts. This gives you more Hostile Takeover targets per district. If you get it early, it can be valuable, but later it becomes worthless as there are fewer districts you will encounter. Achievement award for defeating your Rival three times.
*Smaller districts
46. Hourglass
More time to defeat district bosses. Adds one minute to the time allowed to defeat a district boss. A completely worthless asset as you should have no problem defeating the boss in the three minutes allowed. Achievement award for maxing out 12 executive relationships.
*Even more time to defeat Timed Rivals
47. Family Heirloom
Moxie restores 15% faster. Limited value as you will normally have sufficient executives to rest. Recommend selecting a different asset if possible. Achievement award for reclaiming your family's reputation.
*Moxie restores 30% faster
48. Golden Goose
Greater chance of wealth rewards from districts. Achievement award for starting a company in all 12 different industries (aka start with every executive once) (You must also finish, simply starting does not grant the achievement).
*Decrease loan extension cost
49. Golden Fish
Greater chance of tonic rewards from districts. Achievement award for having 10 Assets at once.
*Reduce district bosses' employees
50. Golden Horse
Greater chance of equipment rewards from districts. Achievement award for having 12 executives in one company.
*Reduce district bosses' fisticuffs
51. Barometer
Decreases chance of rivals having traits.
*Further decreases chance of rivals having traits
52. Runestone
Increases charge rate at Temple
*Increases charge rate at Temple
53. Stationary of the Dead
Increases charge rate at Temple
*Increases number of execs that can be assigned to the Temple
54. Blackmail
Increases lobbying rate at Pub
*Increases lobbying rate at Pub
55. Glass Boot
Increases lobbying rate at Pub
*Increases number of execs that can be assigned to the Pub
The Gallery
Images in the Galleries can be clicked on to make them full size (in the game)

Resume Gallery

The first time you hire an Executive their Resume Picture will be shown. These are stored in the Resume Gallery for later viewing.


Each Executive has a Literature item that you can purchase from a vendor for 25. Once you have purchased the item it will be available in your Gallery and it will not be offered again. Each item has a cover photo, that you will have to reach the appropriate level with the Executive to view, and a short story, three or four pages.

Hover to reveal

Inspiring Gallery

As you earn Affection levels with each Executive you will unlock their Inspiring Gallery image. A sepia image with strategically places leaves.

Hover to reveal
Inspiring Gallery

Private Gallery

As you earn Affection levels for each Executive you will unlock their Private Gallery image. This is the same image as the Inspiring Gallery, with the leaves removed.

Hover to reveal
Private Gallery

Tasteful Gallery

As you earn Affection levels with each Executive you will unlock their Tasteful Gallery image. A full color image flirtatious image.

Hover to reveal
Tasteful Gallery

Tasteless Gallery

As you earn Affection levels with each Executive you will unlock their Tasteless Gallery image. A full color image nude image version of the Tasteful picture.

Hover to reveal
Tasteless Gallery

Fond Memories

The Executive's Fond Memory picture will be unlocked when you give them a lunch time massage.

Hover to reveal
Fond Memories

The Cast of Characters
The sections below cover the characters. The male characters have more pictures hidden from normal view as experience has shown that too many males cannot handle male nudity.

Characters are listed in alphabetically by first name, females first, males second.
Bonbon Von Valentine
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.




Belly Dancer


Hover to reveal

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Fanny Shufflebottom
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.


Snow Bunny



Hover to reveal


Hover to reveal

Bonus 1

Nude, shown with Straps head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with Straps head
Penny Farthing
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.





Bedtime, shown with hair down head

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Pip Whipple
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.






Bonus 1

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Summer Starling
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.






Hover to reveal

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Vicki Lestrange
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.

Fortune Teller




Hover to reveal


Hover to reveal

Shrine Maiden

Magical Girl

Nude, shown with Lacey head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with Lacey head
Maid Outfits
Default Outfit

Beach A

Beach B

Eastern A

Eastern B

Bunny A

Bunny B

Antoine Hardmeat
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.

Antoine has an extra "head" the Barrister, shown here





Hover to reveal


Hover to reveal


Hover to reveal
Gunn Moses
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.






Hover to reveal

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Max Gentlemen
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.

Max has an extra "head" the Top Hat, shown here


Big Top

Beach Time



Hover to reveal

Bonus 1

Hover to reveal
Bonus 1

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Samuel Finch
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.






Hover to reveal

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Vlad Nibblesome
General Information:


Outfits come in two sections, body and head, you can mix and match. These are being shown with the matching body and head.



Martial Artist



Hover to reveal


Bonus 1
Hover to reveal
Bonus 1

Nude, shown with default head

Hover to reveal
Nude, shown with default head
Butler Outfits
Default Outfit

Beach A

Beach B

Tuxedo A

Tuxedo B

Kilt A

Kilt B

Garrow Apr 13, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
all three difficulties are a continuing story, you see one of two endings at the end of the third
Kilroy  [author] Apr 13, 2023 @ 2:14pm 
I believe you need to play the hardest difficulty to see the whole story.
rykage Apr 13, 2023 @ 10:13am 
What order should you play in order to get the full story? I did the first and second level but when I start the third, it seems like there is a part I'm missing
Garrow Mar 23, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
yeah i ended up seeing myself, i didnt really focus assets my first run and it fucked me up, i managed to get the shared item halfway through my 2nd and it made the game wayyy easier and organized
bearcombat Mar 23, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
There's an item that lets all your execs share an employee pool. Before you get that item, your fighter(s) need both fisticuffs and mustache. After you get it, it's better to have them specialized. As for what to do if your best fighter earns the most money, think long term. Is it going to be easier to train up someone else to be a good fighter, or is it going to be easier to aim to get someone else's market share higher?
Garrow Mar 22, 2023 @ 2:58pm 
thanks bro appreciate the fast response for a old guide lol
Kilroy  [author] Mar 22, 2023 @ 2:52pm 
You take advantage of their Moxie bonuses. You don't start a fight you can't finish. Take advantage of the crowds. I always had enough Fisticuffs and workers to finish the fight in 10 rounds or less.
Garrow Mar 22, 2023 @ 2:42pm 
im kinda confused, whats the point of specializing them? Your fighter is gonna die way before your recruiter/barber and you lose most of your damage
Kilroy  [author] Mar 22, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
I want to say the Pip was my go to fighter for her Moxie bonus while fighting, Bonbon Von Valentine for Slums recruitment, and Gunn Moses for the Barber. Then a back up based upon what gear they collected.
Garrow Mar 22, 2023 @ 1:14pm 
should i have one person focusing fisticuffs and one focusing mustache and recruiting from slums? also what do i do if my best fighter makes the most money? do i switch them out