Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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RocketDude Entities
By ᴿᴱᴻᴱ™
A guide for RocketDude related entities
It is easy to add mushrooms and time trackers to custom RocketDude maps. This guide only shows how to place those entities.
It will not teach you anything about mapping or nav-meshes.
It requires basic knowledge about mapping.

Create info_target entities with any of following targetnames:

  • rd_mushroom_tiny
  • rd_mushroom_small
  • rd_mushroom_medium
  • rd_mushroom_large
  • rd_mushroom_bh
  • rd_mushroom_exp
  • rd_mushroom_item

    Want to have rotating mushrooms? Just append "_rotating"
    For instance: rd_mushroom_bh_rotating

    Want to rotate the mushroom by default? Change the Pitch Yaw Roll as you like
    For instance: A mushroom rotated 45° on the Z-Axis would be -> 0 90 0

Mushrooms will appear when the map is started in RocketDude mode.
Next to the default "info_player_start" we need a "info_teleport_destination" called "rd_player_start".
After the player finished the map he will get teleported to this entity.

Start and Finish
For setting the timer of player to zero you can place a trigger which he has to pass through. Timer will start "OnTouch". You find the outputs on the screenshot.

To stop the timer for a player you can use a trigger also. You find the outputs on the screenshot.

Example Map
Anything unclear? No problemo...
I have created a very basic map you can check out.
The addon includes the map itself and the vmf you can open up in hammer editor.

This guide will be usable when the next RocketDude update rolls out.
I hope to see some cool custom maps. Have fun and a nice day.