a r c a d e i s l i f e
"The machines are furniture with some controls like a lever and buttons, or a pistol, or a steering wheel with brake and accelerator, or a dance platform, or a paddle, or a trackball; depending on the game. In order to play a game, you must enter some legal tender coins with the necessary amount or chips from the premises,
there are others that work with a magnetic card or with an external or internal prepaid chip from which the corresponding price is discounted. These machines are widely used for fun and play. Other characteristics are that these machines work in their great majority with a plate or board which contains a single game.
Shortly thereafter, cartridge systems such as the Neo-Geo emerged, allowing the game to be changed without having to invest in another board. Another aspect of the game on these machines is that you cannot stop the action, which does happen on consoles, since the start button on arcade machines is only used to start the game,
on the other hand, on consoles, the game can be paused several times.

The common characteristic is the short duration of the games called "credits" (credit in English) which in the slang of this world means the possible continuations of continuing to play for time or to lose all lives,
the short duration ensures that the player introduces their coins or cards. Complexity to hook any person is also avoided. The first video games came out on arcade and computers rather than consoles, so they are an essential part of video game history. Also, when losing the game,
or when you turn on the machine or at the end of the game completely, the phrase "insert coin" appears in the center of the screen. In arcade games created by Konami, in addition to chips, the PASELI wallet appears to indicate to the players how much they have left and what the cost is to play it via PASELI.
In the 1980s and 1990s, arcades were considered the "litmus test" to showcase all the graphic potential of video games or innovations, which were limited by console and computer controls or simply to show a more real and immersive feel than what you could live using a pad or keyboard,
especially the hydraulic cabins of some aerial simulators, two or more displays, and any other accessory difficult to implement in the domestic sector.

A sought after feature among the creators and users of these machines is having a high "replayability" value. So,
Even when the player has successfully completed the game, there is a desire to start again immediately or at a later time. With this objective, most of the arcade machines have scoring systems (tables with the best 5, 10 or 20 best scores / times / percentages) that measure the player's achievements,
there is the option to play to end the game and / or to compete against other players."