Оценок: 81
100% Achievements / All collectibles
От Xeloses
100% achievements guide with maps of all collectibles (text+images).
В избранное
В избранном
EP1: Exordium
Complete Episode 1

EP2: Metamorphosis
Complete Episode 2

EP3: Ones & Zeroes
Complete Episode 3

EP4: God's Acre
Complete Episode 4

EP5: Terminus
Complete Episode 5

Complete the game to get these achievements.

EP1: Voyeur / EP2: Voyeur / EP3: Voyeur / EP4: Voyeur / EP5: Voyeur
Looked through every camera in Episode 1/2/3/4/5

Make sure to use every camera in every episode.

You can check how many cameras you have used and how much left in the records.

EP1: Data Collector / EP2: Data Collector / EP3: Data Collector / EP4: Data Collector / EP5: Data Collector
Scan all OMNI View items in Episode 1/2/3/4/5

Scan all objects and posters, read all newspapers and emails, listen to all voicemails in every episode.
In episode 4 - make photos of all objects.

You can check your progress at any time in the records, "General Intel" section.

EP1: Contraband / EP2: Contraband / EP3: Contraband / EP4: Contraband / EP5: Contraband
Help Hope collect all banned books and game carts found in Episode 1/2/3/4/5.

Collect all books and steal all floppy disks from guards in every episode.
Make sure to loot every guard.

In episode 4 you will need only collect books, there are no guards.

Check your collected disks count in the records.

EP1: Communique / EP2: Communique / EP3: Communique / EP4: Communique / EP5: Communique
Listen to all Zager tapes found in Episode 1/2/3/4/5.

Collect and listen to all Zager tapes in every episode.

These achievements are not episode-locked, so you can collect all tapes, listen to them all in episode 5 and get 5 achievements in a row.

You can check your progress with tapes in the records.

EP4: Mirror Images
Watch all televisions & listen to all petri dishes

Episode 4 exclusive achievement.
Use every TV; collect, decode, and listen to all 5 Petri dishes.
Legend for maps:

Episode 1

Note: to get the last tape at the very beginning of episode 2 don't go to the Library.
Take Mireille voice record and go back to the Dorms, open Mireille room there, and take the last tape.

Guard Center:



Banned books:
▪ "Zorba The Greek" (Guard Center ➜ Investigation room)
▪ "The Scarlet Letter" (Dormitories ➜ Hope's room)
▪ "Lady Chatterley's Lover" (Dormitories ➜ Girl's bathroom)
▪ "Leaves of Grass" (Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, small room in the kitchen)
▪ "Naked Lunch" (Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, near buffet before kitchen)
▪ "Animal Farm" (Dormitories ➜ Staff Dining, OMNI 1 area behind the painting)
▪ "Doctor Zhivago" (Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria)
▪ "Candide" (Dormitories, near Mireille's bedroom)
▪ "Brave New World" (Guard Center ➜ Power Station, near Cooper/OMNI 5 door)
▪ "Lolita" (Guard Center ➜ Power Station, past fingerprint door)

Zager tapes (casettes):
▸ "The Drifter" (Guard Center ➜ Cells, locker)
▸ "The Drunk" (Dormitories ➜ Storage room near Hope's room)
▸ "The Editor" (Dormitories ➜ Zager hideout)
▸ "The Distracted" (Guard Center ➜ Power Station, past the fingerprint door)
▸ "The Contract Negotiator" (Dormitories ➜ Mireille's bedroom)

