Operator: Locks, Doors and Making Entry
作者: FCA3 Gambit と 1 のコラボレーション
This guide will go over game mechanics introduced in the Operator Conversion Mod. More guides like this will go up in the future to further explain different aspects that the mod brings to the table
Operator : The Introduction
Welcome Back to Operator 101

This part 2 of a string of guides in the works of informing the players about the Operator mod and the ingenuity it provides. Links to other guides will be in the INFO section at the end.

Here I will go over some game mechanics introduced into the game from the mod.

Today's lesson is about the lockable doors strewn through each Operator map and making an entrance. These doors have a lot more going for them than regular Insurgency doors.

Lesson 1: The Mechanics
Operator Doors are a Different Breed

As previously shown, you will notice two main features: the handle and the Lock.

  • This may seem trivial but the handle actually opens the door yeah i know, very informative.
    However this is actually important as the locking system takes up the space above the handle on the door. So if you want to open a door Point towards The Handle and Press your INTERACT Key.

  • First thing to note: Locking, unlocking and trying to open locked doors creates an audible *click* noise that people could hear.

  • To lock a door, Point towards the LOCK on the top of the door and press your INTERACT KEY

    You will notice the lock goes horizontal (sideways), this means it is LOCKED

  • Same thing when you want to UNLOCK the door.

  • Note: When attempting to open a Locked door from outside, you will hear an audible *click* noise to indicate the door is locked. If you are inside (AKA on the side where you can interact with the lock), simply unlock the door to be able to open it

  • Note.2: You cannot be aiming down your weapon when opening, locking or unlocking doors

Well, lets say you want to enter through a door, but you're on the outside and the door is locked. Its not the end of the world thankfully.

Lesson 2: Breaking and Entering
Welcome to how Operators open doors

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way...lets get into the fun stuff.
  • Breaking Locks
Locks are able to be broken which stop doors from being locked, so far only a couple of weapons can break door locks. These include:
  • All shotguns
  • The Mateba revolver
  • And the specifically made Lock pick gun

Shotguns break locks in one shot from close range and it doesn't matter which ammo type you use.

Here's one of my favourite pistols to grace the scene, the Mateba

  • The LockPick Gun is special however, instead of taking up your secondary weapon space it is classed as an equipment so it uses a grenade space; The trade off being it takes 2 shots to blow the lock.

Lesson 3: Countdown to the Boom
Explosive Ordinance

Is blowing out locks too "uncool" for you? Wish you could get it done and over with?


Introducing: Breaching Charges

These charges are quite unique compared to measly old C4.
These have been born and bred for the sole purpose of demolishing any Operator Door that stands in your way.

Breaching Charge Manual

  1. Equip the charge and Hold Right Click to place it on a door

  2. With the detonator equipped, Press Left Click to set the charge off.

  3. If 1 doesn't satisfy you, Press Change FIremode to place more charges

    • Note: When multiple charges are set, they will blow at the same time

  4. Press Interact Key for the safe retrieval of the charge

  5. You Don't Need to have the charges or detonator in hand to retrieve the charges

  6. Breaching charges do Very Little Player Damage and have very little explosive range so they have one sole purpose, murdering doors

Lesson 4: What do you mean by "Breach That Wall"
Yes! You can Breach Certain Walls

Providing a working mod is the main focus, details come after.

With that in mind, the certain walls you can breach are un-textured, although they are easily identifiable in their current state

Brief Overview (TL;DR)
Here's a quick overview of what was mentioned:

  1. Operator doors have locks, Point towards the locks to lock/unlock the doors

  2. If the lock is Horizontal its Locked, Vertical means it is Unlocked

  3. Point towards the Door Handle to open the door

  4. You cannot interact with the doors if you are Aiming in with your weapon sights

  5. Locks are Breakable with Shotguns, The Mateba and Lockpick Gun

  6. the Lockpick Gun and the Mateba take 2 shots to break a lock

  7. Shotguns take 1 shot to break a lock

  8. Charges can be placed on doors and specific walls: Hold Right Click to place.

  9. Press Change Firemode to place more charges

  10. Breaching charges deal Very Little Player Damage

  11. Certain walls can be breached, untextured now but will be in the future. Currently a bright White texture defines if the wall is able to be breached
Final Notes
Operator Need You!

The mod is still growing bigger and bigger and that's on you guys who play have to thank all of you for that. There Will Be More Guides made in the future going in depth on the different and various additions and changes Operator makes as a total conversion mod.

Here are a few useful links for anyone who wants to get hands on experience for the mod and or to
ask questions:

Any .Gif that was used may look low quality, unfortunately Steam only allows a file size of 2mb per image/.Gif

Valve pls vix.
Special Thanks
I just want to say Thanks to the Operator Development Team for allowing me to make these guides to help people feel more familiar with the mod. They are a great bunch and are welcoming of anyone willing to hop in and play.

There are regular playtests help on the servers which is easily accessible though the main menu every Saturday at 1pm Eastern Standard Time
7 件のコメント
Count Dooku 2021年10月31日 6時39分 
3libras 2020年5月16日 10時09分 
Great guide!
FCA3 Gambit  [作成者] 2020年5月13日 1時23分 
Appreciate the commendation John
Yasser Gaming |LMC| 2020年5月12日 23時29分 
really noice:kill::sledgehammer:
Yasser Gaming |LMC| 2020年5月12日 23時29分 
FCA3 Gambit  [作成者] 2020年5月12日 20時29分 
Thanks Zen. If only Valve didn't limit the file size then it would have been a lot better
ZenPhire 2020年5月12日 20時11分 
Great guide Apex! Those gifs help communicate the details a lot.