Tetrobot and Co.

Tetrobot and Co.

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Tetrobot and Co. Level Editor - Blocks (in detail)
By Captain Will and 1 collaborators
All you need to know about the Blocks you can use in the Level Editor of Tetrobot and Co., their properties and the parameters you can tweak.
How to tweak the parameters of each block

1 - Toggle ON the "Set Block Parameters" tool by clicking on its icon, then click a block in the level. You can only tweak the parameters of a block you already placed in the level. You can't tweak the parameters of a block directly from the inventory bar.

2 - A window will open, displaying the parameters you can tweak for this particular block.

3 - To save changes you made, click OK.
To cancel changes, click CANCEL.
If you want to reset the block's parameters, click DEFAULT.

4 - Toggle OFF the "Set parameters" tool by clicking on its icon if you want to continue placing blocks in your level.
01 - Player Spawn

This block sets the start position of Psychobot in the level.
- You can only place one block of this type in a level.
- This block is mandatory to publish your level.

Available parameters:
- Inventory Size: the number of blocks Psychobot can carry in its inventory (from 0 to 10).
- Facing Right: if this box is unckecked, Psychobot will start the level facing left.
02 - Exit

This block sets the position of an end portal in your level.
- You can place multiple end portals in a level.
- This block is mandatory to publish your level (at least 1 end portal).
- You can place an end portal behind other blocks.

Available parameters:
03 - Void (Mecha environment)

Use this block to create solid and indestructible walls.
- Its color changes depending on the environment you choose for this level.
- To create beautiful levels, you should avoid using this block in Water / Slime environments.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
04 - Void Water (Water environment)

Use this block to create walls that can be penetrated by lasers and objects thrown by cannons (like blocks or Psychobot).
- You can use the Water block in every environment.

Available parameters:
05 - Void Slime (Slime environment)

Use this block to create sticky walls that can be penetrated by objects thrown by cannons (like blocks or Psychobot).
- You can use the Slime block in every environment.
- Objects thrown by cannons do not stick to walls.

Available parameters:
06 - Wood

- Wood blocks stick to Wood blocks.
- Wood blocks can be set in fire by lasers, fire slimes and fiery slime blocks.
- Wood blocks propagate fire and can be destroyed with fire.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
07 - Sand

- Sand blocks stick to Sand blocks.
- Sand blocks can turned into Glass by lasers, fire slimes and fiery slime blocks.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
08 - Glass

- Glass blocks stick to Glass blocks and glass edges of Mirrors.
- Glass blocks can be created from Sand blocks.
- Glass blocks do not block Lasers.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
09 - Stone

- Stone blocks stick to Stone blocks.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
10 - Iron

- Iron blocks stick to Iron blocks and iron edges of Mirrors.
- Iron blocks can be electrified by Electric beams, electrified slimes and slime blocks.
- Iron blocks propagate electricity.
- Iron blocks can be attracted by Magnets.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
11 - Obsidian

- Obsidian blocks stick to Obsidian blocks.
- Psychobot can't take or carry Obsidian blocks.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
12 - Ice

- Ice blocks stick to Ice blocks.
- Ice blocks can be turned into Clouds by lasers, fire slimes and fiery slime blocks.
- Ice blocks do not stick to sticky walls or sticky surfaces.
- Ice blocks can't receive sticky surfaces.

Available parameters:
13 - Cloud

- Cloud blocks stick to Cloud blocks.
- Cloud blocks can be created from Ice blocks.
- Cloud blocks do not stick to sticky walls or sticky surfaces.
- Cloud blocks can't receive sticky surfaces.

Available parameters:
14 - Slime Block
- Slime blocks stick to everything (except Ice and Cloud blocks).
- Slime blocks can be turned into fire or electrified.
- Slime blocks propagate fire and electricity.
- Slime blocks can be created from Slimes.
- Slime blocks can be thrown by cannons to create sticky surfaces on blocks.

Available parameters:
- Slime Element: Change the nature of the block when the level starts (Neutral, Fire, Electric)
15 - TNT

- TNT blocks stick to TNT blocks.
- TNT blocks can be activated by lasers, fire slimes and fiery slime blocks.
- When TNT blocks explode, they destroy all pipes and blocks of matter (except Peter blocks), 8 spaces around.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
16 - Pipe Entrance

- Pipe entrance can be rotated directly when placed in a level.
- Pipe entrance blocks connect to other Pipe blocks.

