Granblue Fantasy: Versus

Granblue Fantasy: Versus

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All Belial's dialogue before the fight. ( ENG )
By Beelzemiss
All Belial's dialogue before the fight. The guide will be updated as new characters are released. Warning spoilers!
Belial VS Percival
- Your heart is shrouded in night... Darker, and more foul than the cruel will of Beelzebub. Return to shade!

- Roleplaying again? You're the big bad king... I'm your insolent vassal. Well my lord?

- Ah... Haha. I love playing with fire but I find you... a bit suffocating.

- My flames bring hope to friends, but they spell doom for my enemies. Come if you dare!
Belial VS Djeeta

Djeeta( Vyrn, Lyria):
Vyrn: "I smell a big stinkin' perv!" Lyria: "Djeeta! Hold your breath!" Djeeta: "Eh. I'll clean up quick!"

- Well that was rude... Now let's see here... I think I'll save the Red Dragon for last. A small bite of dessert after the main course.

- Hah. The other Singularity. I do like to mix things up. Well? Play with me.

Djeeta( Vyrn, Lyria):
Djeeta: "Lyria, Vyrn. Don't listen to anything he says! Vyrn: "Oh we know." Lyria: "I'll cover my ears!"
Belial VS Belial
- Wow. You'd win first in a cosplay contest. Now, who are you?

- Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes? What do we call this beast who bears my devilish good looks?
Belial VS Beelzebub
- Serpent. Do you know what I long ro hear? The sound of your shattering core... and the silence that will ensue.

- You fantasize about- At least give me a chance to explain. We're old bedfellows, right?

- Oh not Bubs. Tell me, is our honeymoon over?

- I'll be at peace again.. When you are in pieces.
Belial VS Zooey
- This way chaos flies... borne on wings of cunning. When you are gone, peace shall reign in these skies!

- Mind letting me pet your dragons? No need to get possessive. Just wondering if they're as smooth as they look.

- Hm? Get sick of your job? Are you up for playing some hooky then?

- Hooky? I am unfamiliar with that game. But I know it shall be... The last you'll ever play.
Belial VS Narmaya
- Take another step... and I'll have your head.

- Ah... How refreshing. Just look at the frigid murder in your eyes... Send shivers down my spine.

- Well, well... A sleeping beauty. Or is it simply meditation? Either way I would love to be her nightmare.

- Such dark malice... For the good of the skies... perish!
Belial VS Ferry
- Listen. That man has no compassion. We can't afford to show him mercy!

- Now don't be like that... It's going to take more than a few love lashes to make me obedient.

- Interesting how your fate was twisted from the very start... This will be a stimulating case for study. Mind showing me what makes you tick?

- Oh I'll be fine. He won't lay a finger on me. And I'll make certain he won't threaten anyone, ever again!
Belial VS Gran
Gran (Vyrn,Lyria):
- Well if ain't the pervy angel! If you think you can sweet-talk Gran... Think again!
- He's too good for you!
- All right Belial... This ends here and now!

- Aren't you a cocky little- Oh how greedy Singularity. I wasn't aware you wanted me all to yourself.
- Ah, Singularity... Up for little fun?

Gran (Vyrn,Lyria):
Gran: "Lyria, Vyrn. You two need to get someplace safe okay ?" Lyria: "Oh, don't take too long!"
Vyrn: "Better give him heck!"

Belial VS Lancelot
Lancelot :
- Belial! I challenge you! The White Dragons will not stand idly by .... as you cast the skies into chaos!

Belial :
- Don't be a cold shower... But things were just getting good Lancey. I love watching mortal squirm as the end draws near.

Belial :
- Oh joy. A wet blanket... You're always smothering the fun in things. Need me to help you blow off some steam, big guy?

Lancelot :
- Is this what you call strategy Belial? To deride your opponents ? Have you no honor?
Belial VS Katalina
- You many be cunning... But I swear to destroy you, serpent, before your plots can hatch.

- Ooh, cold as frost... Every bit as deadly too. I wonder... Just what will it take to melt you down.

- Looky what I found. A knight in shining armor. Ditch the Girl in Blue. Our forces could make use of you, a sword as sharp as yours.

- I refuse. This blade exists, solely to protect those who are dear to me.
Belial VS Metera
- Mm... Every girl likes a bad boy, but with a heart of gold, you know? When you're rotten to your core... Bleh. Hm?

- Ouch. I think that's kind of harsh. But a heart of gold? Are you for real? I guess you're more naive than you look.

- Aww... What a shame. You have perfect features but, uh... you aren't twisted enough on the inside.

