Might & Magic X - Legacy

Might & Magic X - Legacy

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Walkthrough? Kinda. Basics? Some. Showboating, absolutely.
Autorstwa: sirchaunce
This multifaceted guide points at almost all other helpful guides out there. Certainly worth having the tab up for reference, if you do that.
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Block 1
This is a walkthrough guide playthrough assist, many answers I had to look up now all in one place. One thing new, otherwise continue to refer to well fleshed out guides.

hey.. why would you feeblemind me?
I'm on my 6th or 8th playthrough and wrote this guide over two runs. I'm using dual blademasters (boring.. lame, how many crusaders opted for daggers? Zeeeero. 2H are more fun and fulfilling) prickling damage just isn't as satisfying as that 2h WHACK. already planning a final run with 2H barbarian or hunter, dual wield sword maybe mace stun bopping, and some healers/casters not free/rune again, though they are funnest). I once ran an all ranged crew, it was worth it but always ended up melee. Implosion is effective when other things are not, I want to max prime, but gonna scratch that itch maxing mysticism for deep spell point pool, focus+air, focus+fire for crit fun at the cost of stay-up staples. With the expansion pack, there is plenty game to maximize about all the skills you will want to max, so there are no decisive tradeoffs, go for it. Maybe hunter and barbarian both 2H, that's what I want to do but I'll do a windsword one more time. I'm having a tough time in the pao kai nest and these mace stuns are helping a lot. Yes that was all over the place, this guide has been sitting for 8 months..

I changed my mind, the best group is a barbarian, a hunter, rune priest and freemage, at least for first play through. An example of difficulty, amazed that my Shaman is carrying the group through trash mob after trash mob without buffing or sleeping (also due to everyone outfitted in clubs stunning like mad). I'm in The Cursed Ruins right now and I'm getting my ass kicked in here. Through when I put up every buff and sleep, it's EZ mode.

Party planning:
With this info you should be fine playing warrior mode instead of adventurer.

Optimal Party for Maximum Fun/great makeup for first run (IMHO):

Rune Lord that rune gets very fun late game (from ToTT on), fire magic burning determination required.

Freemage for identify/dark/prime I love dark vision it's like blue light night vision goggles. Purge is great for enemy that use heal over time like some cave bosses and goblin healers. You can sub in a Druid instead, Druid has prime for identify, both are more needed utility with some damage.

Melee DPS My favorites are Windsword, Barbarian and Hunter (spend only 1 point on bow) = barbarian with a harpoon. I'm now running a Windsword and he is surprisingly kicking my Barbarian's ass in damage. This time I rolled him with plenty mana to allow flawless assault without pulling punches. Blade dancer if you like assassins (they need crusader or freemage for damage boost spell).

I advise this group makeup for first run for fun and because it takes some experience running a group with limitations, that being non-optimal availability of sufficient celestial armor, resurrection, burning determination, identify, whispering shadows (I'm fine this run using scrolls to find loot until blessing of malassa) due to party makeup. Any makeup can get through the game fine, play what you want. If you adopt methodology I explain to get through the first area, you will succeed throughout. With Rune priest having master prime for identify, you could skip freemage for shaman, however Runemage will be running celestial armor alone so that will reduce their dps opportunity a smidge. You can run a ranged party and I have. You are just going to end up in melee for 2/3 the fight, and putting points in bow/xbow puts out increased damage to whittle them away on approach. If you are not running a ranged party put 1 point in bow/xbow only, and make sure the whole party isn't all bow or xbow because you will get 1 legendary of each. Ensure at the start of the game each character has a point in a ranged, and it's super useful to have a point in a weapon (possibly not your goal weapon if it's default), that way you will begin the game equipped with a ranged and melee wep. play a little bit, then you can open up skills by putting 1 point of your first few skill points into a skill to open it up. Later you can be miserly with them and maximize your goal skills. You don't have to grandmaster skills you possibly could, but will want to if they are a goal skill. You can get through the game with Earth/Light at Master, but GM will give you a few more turns of buffs allowing you to do damage/survive instead.

Character Synopsis; Here is what I remember:

Mercenary/Windsword: Running one now and this guy kicks ass! Might only (attributes)+flawless assault! no blocks till end of turn! Dash uses all your mana and is only worth it to get one square away from those exploding fire guys that will cause a reload.

Crusader/Paladin: I always rolled magic and she ended up good at melee anyway. GM light always welcome for celestial armor & resurrect.