Available parameters:
- End Direction: Allow you to rotate the block (North, South, East, West)
17 - Pipe

- Pipe blocks connect to other Pipe blocks.
- You can easily create paths of pipes using this block.
- Pipe blocks can be placed in the screen borders area to connect rooms.

Available parameters:
- Orientation: Allow you to rotate the block (Horizontal, Vertical, NE, NW, SE, SW)
18 - Proximity Switch (Switches)

- Switches can activate devices (doors, lasers, electric beams,...) in the whole level if they have the same Switch ID.
- This object is a Proximity Switch by default, but you can turn it into a Lever switch by entering the block's parameters.

Available parameters:
- Activable: Determine the active sides of the switch (North, South, East, West)
If multiple boxes are checked, all sides must be activated together to activate the switch.
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Toggle Activation: If checked, change the Proximity Switch into a Lever Switch.
- Activator: Change the object that will activate the Proximity Switch.
Not available when Toggle Activation is checked.
- Inverse Activation Direction: Allows you to flip the start position of the levers.
Only available when Toggle Activation is checked.
- Allow Link Feedback: If this box is unchecked, the activation feedback between switches and devices will not be displayed.
- One Shot: If this box is checked, an activated Proximity switch will remain activated forever, even if you remove the activator(s).
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
19 - Electric Antenna (Electric beam)

- Electric Beam can be activated by Switches or Tick Channel.
- Electric Beam can electrified Iron blocks, Slimes and Slime blocks.
- Psychobot can't pass through Electric beams.
- Objects thrown by a cannon can pass through Electric beams safely.

Available parameters:
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Tick Channel: more info available in the Tick Channel section
- Switch Count: The number of Switches you need to activate to activate this device.
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
20 - Laser Base (Laser beam)
- Laser Beam can be activated by Switches or Tick Channel.
- Laser Beam can burn Wood blocks, TNT, Slimes and Slime Blocks.
- Laser Beam can transform Sand into Glass, Ice into Clouds.
- Psychobot can't pass through Laser beams.
- Objects thrown by a cannon can pass through Laser beams safely.

Available parameters:
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Tick Channel: more info available in the Tick Channel section
- Switch Count: The number of Switches you need to activate to activate this device.
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
21 - Fan (Wind)

- Fan can be activated by Switches or Tick Channel.
- Fan creates Wind.
- Wind can move Clouds blocks when activated.
- Wind can extinguish fire slimes and fiery slime blocks.

Available parameters:
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Tick Channel: more info available in the Tick Channel section
- Switch Count: The number of Switches you need to activate to activate this device.
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
22 - Door Base (Doors)

- Door Base can be activated by Switches or Tick Channel.
- Door Base create door blocks.
- Psychobot can block appearing door blocks.
- If a door block disappear, its stick surfaces will be removed.

Available parameters:
- Trigger Shock: Remove the Switch ID and reacts to Psychobot being shocked.
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Tick Channel: more info available in the Tick Channel section
- Switch Count: The number of Switches you need to activate to activate this device.
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Start Closed: If checked, default state of the Door base is "activated" instead of "deactivated".
- O Speed (open speed): Time between door blocks appearance (in seconds).
- C Speed (close speed): Time between door blocks disappearance (in seconds).
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
23 - Manual Switch

- Manual Switches can activate devices (doors, lasers, electric beams,...) in the whole level if they have the same Switch ID.
- Manual Switch is directly activated by the Player, not by Psychobot.

Available parameters:
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Toggle Activation: Does nothing.
- Allow Link Feedback: If this box is unchecked, the activation feedback between switches and devices will not be displayed.
- One Shot: Does nothing.
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
24 - Generic Receiver

Generic Receiver works like a Switch.
- Generic Receiver can activate devices (doors, lasers, electric beams,...) in the whole level if they have the same Switch ID.
- Generic Receiver can be activated by lasers, electric beams and wind.

Available parameters:
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Toggle Activation: Does nothing.
- Allow Link Feedback: If this box is unchecked, the activation feedback between receivers and devices will not be displayed.
- One Shot: Does nothing.
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
25 - Block Portal
Block Portals allow to teleport blocks of matter.
- You need to pose exactly 2 Block Portals with the same ID to make them work.
- Block Portals can be placed behind other objects.
- If a Block Portal has an object in front of it, you can't use it and its associated portal is also unusable.

