Night of the Full Moon

Night of the Full Moon

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Nightmare Guide - The Infuriated Werewolf
By noMorePurchases
How to beat Nightmare mode playing as Werewolf.
[PUBLISHED 20-11-2020]
Check out my other guides here:

Full Moon: Get 1 card from 2 random cards. CD: 8 combats
In combat:
Tearing: Deal DMG equals to 50% (10% for a boss) of the enemy's maximum HP. CD: 3 combats.
Howl: Discard your hand, draw the same number of cards. Action +1. CD: 2 combats

  • RAGE deals DMG to the enemy at the end of your turn
  • RAGE has a MAXIMUM and will DEAL DMG = MAXIMUM RAGE every time you get RAGE while it's at MAXIMUM
    -> For example, after using a card to get your MAXIMUM RAGE up to 4, you use UPGRADED Call Of The Moon which has the following effect: Exiled, gain Rage x3
    -> you will deal ADDITIONAL 4*3=12 DMG.
  • The MAXIMUM RAGE at the start of combat is 2, but it can be increased with CARDS during combat or EQUIPMENT

Extra card draw for Werewolf is a huge bonus.

  • This is our main DMG source. For example, at the start of turn 3, you will gain RAGE x3. If at that time, you already have R Points Maximum Rage on standby mode, you will deal bonus R*3 DMG.
  • If you can increase your MAXIMUM RAGE by 2 Points after turn 3, then at the start of turn 4:
    -> You will deal (R+2)*4 = 4*R + 8 DMG (only if you have filled up the MAXIMUM RAGE)
  • In the event you haven't filled up your MAXIMUM RAGE after turn 3, Anger Arouse will work like this:
    -> First, it uses 2 RAGE POINTS to fill up the gap in the MAXIMUM RAGE: from R to (R+2)
    -> then it applies RAGE*(4-2)= 2X RAGE at the start of turn 4
    -> You will deal (R+2)*(4-2) = 2R + 4 DMG at the start of turn 4

Not so good, not so bad, it's an ok blessing for Werewolf class.

Just what you need when playing a PURE PHYSICAL DMG class.

  • Wolf Totem is perfect for this build, 2 extra MAXIMUM RAGE POINTS really help you a lot after the 1st turn.
    -> I was lucky to make a copy of this one with Witch's Reward.
  • Protective Talisman is a must have equipment since you will face a lot of enemies with COUNTER ABILITY or cards with deadly stackable effect.
    -> Werewolf Class don't have anything that can heal you nicely, so you'll have to minimize the DMG received after each combat if you want to make it till the end.



You have a lot of Exiled Attack Cards in your deck, use them first and then use this one to finish your enemies.

  • If you have 5 AP, you will gain 10 Rage if your MAXIMUM RAGE METER is FULL
  • If your MAXIMUM RAGE POINT is 6 at the moment you use this card, you will deal 6*10 = 60 DMG

Use Moonlight before using any other Action Cards and watch the enemies HP melted down.

After using Paranoia, all of the effects in the cards that force you to choose one will be triggered simultaneously

Not a lot of healing but still better than none

Always a pleasure to counter your enemies

Imagine this scenario:
  • you have 2 Wolf Totem equipped before the fight.
  • It's the 2nd turn, you pick up Lurk and use it, now you have 12 MAXIMUM RAGE POINTS

A great way to make copies of OP card, only problem is moving it to the leftmost position

Exactly what you want when you are in need of that one card that can change the outcome

Now think about this combo:Paranoia X Broken Memories X Wolf Roar
  • you just buy time for 2 more turns
  • then you can use Sweep X Copy Of Wolf Roar to make even more copies of Wolf Roar
  • use the copies wisely and you are free to deal lots of DMG while the enemies can't do anything
    (keep in mind that they can still use TRAP CARDS, PRAYER CARDS)
=> This is how you beat the Cursed Werewolf.


  • increases your AP, HP, equipment slot.
  • don't even bother with MP

Too bad, you don't have the opportunity to fight Forest Spirit with this class. For the final boss, prepared to disrupt him with this combo:

-> You are looking to extend the turns so Anger Arouse can deal huge BURST DMG after each passing turn.
-> If you increase your MAXIMUM RAGE fast enough, then it's EZ GG.

Sojai Oct 30, 2022 @ 10:37am 
What comments do you have for the Critical Moment action card (2 action points)?
noMorePurchases  [author] Apr 27, 2021 @ 7:06am 
Hey Luiat33, I'll think about it. I just have so many games in the collection and I totally forgot about this game.
Luiat333 Apr 26, 2021 @ 9:57am 
Would you make a Soul Hunter guide?
HeraldOfOpera Mar 29, 2021 @ 11:11am 
Lorewise, only Red has the power of purification necessary for dealing with the Forest Spirit. Getting around that could involve a special card replacing one of your draws each turn that is the only thing capable of dealing the final blow.