Easy Red 2

Easy Red 2

40 个评价
Easy Red 2 Basics
由 Russell 和其他 1 人合作完成
Hello fellows, And welcome to Easy Red 2 Basics guide, Without it you may face a huge struggle in playing the game the way it intended to be played, So I highly recommend reading the guide and learn how to tweak game settings to your liking.
Before you get in the battle make sure you train so you don't end up getting your butt kicked by the enemy.
Before you land in a mission, Check your settings and tweak them to suite your preference:
Graphics settings are flexible, You can disables shadows, HD Grass and DoF to improve performance and get high FPS, Also there's a render scale slider which can help improve performance on low end PCs, last but not least there's an FPS limiter up to 240FPS depending on your monitor's refresh rate, AI CPU Consumption can be tweaked to suite your processor's power, For example if you have a dual core CPU, Put AI CPU Consumption at min to save CPU resources which results in better performance to an extent but for the compromise of making AI less responsive and slower in terms of path-finding calculation.
In this tab you'll find audio settings and language selection, Tweak them as you desire!
In gameplay section you can enable or disable HUD, Hold to aim/sprint, Show hitmarker and invert axis, You can also adjust FoV, Mouse sensitivity, Objects despawn time.
Controls are basically key bindings as the following:
Healing and Inventory system
This knowledge can be obtained from the basic infantry training session
When the screen turns B&W it means you're injured and if you don't heal you'll die, So press i and click on bandages then click stop bleeding, Voilà the B&W effect is gone.

The inventory system in Easy Red 2 is simple, You can check if you have enough ammo or bandages to heal, If you run out of ammo and bandages just get nearby any dead body (doesn't need to be an enemy) and press F or I to open the dead body's inventory, Then click on the items you need, You can also have a secondary weapon which you can switch to by scrolling up or down, Also you can refile magazine with the suitable ammo type, And you can attach scopes or any suitable attachment.

In order to take control of your AI squad you must be an officer AKA squad leader, Press TAB and an orders-menu shows up, You can order squad to follow you, hold a specific position, form a line...etc
The weapon selection in Easy Red 2 is great, And each role has a specific gun to suite his role-play, For example the squad leader will have an assault rifle or SMG with grenade and smoke grenade, And riflemen will have a rifle with one grenade...etc Here are the current available weapons in Easy Red 2:
•M1 Garand
•Thompson a1 •Thompson m1919 •MM1 Carbine •B.A.R
•Browning 30cal •Springfield 1903 •M1 Bazooka •M3 Grease Gun
•Sten MK2 •Lanchester •Bren MG •Enfield
•Kar98 •MP40 •MP44 •MG42
•FG42 •Gewehr 43 •Panzershreck •Arisaka 91
•Type 100 sub mg.
There are tanks in the game
23 条留言
Ryuukae 2023 年 9 月 13 日 下午 9:40 
It's not a bug, it's a "feature" btw.
Ryuukae 2023 年 9 月 13 日 下午 9:39 
@mark50thplatoons and all else who asked, if it hasn't been answered, depth of field is the culprit for aiming related fuzzies.
ThisOLman 2023 年 8 月 28 日 下午 8:28 
Ii re mapped my key binds, i tried saving a fallen soldier but the medics menu would not pop up, i re mapped the Interact key to "V" and my melee key is "F" i after i tried the interact key bind and didn't work i was clicking every key B4 my men dies it was unfortunate my comrades died and i was filled with guilt not being able to Help so if anyone know which key-bind to use to heal my soldier thank you.
mark50thplatoons 2023 年 6 月 11 日 下午 8:36 
why does it blur when you aim
Russell  [作者] 2023 年 3 月 17 日 下午 5:05 
Also this guide is outdated and not up to date.
Russell  [作者] 2023 年 3 月 17 日 下午 5:04 
Try Vulkan API instead of DirectX 11
thes_102 2023 年 3 月 17 日 下午 5:03 
I get a graphics error when trying to aim
stingray 2022 年 5 月 25 日 上午 8:58 
regarding healing: i would like to know how to do this with a controller
barneyruggles 2022 年 2 月 24 日 下午 12:20 
Hyper_Hyena 8 Feb @ 12:45am
does anyone have any idea on how to access the scopes for the rifles? Sometimes you spawn with them, and sometimes you don't...Any idea where to find them?

If you look in Inventory you can see if you have one, if you do whoo hoo you need to attach it to you weapon.
BaphoBoy 2022 年 2 月 7 日 下午 4:45 
does anyone have any idea on how to access the scopes for the rifles? Sometimes you spawn with them, and sometimes you don't...Any idea where to find them?