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Free look camera and debug features
By Conkwer
Free look camera; speed accelerator; Road and Millennia in the party (from the start)
What it's mean
Dreamcast version of the game have a hidden dubug mode.

Anniversary Edition haven't this feature, but it's possible to use saves from Dreamcast with debug enabled.
Most of the features are gone, but you can still use most useful ones: "Free look camera" and "run accelerator". And even try to play this game as Millenia main caracter (not recommended).

Even without all debug features enabled this is still useful if you need to test the game a lot (for translation purpose, for example) and it make you life a bit easier. You can see the whole map and use acelleration to make progress a bit faster.

Note: Tested on Anniversary version of the game.

How to use
You can download save files here:

Backup your saves first.

Put ".VMS" saves to "Grandia II Anniversary Edition\data\saves\"
Load game from slot 4.

Feature: Press "A" button to move your characters with high speed, while running ("B" button).
Use that feature with caution near the pits and walls, because you can run through the walls sometime.

Press "Y" то pause the game and you can zoom and rotate cameta with L-analog stick and L+R.

"GRANDIA2_000.DCI" it's a save (memory card) for Dreamcast and Dreamcast emulators.
Debug mode will be enabled on default. Press "Y" + START to enable debug menu, and use "L" and "R" triggers to change settings pages.
You can rotate camera, etc. same as on PC version.
- add new saves. Ryodo+Marek+Roan (alt.) and Hard Mode variant. Untested
I think that only Ryodo+Millenia+Roan is bugfree and save to use.

I tried variants:

Ryodo+Millenia+Marek+Roan = Elena can't join to party because no place for her. Game is stuck in the forest, when some actions from Elena required.

Millenia+Roan = Game is very buggy without Ryodo and almost unplayble. Ryodo acts as invisible character.
When Elena will join to the party, she became main character and it caused bugs in dialogs

Ryodo+Millenia+Elena = Elena will replace Elena, when join to the party. Same for Millenia. All EXP points are preserved. Not buggy, but no reason for such party

Milenia+Milenia+Milenia = you can't save, unplayable

Ryodo+Milenia x10 = playable, but game freezes when you try to save.

Ryodo+Marek+Roan (alt.) = don't know. True Roan can't join because party is full already (+Millenia). He can't replace prince Roan, because technically it is not the same character. It can potentially cause bugs if some actions from Roan is required.

- It works on PC!