Call of Cthulhu

Call of Cthulhu

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Speedrunning Call of Cthulhu in 2020
Klutsknaap™ 님이 작성
A speedrunning guide for the game Call of Cthulhu, usable in 2020! After getting the World Record, I decided to make a guide, since getting good times needs some tweaking to the game!
즐겨찾기 해제
Hello! I am TALOX and since the 29th of septembre 2020 I hold the World Record in speedrunning for Call of Cthulhu, with a time of 1:02:07. But, before getting the World Record, I encountered quite a bit of problems.

In this guide, I will not only explain the whole run, but also explain the software problems I've encountered and explain how to optimize your runs!

Before you read this guide, check the rules set by, about when to start and end the run.

Checkout a video guide, if that's more your thing ;)
Unfortunately, to get the absolute best times in this game, you can't just use the base game for a few reasons:

  • When entering the cave under the Hawkins Mansion, the skip at the first iron barred door is a bit faster in the first version of the game. (around 2 - 4 seconds more)
  • There are two conversations that can't be skipped in the newer versions of the game. The first one is the conversation with "dead" Dr. Colden (after leaving the claustrophobia room) and the second conversation are the second and third prison in the prison hallucination. (up to ~40 seconds more??)
  • In the first version of the game, you can skip the small investigation "camera locks" with Cat. (2 - 6 seconds more)

So, all and all, you can win around 50 seconds by using the base version of the game. In this part, I will explain how you can play this version.

Getting the base game
First, I was looking for the most legitimate way, via Steam Manifests. You can use the DepotDownloader[] for this. The reason I won't be going into this way, is because it simply didn't work for me.

So... I am not (for legal reasons) gonna share how I got the base game, and I highly recommend you BUY THE GAME first at least for ethical reasons. I did this, and I simply couldn't find any way to play the first version other then, well, yarr...

With that out of the way, that's how I was able to play on the first version of the game. Everytime I do a run, I unplug the internet so the game doesn't automatically download.

Oh... and before you install the first version, do remove the `appdata/local/CallOfCthulhu` folder.

First off, you might want to change the FOV, since it can't be changed in-game in the first version. For this, startup the game once, so the save data will generate. After that, open the appdata/local/CallOfCthulhu/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini file and add these lines:

[/script/engine.localplayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=75

Save the file and your FOV should be the same (or even a bit more) as you would get with 200 FOV in the latest version.

After that, I'd recommend setting all Graphics options to low (you might want to increase the viewing distance if you're new). I also recommend enabling the Crosshair option in the Game options for easier pathing.

Lastly, I will share my own keybinds:
Move Forward: W
Move Back: S
Right: D
Left: A
Crouch: Thumb Mouse Button (got 2 extra buttons at my thumb on my mouse)
Run: Left Shift
Interaction: E
Light: Q
Next Light: 2
Previous Light: 1
Shoot: Left Click
Lean Forward: Right Mouse Button
Diary Access: Thumb Mouse Button 2

Rebinding the Spacebar
Now, the key you are going to use the most is the Spacebar, for skipping conversations. Or not??? It is highly recommended (and approved by to rebind the spacebar to both the Mouse Wheel Up and Mouse Wheel Down (a.k.a. the scrollwheel). I use the program X-Mouse Button Control to rebind both buttons to the spacebar.

This way, you can easily scroll to conversations!
The Run (Part 1)
In this part, I will go through every chapter, telling the route and giving some tips. But first, some general tips:

General Tips
  • Some (even most) of the small in-game cutscenes can be skipped by using the lighter. This is a veeeeery strong weapon!
  • In the first version of the game, you unfortunately cannot use the interact (E by default) button to select dialogue options, which makes dialogue a bit faster.
  • When going out of the retrospection mode, you can already start to run towards your goal.
  • Learn by heart where there are cutscenes, so you can skip them faster.
  • Currently, the leaderboards are using the times WITH loads. Play the game once to load the data into the cache. I would recommend you play the game, just to learn everything.

Chapter 1
The cave is straightforward, just follow the route.
When in the office:
  • Turn off the radio.
  • Pick up the Phone.
  • Put 55% in investigation, 45% in eloquence.
  • Go through the investigation and select the top-right and bottom-right dialogue options.
  • Go straight through the door.

