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Moonlighter: All Main Bosses guide (DLC Included)
By Hero 
Moonlighter features a boss in the end of every dungeon. These bosses are considerably more difficult than regular Enemies. This is the guide for people who want to defeat bosses easily!
Hello everybody, my name is Burtininkas and today I'm gonna teach you how to defeat all the bosses. There are total of 6 Main Bosses(5 Without DLC) in the game and can only be defeated once. I myself completed game on Very Hard and it's not an easy challenge. So here is my main tips for every boss I encountered and how I defeated them!
If you liked this guide check out my Youtube channel : Burtininkas
Golem King
The Golem King is a giant boulder with a slime sticking out of its left side and a floating rock arm in its right. It also has a sort of scarf (fabric) on it. It's immobile, only staying in the top center of the stage. It's the first boss in Golem Dungeon! Knowing his attack patterns and how much damage you can tank it, this boss is easy to beat!

It's recommended that you have tier I weapons and armor as well as a full stack of 5 HP Potion I before the fight.
Best weapons to use are:
  • Big Sword[]: It lets you ignore damage after charging. It deals high damage, but low attack speed, most importantly, you need to get right is charging time (When you are spinning around, you don't get damage and most Important thing for new people is it gives you time to think)
  • Bow[]: Range attacks, you have a lot of room to dodge and deal normal amount of damage (It really helps to dodge Jelly hand!)


The main thing to defeat a Golem King is to prepare yourself mentally to press spacebar(Dodge).This boss is easy if you learn the timing of his 3 attack patterns:
  • He will smash his stone hand to the ground, causing rocks to fall in either a pattern or at random. The rocks will not damage you after they've fallen, but will persist until the next attack.
  • His Jelly hand will target you before shooting, then makes fast sweeping attacks across the field.
  • His stone hand flies up above you before smashing the ground and hitting the player. (There will be shadow under your player, when it's really big, charge Big Sword or dodge)
  • In between each attacks, the Golem King emits a blue nova from around his base, knocking you back and preventing the player from keeping up a constant close-range attack.
    (Note: It will deal no damage, it will just push you.)
    You just dodge his attacks and you can easily beat the first boss!
Carnivorous Mutae
A massive, bulbous plant with thorny vines and a pink and purple flower. This is the second boss in Forest Dungeon! With this boss I struggled most in my first playthrough. This boss moves around and spawns mini plants, which gives poison damage to you when hit.
It's recommended that you have tier II weapons and armor as well as a full stack of 5 HP Potion II before the fight.
Best weapons to use are:
  • Big Sword[]: It lets you ignore damage after charging. It deals high damage, but low attack speed, most importantly, you need to get right is charging time (When you are spinning around, you don't get damage and most Important thing for new people is it gives you time to think)
  • Bow[]: Range attacks, you have a lot of room to dodge and deal normal amount of damage (KILL THOSE PLANTS PLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!)
  • Sword and Shield[]: Blocking plant attacks and not getting poison damage is the best part of this weapon. You have normal damage and normal attack speed, you just need to time it properly and you can block attacks(Except you can't block some bosses attacks!)

My god have patience, this boss gave me nightmares(There are people of course, who finds this boss easy). Important parts are to time your spacebar and kill those plants, because poison damage are annoying(Although those plants can hurt boss, so if they aren't bothering you, you can use them to hit boss!)
The avenues for attack are as follows:
  • It plants spore-spitting carnivorous plants that will fire projectiles at the player to disrupt the fight. These can be killed off and it is recommended to avoid further bullet hell in the boss arena.
  • The boss becomes immobile and plants itself, causing root spikes to sprout up from beneath the player. This follows the player's movements for a few seconds, so keep on the move and keep rolling.
  • Occasionally the plant will jump up and attempt to crush the player if they get too far away. Roll to dodge the massive hitbox.
  • If you get too close to the bulb part, it will swipe out with its vines. May poison Will on touch.

This boss in my opinion is second hardest boss, since you don't have good enough gear to swipe trough it (if you do decide to grind for enchanments, then go ahead, it will give you massive boost, but you loose a lot more of money and enchanments after upgrading tier!).
Naja (Desert Dungeon)
A giant stone "snake" with a pointed head and a segmented body. This is the third boss in Desert Dungeon! Ingame it is called Desert Dungeon for some reason and not Naja. This boss is confusing for most, but it's easy if you just dodge and know attack pattern.

