Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Dead By Daylight - Everything you need to know!
By Auror3k
Hey, I'm Aurora <3 and this is my complex and complete guide to dead by daylight, so grab a cold beer and enjoy.
Dead By Daylight is an A-symmetrical game, meaning the sides aren't perfectly balanced. The killer's goal is to hunt, hook and kill 4 survivors. Each killer has its own special ability. An example of a killer would be "The Trapper", this killer can place traps around the map. The survivors might step in these traps, if they do they get injured and are trapped at that location. A survivor will die on the 3rd hook or 2nd hook if they go to the second state on the first hook. Second state happens when other survivors take too long to save you, or the survivor attempts to escape.
The survivors goal is to finish the 5 generators throughout the map and escape through the exit gates. If the killer catches you, try to wiggle out by pressing A & D rapidly. If you don't succeed, don't worry other survivors can save you off the hook, or you can attempt escaping by pressing M1. When attempting to escape the hook, you have 3 chances to escape with a 4% base success rate each time. If you are the last survivor alive, you can find another escaped called "The Hatch", this escape doesn't require you to open it or finish generators, however the killer can close it. If the killer closes it, all generators become finished and the survivor can open one of the two exit gates to escape.
All survivors start the game healthy, one hit makes them injured, and one more makes them dying. A survivor in the dying state can be left on the floor to bleed out, or they can be picked up by the killer and brought to a hook. Survivors left on the floor in the dying state can he picked up and healed by other survivors.
Pallets, Windows & Tiles
Each map starts with tiles. Tiles can have generators, chests, lockers, windows and pallets inside of them. If a killer finds you, you can run to a tile, using its windows, lockers and pallets to out move the killer. If the killer is close enough, you can drop a pallet on them, stunning them. If a killer is stunned, they can not move for 3 seconds. If the killer is far way, you can still drop pallets. However, killers can break dropped pallets removing them from the game. NOTE: Survivors can slide over the top side of a dropped pallet, killers can not.
Each map starts with 3 chests. Survivors can open these chest to get items.
Items can be unlocked in the bloodweb and brought into a game, or can be gotten from a chest in the game. Items included; Flashlights, Toolboxes and Med-kits. Flashlights are used to blind the killer. If the killer is blind while carrying another survivor the survivor is dropped and put into the injured state, allowing them to run away. Toolboxes can be used to break hooks, not allowing the killer to use that hook for 30 seconds. Toolboxes can also be used to finish generators faster. Med-kits can be used to heal yourself or other survivors. NOTE: You can not heal yourself from a dying state even with a med-kit.
The killer and survivors can bring 1 offering each into the game. The killer and survivors have different offerings. An example of a killer offering would be "Cut Coin", this offering removes 2 chests from the map. An example of a survivor offering would be "Shiny Coin", this offering add 2 chests into the game. NOTE: Offerings can be stacked onto each other, for example all survivors can bring a "Shiny Coin" offering to get 8 extra chests.
Perks & Teachables
Each player can have 4 perks per match that can be changed each game. Perks give the player an advantaged they otherwise wouldn't have. An example of a survivor perk would be "Adrenaline", if you use this perk when the last generator is finished you instantly get healed 1 health state. An example of a killer perk would be "Hex: No One Escapes Death", If you use this perk when the last generator is finished you can 1 hit down healthy survivors into the dying state. Each survivor and killer has 3 teachable perks, teachable meaning unlockable. You get these unlocked for the rest of the killers or survivors once you get that killer or survivor to level 40. You keep your teachable perks unlocked through prestige.
Totems & Hex Perks
Each map has 5 totems hidden around it, survivors can find these totems and destroy them for points. If a totem is glowing it means it has a "Hex:" killer perk on it. If you destroy this totem the killer will lose that perk. NOTE: not all killer perks are "Hex:" perks, and only "Hex:" perks will appear on the totem(s).
Once you finish playing a game, you are rewarded 1-32,000 bloodpoints depending on how well you played. As a killer you are rewarded for Brutality, Deviousness, Hunting and Sacrificing. As a survivor you are rewarded for Objectives, Survival, Altruism and Boldness. Once you have bloodpoints, go to your bloodweb. Your bloodweb isn't shared through survivors or killers. Your bloodweb is different for every individual survivor and killer. In your bloodwebs, you can buy Perks, Items and Offerings. You can prestige your players 3 times. Each time you will get a part of a full model. Each time you prestige a player, you lose all of its Perks, Items and Offerings.
Iridescent shards
As you play games, your player level goes up. Your player level is shared through killers and survivors. Each time your player level goes up you get Iridescent shards. Iridescent shards can be used to buy player models for your survivors or killers. You can use these to buy full sets, or individual items.
Player Ranks
Killers and survivors share ranks separately, However the killers share ranks with each other, and the survivors share ranks with each other. Your survivors and killers start out at rank 20. You increase in ranks by "pipping", you get "pips" by preforming well in matches. You lose pips by preforming poorly.
The End
I hope you enjoyed this guide, and I hope it was helpful. If you enjoyed this guide make sure to share and favorite it! Feel free to tell me if I missed anything! <3
THBills Sep 15, 2020 @ 4:38am 
Just ☯ Sep 13, 2020 @ 5:56pm 
Well said.
LuAnI Sep 13, 2020 @ 11:23am 
Рома Абдалбас Sep 13, 2020 @ 4:48am 
moon wine Sep 13, 2020 @ 3:05am 