XCOM: Chimera Squad

XCOM: Chimera Squad

35 rating
Improved Chimera AI
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Tag: AI, Difficulty
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8 Agu 2020 @ 1:08pm
3 Jan 2021 @ 1:21pm
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Improved Chimera AI


- Mind Controlled units are now smarter and extremelly deadly.
- Panicked units no longer grenade at all (either side).
- Spectral zombies should be less stupid
- The AI can now fire on Bound, Panicked or Berserk targets.
- The default ideal range for enemies is down to 7 from 10.
- Tile lingering is now allowed (less movement for no reason)
- Cover calc adjusted, Full Cover now prefered by enemies.
- The AI is now allowed to bunch up a little more. It had the XCOM2 values, but the playfield is tighter so the area has been adjusted. Units are allowed to be within 2 tiles of each other.
- Sticky Grenades behavior remodeled, the unit that is grenaded will now Panic Move instead of sometimes running towards XCOM for no reason.
- Enemies will massively prefer wounded targets as the difficulty increases. Changes most apparent on Expert+.
- Units no longer care if you acted or not for targeting.
- Androids will no longer self destruct when they are not damaged.
- Androids will overwatch more on second action instead of going crazy on move flank->fire.
- Units with fixed abilities that always preferred using them in priority are now forced to mix up their choices more (Demolition, Duel, etc.). You should no longer be able to predict with 100% accuracy what a unit will do (Hey look a MEC, i bet its going to open with Micro Missiles).
- The AI will no longer use Pin Down on Flanked targets of it if the MEC is alone.
- Archons will Frenzy 33% of the time instead of 75% after being damaged (each occurence is 33%).
- Panicked units have 25% chance to fire on anything and 75% chance to Cower with their action.
- Panicked units will move away from anyone and as far as possible as fast as possible, preferring High Cover. This is similar to the ADVENT Priest behavior if you played XCOM 2 while he was on Holy Warrior.
- Call For Reinforcements cooldown up to 6 turns from 3.
- Any unit that has just spawned is now forbidden to take an action other than moving.
- MECs require to have LOS to all targets before Micro Missiling.
- MECs no longer consider allies as valid targets for Micro Missiles.
- Breach scamper mechanics updated. I'm not a big fan of forcing enemies to do nothing with SkipMove, now they examine all valid non-firing options if they are Alert.
- RiotGuard updated. Should work better.
- Fallback mechanics updated to run further and away from units.
- Reloading is forbidden if you are Panicked, Berserk or Frenzied. Valid for both sides.
- Battle Madness will now do the following in order : Unit tries to melee, Unit tries to shoot a random ally or flamethrower an ally, Unit tries to shoot anyone or flamethrower anyone, try to grenade a random unit. Reloading has been removed from the tree.
- Fixed Progeny not being able to use Dark Event Flashbangs. Acolytes, Resonants and Sorcerers carry 1 grenade and know how to use it. I've decided to limit it to them, the game also allows Thralls and Brutes but I voted against it or it would be flashbang spam. If the Dark Event is not active, the units will never use it.
- Fixed Legionnaire AI that has 2 "MoveThenGrenade" instead of "MoveThenGrenade" and then "TryGrenade". Can't move twice and grenade!
- Units with the Demolition ability will not use it if they dont see any allies (What's the point right?)
- Commandos will use Call For Reinforcements IF AND ONLY IF
a) They are wounded in any way and
b) They see NO allies in their line of sight and
c) They are not flanked.
It should feel more like a punishment mechanism now and less like a chance penalty thing. Kill those commandos DEAD first and you should be fine.
- Praetorians are less obsessed with their "Duel" target, it's still important but they'll check more options instead of going into an AI frenzy of wanting to go get their target at all costs.
- Adder snakes will no longer CONSTANTLY open with a bite.
- Hitmen will no longer spam Disabling Shot.
- Cobras will no longer spit at any opportunity because it's available.
- Psi Reanimation moved to 1 Action, doesn't end the turn when used.
- Spectral Zombies moved to 1 Action, doesn't end the turn.
- Archon behavior more consistent with Frenzy. While Frenzied, more movement and more melee. While not frenzied, will sometimes Overwatch and Fire Staff more.
- Hopefully resolved issues where the Berserker moves randomly about, doing nothing.
- The Gatekeeper will melee more, and never on allies like in XC2.
- The Muton Brute has severely improved his intelligence in combat instead of constantly spamming Melee Stance and pounding his chest like he is the shiznit.
- Acolyte Mind Fire usage now scales with difficulty. Mindfire is unresistable, unblockable damage that ignores cover armor and shields and has no immunity offered to XCOM in game. Pretty powerful stuff. The higher the difficulty, the more Acolytes will use Mindfire with impunity.
- Tempo Surge usage varies with difficulty (25/50/75/90%) each round Ronins get.
- The AI will now correctly use Overwatch in many varied situations.
- Targets will consider "Very Good" to be 8 tiles instead of 5 leading to ridiculous decisions not to shoot flanked targets that are at reasonable distance.
- The Praetorian is allowed an exception to the "Do not double move ever during a round" behavior. It will move on the 2nd action towards its duel target IF AND ONLY IF it doesnt see too many enemies and it has at least 1 supporting ally. Otherwise it will just act like a regular unit.
- Turrets are now allowed to fire on anyone, not just Marked Targets. They do prefer Marked however. They will also prefer flanked targets closer.
- While playing around I discovered that most of the enemy units with shields have working abilities and animations... Why not use it? Units are now capable of Shield Bashing you if it is appropriate!
- Cobras won't use Rooting Poison if they are alone and they see multiple enemies unless they've failed at trying everything else.
- In the case where a Berserk character or enemy becomes Panicked on top, the character will refuse to Panic Move and stay in place.
- The Python should be much smarter. Tongue Pull and gunning point blank is now an option.
- Support for all Gray Phoenix units Grenade Dark Event added. I don't know if it's even in game, but if it is GP will start grenading your units with Plasmas if they have them. If not, no harm done.
- Sectoid Paladin was overhauled. No longer uses a pure Advent Priest AI. Carries a Medikit.
- Berserk AI behavior changed so that it always prefers firing on enemies that are closer than farther. It will prefer flanked units within 8 tiles first, then evaluate everyone else.
- Purifiers can use their Flamethrower as a melee weapon (Subdue)

