Tower of Time

Tower of Time

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List of enchantments by tower level
By hrothulf2
Every enchantments you can find in game, their effect and where to find them.
* means the enchantment is reward from Challenge fight.

Level 1
Regenerative Oils I - Leg (Regenerates 0.5% health/sec)
Regenerative Oils I - Chest (Regenerates 0.5% health/sec)
Mana Siphon - Ring (Restores 1.0 mana/weapon hit)
Rage Spirit - Amulet (Increases movement and attack speed by 15%)
Elemental Protection I - Shield (Increases elemental resistance by 8%)
Resistance Aura I - Feet (Increases elemental resistance by 6% in 20 meter radius)
Magi Gloves I - Hand (Reduces skill cooldown by 15%)
Spectral Sight I - Head (Multiplies magic and armor penetration by 120%)
*Armor Shatter II - Melee Weapon (Reduce enemy armor by 20% for 10s)
*Obsidian Edge II - Melee Weapon (40% damage dealt is applied as bleed (ignores armor) for 10s)

Level 2
Obsidian Edge I - Melee Weapon (25% damage dealt is applied as bleed (ignores armor) for 10s)
Epheremic Chains I - Ranged Weapon (30% slow for 10s and 4% daze for 3s)
Armor Shatter I - Melee Weapon (Reduce enemy armor by 12% for 10s)
Thorns I - Leg (Deals 25% of total armor as physical (ignores armor) per second in 4 meter radius)
Mana Steal I - Ranged Weapon (3% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
Obsidian Shield I - Shield (Increases armor by 5)
Mantle of Immunity I - Chest (Reduces all negative effect by 25%)
Retribution I - Shield (Reflects 30% of physical damage (before armor) back to attacker a true damage)
*Mana Steal II - Ranged Weapon (4% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
*Thorns II - Leg (Deals 35% of total armor as physical (ignores armor) per second in 4 meter radius)

Level 3
Elemental Protection I - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 8%)
Force I - Ranged Weapon (Increases weapon damage by 20%, weak knockback)
Mana Leech I - Melee Weapon (3% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
Elemental Shatter I - Ranged Weapon (Reduces enemy elemental resist by 12% for 10s)
Life Drain II - Ranged Weapon (12% damage dealt is recovered as health)
Life Drain II - Melee Weapon (12% damage dealt is recovered as health)
Obsidian Crust I - Leg (Increases armor by 10%)
Ethereal Absorption I - Leg (Regenerates 0.5% mana/sec)
*Life Drain III - Ranged Weapon (15% damage dealt is recovered as health)
*Life Drain III - Melee Weapon (15% damage dealt is recovered as health)
*Mantle of Immunity II - Chest (Reduces all negative effect by 50%)
*Obsidian Crust II - Leg (Increases armor by 15%)

Level 4
Ethereal Absorption I - Chest (Regenerates 0.5% mana/sec)
Elemental Aura I - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 6% in 14m radius)
Whirlwind I - Melee Weapon (Cleaves all enemies in 4m radius for 20% damage)
Sunpower I - Ranged Weapon (3 projectile, 20% main dam, +100% additional dam, -40% skill damage)
Winged Shoes - Feet (Increases movement speed by 25% in combat)
Magi Bastion I - Chest (Increases skill damage by 20%)
Obsidian Crust Aura I - Leg (Increases armor by 6 in 14m radius)
Elemental Protection II - Shield (Increases elemental resistance by 12%)
Dark Seed I - Melee Weapon (Increase crit hit damage to 250% (from 200%))
*Elemental Protection II - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 12%)
*Regenerative Oils II - Chest (Regenerates 1.0% health/sec)

Level 5
Magi Bastion I - Leg (Increases skill damage by 20%)
Epheremic Chains II - Ranged Weapon (50% slow for 10s and 8% daze for 3s)
Ethereal Absorption II - Leg (Regenerates 1.0% mana/sec)
Elemental Shatter II - Ranged Weapon (Reduces enemy elemental resist by 20% for 10s)
Regenerative Oils II - Leg (Regenerates 1.0% health/sec)
Obsidian Edge III - Melee Weapon (60% damage dealt is applied as bleed (ignores armor) for 10s)
True Sight - Head (Increses crit chance by 15%)
Retribution II - Shield (Reflects 60% of physical damage (before armor) back to attacker a true damage)
Titan Spirit - Amulet (Increases health and mana by 15%)
Lifeforce spirit - Amulet (Regenerates 1% mana and health per seconds)
*Mana Leech II - Melee Weapon (4% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
*Ethereal Absorption II - Chest (Regenerates 1.0% mana/sec)

