Dead Age 2

Dead Age 2

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Dead Age 2 - Challenge & Achievement Guide
By halcyan2
This is a guide for completing the challenges and unlocking the achievements for Dead Age 2
Combat Challenges & Achievements (x 67)
There are currently 96 achievements in the Early Access version of Dead Age 2.

Killing Things Achievements (x 40)

  • First Blood
  • Boss Fighter
  • Zombie Fighter
  • Zombie Killer
  • Cowboy Fighter
  • Cowboy Killer
  • Cheerleader Fighter
  • Cheerleader Killer
  • Prisoner Fighter
  • Prisoner Killer
  • Patient Fighter
  • Patient Killer
  • Doctor Fighter
  • Doctor Killer
  • Brawler Fighter
  • BrawlerKiller
  • Crawler Fighter
  • Crawler Killer
  • Farmer Fighter
  • Farmer Killer
  • Nurse Fighter
  • Nurse Killer
  • Nun Combatant
  • Police Officer Fighter
  • Police Officer Killer
  • Beater Combatant
  • Beater Killer
  • Witch Combatant
  • Wolf Combatant
  • Wolf Killer
  • Undead Wolf Combatant
  • Undead Wolf Killer
  • Undead Mutt Combatant
  • Undead Mutt Killer
  • Mutant Combatant
  • Mutant Killer
  • Scavenger Combatant
  • Scavenger Killer
  • Punk Combatant
  • Punk Killer

Most of these challenges will be completed naturally throughout the game. You do not need to specifically do much grinding to accomplish them.

- First Blood will be completed very early on (in the Tutorial if you are going through that)

- The three bosses for Boss Fighter are:

1. The mutant boss in the Mine
2. Dexter when the Punks attack the U.S. Army
3. The final mutant boss at the Bridge (at the end of the Early Access portion)

- The Fighter/Combatant challenges require 3 kills while the Killer challenges require 10 kills (with the exception of Zombie Killer which is 50 Zombie kills). There is no Killer challenge for Bosses, Undead Nuns, and Voodoo Witches (only Fighter/Combatant)

Skill-Related Achievements (x 16)

  • Blunt Weapons Adept
  • Blunt Weapons Expert
  • Bladed Weapons Adept
  • Bladed Weapons Expert
  • Pistol Adept
  • Pistol Expert
  • Shotgun Adept
  • Shotgun Expert
  • Assault Rifle Adept
  • Assault Rifle Expert
  • Mechanics Adept
  • Mechanics Expert
  • Hunting Adept
  • Hunting Expert
  • Houndmistress
  • Tiger King

For each of the 2 melee skills, 2 support skills, and 3 ranged skills, there are two challenges. The Adept challenge unlocks when you have all of the 2 AP skills while the Expert challenge unlocks when you have all of the 3 AP skills. To get them all you will need to max out the appropriate skill to Rank 10.

Houndmistress seems to require having Tessa summon the hound 10 times, rather than any other character summon a hound. Tiger King, however, can be unlocked using any character - it does not have to be Tessa.

Ultimate Underdogs

These require winning battles with only 2 characters in your party (instead of a full party of 3).

Playing with Fire

These require winning battles when one of your party members is low on life. This is usually indicated with a glowing red graphic. Characters with this status are very vulnerable to be infected, however!


There are random encounters where you can protect a civilian. Alternatively, in locations there are sometimes opportunities to protect civilians as well.

New Luck
Arena Master

You complete New Luck from losing a gladiator fight. Note that gladiator fights are NOT to the death, though you do lose the money that you bet and your health will be low after the fight. Only your main character needs to be reduced to 0 health so you might want to keep your main character in the front and your other characters in the back.

There are a total of 8 gladiator fights. 4 in Forest Grave and 4 in the Smuggler HQ. You will usually get the Gladiator achievement while becoming the Arena Champion in Forest Grave and will need to finish several story quests before you can go to the Smuggler HQ and fight in the arena to get the Arena Master achievement.

Death Is Just the Beginning
Born Again

These require your main character to die, which will end the current playthrough. You will then need to start a new game, though you can use the medals (from completed challenges) to improve your new character.

Born Again requires dying in multiple playthroughs.
Story Challenges & Achievements (x 29)
Good/Bad Deeds (x 5)

  • Good Deed
  • Samaritan
  • Cold-Blooded
  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (the achievement name is censored)
  • Lucked Out

There are 4 decision points that count as good or bad deeds:

1. Returning Nathalie (Army doctor) to Freedom West vs giving her to Trevor at Forest Grave
2. Letting Terence live and escape to the desert vs killing him on behalf of Lana and the U.S. Army
3. Escorting Abraham the trader to Freedom West vs betraying him at the bridge crossing (note that you will still be able to find the tiger either way)
4. Revealing Jamal as the spy to General Charles vs lying to General Charles

For the Lucked Out achievement: When you go to the mountain lodge to meet Terence, after the battle with the zombies, unequip the weapons for your main character. If you then choose to Murder Terence, you instead let him live because you don't have a functional weapon. This completes the Lucked Out achievement. And even though you tried to kill him, since you didn't and ended up letting Terence live, this counts as a good deed.

Wheeler and Dealer

When accepting certain quests, you will have the opportunity to negotiate (such as with Lana and Governor Joseph). In these cases, you have 2 options, one of which always succeeds and one of which always fails.