Game cartriges:
✦ "Shovel Knight" (Sanchez @ Guard Center ➜ Cells)
✦ "Gone Home" (Cadogan @ Guard Center ➜ Cells)
✦ "Sword & Sorcery" (White @ Guard Center ➜ Investigation room)
✦ "Star Command" (Shell @ Guard Center ➜ Investigation room)
✦ "Year Walk" (Geller @ Dormitories)
✦ "Nuclear Throne" (Brahe @ Dormitories ➜ Girl's bathroom)
✦ "Super Hexagon" (Lewis@ Dormitories ➜ Hallway near Hope's room)
✦ "Kentucky Route Zero" (Grant @ Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, near body scanner)
✦ "Antichamber" (Klink @ Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, near buffet before kitchen)
✦ "Plague Inc. Evolved" (Vesely @ Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, kitchen)
✦ "Kingdom Rush" (Groves @ Dormitories ➜ Cafeteria, kitchen)
✦ "Delver's Drop" (Tojima @ Dormitories ➜ Staff Dining)
✦ "The Banner Saga" (Richter @ Dormitories ➜ Boy's bathroom)
✦ "The Fall" (Avila @ Guard Center ➜ Power Station)
✦ "Bastion" (Tiong @ Guard Center ➜ Power Station, past the fingerprint door)
Episode 2

Library ➝ 1st Floor:

Library ➝ 2nd Floor:

Library ➝ 3rd Floor:



Banned books:
▪ "The Catcher in the Rye" (Lobby, near the headmaster statue)
▪ "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (Lobby, hallway leading to the Library)
▪ "The Fountainhead" (Library 1F, on a table near the X fountain)
▪ "Sputnik Sweetheart" (Library 1F, bottom of the stairs leading to the Archives)
▪ "Invisible Man" (Library 2F, near painting)
▪ "Tropic of Cancer" (Library 2F, balcony near Archives door)
▪ "Midnight's Children" (Museum 1F, near the trivia computer)
▪ "The Metamorphosis" (Museum 2F, under the stairs to the 3rd floor)
▪ "Rights of Man" (Library 3F ➜ Librarian's Office, near the balcony)
▪ "Fahrenheit 451" (Archives, bottom floor by the conveyer belt)

Zager tapes (casettes):
▸ "The Autograph Hound" (Museum 1F, lectern)
▸ "The Open Wound" (Museum 1F, in a containment room)
▸ "The Critic" (Library 3F, by balcony under a chair)
▸ "The Instigator" (Library 3F ➜ Librarian's Office, in the bathroom)
▸ "The Chaos Theorist" (Archives, in a locker by the conveyer belt)

Game cartriges:
✦ "Rymdkapsel" (Osenkov @ Library 1F)
✦ "The Stanley Parable" (CVX armored patrol @ Library 1F)
✦ "Home" (Glaser @ Library 1F, bottom of the stairs near the Archives)
✦ "Kami" (Murray @ Museum 1F, lecture hall)
✦ "Papers, Please" (Ikewada @ Library 2F)
✦ "Thomas was Alone" (Papazian armored patrol @ Library 2F)
✦ "MirrorMoon EP" (Green @ Museum 2F/Library 3F, patrols up and down the stairs)
✦ "Guacamelee" (Ellison @ Library 3F, statues near the Headmaster's room)
Episode 3


"Morning Bell":

Pacific Server:

Atlantic Server:

Armoury & Command Center:


Banned books:
▪ "Howl" (Lobby, near the elevator)
▪ "Ulysses" (Lobby, near body scanners)
▪ "Nothing to Hide" (Morning Bell, in a cubicle)
▪ "A Clockwork Orange" (Morning Bell, in a cubicle)
▪ "Huckelberry Finn" (Pacific Server 1F, inside locker past keycard gate)
▪ "WE" (Pacific Server 2F)
▪ "Heart of Darkness" (Atlantic Server 2F)
▪ "Frankenstein" (Atlantic Server 2F)
▪ "Slaughter House 5" (Command Center, past 933W room)
▪ "Native Son" (Command Center, 390H room)

Zager tapes (casettes):
▸ "The Bad Host" (Lobby, in the corner by a computer)
▸ "The Detective" (Morning Bell, in the large conference room)
▸ "The Tank Buster" (Pacific Server 1F, past keycard gate)
▸ "The Mommas Boy" (Atlantic Server 1F, containment room)
▸ "The Luddite" (Command Center, before Terminus)