Freemage/Archmage: helpful utility and some damage, keeps party up, items identified and only access to dark and I like dark vision & purge, sleep if you don't use damage spreading.

Blade Dancer/Blademaster: Maximum damage of any character, however just not as fulfilling as my faves. Carnage is expensive and effective.

Ranger/Warden: Viable and ranged wears them down more before they get to you, and he can point blank shot, gimmicky - for a later run.

Druid/Elder: heaps of mana, mostly healing and utility, not really any need for focus, access to water magic.

Defender/Shield Guard: Ran once, viable, no need for tank, he ended up a pretty good melee.

Scout/Pathfinder: Good for pulling, extending the brief ranged part of fights, a viable later run toon.

Rune priest/Lord: I am the Crit Commander! Fire rune, GM Light GM Fire GM Focus, just fun fun fun. Missing mine this run...

Barbarian/Warmonger: GM Mace/Spear, GM 2H, boring skill tree but they kick so much ass and rarely die! My next one will be a Barbarann.

Hunter/Marauder: Basically Barbarian with a "Get over here!" but without 2H or Mace. Hits like a Barbarian just not as hard. Harpoon is fun & useful!

Shaman/Blood Caller: can carry through a lot of trash mobs, no light, but enough fire for Burning Determination, then GM Water/Air/Earth. Better damage than freemage or druid, promotion gets mana back from damage which is why can carry.

Skill Synopsis:
Sword does additional strike / Axe does bleed / mace does stun / dagger does crit.

Bow does range, xbow does crit.

Dual Wield goes on dw guys and 2H goes on 1 wep guys.

Warfare: Shatter is always up, and Skull Crack is super useful on casters. Like others say, take it to expert and not master, or GM it. Flawless Assault for Windsword, or any party you want to soak up enemy blocks (hit & crit guaranteed so don't level destiny). Another multi-hit dual wielder can do this for your 1-hit guy.

These are boring but keep you alive, and get you through that pain-in-the-ass Pain Reflection:

Arcane Discipline: Stuppid! but helpful late game, will keep you alive when you would otherwise die. More magical defense than physical.

Endurance: Booooring. But hit points are a great soak for physical and magical damage. My toons just cracked 100hp an dmg, GM endurance barbarian is 389hp.

Dodge: physical damage reduction only, and adds to damage output a bit.

Shield: if you have the skill, use it. There are two legendary shields. But if you can dual wield use that.

Medium Armor: There are two legendaries, two toons should take to Expert to use them.

Heavy Armor: is great if you use a toon with GM. Also, the stupid pain in the ass pray at the shrines on the certain days "quest" gets you the legendary heavy armor, I got it once, and you can build it again as you level and it's very nice.

Meatier Stew -
Block 2
Magical Focus: Tasty Delicious Crit Juice! Really only good on a pure damage caster like Runedude or Shaman, less so on freemage but implosion can be effective.

Prime Primordial Magic: Identify! Implosion (if you get implosion, Focus is appropriate; Implosion hits other enemy on the same square)! Other stuff!

Mysticism: can never get enough, but at the cost of crit & damage stuff. A massive pool lends to sleeping, but a smaller pool lends to effective use of smaller pots. I GM'd last run, really not necessary.

Fire Magic: Crit! Damage! Burning Determination is a must! And like Pitbull sings, Faarbaall! Fireblast is ridiculous as the Rune, Fireburst less so because if you kite to a bottleneck like you should be doing, you get surrounded less (Also why the Blade Dancer promotion is less useful)... And most ambushes as soon as you can kill the squishy close ones, you can move to where the shooters must now approach you. Still worth GM to empower those staple spells opened at earlier tiers.

Air Magic: Crit! Misses substantially more! Heal Feebleminded! Gust of Wind very useful early. Chain Lightning misses and crits, Thunderstorm is great, powerful and less annoying than cyclone (def too much sun and wind, bah).

Light Magic: a Requirement. Celestial Armor a staple. U want Resurrection or U want re-load? Cleansing light required later, tough no need for anti curse gear you can cast it while afflicted.

Water Magic: Fun late game! Heals Paralysis (1 anti paralysis gear required on caster). Frozen ground helpful periodically. Bolt/Circe/Blizz reduce enemy attack to 1 hit is situationally very helpful. Liquid membrane is a powerful buff. Tsunami gimmicky but strong can do you right and do you wrong (chess fight).

