The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Kill the Most Annoying Individuals in Skyrim (For Imperials)
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Category: Factions
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2013년 12월 15일 오후 12시 55분
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Kill the Most Annoying Individuals in Skyrim (For Imperials)

Have you ever wanted to just walk up to Nazeem and murder him without having to use the console? Well, want no longer! This is a small mod that I've made to remedy the urge to kill the annoying people in Skyrim, hell, the guards even help you now. Also, I will not be held reponsible for lack of patience, killing some of these people WILL break quests, and I may add annoying people that are needed for the main quest for you to kill afterwards. I do have Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire.

You MUST beat the Civil War on the Imperials side. Otherwise ♥♥♥♥ will ♥♥♥♥ up really fast.

Delphine (Try to restrain yourself until you beat the Main Quest)
Vignar Gray-Mane
Proventus Avenicci (Buy the house and all the upgrades)
Esbern (Same as Delphine)
Eorland Grey-Mane (Wait until you at least get all the stuff you can make at the Skyforge, and finish the Companions quest line.)
Idolaf Battleborn
Dirge (The Thieves guild shouldn't get mad at you either.)
Maven Black-Briar
Hemming Black-Briar
Sibbi Black-Briar
Ingun Black-Briar
Removed Braith from all factions, but making children killable requires skripting that I don't know how to do. This mod may be compatable with a killable children mod.
You WILL still get a bounty if you kill Delphine and Esbern when they aren't in Skyhaven Temple.

Now you can kill the ♥♥♥♥♥ and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (I love it how Valve censors swears with hearts.) who tell you to kill the wise old dragon who MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO SAVE THE BLOODY WORLD...

Lydia, Iona, Jordis and Delphine now use female animations, I forgot to open up a new BSA when I started changing that. I may change it back.

For some reason that I cannot figure out, killing Vignar gives you a bounty in the Rift, and the Companions attack you. I would attempt to fix it, but it would screw over the Stormcloak fans, they wouldn't have a Jarl in Whiterun. So, I'm going to have two versions. Here's the "Stormcloak" version:

That is for the community to decide. As in, please for the love of everything good and juicy, tell me who you want to brutally murder without a bounty on your head. Just don't be cute and say the entirety of skyrim, I will say no. And I may not add someone if I like them enough.
댓글 24
subhelios 2017년 8월 2일 오후 4시 19분 
It would be cool and good to be able to murder all of the Companions. Or better yet, to be able to side with the Silver Hand dudes, but that is far beyond the scope of this project, I assume.
mr. gomble 2017년 1월 13일 오전 8시 25분 
I want Rolff Stone-Fist. Like seirously Bethesda? You support racism? Oh and how about Elenwyn and anyone who supports the Thalmor?
Freefilly 2016년 1월 14일 오후 12시 10분 
Phoenix Knight 2015년 11월 26일 오후 7시 07분 
The Silverblood in Markarth keep (The Silverbloods WILL be heard) and the three Thalmor that patrol back and forth in from of the Jarls throne room ifyou please.
shadowcat  [작성자] 2015년 11월 7일 오후 7시 12분 
I may bring this back soon, I just haven't had much interest in modding recently so this just sorta died, I'm not sure when/where to start though. It's not going to be until sometime after Christmas as the computer I can mod on can no longer run Skyrim. My graphics card kinda died, and things. I will start back up again, and start doing CPR on this mod, reading through all the comments and see who you guys want to murder. Violently. Once I figure out how to make radiant quests, I'll make a seperate mod and add the link to this one. Just give me time to think and learn things.
Long live the Empire!
The Bligward 2015년 5월 15일 오후 6시 11분 
the jarl in whiTERUN
deadward 2015년 1월 6일 오후 5시 54분 
can you add rolff stone-fist next? then i'll subscribe to this in a heartbeat.
Victoryguard 2015년 1월 5일 오전 5시 04분 
The Blacksmith's apprentice in Windhelm, I can't remember her name right now.
Deergenerate 2014년 11월 8일 오후 5시 43분 
HollowShell 2014년 3월 18일 오후 2시 32분 
wait a minute ive found problems on this mod
-Maven becomes jarl of Riften if ur an imperial so thats kinda screwing the Imperials over