Game cartriges:
✦ "Super Time Force Ultra" (Beaman @ Lobby, above body scanners)
✦ "Skulls of the Shogun" (Berghammer @ Lobby, near body scanners)
✦ "10000000" (Ricciardi @ Morning Bell)
✦ "Hotline Miami" (Macdonald @ Morning Bell)
✦ "FTL - Faster Than Light" (Epperson @ Morning Bell)
✦ "Mark of the Ninja" (Brown @ Pacific Server 1F)
✦ "Monaco" (Fournier @ Pacific Server 1F/2F)
✦ "Transistor" (Franck @ Pacific Server 2F)
✦ "Shadowrun Returns" (Clarke @ Pacific Server 2F)
✦ "Gemini Rue" (McCarthy (armored guard) @ Pacific Server 2F)
✦ "Frozen Synapse" (Kaufman @ Atlantic Server 1F)
✦ "Fract OSC" (Ammons @ Atlantic Server 1F)
✦ "Osmos" (Wren @ Atlantic Server 2F)
✦ "VVVVVV" (Webster @ Atlantic Server 2F)
✦ "Towerfall Ascension" (Pearsall @ Command Center, before 933W room)
✦ "Gunpoint" (Langley @ Command Center, after 933W room)
✦ "Hero Academy" (Lafeta @ Command Center, after 933W room)
✦ "Continue? 9876543210" (Haske @ Command Center, after 390H room)
✦ "Broken Age" (Lam @ Command Center, after 390H room)
Episode 4

There is no ingame map in Episode 4.

I've made schemes of areas in "Windows Paint", not maps because I didn't do true scale or exact proportions, just schemes or maybe "plans" :)


WARNING: once you entered Graveyard take "Petry dishes #2". There is a bug in the game, this item can disappear and achievement will become blocked.


Note: do not come close to scissors (orange icon on the scheme) until you get all collectibles in the Greenhouse. Scissors activate a trigger with a big evil man, it will be harder to collect items with him.


Note: to make photo-objects available at the Garden you should come to the locked door (top-right corner at the scheme).

Mirror Storage:

Note: don't forget to decode all your Petry dishes in the Mirror Storage.

The last area in Episode 4 is "Maze".

It very hard to make a scheme of this area just by watching from cameras. Collectibles at this area can be easily described with text+screenshot. So I missed the scheme of the Maze :)
  • TV - at the area entrance.

  • Book + Photos - in the Zager hideout (entrance to hideout is near 1st TV).

  • Book - near one of the valves, behind a tree.

  • Tape - near one of the valves, at the corner.

  • Photo - the envelope near one of the valves.

  • Photo - a pot with poison on the side of the pool on the way to one of the valves.

  • Tape - at the square in front of the house with a pump control system.

  • Book + Photo + TV - in the house with a pump control system.

Banned books:
▪ "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" (Graveyard, near 101-A grave)
▪ "The Communist Manifesto" (Graveyard, in front of the fountain by the greenhouse)
▪ "The Gospel of St. John" (Graveyard, near Octavo grave)
▪ "The Origin of Species" (Greenhouse, near entrance)
▪ "Siddhartha" (Greenhouse, small room near the laboratory)
▪ "The Book of Mormon" (Garden, top level by fountain)
▪ "The Divine Comedy" (Mirror Storage)
▪ "Bhagavad Gita" (Maze, Zager hideout)
▪ "Revelation" (Maze, behind a tree near the swamp with boards and fire)
▪ "The Torah" (Maze, behind colored pump map)

Zager tapes (casettes):
▸ "The Puppy" (Graveyard, near greenhouse)
▸ "The Suitor" (Graveyard, near chained door)
▸ "The Romantic" (Garden, top level by bench)
▸ "The Confesser" (Maze, near hanging lanterns)
▸ "The Schemer" (Maze, by benches with red banners near the house with a pump control system)
Episode 5

Library & Archives:

Guard Center:


Barracks & Dormitory:


Banned books:
▪ "The Way of the Knife" (Library 1F)
▪ "1984" (Archives 1F, on the conveyer belt)
▪ "No Place to Hide" (Guard Center ➜ Power Station, downstairs near the vent)
▪ "The Snowden Files" (Guard Center ➜ Power Station, Cooper's room)
▪ "The New Digital Age" (Guard Center ➜ Cells)
▪ "Who Controls the Internet?" (Atrium 2F)
▪ "The Net Delusion" (Barracks 1F, mess hall)
▪ "Cypherpunks" (Barracks 2F)
▪ "This Machine Kills Secrets" (between Barracks and Dormitories)
▪ "The Master Switch" (Lobby, in the containment room after taking the elevator)