Chapter 2
  • Walk with Fitzroy and wait for him in his office.
  • After checking the logs, talk to him outside to remove the crowd.
  • Go to the 2 bootleggers standing in front of the alley and go into the little shed left beside them.
  • Listen to them through the window (interact option) and talk to them.
  • Do the eloquence test (left-bottom dialogue option) and hope for the best.
  • After that, select the bottom-right option (stiletto).
  • Go inside of the warehouse and hope that the investigation works.
  • Go into retrospection mode while standing in front of the painting.
  • Investigate the painting, stand ready to walk to the back door and go out of the retrospection mode.
  • Go through the Bradley dialogue.

Chapter 3
  • Tell Bradley to leave you be.
  • Go to the door.
  • After the cutscene, spam your lighter. It will skip the "lock" when conversing with the housekeeper.
  • Stand ready at the door, go through the conversation with the housekeeper and enter the house.

  • Go straight to the burned room, go into retrospection mode and quickly find the clues at the door, 3 at the fireplace and one at the nest door.
  • Choose, in the Bradley conversations, the option bottom-right, bottom-left.
  • Go through the house, find the key to Sarah's office, check the drawing on the floor and enter the attic.
  • Follow the masked person, go to the study and interact with the globe. Go to the letter "A" of Atlantic and interact. Go into the caves.

Chapter 4
  • Skip the first retrospection location and run down the scaffolds / stairs.
  • Try to open the first barred door. Once you touched the knob, spam the lighter to skip the camera lock.
  • Go down and proceed through the cave. The cave is pretty straightforward.
  • Once at the ritual chamber, run behind the rocks and take the second right. Hug the left wall when passing the cultist. He won't be able to catch you.
  • When escaping, just follow the way.

Chapter 5
Just follow the parts until you reach the point of escaping.
  • Wait until the conversation between Dr. Fuller and Dr. Colden is over and sprint to the door. Open the door and run towards the two guards talking, the autosave icon should have appeared. When the autosave icon is gone, restart the checkpoint. The guards should have finished their conversation and walk away.
  • Open the skills menu and put 100% in investigation.
  • Open the door that the guards walked away from and pull the first switch.
  • Run to the cells and run towards the operating room. Crouch only when passing the guard. Pull the second switch in the room.
  • Run towards the third switch (at the far end of the cells) and wait on the guard to go around the corner, depending on how fast you are. Pull this switch.
  • Go into the electrocution room and pull the final switch. After that, pull the main switch.
  • When going back into the central room, walk to the right side of the wheelchair so the guards get a glimpse of you. This way, they will walk away from the entrance.
  • Walk around the reception, past the guards and into the room where Francis is.
  • Talk to Francis, watch him get yeeted around the room and escape.

Chapter 6
  • Walk through the chapter until you reach the Sanders residence. Here, when talking to Irene, pick the top-right, middle-right and top-right dialogue options.
  • When done, go to the room where Cat is, force open the little container and pick up the key to the art gallery.
  • Interact with the painting, you now need to get the dagger.
  • Go straight into the far-right room and pick up the dagger. Take the EXACT route back, ensuring not getting caught.

Chapter 7
  • Go into the first room on the left, briefly entering it and then go straight to the second room on the left. Start the retrospection mode here.
  • Interact with the clue on the door and go straight to the room with the safe. Interact here with all the clues presenting themselves and go out of the retrospection mode.
  • Put in the code 5-3-9 on the safe and proceed.

Chapter 8
Love this chapter

Colden Part
  • Inspect the patient, after that, go straight to the bathroom and talk to lady inside.
  • Try to enter Fuller's office to start a dialogue.
  • Go to Block A and search the desk in the corner of the room to get the key to the boiler room.
  • Go into the boiler room and try to turn the wheel.
  • Go left into the storage room and pick up the (hidden) monkey wrench.
  • Turn the wheel in the boiler room.
  • Go straight to the lady in the bathroom and enter Fuller's office.
  • Here, go to the ship statue and turn the middle mast clockwise and the first mast counter-clockwise.
  • Put the recording in the player and go through the little cutscene like dialogues. After that, enter the basement to get caught.