Earth: Required. Regeneration is the only heal I use, other than druid specific Nurture which is still earth magic. Cure poison required. Stone skin one of a few defensive buffs (celestial armor/liquid membrane/wards) that will take place of all that boring endurance/dodge/arcane discipline. Poison Cloud (Thunderstorm also) super useful to get casters/ranged to approach instead of distance attack. Strength of earth un-wet noodle your melee. Acid Splash stupendous at making bosses hittable. Crushing Weight is terrible everywhere except required to kill the Alien Technology in the Limbo dungeon, and it is advisable regardless to GM earth for extended/strengthening all spells opened at earlier tiers.

Dark Magic: Love dark vision in appropriate (dark and indoors) dungeons. Whispering Shadows, super helpful finding secret doors, but scrolls can suffice. I just clear dungeons then try to get as many doors per scroll and then go loot them after. Purge is incredibly useful at debuffing certain bosses to defeat with a weaker group, or just level up a bit and come back. Sleep is super useful at getting through tougher fights with a weaker group, can't use "breath" gear or area attacks. Agony for blade masters.

What you want to do is crit for damage (Fire Magic, Air Magic, Magic Focus). What you have to do is stay in the game (celestial armor, burning determination, stone skin, liquid membrane, arcane ward, other wards). So planning skills takes some effort. I always select damage (magic, weapon skill) and then other ones that (dual wield, 2H, dodge) eventually aid attacks. Refer to my first link below (Xent's guide) to determine where/how soon you can get that next tier upgraded. I always end up getting to Crag before Karthal, and always Karthal through the back door. And then a lot of times, you can get the tier upgraded, but can find the spell to buy, because it's only sold in one town. Remember to upgrade your hotkeys for spells when you buy them! Use your new stuff. As far as gear, whatever drops is good enough to carry you, I stack up on weapon/magic bonuses with a feebleminded piece on the freemage (you can un-curse yourself, and burning determination paralysis/build water magic), and always look for relentless weapons, and (later) relentless weapons always beat legendaries.

It is a good idea though not always possible to have 2 master light magic for 2x resurrection unless you want to reload a lot more. I can't remember how many times I'm 3 turns into a great fight and someone's paralyzed because I didn't put up burning determination or level water magic cure (No XP for unconscious people!). It is best for two with Celestial Armor because this will always be up. GM lasts longer (as well +light gear) and gives you more window to unleash chain lightning!

In the very early game, it is wise to pass on all spells until you need them, and then later once you have them, when you earn small caches, buy spells you can buff before sleeping that last longer like wards, so you utilize that mana instead of losing out. You need Burning Determination inside Portmeyron.

I otherwise like to build glass cannon groups where I put nothing into health or armor or HP, and everything goes into might/magic with some in destiny and one gets perception. health pots and spells do more when health is smaller. Eventually, gear gets you where one-shotting is resurrectable.

To defeat: the bosses at den of thieves & lighthouse (Mamushi; fight him last) you will want to clear the available map (you can't access portmeyron until the bosses are dead ,and you can't access Seahaven until the first Elemental Forge boss is dead. He's earth so earth ward and stone skin are good) up to those bosses (get the one legendary/relic boot) before attempting bosses (lighthouse/den of thieves). Grab Rosalie and sweep the spider lair/den of thieves/lighthouse for secret doors/loot. Additionally, fix broken weapons, prepare mana pots, spend all attribute points, raise target skills, get all buffs from next to Portreymon and the 3 on the way to both boss locations, and rest the square before the fight starts after spending remaining mana on pre-fight sleep buffs; Hire Kengi! The lighthouse fight takes 10-15 attempts and one fight will get lucky, you cannot allow him to push you off the edge, I know it sucks having to advance instead of buff. I tend to rely on Regeneration, so use up those early health pots! Save and buy particular spells, i.e. max out light skill for celestial armor, stone skin (he is immune to poison spray I tested it). If you just cannot beat certain fights, general leveling up should bring enough toughness to get through it later on. You don't have to go off target and dump a bunch in vitality and endurance, but it doesn't hurt to do so.

You will not be able to handle the Cyclops or Shadow Dragon until you are well past Seahaven. For the Cyclops, all buffs + burning determination at all times + Skull Crack is required every round, otherwise he does sweeping attack. For shadow dragon dark ward helps. I may have ended every round with sleep. It can come down to enough level and enough toughness. The 3rd accessible, the manticore, he buffs a heal over time regeneration, you need dark magic purge until you've leveled enough to overpower without purge.

