Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3

Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3

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Complete Red Alert 3 Uprising Walkthrough
Автор: troublmaker
Following the events of Red Alert 3 comes Uprising. The Soviets changed history by eliminating Albert Einstein. Without a technological advantage the Allies are quickly demolished. However without the threat of nuclear weapons a new power rose from the East... the Japanese.

This new timeline allowed for the Allies to dominate over the Soviets once again and eventually shutdown the Japanese juggernaut. This game follows a timeline in which all nations still exist just under control of the European Union President Malcolm McDowell... sorry Rupert Thornly.

This walkthrough will go in order of Soviet, Allied, Empire, then Yuriko. Each mission will be completed via a Youtube video which can show how you complete the mission. These are all done on hard difficulty.
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Soviet Mission 1: Raid on Lost Cattle - Romania

This is the first mission of the game (chronologically) and is a re-introduction to infantry.

You will land with a very large group of Conscripts. Note that the Conscript F command will allow them to throw molotov cocktails which are stronger vs vehicles than rifles and can liberate buildings very quickly.

It's also important to note how you micro in this game vs. say... Starcraft. In this game a unit will focus down a single unit. So if you pull back that unit he will continue to follow it. To micro effectively move your injured units away from the group while the remainder of your group fires on the Peacekeeper that is chasing your unit.

As well it is important to kill Attack Dogs as fast as possible. They will always run forward and try and stun your forces.

After your first encounter you will see all sorts of javelins. Switch to molotovs to destroy them... then put your conscripts in the building as you will have to deal with a lot of waves of Peacekeepers (which are overwhelmingly stronger than conscripts).

After this proceed south where you will only run into javelins. Move through the village killing some more javelins and you will find some Flak Troopers.

Flak Troopers are primarily an anti-air unit. However if you hit "F" they transform into a melee unit that deal explosive damage to vehicles. The next vehicle will require you to do just that as it is being repaired by four units. Once it is destroyed you can switch back into the powerful ranged attack and have your conscripts deal with infantry.

All along the way there will be vehicles like this. The Athena Cannons will create a shield around their allies. You can use the normal flak attack to break this shield. Once again using conscripts on infantry and flaks on the vehicles.

There is one group that is particularly deadly. It's 3 peacekeepers and a vehicle making them immune to damage. Blitz down the vehicle as fast as possible than focus your attention to the peacekeepers. Any heinous losses will be replaced with a free set of units.

After doing this micro technique you will run into tesla troopers. Tesla troopers F key will EMP (shut down) any vehicles but they will not be able to do any damage to them. This is very useful in the next section in which you have to deal with a large number of hammer tanks. Move the tesla trooper up to the tank and then hit the F key and lock them down. Then have the remainder of your units join in on destroying them. You'll be able to clear out the lot without taking any damage.

After you get through hammer tank valley you will run into your new unit, the Desolator Trooper. These units spew acid in an area of effect decimating infantry and instantly removing them from buildings. They are moderately effective against vehicles and unit producing buildings.

There will be a giant wave of infantry coming up. You can place some conscripts in a forward building and have your desolator troopers completely destroy them from a distance.

Next up rescuing the scientists. You can honestly take them in any order, just make sure the middle group is second. I'd highly recommend having your flak troopers and tesla troopers in one group and have them deal with all tanks and vehicles. Have your desolators and conscripts in another group and have them deal with all infantry. When one group has no units to deal with have them destroy buildings. Your scientists can be placed in their own group.

Don't worry too much about them taking damage, they can regenerate it (at this phase).

Once you have liberated all three scientists you will need to race to the bottom. Reticals (circles with a dot in the middle) will appear to show where the enemy's artillery will be firing. So this means you can avoid them completely. You should have your army race through mostly ignoring these vehicles. Since tesla troopers can be left behind to emp them and just shut them down. But no massive military presence should worry about them because there are almost more of them than you have infantry.

