Devolverland Expo

Devolverland Expo

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Unannounced Games Collectibles
By A®Dog™
There's a few guides like this already, but I'm making this guide anyway to showcase all 12 locations of the 3 different collectibles in this Gaming Expo. Within the guide will be screenshots of the places as well, to give a visual to where exactly they are (although mostly easy to find, it's easy to skip a few).
This game has 3 different collectibles, with 4 of each hidden around the Expo. These items are:
Plastic Bag
Each one, when all 4 are collected, grant an achievement and a sneak peek at concept art for a hidden game.

This guide will walk through the total 12 locations in the order of my personal discovery, split into the 3 sections of the game where turning back is not an option.
Notice about the Other Achievements
The achievements listed below are provided to help you complete them all in one go; don't be like me, who made multiple runs for this guide.

For each achievement about watching a trailer: Although the game will let you willingly leave after a period, wait until the trailer is 100% over for the game to automatically back you out of the trailer. The achievements are each accomplished by watching them all the way through. Note that the Marketing Guru achievement does not share this restriction.

For the Lasers achievement: Do not get busted from the lasers. After crossing 3 of the 5 laser traps, you'll have a line of sight to the shut-off button down the hall. There is a drop, so aim above to make the t-shirt land correctly.

For the Fall Guys achievement: Shooting the walking Guys will knock them, but a faster method is running into them. You won't get the award until after leaving the booth, but you can climb back in in-case you miss one.

For the rest: These are more like "progress achievements." You'll get all of them from a successful run.
South Hall
After walking into South Hall, go into the NVIDIA area and look at the standalone TV. There will be a book on the stand for you to grab.

Next, run into the Carrion booth. On your right, there's a staircase that leads to a platform. The first PC on the table will have a teacup.

For your first bag, go to the Weird West but do not enter yet. There's a small banner ad for Carrion on your right; a bag should be at its feet.

After entering the Weird West, go to the bar in the far left corner. There's a teacup at the bar.

After solving the puzzle to the exit and going up the lift, there's a bunch of boxes. On those boxes is a book.

That's all for South Hall; next section covers the next couple collectibles you find.
(Before) North Hall
After crossing the laser beams, head into the room numbered 404. Inside is a TV playing the credits, as well as a teacup on a table.

Moving into the vents after solving the puzzle to shut the fan off, the route to the North Hall has 2 variations; second left and straight, or first left, right, and left again. I advise using the second. As you make your right turn, you may take a right to find a book in the vents. Alternatively, you can make a left on the first route followed by another left.

You will now enter North Hall, and move to the next section.
North Hall
As you drop in, the keen-eyed of you may have already found your next collectible. If not, look to Faraday's spear at the Olija enterance to find a bag hanging from it.

In the Blightbound booth, look at the PC table facing you on your left. The second PC should have a book on the corner.

Go into the Serious Sam 4 booth and walk onto the platform at the TV. Look for the podium with the Rocket Launcher on display; should be to the right of the TV. A bag should be on the floor between it and a PC table.

In the Fall Guys booth, head up the ramp to the right of the TV. In the small lounge area, a teacup sits on a small, orange coffee table.

In the Shadow Warrior 3 booth, past the TV and into the area before the zipline, look for the Bhudda Statue on your right side. Under his open right-hand palm is a bag.

That will be your last collectible; you are now free to take the glove and fight the boss in the VIP Lounge.