- And yet there's not a single feature on you that's perfect. Oh well. Guess it's time to take out the trash.
Belial VS Soriz
- What in the— Got gussied up for this blind date, and it turned out to be stinking snake?! Damn it!

- Aw... Am I not— Let's have a round first. The prize for winning? Any partner your heart could desire.

- Hey... I've been waiting. Let's go out for drinks tonight. I know a few alluring vixens and they're dying to meet you.

- You shifty snake... You take me for a fool?! I don't care how foxy your friends are— you won't catch me with my pants down!
Belial VS Ladiva
- Mm... True love is gentle and completely selfless. It seeks to give, never to take. And selfishness leads to pain!

- Technically speaking, love is—Trying to discipline me? 'Cause I think you'll find pain only eggs me on.

- Oh great. Here comes a lecture. I write the rules to my own life. Only one who get to say otherwise is "Daddy".

- Hm? If you don't want to listen... well. Then I'll just have to make you... Feel! The power of love.
Belial VS Charlotta
- Wha... I'll grow with tr-true love's kiss? Despite my youthful glow, I take no stock in fairy tales.

- Oh you're hilarious. Hate for you to find out this way but that little jig you just did, It won't help you grow an inch.

- Sorry. Didn't notice you there. I can see it in your eyes... You want more presence, more grandeur. Maybe I can help.

- You speak with a forked tongue! Charlotta Fenia won't fall for such cheap tricks!
Belial VS Zeta
-You're trampled over the skies long enough. I think it's past time you paid your dues. Now cough'em up... with your life!

- We've got a tough talker here... So you want to play rough. Then let's see how many techniques you've mastered with that spear.

- Hi there, princess. Well isn't a cold welcome. You're going to hurt my feelings someday.

- Belial... You try calling me princess one more time. And you'll regret it!
Belial VS Vaseraga
- Fallen angel Belial... Your evil eats at the sky like a scourge. But when Grynoth cuts you down, the blight shall spread no further.

- Ooh, care to share? With a stick that big I could finish you in one stroke... You're missing out.

- Hm? Didn't notice you. It's always the quiet ones, who get the slip on you and take you from behind.

- For all your cunning, it seems you don't know the first rule of battle. Never turn your back to the enemy.
Belial VS Lowain
Lowain ( Sammy, Tommy):
Sammy: "Bro". Tommy: "Call him out." Lowain:
- You the creep that's been pushing Katalina around? You either learn some respect... Or I stuff your sad face with a... smackdown sandwich.

- Didn't think she'd settle for you. That's a lot of pent-up anger there. Why don't I help you let it all out... until we see the sun rise?

- Ooh, here's an idea. Who's to say, uh... the four of us can't be friends? I've been so lonely...

Lowain ( Sammy, Tommy):
Lowain ( Sammy, Tommy):
- Lonely?! Further dialogue with each other : "He got me, right in the feels. I don't know dude... He's pretty sleazy. Yo, but the fans are crazy for him. And... I think they're dying for some... Burning bromance!

Belial VS Cagliostro

- Aren't you a funny serpent... Think I'll pickle you and display you in jar.

- Hah. But I hate vinegar. Still I admit, the thought os being someone's lab rat isn't that

- What do we have here? An alchemist? Brilliant work crafting that exquisite doll face of yours. But I see the mad scientist underneath.

- Aw. I don't wanna hear that from you... You filthy snake.
Belial VS Yuel

Yuel :

" Oh? Wait! Aww, heh... Crafty li'l stinker..." ( addresses Belial further )
- You think I'll fall for your dumb tricks? You ain't so slick!


- I like them fired up... When the chaos closes in and the light in their eyes go out...


- Oh? A dancer... Care to join me for a spin? How about a waitz... where you whirl into the soft embrace of death?


- You reek of villainy... Consider yourself rejected!

Belial VS Anre

Anre :

- One can only fathom what you're really up to. But enough is enough. No more games.


- Oh yada yada. Why don't you puzzle over my actions on the other side?


- An Eternal? In the flesh? I've always dreamed about meeting you. It's time to live out my fantasies.

Anre :

- Your words are useless; they won't affect me. The time has come. I shall leave you broken.
Belial VS Eustace


- Belial. There can be no peace or quiet as long as you exist.


- My, what big ears you have. Wait. Don't tell me... Are you afraid the Singularity will get jealous?


- You can't seriously want to be a guard dog your whole life. I could add some much needed bark to your bite... Ya know, teach you to flirt.


- Poisoning me with words? Waste of time.
Mortis Oct 9, 2023 @ 4:25am 
Beelzemiss  [author] Aug 28, 2021 @ 6:27am 
Aww thank you yuudai :heartp:
yuudai Aug 27, 2021 @ 10:45pm 
cuty and beautifull hony 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