Tabs: I have these tabs up at all times on other laptop when playing (Thank you all authors):

NeoSeeker and Gamepressure have Excellent walkthrough guides, I refer constantly, just goggle your query.

Oldgames has a few select quality maps

Character Creation: https://www.neoseeker.com/might-and-magic-x-legacy/faqs/1757080-might- and-magic-x-class.html -Hyperlink broken, copy paste..
Block 3
This one tells you what the class promotions are.
Critical game info: Secret Doors: Relics: Spells: Crypts: Shadow Woods myst. crypt (since the google doc is coming up as potentially dangerous):

Obelisk travel: World Map:
NOT Always up but temporarily helpful:
Fortress of Crows L2 puzzle You have to follow the recipe, clicking a few on then resetting the center before the rest.
Fort Laegaire: Review the color coded map, you have to knock on the wall to move the guards to sneak. Later, upstairs, lay poison cloud and kite in circles around the inside/courtyard to kill off enemy, or always have burning determination up and fight through.
Hirelings (cost/effect)
Clear the world map (play the whole game) and do all the extra things for XP: Remember to spend attribute points and skill points: Temple Ylath (windsword promotion), Pao Kai Nest (Barbarian promotion), Cursed Ruins (later on; Crusader dungeon near beginning), Temple of Meow (turn up the volume & read a walkthrough, there are quirky pressure plates you need to get right to proceed; oldgames map; Kilrah drops weps farm him), At the end of the Temple of a Thousand Terrors, go sell your loot/empty bag space, come back and trade in the dream shard to complete Dunstan's Dream and the quest Memory Lane (that dragon Malbeth is a hard fight have open bag space and farm her for good loot), Limbo Dungeon (From here on out, especially in Limbo, farm battles for really good loot; before you can enter you must talk to the witch at the inn just North of Karthal after finishing the original game), Fortress of Crows (almost last), then expansion. Some of these you must have one of the race to enter, and must have that class to complete the main event, except the "mysterious cave" for the Defender promotion in the Vantyr mountain, if you don't have one you can't enter and it doesn't tell you that. There is a barbarian fight I always skip until later, it is almost on the way to crag, there are rocks when you walk in-between them you get ambushed. Also Warfare GM, Arcane Discipline GM, Bow GM, crossbow GM, meteor sword quest, clear all the boats/wrecks nearby sea creatures, it should be often that you have to pass a fight or a few up, write them down or add a map sticky and clear later.

Tips & Tricks (I read elsewhere just putting many here):
*You're a trick.

*Pay attention to and save any Vitality boosting gear until you get the sewer key from the Karthal Slums Inn (need 20 Vitality on one toon). Switch the legendary with vitality to that toon for that event. And keep a selection of feebleminded pieces, so your curer can stay protected while upgrading and moving around gears.

*Enemy cannot shoot/cast through Poison Cloud, if you didn't roll Hunter, this is how to bring them to you.

*If you hire Nahla the merchant, you can buy one time stat pots + (hire her periodically for) quantity-25 100-mana mana pots from her. The only other place you can buy is Seahaven and 10 a day.

*I keyboard remapped (in the menu) R to T, how many foods did I lose food to missed key taps.

*For hirelings, I always got the Edwin the scholar in seahaven that gives bonus XP no cost. Or Hajji in Karthal that takes 10%, I read they do not stack. The fight to get the dog (secret doors) was always too hard until I got it free from the elemental forge. Kengi is good. Vilma sounds super good (additional blocks), but I never could tell the difference.

*Spirit Beacon! I never used it.. I always walked and never took boats/over land because I never had enough money until I had too much money.

*WTF is a Palimpsest?

*Beat the water crystal goddess, immediately (empty bags) walk outside and go to Tower of Enigma (L2 code 0451). Find all secret doors and load up on that pay dirt! If you don't choose dark magic, Whispering Shadows scrolls are cheapest (200) in Sorpigal, though other ones go more turns.

*Desolate Wilds Mysterious Crypt - Ancestor Mask (up/down/left/right facing north): urruu rulul uuldl luluu rrr. back out on the highlighted squares.