Pierce Part
  • Try to enter the basement, which won't work.
  • Go into the teleport door, grab the pink lantern and open the door on the left. Grab the green lantern and enter the door to remove the first sign.
  • Remove the barrier on the right and enter the teleport door on the left. Go backwards, back to the pink lantern and open the door on the right. Grab the green lantern, go to the second teleport door and remove the sign in the bathroom.
  • In this part, you don't need the pink lantern. Remove the barrier on the left (to Block A) and keep running, ignoring the Shambler. Remove the sign.
  • Go down the corridor on the left, remove the barrier. Go back to get the pink lantern and go all the way down the corridor to open Fuller's office. Go back to get the green lantern and go into Fuller's office. Spam the lantern at the place where the Shambler attacks you to skip the animation. Remove the sign and the rest is one big walkthrough.
  • When you are with Sarah in the coal room, use the lighter when trying to turn the wheel and when picking up the poke to skip the animations. Finish the chapter as usual.
The Run (Part 2)
Chapter 9
  • Talk to Sarah and then go to Algernon. Go through the chapter, searching for the amulet.

Chapter 10
  • Go through the chapter, until you take control of Sarah, trying to destroy the Shambler.
  • You won't need the lantern until removing the third sign, so don't waste fuel. The first sign is easy, just run back.
  • At the second sign, open the way to the sign and run away from the Shambler. Stand in the barrier and go back immediately when the music stops (the Shambler will then disappear). When removing the sign, run up to the Shambler and hug the left wall to pass him. Run to the barrier to make him disappear.
  • At the third sign, grab your lantern and use it on the shambler. Walk past him hugging the right wall. Watch a speedrun to know the exact pathing (you really need to hug the wall here to evade the Shambler).
  • Finish the Chapter

Chapter 11
  • Go through the chapter, until you take control of Cat.
  • Go straight to the back room and go into retrospection mode. Investigate Chief West and go to the entrance to investigate the clues there. You can skip the dialogues here.
  • Shoot the zombies and leave the warehouse.

Chapter 12
  • Don't shoot Bradley and go to the docks.
  • Evade the first zombie by aggro'ing it and leading it slightly to the right, so you can pass it on the left.
  • You can safely pass the next group of zombies by hugging the wall / cars right.
  • Go to the warehouse using the back entrance, keeping to the right (passing the spot where the bearded police officer was standing).
  • Go into the Hawkins Warehouse, shoot the zombie and grab the medkit.
  • Go to the docks, cure Cat's right hand (forgot his name) and get his key.
  • Open the way to the whaling station and walk past every zombie.

Chapter 13
  • In the whaling station, bash in the big door using the ram. You can skip the following animations: turning the wheel (back and forth), placing the rope and cutting the rope.
  • Go through the different hallucinations using the fastest methods. When standing before the choices, always choose to submit, since this is faster.
  • Destroy the station and escape.

Chapter 14
  • This part is simply a walking simulator, just walk until you reach the end.
  • One tip: at Alabaster Point, when in the hallucinations with Dr. Fuller and Sarah Hawkins, position yourself in such a way that you can start walking straight after the hallucination ends. Saves a bit of time.
Final Word
Congratulations! You finished the game
Good luck running it :)

댓글 6
Klutsknaap™  [작성자] 2023년 5월 2일 오전 4시 05분 
@Uncle_J there are slight differences between versions, I myself use the first version of the game because it skips a large part of cutscenes in the game. This run is with the newest version of the game: .

I wait a bit before going past the guard, hope that helps! But, even with this version, I think you should be able to run past if you are quick enough.
Uncle_J 2023년 4월 27일 오후 7시 48분 
How do you get out of the operating room in chapter 5 after flipping the switch without getting caught by the guard? I followed the video exactly but the guard always catches me just after i flip the switch and turn around to leave the little room.

I wonder if the devs have modified the game at that point since you made the video?
Radiobacille 2020년 12월 25일 오후 10시 35분 
I don't even speedrun and man, what a great thing of you to do, making this guide. Folks like you are what make communities great.
Klutsknaap™  [작성자] 2020년 12월 6일 오후 2시 03분 
@Galhrerra yeah, it's a RNG thing. Best thing you can do is follow the guide in skilling the talents and hope for the best.
Galhrrera 2020년 12월 6일 오전 6시 40분 
I'm having a lot of trouble with Chapter 2, specifically where I need to test eloquence with the 2 smugglers before entering the warehouse ... I've tried different distributions of talent points and I always fail my eloquence at that point.

Any suggestion?
when i ran the game for the first time this didn't happen to me, but now, i can't get past this part.
Rabid Cadaver 2020년 11월 9일 오후 7시 24분 
I'm doing what I can to not actually read anything from this till I've been through it the first time. Thanks for putting together your path though. The part about the versions to be very interesting. Well played, Good form.