The goal is to get one to the final line so just keep your scientists moving forward. Once again they have high health pools so it'll be very hard to kill them. Your goal is to get to the docks. You need to get any surviving scientists there. So if only one scientists survives... that's fine.
Soviet Mission 2: Schemes of the Intruders - Murmansk

You are given a hand full of troops to start off with. Control your war bears, conscripts and flak troopers separately. Your flak troopers are mostly useless here. In the initial push use the war bears to stun groups of enemies and use the conscripts and flak troopers to use them. You need to head to the northeast and spot a position.

The Ai will send in some kirov zeppelins which will do no damage and you will have to head back to the southwest where base waits for you. Fill up the buildings with mixtures of flak troopers and conscripts... you will need both. You can also put up a turret.

get down a barracks and a war factory. You will need to get out hammer tanks as fast as humanly possible. Hammer tanks are cheap and insanely effective. When a hammer tank is low on health you can hit F to switch to a heal beam to get its health back up. You can mix in some conscripts and flak troopers if you want.

Head east with this army and wipe out the base there. Plant your own refineries here using a Sputnik base expander. Make sure to have some static defenses setup to defend your refineries.

Once you have your fourth base setup start working on your Apocalypse tank production. In the mean time head to the northeast base (from the southeast base) and wipe it out. This will add an extra eight hammer tanks to your army. These eight hammer tanks however have special abilities of which one will act like an Athena cannon.

Head up to he northwest corner with your army (including some apoc tanks). This is a fully functional base and will have some artillery sea units you will need your athena canon hammer tanks to use on. Use the remainder of your units to evaporate this base for another 4 tanks.

Head to the middle. There is a proton collider accessible before getting into the base, destroy it. If you do not destroy it the AI will use it to pummel your base and even worse your army.

Move into the enemy's main base and focus your attacks on the artillery units using any general powers you can to give you an advantage. Focus on destroying the buildings in the northeast corner of this base first as this is where the chrono troops will spawn to and you can wipe them out before you do any damage.

your apocalypse tanks with their self-healing will do insanely well in this mix and wipe out the base quickly.
Soviet Mission 3: A Much Brighter Future - Yucatan

This one is quite the toughy. As is the theme you will start off with a small group of units.

use the F command to jump on enemy infantry to crush them and get through this with relative ease.

When you get your terror drones you will need to have one of each on the first set of units. After this have one jump in the unit and have the others toggle with F key to snare the unit in place.

You will get a transport carrier which is mostly useless to you. It will come in handy, keep it alive later. On the final island you will need to use the terror drones perfectly wiping out two aircraft carriers. The sickles can handle the rest.

Now you will gain access to more stuff, a brand new type of anti-armor unit. It can be planted in the ground to create a new non-power using static defense.

In the next part there will be many floating collectors. Use the terror drones on them and you should be able to get all of them relatively easy.

While you are doing this, start setting up your base. You will need as many refineries as humanly possible. As far as general powers go try to get Bounty first as this will be a very potent source of income for the rest of the game.

You will want to build a navy yard first (after your refineries) and get out some akula submarines to control the water way.

After this your next goal is to get as many twin blades as possible. They are fast and can get to weird spots. All of the yellow markers have very little anti-air. You can wipe out most of these with little resistance. As well if you load an infantry into the twin blades you can have them drop off an infantry when the coast is clear and collect the 4000 credits sitting on the ground.

Keep building up twin blades and picking off as many unit buildings and harvesting buildings as you can. They will have very little anti-air and if you position your flak troopers and bullfrog properly you can pick off all or most of his apollo fighters.
Soviet Mission 4: As Time Stood Still - Sigma Island

One of the major mechanics of this mission is that time will randomly stop for you on and off. It's not a big deal for this tactic but it will make the mission slightly longer.

So to start setup a base defense against anti-air, that means tones of flak troopers. You will want to get down a large power plant immediately so that you can get access to your main unit, the tesla trooper. These units can be used to stun all tanks with their F key. they are also immune to being run over... which is good.

Once you have your large power plant get down a naval yard. You will want to get about six akula subs. You will need these to take out the naval yards to the northwest. Once they are wiped out you won't have to worry about any aircraft carriers.

Next up expand to the east. There are two resource gathering points here. Make sure to set up tones of anti-air and a tesla coil on each base.

