Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80's

Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80's

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Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80's Complete Walkthrough
By lunabeat
A complete walkthrough guide for the game in case you get stuck. Warning- spoilers!
Area 1 - Starting Room
No puzzles.

Introduction to mechanics of game, cell phone.
Players must load a VHS cassette tape into the VCR and press play to start the game.
Area 2 - Detective's Office
Hover over an answer to see it revealed! Like this!

Puzzle 1: Locked Laptop
Solution: Password is written on a post-it under the desk.
(Password is 1980)

Puzzle 2: Missing Locker Key
Solution: Password is in the “Trash” folder on the laptop in a file called “Delete_me.txt”
(Password is 526).

Player at this point enters the code into the locker, picks up the key, and uses it to leave the detective’s office.
Area 3 - Corey's Game Room
Hover over an answer to see it revealed! Like this!

Puzzle 1: Bomb-It Arcade Cabinet
Solution: Score at least 10 points in the game, a small drawer with a green D20 die will pop out.

Puzzle 2: Key in the Teapot
Solution: Turn teapot upside down and shake it, or break it by smashing it. Player is rewarded with a purple key. Use the purple key on the top-left china hutch drawer.

Puzzle 3: Locked Closet
Solution: Pick up the red key from the unlocked top-left drawer and use it to open the closet door. Closet is too dark to see anything at the moment (solve puzzle #8 to be able to see).

Puzzle 4: Secret Cassette Tape
Solution: Find the secret tape on the bookshelf (3rd row down on the left). Load the tape into the boombox.

Puzzle 5: Secret Cassette Tape Code (tape plays several musical notes in order)
Solution: Play the corresponding notes in sequence on the piano keyboard: C, E, G, B, C#
A drawer on the left side of the keyboard will pop out, revealing a silver key.

Puzzle 6: Locked China Hutch
Solution: Use the silver key from the keyboard in puzzle #5 to unlock the top-right drawer on the china hutch.

Puzzle 7: Missing D20 Die
Solution: Look in the shoes by the desk. Red die is inside the shoe.

Puzzle 8: D20 Dice Puzzle
Solution: Collect up all four dice (Yellow is on the desk, Green is rewarded on winning the arcade game, Blue is in the top-right drawer in the china hutch, Red is in the shoes). Roll each die (each will roll the same number every time) to get the numbers that correspond with the dice in the china hutch lower cabinet.
Touch the dice in the cabinet to change the numbers to match the D20 dice.
(Green: 5, Red: 3, Blue: 2, Yellow: 6)
Player is rewarded with a helmet with headlamp they can put on and use to explore the dark closet.

Puzzle 9: Hangin’ In There Cat Poster
Solution: Gather 15 pieces from around the room and place them on the poster to reveal the complete image.

Locations of pieces:
-Coffee table, under the hat
-On the desk
-Couch, under the pillow
-On the TV table
-Bookshelf, bottom-right shelf
-Bookshelf, under Cinderella book
-Under the skateboard (by the desk)
-China hutch, top-right drawer
-China hutch cabinet
-China hutch, top-left drawer (2 pieces)
-Closet, in wooden crate on the floor
-Closet, on shelf under stuffed bunny
-Closet, in box with lid with Polaroids
-Closet, in box with lid on bottom shelf

Puzzle 10: Robot Teacher (Spelling Machine)
Solution: Turn on the spelling machine and press the keyhole button to start a hangman-style spelling puzzle. Players must solve 4 words.
(Puzzle words in sequence are: TUBULAR, RADICAL, HELP ME, TRAP)

Puzzle 11: Hidden Safe
Solution: Grab the framed cross-stitch art in the corner and remove it from the wall to reveal a safe.

Puzzle 12: Unlock the Safe
Solution: The Robot Teacher will reveal a sequence of colors (Red, Blue, Gray, Pink). Using the poster as a colors-to-position key, push the buttons on the safe that correspond with the colors displayed on the Robot Teacher.

Puzzle 13: Secret Diary Message
Solution: In the diary found in the safe, there’s a passage with the following letters capitalized- GNARLY. Type GNARLY into the electric typewriter on the desk. A drawer will pop out, revealing a TV remote control.

Puzzle 14: TV Puzzle
Solution: In the closet, there’s a box of polaroids, one of them shows the TV turned to the correct channel (Secret channel number is 309). Turn on the TV with the remote control, change the channel to channel 309. Player must pick up the Game Glove from the safe and turn it on via the red button on the forearm panel.
Once the Game Glove is powered up with the TV on and set to channel 309, Corey will appear on the TV, and the player will be transported to Cyber World, inside the TV set.

Area 4 - Cyber World
No puzzles.

Players must play the 3 games presented until they win a round, then they can shoot open components in the TV. After shooting 3 components, Nexus is defeated and the player wins the game.
Area 5 - Detective's Office (Credits)
No puzzles.

This is the end sequence with credits, some balloon popping fun, and a cheesy rap video with a surprise ending after the song ends.
CheshireCatMoonSmile Aug 30, 2023 @ 2:14pm 