Available parameters:
- Portal ID: Change the Portal ID
26 - Cannon

- Cannon grabs the same blocks that Psychobot can grab.
- Objects thrown by a cannon can pass through Water walls and Slime walls.
- Objects thrown by a cannon can pass through Laser beams, Electric arcs and Cleaner beam safely.

Available parameters:
- Start Direction: Change the orientation of the cannon (North, South, East, West)
- Cannon Type: Switch between "Manual Four Dir" (rotating cannon) and "Manual One Dir" (static cannon).
27 - Manual Break (Peter)

- Peter blocks stick to Peter blocks.
- Psychobot can't take or carry Peter blocks.
- Peter blocks can be directly destroyed by the Player, not by Psychobot.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
28 - Paint (Peter custom)

Paint blocks are simply custom Peter blocks.
- Paint blocks stick to all Peter blocks.
- Psychobot can't take or carry Paint blocks.
- Paint blocks can be directly destroyed by the Player, not by Psychobot.

Available parameters:
- R: Change the quantity of Red.
- G: Change the quantity of Green.
- B: Change the quantity of Blue.
- A: Change the opacity.
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
29 - Psychobot Portal
Psychobot Portals allow to teleport Psychobot.
- You need to pose exactly 2 Psy Portals with the same ID to make them work.
- Psy Portals can be placed behind other objects.
- If a Psy Portal has an object in front of it, you can't use it and its associated portal is also unusable.

Available parameters:
- Portal ID: Change the Portal ID
30 - Debug Ground

Debug Ground works like Void (Mecha environment).
- It is indestructible and can't be collected by Psychobot.
- This block is not used in the main game.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
31 - Laser Mirror

Laser mirrors allow to redirect Laser beams.
- Laser mirrors stick to Laser mirrors, Glass and Iron blocks.
- The Laser beams are not redirected if the Laser Mirror is moving / falling.

Available parameters:
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (Left Top, Left Bottom, Right Top, Right Bottom)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
32 - Fence

- Psychobot can't take or carry Fence blocks.
- Psychobot can collect blocks even if a Fence is on its way.
- Laser beams, Electric arcs and Wind pass through Fence blocks.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
33 - Slime

- Slimes can be turned into fire or electrified.
- Slimes blocks propagate fire and electricity.
- Slimes can be turned into Slime blocks with Slime Recyclers.
- Slimes can generate sticky surfaces if blocks are thrown to them.

Available parameters:
- Slime Element: Change the nature of the slime when the level starts (Neutral, Fire, Electric)
- Start Left: If checked, the slime will move to the left when the level starts.
34 - Inventory Cleaner
Use this block wisely to create gates and segment your puzzles.
- Inventory Cleaner can be activated by Switches or Tick Channel.
- Inventory Cleaner creates a beam that destroy all blocks of matter.
- If Psychobot hits the Cleaner beam, the blocks in its inventory will be destroy.
- Objects thrown by a cannon can pass through the Cleaner beam safely.

Available parameters:
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Hide Switch ID: Allow you to hide the Switch ID info to create mystery or confusion
- Tick Channel: more info available in the Tick Channel section
- Switch Count: The number of Switches you need to activate to activate this device.
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
35 - Slime Recycler

Slime Reycler are used to transform Slimes into Slime blocks into Slimes...
- Objects that are transformed keep their Element state (Neutral, Fire, Electric).
- Objects grabbed by an entry / exit point have to exit by the other entry / exit point.
- Objects grabbed by the Recycler will stay inside if the exit is blocked.

Available parameters:
- Transform Dir 1: Set the 1st entry / exit point (North, South, East, West)
- Transform Dir 2: Set the 2nd entry / exit point (North, South, East, West)
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
36 - Ghost Switch

Ghost Switches are simply forms activated when filled with blocks.
- Ghost Switches can activate devices (doors, lasers, electric beams,...) in the whole level if they have the same Switch ID.

Available parameters:
- Invisible Visual: Allows you to completely hide the Ghost switches.
- Switch ID: Change the Switch ID (8 possibilities)
- Allow Link Feedback: If this box is unchecked, the activation feedback between switches and devices will not be displayed.
37 - Block Collector

Block Collectors are like "doors" asking for blocks to be "opened".
- Block Collectors can also transform into End Portal when destroyed.

