Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends

43 ratings
How to get better at the Daily Challenges
By Fidooop
This guide will teach you how to take complete control over Rayman (or which ever character you use) and in doing so you will get very good at the daily/weekly challenges and maybe... just maybe... you will get a diamond cup later on!
Before we begin you need to learn that there are 2 different jumps...

a full jump

and a short jump

in some cases you will need to use a short jump or you will bubblize and explode...

Example 1

Example 2

To short jump all you gotta do is lightly tap the jump button if you push it for too long you end up doing a full jump and go too high or too far to be able to make it out alive!

in example 1 if you go too high you will hit your head on the vine and in example 2 if you go too far you won't land on the next platform and you will fall to your bubblization

Now that you know how to jump we can begin!
Dash Punching
Basically what you need to succeed is speed... That was way too much rhyming for me...
Dash punching (I didn't know what to call it so I called it that) is when you are running and you press the punch button it will give you a boost of speed which is a very useful tool!

Here are pictures of each character dashpunching





Now to use this Dash Punch in a better way is jump while you are in the punching animation and it will make you go even faster!!!
Bouncy Things
Now before we go to taking even more advantage of that beautiful Dash Punch I gotta tell you about those weird bouncy things...

Slamming on these bouncy things will make you go up to twice as high/far then if you just jumped on it which will help alot when trying to go faster or higher

sometimes if you slam down on them it will throw you into a pit or an obstacle and bubbelize you which is not good so just experiment with them to figure out whether you should slam on the bouncy thing you found or not!

incase you don't know what I mean by slamming it's when you press down+punch when in the air
Now time to take more advantage of the Dash Punch by using Rolling along-side it!

there are 2 different ways to get into rolling position...
#1 is jumping

(it seems only rayman and globox have an animation for getting ready to roll from a jump)

#2 is DashPunching

Now to actually roll you have to hold the down button while in the air or during the Dash Punch Animation and when you land (or after the dash punch) you will look like this

From that point you can eiher do a Roll Punch or a Roll Jump! To roll punch just press the punch button while you are in the rolling animation. or to do the roll jump just press the jump button while in the roll animation (Remember short jumping and full jumping because the same thing applies to roll jumping)

Roll Punching Animations

Oh ya! Almost forgot to mention... You can also roll jump from a roll punch!
(just press the jump button while in the roll punch animation! and remember short jumps and full jumps apply to this too!)

Here's what you'll look like when roll jumping!!
Slopes and Airstreams
This is the final part of the guide to teach you about going faster!
Slopes and Airstreams (when used correctly) will make you go extremely fast!

When in an airstream try to dashpunch then jump while in the dashpunch animation to take the most out if it! if you are still in the airstream when you land make sure that you land rolling so you can roll jump and go even further! (this is when the airstream is blowing you upwords)

Now for slopes... There is a great range of things you can do on the slopes depending on the length of the slope and how fast you are going and whether you are in the air or not!
you can dash punch or roll jump or if the slope is long enough dash punch roll jump all together! it all depends...

(also remember to jump to the top of the slopes that are slanted upwords this cuts out being slowed down by them)
Saving Yourself!
in some cases when doing all these things to go faster you will find yourself between a rock and a hardplace... in other words above a bottomless pit.... now if you are next to a wall you may have time to save yourself and get back on track

there is this thing I do that I call 1 wall jumping because you only use 1 wall
what you do is jump off the wall and punch in the air causing you to stop moving away from the wall and then glide back to the wall and repeat making you climb upwords on 1 wall!

now there is 1 other time that you may need to save yourself that I can think of when in the bottomless pit challenges sometimes I find myself about to fall ontop of these... bear... eyeball... cat... pyro ghost type thingys.....

Now when I am about to land on 1 of those all I do is punch while gliding downwords and it will pause me for a second so I can be saved!
(please note that if you punch 2 times and these punches are too close to eachother timewise you will plummit insanely fast which won't help you at all...)
In Conclusion!
Practice practice and practice all these newfound skills as much as possible!!!

This video shows me doing alot of the things I talked about (even the "1 wall jump" @ 0:45)
RayRing Apr 29 @ 8:50am 
Dashpunching is called spinboosting, also need to mention the fact you can slide down slopes
Lapislalipek Mar 7 @ 1:43pm 
Dash punching actually is called "Spin Dashing"
goofsnobber May 29, 2022 @ 10:30pm 
servers still work on console for now at least
Catnap 💜 Sep 14, 2021 @ 1:31am 
server not work for pc
lolazoo Dec 19, 2020 @ 7:47am 
The servers on consoles are working, only PC have issues :(
DotJay Oct 22, 2020 @ 6:28pm 
for almost a year I thought it was just me who had issues with daily challenges... literally the reason why i logged onto the game every day. I'm very sad to see them go :(
Kobayashi Apr 25, 2020 @ 4:02pm 
There are advanced techniques for all the characters that people do in challenges on all consoles (PC is dead btw.) They're called brakeboosting, skidboost, roll yby jumps, and much more.
Raoul1808 Apr 20, 2020 @ 7:21am 
I think so, I checked a few months ago, they were down. I checked again a few days ago, still down, so I think it's down like forever...
That kinda makes sense to put down servers because the game gets old, but they should have kept the challenges at least local (or let's hope we see custom community servers later)
Fidooop  [author] Apr 19, 2020 @ 1:36pm 
Down? Like, forever?
Raoul1808 Apr 19, 2020 @ 2:08am 
so sad the daily/weekly challenges servers are down :(