Your next step will be to get some dreadnaughts. Use them to wipe out the air bases to the north east. Make sure to bring some anti-air with you as they will be able to crash your dreadnaughts otherwise. Getting rid of these airports also gets rid of their constant air strikes.

By doing these two things you are now open to move along the map without having too much to worry about.

Your next unit to be produced should be the Apocalypse Tank. Build as many of these as possible missing in tesla troopers and flak troopers into the group. Attack their main base. You can clean up all of the other objectives after. Once again bring some AA with you because you will need it to take out a single ship.

While you are doing this lay down an air field and start cranking out kirov airships.

As you wipe out objectives on the map get engineers to take over anything you can. Once you have the island cleared off send your kirovs to the northeast.

The map will expand and you will have a very large target. Right click on the main objective and it should be destroyed by a small group (6-7) of kirovs. You can use bullfrogs to supply anti-air and akula subs to take out the two new naval yards that have randomly shown up.
Allied Mission 1: End of Tradition - Shin Iga Province

The first part of this mission is kind of odd. You get some javelins, a few attack dogs, and some Multi-IFVs, two of them repair, three of them have peacekeepers in them. Any time there is infantry use the multis. Any time there are vehicles use the multis and the javelins.

There's actually no use for the dogs. As you head to the base you will open up the map.

There is a base to the east and west you will have to destroy, luckily you will be given two harbringer gunships, which are insanely good.

You will want to initially use these harbringers to defend. Build apollo fighters, eight of them is great. They will provide the anti-air for your harbringers. You can use your harbringers to take out the enemy base to the east, there is little to no anti-air turrets there... however there is a giant base to destroy.

You should try and build a lot of turrets to defend your base and pump out non-stop javelins and peacekeepers. You will be using the harbringer bombers for the majority of your attacks.

You should get down a Defense HQ so you can build more of these bad boys. The more the better.

Note the harbringer gunship can be toggled with F to use an anti-infantry gattling gun.

Once you have both of these bases destroyed send a collector to the west and build an expansion over there for extra resource.

Now get even more harbringer bombers. The enemy's base will be loaded with anti-air units. You will need to swap to the anti-infantry turret (F key) to deal with most of them. As well your apollo fights will need to gun down any Jet Tengus.

The final objective is to "freeze" the palace. The easiest way to do this is wipe out all unit producing structures and send in Cryo Copters.
Allied Mission 2: A House Unfit for Rebels - Osaka

So you'll need to wipe out some Nano Swarm Generators to get to the actual mission. The first one can be accomplished by destroying the rocket angels and then the nano swarm generators. The second one you can use spies (right click on their units to cloak them) and infiltrate the generator. Have your javelins target down the nano swarm generator with the laser targeting (F key) as soon as the turrets are down. Third one have one engineer turn into a healing tent while the peacekeepers kill off their infantry, use the other one to simply take over the building.

Okay now on to the next part, you get a base, you have to build up and you have to destroy the enemy.

Make some peacekeepers to deal with infantry and a lot of javelins to deal with their armor. You will get some cryo troopers to deal with most things.

You should build down an airport pronto. Build some intruders. You can use these early on to deal with a lot of early attacks.

get down a Defense HQ and start pumping out those harbringer gunships. Once you have 4-5 take them out and start bombing the enemy base from west (the seaports) to the west. As they take too much damage pull them back.

Once you wipe out their resource production the computer will eventually stop making new units and you can simply push your main body forward and start attacking. This is also a nice time to do all of the secondary objectives.
Allied Mission 3: The True Shogun's Stand - Miyako

Well now for the really crappy mission. This one is so poorly designed it's not even funny.

You will start off with two new artillery units and your cryo troopers. Have your cryo troopers freeze any enemies that come. Note, the enemies actually out range this attack so sometimes you will have to move forward. Use your artillery units on their normal firing mode to destroy them. When you move forward set them up into artillery mode to take out all of the infantry.

Position your base and make sure to spread out your artillery on the two flanks, northeast and direct north. You can use your cryo infantry to slow down early enemy infantry.