You are now playing with a 99% unchained AI, good luck.

Also note, the AI doesn't cheat. It obeys all the internal rules you have (cooldowns, ammo, charges, etc.).

Not compatible with ABA Dragon AI obviously. Also doesn't work if you sub and load mid-tactical but can be safely added or removed at any other point.

Not compatible with Grobo's Tactical Overhaul Mod, it is included in it.

Radial overwatch radius is doubled (7 tiles up from 3.5).
Sectoid Paladin: Holy Warrior remove, added a charge of item "Kinetic Shield".

Aliens are incapable of Overwatching properly, use my "Extra Enemy Abilities" mod and all aliens will be patched. You are not OBLIGED to sub to it, but if you don't Overwatch on some units will not work and will be skipped from choices.
62 Komentar
Brain_is_Back 11 Des 2021 @ 1:17am 
THIS, IS KOREAN translation
이것은, 한국어 번역입니다.

업데이트를 하든 말든 이 코맨트는 그냥 냅두세요.

If someone needs a Korean translation, they will use my file.
만약 한국어 번역이 필요하다면, 누군가가 이 파일을 이용할겁니다.

ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 3 Jan 2021 @ 1:23pm 
- Chryssalids can (should) no longer attack civilians if just spawned or on the first combat turn.
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 2 Jan 2021 @ 9:26pm 
- Hopefully fixed an issue where an enemy unit such as the Berserker or Chryssalid didnt want to melee a target because when the test "TargetIsAlly" came up, the answer was technically Yes so it refused to attack. Now I test both for Is it an ally and "if its an ally, you can hit it if its mind controlled".
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 7 Nov 2020 @ 1:03pm 
- The Chryssalid has been converted to a 1/2 action point check system instead of a jumbled mess.
- Chryssalids are no longer allowed to attack cannisters of explodable materials (LOL)
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 7 Nov 2020 @ 12:40pm 
- Chryssalids will not attack civilians if they are wounded. This is just for regular civilians, not the VIPs or objectives.
- Neonates are not allowed to attack civilians at all. This is just for regular civilians, not the VIPs or objectives.
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 6 Nov 2020 @ 11:47pm 
- Purifiers are now allowed to use the Flamethrower to melee targets (Stock-Butt) ala Subdue. They will use it as a last resort and will check for anything else to do. This is a failsafe to ensure they are dangerous and never just double move around do nothing. It should also alleviate some issues with Disorient just locking them out of actions?
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 1 Nov 2020 @ 11:09pm 
- MEC AI was improved a bit.
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 24 Okt 2020 @ 12:26pm 
I just had a case where a Chryssalid next to an XCOM soldier who was thrown a Sticky Grenade meleed the unit instead of running away. There are no Melee instructions in the Sticky Grenade AI, so I made a condition on Meleeing that if you are Sticky Grenaded the ability is disabled. This should fix all issues with Sticky Grenade actions across the board, the unit will always either Move or do nothing (as intended).
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 20 Okt 2020 @ 10:19pm 
- Some units had gimped roots, they are coded on the Generic Scamper Root but they clearly needed their own specific branch. I have remedied this by making the Generic Root check for more available abilities that would be valid during Scampering. No shooting.
ADVENT Avenger  [pembuat] 18 Okt 2020 @ 1:41pm 
- Fixed Soul Siphon targeting issues found in the base game. The scoring always failed, this is fixed. Resonants will now Soul Siphon according to their own HP, subservience status and the target HP.