When you first encounter the Smuggler at the subway and at the yacht, you can negotiate. As above, you have 2 options, one of which always succeeds and one of which always fails.

Lastly, occasionally at scavenging locations, you will encounter civilians or traders who are willing to sell you items or information. You can negotiate with them. In this case, it is a skill check with a % chance at being successful.

Animal Friend

Hurt animal encounters are pretty rare, but you will occasionally see them in the woods and even on the street. You have the opportunity to heal an animal, which is a Biology skill check. If you succeed, you heal the animal (which counts for this challenge) and the dog leads you to a buried backpack with some items. If you fail the skill check, the dog attracts zombies, resulting in a fight.

There are occasions when there is a woman who is hurt and you have the chance to heal her. But in a throwback to Dead Age 1, every time this happens (at least in the Early Access game), it is NOT someone who is genuinely hurt. It is always a Scavenger trap. If you try to help her, this results in a battle with Scavengers. If you move on, then you skip the battle.

Learning the Ropes

You will automatically complete this early on by finishing the tutorial.

Bad End 1

If you fail to get 2 factions to ally with you then you get this achievement and the game ends. Completing this challenge will end your current playthrough, though you can use medals from completed challenges to upgrade your new character.

Poor Sod
Penny Pincher

These require saving up your money so that your current balance reaches certain milestones. One strategy is to avoid spending money early on until you have $500 and have all three challenges unlocked. Then you can start spending money. Alternatively, money is plentiful in the end game. Plus you can sell excess inventory items right before the end, so you can finish these challenges right before the end of the game.

Outpost Guest
Outpost Tourist
HQ Guest
HQ Tourist

To complete these, you need to visit the three Outpusts (Forest Grave, Freedom East, and Freedom West) and the three HQ's (Independents, Smuggers, and U.S. Army).


You will naturally complete these challenges just from traveling to different scavenging locations in the overhead map.

Hardcore Hero

Do not let any of your party members die before Day 10. Hardcore Hero requires you to be playing in Hardcore Mode.

Mobile Gambler

In scavenging locations north of Smugger HQ (and sometimes northeast of Independents HQ), you will sometimes run into a gambler who offers you a bet. If you win the battle on the next screen without using ranged weapons, you will double your money. This will then complete the achievement. If you win the battle, you will have the opportunity to earn even more money if you fight and win a second battle.

Experimental Weapon

In scavenging locations near the U.S. Army HQ, you will sometimes run into soldiers testing an experimental weapon (a pistol). They will give you a pistol which you will need to use to kill all of the zombies in the following screen. You can hurt the zombies with other weapons but the kill needs to be with that specific pistol. Of course, you will need to go to the Inventory screen to equip with that pistol.

Blast from the Past
Old Friends

You will naturally complete these achievements because there are many characters from Dead Age 1 and progressing through the storyline requires you to interact with most of them.

These are the cameos:

Jack -Leader of Jack's Camp. Helps you with tutorials at the beginning. Jack doesn't count for these achievements.

Trish - Part of Jack's Camp. Helps you with tutorials at the beginning. Trish doesn't count for these achievements.

Bill - Trader at Freedom East (Independents). Also part of Merchant's Guild.

Mary - Doctor at Freedom East (Independents).

Liz - Lt (Leader) at Freedom West (U.S. Army).

Smuggler - Runs the subway and the ferry (for the Smuggler faction). Might not count for the achievements.

Hank - Greets you when you first enter Independents HQ and also escorts you to Lydia after completing the prison quest for Governor Joseph.

Lydia - Trader at Independents HQ. Part of Merchant's Guild. Will join you in the final battle in Early Access.

Terence - Offers side jobs at the Cantina at Independents HQ. Optional quest to kill him (you can let him live if you want) - this has implications for the second half of the game. Mission to find his stash.

Mason - In prison at Smugger HQ. Optional quest to find his gun. Tells you to talk to Tracy to find the Tiger.

Jamal - Greets you when you first enter U.S. Army HQ. Is the spy helping the Merchant's Guild. You can turn him into General Charles if you want - this has implications for the second half of the game.

Sharon - Governor of southern Smuggler Outpost (you see her briefly after becoming Arena Champion of Smugger HQ).

Dexter - Leader of the Punks. You fight him to get the Dynamite. Might not count for the achievements.

Sheriff - Replacement governor for Freedom East (Independents).

Jennifer, James, and Larissa do not appear in the Early Access portion but are supposed to appear in the second half of the game.

Side Hustle

Complete side quests at the cantinas of the three outposts and/or the three HQ's.
Clementine Aug 5, 2022 @ 4:34am 
Will there be an update to the achievements ? 21 trophies missing
Deazekto Jun 7, 2022 @ 11:47am 
How many hours did you spend to get all the achievements? ^^
Dr.AK.ula May 7, 2022 @ 5:26pm 
Hello have forgotten the prisoner and mansion aquisition achievement.
Minuos_劣势路猛男 Jan 4, 2022 @ 7:26am 
BiJisan if you didn't make ally with any two designated factions, the game ends at day 29
Bijisan Oct 3, 2020 @ 7:39am 
I'm at day 36 and can;t unlock bad end one. I have neutral standing with all factions. How can I unlock the ending?