It's recommended that you have tier III weapons and armor as well as a full stack of 5 HP Potion III before the fight.
Best weapons to use are:
  • Big Sword[]: It lets you ignore damage after charging. It deals high damage, but low attack speed, most importantly, you need to get right is charging time (When you are spinning around, you don't get damage and most Important thing for new people is it gives you time to think)
  • Bow[]: Range attacks, you have a lot of room to dodge and deal normal amount of damage. The Important fact is that Naja moves around fast, so bow helps you reach her without running around like a chicken. (Charged Bow Attack deals damage to all Naja parts if aiming correctly!)
  • Sword and Shield[]: Normal attack speed and placing yourself in between Naja, will let you deal good damage and dodge her attacks.

Brace yourself for this one. Naja runs around a map fast, so you either place yourself in the middle and follow her, attacking with swords or spears, or the easy solution(even though it's still time consuming) use bow. You don't need to dodge a lot of attacks, just keep your eyes open and you will see it's easy boss!
Each body segment has its own attacks. Each will attack one at a time, starting from the last part. The attacks from the first two body parts have a high velocity, so be ready to roll at all times.
  • The 4th body part (the part furthest from the head) marked with triangles spits out balls of lava that turns into puddles of lava when it hits the ground. Wearing the Anti-Fire Amulet will NOT protect you from this particular lava puddle.
  • The 3rd body part marked with squares spits out fire sprites that will follow Will and charge at him when they get close
  • The 2nd body part marked with rhombuses shoots out fireballs in a rotating 'arm' patters, similar to the Carnivorous Mutae, except the fireballs are much tighter, and there's no room to weave around it.
  • The 1st body part marked with circles shoots out a ring of fire in bursts of 2. The only way to avoid them is with a well-timed roll
  • The head part will charge at Will if he gets too close, stunning him if hit.
  • Occasionally, Naja will stop and all his body parts will shake. Then, all the body parts (that haven't been destroyed) will be launched out of Naja, bouncing off of walls and each other. The movements can be erratic, so pay attention to pieces that are on-screen and where they are going.

My best tip for Naja is to just attack random parts and dodge(Simple right!). Just keep in mind that she has a lot of attack patterns!
Energy Flux
An orb made of electricity and plasma. This is the fourth boss in Tech Dungeon! This boss is really easy, because may already have max gear! For me personally this is just like a mini boss.

It's recommended that you have tier IV weapons and armor as well as a full stack of 5 HP Potion IV or even hyper potions before the fight.
Best weapons to use are:
  • Always the big sword.
  • Big Sword[]: It lets you ignore damage after charging. It deals high damage, but low attack speed, most importantly, you need to get right is charging time (When you are spinning around, you don't get damage and most Important thing for new people is it gives you time to think)
  • Bow[]: Range attacks, you have a lot of room to dodge and deal normal amount of damage. The boss will teleport so bow helps you to reach her without moving a lot(She has only 5~6 spots where she can teleport)
  • Sword and Shield[]:Normal damage and attack speed will help you kill her. (Keep in mind that your shield doesn't block her electrical attacks!)
  • Gloves[]: This weapon will help you kill Energy Flux super fast, it's already endgame and you will have tier IV gloves, which deals normal damage, but has SUPER fast attack speed. Keep in mind you cannot block with gloves, you can only charge foward(It can help you dodge some attacks!)