There is an oil derrick to the southeast, take it. There is also a comm station to the west take it. The comm station gives you four King Onis.... very very valuable. Your army will be composed of javelins and tanks. You will need a lot of both of these to defend pushes.

When there is a gap in the attack waves attack to the northeast and wipe out the island base. You will be setting up shop there later. The longer you take to wipe this out, the more developed it will be.

The next target is the enemy ultimate weapon. She will either place it to the east or the south of her base. Just make sure it dies, use General powers if you have to. If it gets used, you almost certainly lose.

Once it is dead, all in her Construction Yard with whatever units you have and any General powers you have available. You don't want her re-building anything... and she will re-build that ultimate weapon if you let her.

After this it is just a matter of destroying all of the unit producing structures on the map and all of the units on the map.

DO NOT DESTROY THE VIP BUNKER. This will trigger the next phase of the mission which... will otherwise not go well for you.

Expand with four refineries, two to the northeast and two to the northwest.

For the next phase you will want four airfields with apollo fighters. You will want at least seven harbringer gunships. You will want a ridiculous number of javelins, some tanks, and both ultimate weapons.

You will also want to have two collectors set to go to the east to setup a base there (it will expand later). With everything set make sure you have surplus power and a Refinery already in post-production ready to be dropped. Once the next phase begins you will expand to the east new bases and start building a second refinery to drop on the second point. You should also potentially have a defensive structure ready for here as well since it will get struck by enemy ground and air units immediately.

You will be setting up a defensive line along the northeast flank with all of your javelins and artillery.

The enemy will show his new unit, the Giga Tower. These mobile death balls have insanely high health and hit an in-line one shot attack... highly unfair. You can wipe them out with your apollo fighters with ease.

Your harbringer warships should be moving along the west to enter the enemy's base and take out his construction yard and any unit producing facilities you can destroy. Use the Vacuum Imploder to destroy units and buildings quickly. Use time bomb on a random building. Use air strike on a random building. Parachute in some troops. Bring in some troops with the chronosphere.

Note, if you decide to get a chronosphere use it as soon as possible and then sell it off, otherwise the enemy will steal it from you.

After this it is simply a matter of widdling down this enemy. Focus on getting harbringer gunships in the air and send them to destroy building after building. As he sends more and more units into your defensive position his standing army will shrink. Remember to pay attention to locations of Giga Towers on the map as they will decimate any position if left alone for too long.

This is a very challenging ending and is of course very unfair. But alas, that's the campaign.
Imperial Mission 1: Greed of the Vanquished - Sakhalin Island

This might be one of my favorite missions of the game. In this you will take over a Soviet base and command a small Soviet base while supporting a giant Japanese army. It puts you in the role of the computers in most of the Red Alert 3 games.

You will have a Sudden Transport with a lot of units. Right click on any old enemy unit and then send the Sudden Transport to the Green Arrow to the northwest.

A Twin Blade will pick you up and bring you inside the enemy base. Now move it to the small base to the northwest and take over the VIP Command Bunker. This will give you full control of the base.

The first step in winning here will be to take out the island to the west. Get down an air strip and crank out a few twin blades. Have some engineers in the mix but make sure to bring tesla troopers and flak troopers in them.

You will move to the west with this group destroy a single anti-infantry turret and then land the whole. Make sure to have your engineers immediately darting for the enemy air strips and sputnik. You can sell these off immediately since you won't need them. With the remainder of your forces try and clear out as many of the structures as you possible can before you inevitably get destroyed.

You still have a sudden transport!

Load it with engineers and disguise it, send it over and take over whatever remains. You can even take over some ship yards with him. Fun fact, you don't have to destroy everything, you are playing support and the more you disable and the more you support your ally, the more he will push forward.

Once this island is taken care of now bring your attention to the east. It will be far easier to deal with now that your ally isn't being hampered by random reinforcements.

Get down a battle lab and start making V2 rocket launchers. Use them to wipe out the front stationary defenses. These will need flak troopers watching over them as the enemy will try and send twin blades to pick them off.

Eliminate as many unit producing structures as humanly possible. Once again your enemy will push forward with your help. Push with your ally and wipe out the enemy's base.