*Me like smash, me like bash. However for lore I now get the love story behind Lord Haart & Lirdan and their son Myrim who I play in heroes of m&m. I'm playing Kengi on homm7 now.

*After opening Crag + completed water shard/before starting skull rock, go get the Arcane Discipline GM quest, just south of Crag on the coast. Stay close one day talk to her again. Then keep tabs on the quest completion menu when a week is up, and forget about the month until you hear that ding.

*Skull rock L2 password: swordfish. They all have liquid membrane so dark/purge is great. I don't have it now. stupid freemage.

*You can level up some relics you are not going to use to sell them, L4 sells around $5K.

*ON Entering Karthal.. for the Partners in Crime quest from Ajit in Karthal Slums, you probably already cleared the Sun Hind wreck and already have the black fang chest but no one interacts about it, you have to get the quest, go back to the wreck, the stranded man will appear, and you can now proceed. Oh, and then go back into Skull Rock to "find" it. again.

*If your character portrait disappears, just grab it and drag it then put it back in place.

*The confusing ass fire crystal room puzzle. SAVE your extra periodic save. Enter the room, you are orientated facing west. Don't touch anything! Clear both mobs without 'sploding. Facing the same direction west, click on the step actuators from right to left as you sweep across the room. Then from the deep left where you finished, walk across the newly formed bridge nearby deep left, and hit the last one. Then circle back to the far right side of the room and to the boss. I passed the fight and saved my periodic manual save and continued on with my quick load/save for better loot. There are some glitches where the game just stops paying attention to turns. second time got a +5 warfare ring, and I have a windsword.

*I never buy rings, necks, any armor especially boots, only weapons and possibly high +ability stuff, 5+. Save all that money and outfit with what drops, you'll be fine. I do like to save just before 8am outside the black fang hideout and spam quick loads for good loots.

*If you play a Windsword, and at the Temple if Ylath, if you choose: "Klatu Barada Nikto!", your Windsword dies. What I remember last Windsword playthrough was expensive promotion ability hits, so I'll have to develop mana and have been giving him all total mana pots.

*Hmm, I promoted my windsword, he got the dash. I tried a non-unstoppable assault melee strike on a full health enemy and it was blocked...... was an earth healer barbarian guy.

*The run I ran a Defender I did the altar praying quest with heavy armor reward. Oof, what a pain in the ass. Almost worth it if you have a heavy armor guy, and you can build the armor again as you level.

*Cursed Ruins is confusing, it requires location of secret doors, and collection of notes, you may think you already have them.
Block 4
*The Butcher fight, just before rescuing Falagar, when opening the door you can get 3 volleys of arrows loose before the fight "starts".

*Shard of Darkness Trans/teleporters, Correction to the gamepressure walkthrough: first one and then, the one to the West. Then the one to the South of the map[southernmost reachable], to the first from the top[southernmost reachable], the one to the East, the one to the East, and again East.

*I... am a hoarder. I hire the pack horse just to do the Tomb of a Thousand Terrors. They also call it the Tomb of a Thousand trinkets. Also Dunstan's Dream/Memory Lane.

*ToTT Passwords: Michael, [Dunstan's Dream/Memory Lane quest] 1000.

*Loosing arrows slowly appears to increase accuracy. When I'm hurried spamming buttons, I miss a lot.

*Dunstan's Dream/Memory Lane Quest- the big fight on the platform inside of the long west walk (per the map), I backed out on the transprter I transported in on and think I got to a platform I never accessed before, had a second chest with minor loot. Trying to get to a Northeast platform I can see on the map but never made it to. Backing out of this new chest platform goes straight to boss. BOSS fight start:: strafe right to edge, move forward, strafe right, fight from there. Use Burning Determination, Don't cure poison, just barely stay alive for XP, and farm her for loot.

*For a challenge (maybe) don't pick up Edwin upon entering Seahaven.

*One of my favorite parts of the game is the expansion pack (Fort Legaire) where they take all your gear away (you fight to get it back) and you have to struggle with junk gear and your skills. Feebleminded will be an issue.

*For the record, forests are not lame, and jungles are not better. Orcs are high.

*The Vigil if you step foot on the raised floor before the Legendary without removing your character boots, they die. Humble thyself, peon!

*The Vigil level 3 after Marcus Wolf has a trader for resupply and dump bags. Go straight up the middle level 2 for 3 fights, then descend and make your way SW of the map. Then come back and clear.