Easiest boss in the entire game, she can only teleport to fixated spots and she doesnt move. Her electrical attack is annoying, but if you manage to dodge it, you can just breeze trough this boss easily, since you have already Tier IV gear.
The Energy Flux's attacks are as follows:
  • It covers most of the arena with electricity, causing damage if you stand on it. If it places the opening at a bad angle, it will immediately ruin a perfect run, requiring a restart.
  • It fires 2 bolts of lightning and rotates it around itself.
  • It fires a bolt of lightning and sweeps it across the entire arena.
  • It turns red and jumps in between nodes, causing damage if Will gets hit.
  • After every attack, it will disappear and reappear in another node.
    • Little tips:
    • When it turns red, a small stream of electricity is shown coming from the Energy Flux, showing which node it will jump to next.
    • Its lightning bolts sweep across the arena, so be ready to roll at any time
    • Be careful you don't fall off the edge of the arena.
    • Energy flux can be stunned.
    • Rolling into Energy Flux won't damage you but will push to you the nearest point on its circumference. This could potentially push you off the arena, or into its attacks.
Fifth Boss (Spoilers)
For obvious reason I put spoilers tag just in case you want to experience him and not ruin your playtrough!
A blue blob wearing a power suit, wielding a sword and shield. This is the fifth and final boss of the game! It is located at the fifth dungeon and is the only enemy! This boss gives a good workout for your fingers, but it's easy to beat him! This boss doesnt have strategy or anything, you just take bow and any other melee weapon and fight him!

First phase
In the first phase, the boss chases you around with a sword. He has a couple different attacks during this phase:
The first is an attack where he swings his sword 3 times consecutively. This attack is easy to roll away from. If you started the fight with a bow, you can generally attack 3-4 times before he catches up to you. If you use a spear, you can reach past his swings.
The second attack is a charge. He telegraphs the attack which lets you roll out of the way and possibly get a swing or two with a melee weapon. If you roll the opposite direction you can again fire the bow several times before he catches up to you.
At a couple points during this phase his torso detaches from his legs and flies back and forth from the sides of the screen. A well timed roll can dodge the torso. To complicate the matter, while you're dodging the torso, the legs remain stationary firing projectiles in a circular pattern. It helps to run around the legs rolling when the torso flies at you. During this attack, it's difficult to attack.
This phase is almost simple if using the bow exclusively.

Second phase
The second phase is a large oversized blob. This boss phase has a few different attacks to be aware of.
Initially, the boss will simply swing large tentacled arms at you. It is possible to run to the bottom of the screen and stay out of reach of these attacks. Although, providing you have enough health, you should be able to survive if you wish to remain close for melee weapons.
If you run to the bottom and fire your bow, eventually the boss will put up barriers which block the arrows and spawn the tiny multicolored blobs from all the previous dungeons.
Around the same time that the barriers come up, you need to watch the ground under your feet. The boss will open a portal under you and spawn a tentacle to hit you. If you start moving back and forth after you see the barriers you will easily dodge this attack.
After the ground tentacle attacks, the barriers will drop and the boss will draw you to himself and trap you between his two tentacles, greatly reducing the area which you have to run. At this point, if you're not already using melee, you will want to switch to melee and attack him directly.
Be cautious though, after he traps you there, he will pulse light waves which do a significant amount of damage. It is advised to roll over these waves.The best time to roll is easily identifiable by the light in his stomach, when the light scrunches up you should immediately roll to avoid the wave attack.Try to time your attacks between your dodges.
After the 4th light wave, the tentacles will come up and the cycle will start again with him swinging his arms at you.
Sixth Boss (Spoilers)
For obvious reason I put spoilers tag just in case you want to experience him and not ruin your playtrough!
An angry dimensional being with a single, bright orange eye. It's the same wanderer that tries to catch you if you stay in dungeons for too long! This is the Final Boss(DLC) in the game! This boss is easy if you maxed out your dimensional gear!

The boss has two phases like the pirate
First Phase:
He just follow you like a normal boss and attacks you, sometimes there are tentacles coming out from the sideways or from the bottom, he can slam the ground. My tip for you is to keep your eyes open and dodge when he comes near you. Best weapons to use are Big Sword because you can ignore damage while spinning and a bow, since you don't want to be close to him for a long time.
Second Phase:
Now this is where the fun begins. Boss is not that though, but you need to keep in mind that his attacks are dealing more damage. Attack patterns are similar from the first phase. My best tip is to quickly deal damage and kill him, since this boss is not that hard.
I hope this guide has helped you finish the game or beat one-two bosses! This game is my favorite all time and I enjoy it to the last second!

Most things are from wiki, so if you have more questions, you can always ask in comment or look at the WIKI[].