The last phase is to wipe out some units. Simply send twin blades after them. Your ally will wipe them out anyway so no biggie.

Overall very fun mission.
Imperial Mission 2: Before the Hallowed Tombs - Oki Island

You will get a large collection of units to start. Simply have them all selected and right click on the two turrets. Finish off the gyro copters and leave all of the buildings alone. Select each to enter an Allied unit and you will gain control of them. You can put the archers inside of the multigunners for some really really overpowered multi gunner units.

Next spread out your artillery as the game tells you to. These exact position will wipe out most of the forces automatically with no micro.

Your command will enter the arena. Make sure to build a generator on this island but build the barracks on the main island.

You will need to get down a ship yard as soon as possible to defend against the submarine attacks, they are brutal.

Try also to take four refinery locations. That is, the two to the west of you, the one to the east (on your most eastern island) and the one to the southeast in the ocean.

Turrets will be your friends, make them often and almost nonstop as you will be able to plant them everywhere to defend everything.

Your composition to win this will be Naginta Cruisers, Shogun Battleships, and Seawings (for anti-air). Bring this fleet to the northeast and wipe out this base. This is also the main source of the computer's income. Make sure that only your battleships are firing on this location.

Once this is destroyed march to the west to wipe out that base.

Defending the tomb can be challenging. Make sure to build a lot of archers and tankbusters. You should also move your artillery back closer to the base. This is a far more defensible location and they simply will last far longer.

For the east most island you can maintain it by having archers (that you put in IFVs) take over the bodies of some robots to the east to bulk up your army. The computer will constantly send single vehicles and sputniks to this location to try and plant a foothold against you... don't let them.

This is a far easier mission than we've seen so far but can offer a few hiccups... especially considering artillery does friendly fire damage.
Imperial Mission 3: Blood in the Water - Vladivostok

The first part of this mission is to create a beach head to establish what is kinda sorta your main base. In reality you can have the sea be your main base.

You can get away with putting up all three refineries pretty easily.

Focus on getting a navy up initially. You will want to destroy their sea port to the north east to limit any sea retaliation. Start landing static defenses on the ground and use your sea wings and shogun battleships to support. Move a barracks land it and get some archers and tank busters out.

You will also want to land machine factory so you can get some jet tengu out (for later). You can invade with a large group of infantry and clear it out fast. Make sure to build refineries on the island to maximize your income.

Well next up you have to deal with the two enemy bases.... or do you? You should make sure to get tones of tank busters and archers for your island and spread jet tengu everywhere.

You should also build three refineries to the south. Add all sorts of static defenses and generators. Giles will show up at this location once you deal so much damage to the enemy so you should wipe him out as soon as possible. You should also think to bring some Naginta Cruisers (whatever ones you have left from the first part of the mission) to this area. You can destroy most of the buildings very very quickly. Once all the buildings are gone the remainder of his forces will just vanish.

Your new unit is a floating head. It can be toggled from Sea to Air mode by pressing F. But you almost never want it in sea mode. Once you have wiped out 2/3 of the front base Giles will appear.

You should focus on destroying construction yards first and then focus on naval yards. If you take out all of the naval yards you will not have to worry about Akula Subs and Dreadnaughts.

Continue to build Jet Tengu and spread them around. They will intercept any zeppelins or twin blades. With that just send endless Gigas at the enemy. Giga Fortresses can be created at the naval yard. With Oleg's construction yard gone he won't have rebuilt anything and you can wipe out the southern part of his base with ease.

Once again with the most north eastern base make sure to wipe out the construction yard first and then work down the other buildings.

The base to the north will have a lot more anti-air, including MIG fighters. It will be very worthwhile to send a few Jet Tengus to help your Giga Fortresses as they will go down very very fast to Jet Tengus.
Коментарів: 3
Gordon 25 лип. 2022 о 7:35 
Wrong game please move this to the correct game since uprising is a separate game.
Sav 18 трав. 2016 о 10:22 
Your voice in the 1st vid is TOOO quiet
IIIIIIIIII 9 берез. 2015 о 12:55 
Nice guide.