Level 6
Whirlwind II - Melee Weapon (Cleaves all enemies in 4m radius for 40% damage)
Elemental Aura II - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 12% in 14m radius)
Armor Shatter III - Melee Weapon (Reduce enemy armor by 30% for 10s)
Wolf Spirit I - Ring (Increases health by 8%)
Regenerative Oils III - Chest (Regenerates 1.5% health/sec)
Wolf Spirit II - Ring (Increases health by 12%)
Mana Steal III - Ranged Weapon (5% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
*Obsidian Crust Aura III - Leg (Increases armor by 18 in 14m radius)

Level 7
Epheremic Chains III - Ranged Weapon (70% slow for 10s and 12% daze for 3s)
Elemental Shatter III - Ranged Weapon (Reduces enemy elemental resist by 30% for 10s)
Mantle of Immunity III - Chest (Reduces all negative effect by 75%)
Magi Bastion II - Chest (Increases skill damage by 30%)
Force II - Ranged Weapon (Increases weapon damage by 30%, medium knockback)
Obsidian Crust Aura II - Leg (Increases armor by 12 in 14m radius)
Mana Leech III - Melee Weapon (5% damage dealt is recovered as mana)
*Regenerative Oils III - Leg (Regenerates 1.5% health/sec)
*Obsidian Shield II - Shield (Increases armor by 8)

Level 8
Sunpower II - Ranged Weapon (3 projectile, 40% main dam, +100% additional dam, -30% skill damage)
Thorns III - Leg (Deals 50% of total armor as physical (ignores armor) per second in 4 meter radius)
Weaponmaster Gloves - Hand (Increases attack speed by 15%)
Ethereal Absorption III - Leg (Regenerates 1.5% mana/sec)
Magi Bastion II - Leg (Increases skill damage by 30%)
Dark Seed II - Melee Weapon (Increase crit hit damage to 300% (from 200%))
Elemental Protection III - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 15%)
Obsidian Crust III - Leg (Increases armor by 20%)
*Dark Seed III - Melee Weapon (Increase crit hit damage to 350% (from 200%))
*Sunpower III - Ranged Weapon (3 projectile, 60% main dam, +100% additional dam, -20% skill damage)

Level 9
Force III - Ranged Weapon (Increases weapon damage by 40%, strong knockback)
Ethereal Absorption III - Chest (Regenerates 1.5% mana/sec)
Retribution III - Shield (Reflects 100% of physical damage (before armor) back to attacker a true damage)
Elemental Spirit I - Ring (Increase mana by 8%)
Mana Siphon II - Ring (Restores 1.5 mana/weapon hit)
Elemental Aura III - Chest (Increases resistance to all elements by 18% in 14m radius)
Obsidian Shield III - Shield (Increases armor by 12)
*Mana Siphon III - Ring (Restores 2.0 mana/weapon hit)
*Elemental Spirit III - Ring (Increase mana by 15%)

Level 10
Elemental Spirit II - Ring (Increase mana by 12%)
Whirlwind III - Melee Weapon (Cleaves all enemies in 4m radius for 60% damage)
Magi Bastion III - Chest (Increases skill damage by 40%)
Magi Bastion III - Leg (Increases skill damage by 40%)
Elemental Protection III - Shield (Increases elemental resistance by 16%)
*Wolf Spirit III - Ring (Increases health by 15%)
Other loot
Level 1
Lesser scrolls: 3
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 2
Lesser scrolls: 3
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 3
T2 Item Blueprint
Lesser scrolls: 7
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 4
Lesser scrolls: 4
Greater scrolls: 2

Level 5
Lesser scrolls: 7
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 6
T3 Item Blueprint
Lesser scrolls: 4
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 7
Lesser scrolls: 3
Greater scrolls: 2

Level 8
T4 Item Blueprint
Lesser scrolls: 3
Greater scrolls: 1

Level 9
Lesser scrolls: 4
Greater scrolls: 2

Level 10
Lesser scrolls: 5
Greater scrolls: 3