*The final fight before Markus Wolf my resurrecter has wiped 4 times. 5th time's a . squishy mofo.

*I just 1-shot (1 turn) Erebos fighting. Druid Acid splash, Windsword Flawless Assault, Barbarian Unstoppable Assault, Shaman Tsunami. Took many tries and different skills to get it.

*When finishing the original game try and line up skills taking into account you will be dumped at Karthal Harbor, and once you leave and return you will be jailed and the separated from your gear. Spend attribute points, level up skills, you will need them to get by in the expansion pack.

*Limbo Dungeon - use the Oldgames.sk map to decipher all the riddles. Go to the Inn near Karthal and speak with the witch to get the key (and 20 foods). Farm for good loot here. Is Alien Technology worth it? No. You get 46 XP (one guy was dead and missed out). Also 4 elixirs of potency and 4 elixirs of resistance. Apparently time stops outside when you're in there.

*Fortress of Crows password Betrayal. Go to Level 2 to open the locked part of L1. The L2 pressure plate puzzle... Don't try to wrap your head around it.. Just follow the linked guide and fumble till you rumble..

*Last change to get Edwin to the observatory in the Redeeming Horizons quest. I entered Kathal he left as I got arrested. On your return you can find him at his place but he won't join you.

*Fort Laegaire, refer to URL above for map and instructions. Grab the 3 cell keys off the tables, orient to the side they are located at.

*Whoah! This is the first time I haven't killed Marcus Wolf and lo and behold...

*Upstairs outside Fort Laegaire. Well, I used to kite with poison cloud to whittle, but I goofed timing and ended up roflstomping anyway. What did the gauntlet say to the Inquisitors mitre helm? Smite!

*Boss Caindale - burning determination & massive overheals constantly or night night wipies. My Barb died for xp but he was racking up way too much anyway. Still, Windsword making bigger hits when I press the expensive button. Gotta hand them kills to the squishies "Thoust didst a great job sir robbin".

*In fact, humans do love their little rooms and little corridors, Bufunga. [She's just too judgy and Sarcastic].

*Well crap I leveled once and have no skill tiers to fill out before Whitecliff. From here on out, spend those skills, if you can hit tiers, great. If not spend them anyway, because there is no returning to trainers. This play through I maxxed crit/damage and didn't even put one point into skills to activate legendary bonuses, so I'll get those before heading to Whitecastle.

And Now! For the only original thing in my post! The 8th time I've figured it out! The key to the final Mysterious Crypt!

*Chess Battle is super fun, not sure if you need help with that but get in a corner, keep burning determination up, try to block fancy lads from being up at bat but one at a time until you can manage them, and get through the difficult parts when they are buffed.

*Gryfindor is crazy Air Magic damage, hope you can mitigate that. Get and keep all buffs up, he's immune to any stuns.

*I remember I found a sweet late game relentless spear for my barb last time, he was hitting like 700 damage not critting. That was more fun than Vayaleth the legendary mace. He just did 500 but Windsword did 700+.

*Sir Gallant! What a name. When he buffs, he slays, luckily not my resurrector. Eef! I skipped the left and right wings just to finish this run and post this.

*Adira. Hah! Adira. Hmm. Final endgame boss. Two attacks and she kicks mad ass. Is your ass buffed? Light warded? membraned, stoneskinned, all-warded even arcane? Acid Splash, Thunderstorm, Shatter, Flawless Assault, Lucky 2 melee hits and I lived. Celestial Armor, hmmm what do we have here Fire Shield (should have had that up), Unstoppable Assault 500, Flawless Assault 1000+, Ice Bolt (1 hit only now??), Cyclone, UA 428, FA 528, Sun Ray wipes ressurector, second hit does more. Try again... Oh wait, I have Resurrect scrolls! Res, CA, UA 585, FA 1032. 2 Melee attacks both negligible and she teleports away. We're in it for now. Nurture, Regen, def, def, She teleports back and Sun Ray eaten up by CA. CA, Thunderstorm, UA 566, FA and she's 50% down and the queen intervenes.

Now please, someone point me to the other old school RPGs (that aren't Isometric :p). Or are but are really good and on that note I couldn't get into Divinity Original Sin 2 (or 1) I don't know it just didn't have that "old school RPG" feel even though all the elements were present.

*Note to self DO NOT START A NEW GAME, go play one of the other games we downloaded.

Super lurky, first guide, hope you like.