Zager tapes (casettes):
▸ "The Fear" (Guard Center ➜ Cells)
▸ "The End" (Atrium 1F)
▸ "The Truth" (Barracks 1F, containment room)

Game cartriges:
✦ "Her Story" (Call @ Archives 1F)
✦ "Never Alone" (Liu @ Archives 1F)
✦ "This War of Mine" (Warnock @ Guard Center, big room named "Guard Center" near entrance)
✦ "The Swapper" (Bergen @ Cells)
✦ "Galak Z" (Alexander @ Guard Center ➜ Cells/Power Station)
✦ "Proteus" (Morales @ Guard Center ➜ Power Station)
✦ "Darkest Dungeon" (Scott @ Guard Center ➜ Investigation room)
✦ "Machinarium" (Messenger @ Barracks 1F)
✦ "Distance" (Fielder @ Barracks 2F)
✦ "Invisible Inc." (Hauer @ Dormitory ➜ Cafeteria)
✦ "MYST" (Spangler @ Dormitory ➜ Cafeteria, near body scanner)
✦ "Game Dev Tycoon" (Fedje @ Dormitory, hallway near storage)
👍 Many thanks to Double Dark for the lists of Banned books, Zager tapes and Game cartridges.

Комментариев: 17
Ace120461 24 дек. 2023 г. в 6:08 
Спасибо за подробное руководство :steamthumbsup:. Хочу добавить что последние несколько камер 1 эпизода "закрываются" в начале 2 эпизода.
Xeloses  [создатель] 21 сен. 2023 г. в 15:16 
About the closed door in the dorms - read Note in the Ep.1 section above maps)
NightMira 21 сен. 2023 г. в 15:11 
Ep 2 -> Library 3rd Floor -> Headmaster - secret GI
When Treglazov talks to Mireya, but takes a gun out of a drawer
NightMira 21 сен. 2023 г. в 13:02 
in the first episode, there is a closed door in the Dormitories (women's department), perhaps there is a book and 3 cameras (the room is not displayed on the game map).
Xeloses  [создатель] 20 сен. 2023 г. в 20:06 
In dorms there are 7 books, all presented on the map.
Missed book in the Guard Center I guess. Check Banned books list under maps - there are 3 books in the Guard Center and only 2 books on the map, seems I forgot to draw that last book there xD
But I played too long time ago and don't remember exactly where it is >.<
NightMira 20 сен. 2023 г. в 15:39 
There is 1 book missing on the maps presumably in Dormitories (I can't find her)
Button Eyes 8 фев. 2023 г. в 0:38 
Very helpful, complete, and detailed guide, thanks a lot. Especially for the mapless episode 4. However I would like to give a correction, in episode 5 there is no scannable item in Zager's hideout, only the screwdriver. Maybe its there if you missed a collectible in the previous episodes tho, but most episode 1 collectibles are usually non-interactable in episode 5.

Also, would be nice if you could add the player's starting point at the episode 4 maps, as I was kinda disoriented at first :lunar2019laughingpig: and maybe mention and add on the map the fact that you can cross over to the printing/archives area even if you choose the lady's path, as it is a bit hidden.
Xeloses  [создатель] 25 ноя. 2022 г. в 23:38 
@allas, I don't remeber exactly, may be its in the cell, where you can't enter by walk, but can scan it via jumping from-camera-to-camera
allas 25 ноя. 2022 г. в 16:28 
Is that General Intel in Guard Center - Cells supposed to be in the wall as it is on the image? I'm missing 1 scan in ep1 and can't seem find it.
killerog / damaster_k 5 ноя. 2022 г. в 6:31 
It works now indeed, weird. Thanks for checking!

Now to find those last 3 cameras and 2 dev commentary's :D I feel like I missed a room, because those dev comments are usually well-marked.