Available parameters:
- Waited Material: The type of blocks the Collector is waiting for (None = all type of blocks).
- Num Block Waited: Amount of blocks the Collector is waiting for (9 is the maximum).
- Complete Action: Switch between "Disappear" (simply destroyed) and "Reveal exit" (transform into an Exit Portal).
38 - Left Memory
Memory blocks are the most common level objectives in the game.
- If you place 1 Memory block in a level, you have to place the 2 others.
- You can't place Memory blocks and a Key in the same level.
- Introduce Left Memory block first, than Central Memory and Right Memory.
- Memory blocks can be destroyed by TNT and Cleaner beams.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
39 - Central Memory
Memory blocks are the most common level objectives in the game.
- If you place 1 Memory block in a level, you have to place the 2 others.
- You can't place Memory blocks and a Key in the same level.
- Introduce Left Memory block first, than Central Memory and Right Memory.
- Memory blocks can be destroyed by TNT and Cleaner beams.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
40 - Right Memory
Memory blocks are the most common level objectives in the game.
- If you place 1 Memory block in a level, you have to place the 2 others.
- You can't place Memory blocks and a Key in the same level.
- Introduce Left Memory block first, than Central Memory and Right Memory.
- Memory blocks can be destroyed by TNT and Cleaner beams.

Available parameters:
- Stick: Add sticky surfaces on the block (North, South, East, West)
41 - Magnet

- Magnets attract Iron blocks, Pipes and Iron sides of the Laser Mirror blocks.
- Magnets have no gravity.
- Psychobot can't take or carry Magnets.

Available parameters:
- Direction: Change the orientation of the block (North, South, East, West)
42 - Slime Portal
Slime Portals allow to teleport Slimes.
- You need to pose exactly 2 Slime Portals with the same ID to make them work.
- Slime Portals can be placed behind other objects.
- If a Slime Portal has an object in front of it, you can't use it and its associated portal is also unusable.

Available parameters:
- Portal ID: Change the Portal ID
43 - Big Mama (BIG)

Big Mama is used in the Boss levels of the game.
- Hit Big Mama with moving / falling blocks to make her smaller.
- Hit Big Mama 3 times to transform her into a Slime Mama.

Available parameters:
44 - Key

Key is used in bonus levels in the game.
- You can place only one Key in a level.
- You can't place Memory blocks and a Key in the same level.
- Key can be destroyed by Cleaner beams and TNT (not working right now).

Available parameters:
45 - Trigger

You can use Triggers in your levels to activate events linked to the Camera like Lock Move / Unlock Move and Camera Shake.
- This item should be used by advanced creators only.
- "Lock Camera Move" means the camera will not move even when Psychobot leaves the screen.

Available parameters:
- Event Type: Switch between "None", "Lock Camera Move", "Unlock Camera Move" and "Camera Shake"
- Range Width: Change the width of the trigger area
- Range Length: Change the length of the trigger area
- Camera Shake X: Change the intensity of Camera Shake horizontally
- Camera Shake Y: Change the intensity of Camera Shake vertically
- Camera Shake Time Ms: Change the duration of Camera Shake (milliseconds)
46 - Slime Mama (SMALL)

Slime Mama is the smaller version of Big Mama.
- This item is useful to quickly test switches that can react to Slime Mama.
- We don't recommend you to use Slime Mama directly in your levels cause it has some strange behaviours.

Available parameters:
Few words about the "Tick Channel" parameter
The Tick Channel parameter is used by devices such as Doors, Electric beams, Laser beams,...
This parameter allows you to activate devices automatically, following a rhythm, without having to use switches.

You can see the Tick Channel as a timeline of events called "Ticks".
When you check the "Ticks" boxes (1 to 4), the device will react to those events.

If I want to activate a Laser beam and an Electric beam alternatively, I can:
- activate Tick boxes 1 and 3 for the Laser beam
- activate Tick boxes 2 and 4 for the Electric beam

Right now, there's no difference between the Tick Channels, so if you want to activate a Tick Channel you should simply keep it to 1.
By default, the Tick Channel parameter is set to 0 so it doesn't affect the devices.
Megafont Jan 25, 2014 @ 9:22pm 
I have a small bit of info to contribute. There is another block that can have the fire effect on adjacent blocks in some cases. For example, if a sand block is next to a burning wood block, it will turn into glass.