The fk is this? Read descrip.
"Been a while since I've uploaded any kinds of artworks, mainly because I forgot that steam exists xD

Eitherway I personally believe I've improved a ton and im preeetty sure I myself can say im proud of myself.
Remember that demon character I had with the different coloured eyes, black n' purple horns? Yea I wasnt happy with the design anymore and replaced Lucy with this instead, a "Voidling" yes yes. Born in and by the void itself, the only one of her kind and so on. I actually had a picture of her with clothing, which shows her as a jester and one thing being that she can't actually talk without having her mask on but I couldnt find it so I took this for the time being.

I'll upload some more right away, however they wont be in perfect order, one can tell by the improvement at times but whatever. I also read back on some older artworks I had and damn, no matter how old those comments were, they made me happy. So im back at it again with...this stuff."