

1,643 ratings
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
4.842 MB
Feb 16, 2020 @ 8:57am
Apr 13 @ 1:13pm
26 Change Notes ( view )

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Github Link: https://github.com/SamboyCoding/RimworldBetterLoading

Now with 1.4 support (in beta, not fully tested) and 1.5 support (even less tested!)!

For best results, please put this mod ABOVE core in the mod list.

Compatible with rimworld 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 (1.0 is on a very old version of the mod, though, and 1.1-1.4 aren't being updated anymore)

If you see any progress bar turn red, it means that a mod errored while loading - check the in-game log for details

If you encounter issues, there are a number of ways to contact me - these are listed on github. Leaving a comment here will eventually reach me but it may take several hours, while other methods could be much quicker.

BetterLoading aims to improve your game loading experience.

In vanilla RimWorld, once you get past about 50 mods, the process of loading up the game largely consists of staring at a repeating "..." prompt for anywhere up to several minutes.

It's better now than it used to be, but in extreme cases, this can still take up to half an hour. And for that half-hour, you're just staring at that "...".

This mod doesn't improve load times. But what it does do is give you an actually useful loading screen so you can see that something is, in fact, happening.

It also reduces (though doesn't remove, due to technical limitations) the freezing that can be observed towards the end of the loading process.

Experimental: Mod Dependency Helper

I've been seeing an increasing number of weird issues involving mods not loading properly. BetterLoading has been able to detect this and refuse to load since, and as of it will attempt to work out which mods are required to fix the mods that are screwing up, and whether you've got them loaded but in the wrong order, you haven't got them loaded, or you haven't got them installed - this info can be found in the in-game log, assuming you don't have so many errors that the log no longer works (which is about 300).

Incompatibilities, Interactions, and Workarounds

There is a known bug for users running Rimworld on Linux where running both BetterLoading and Simple Sidearms will cause the game to crash once it's almost finished loading. Unfortunately, this is proving very difficult to fix.

Startup Impact appears to work with BetterLoading (at least on Windows), but some of its data will be missing. If you encounter any issues and are running it, try disabling it first before reporting.

Some issues have been discovered with mods that override textures not working if (and only if) Combat Extended is installed, but I've yet to work out how to fix this.

RimThemes adds its own loading screen that overrides this mod's one, but you can turn that off in the RimThemes settings which will allow BetterLoading to function.
Popular Discussions View All (7)
May 10, 2022 @ 4:55am
1.3 Error Reporting
Aug 22, 2022 @ 5:08am
Loading screen intermittently fails to detect end-of-loading for a game [no reliable repro yet]
Feb 23, 2022 @ 3:16pm
Not working when loading a save
Reno 10 hours ago 
The reducing of crashing near the end of the loading process makes me so happy!
¾§*(kawaii)*§¾ May 20 @ 12:57pm 
Раньше я видел синюю полоску и экран загрузки, щас получаю какое то сообщение, не пойму работает ли он вообще.
ilyvion May 8 @ 10:00pm 
@Samboy063 I don't, but I have a lot of Vanilla ___ Expanded mods, so maybe another one of them interferes somehow. It *could* also have been a fluke, but I wasn't in the mood at the time to give it multiple goes; I just wanted to play the game. :D I'll see about giving it another chance when I next exit RimWorld.
Samboy063  [author] May 8 @ 1:29pm 
@ilyvion I've seen this as an incompatibility with Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded, do you have that?
ilyvion May 8 @ 10:01am 
This mod *almost* works for me. The game itself seems to load just fine, but if I try to load a save, it pops up a betterloading loading screen again, and this one never goes away and my save never finishes loading.
freisleben May 3 @ 1:03am 
thank you so much, this mod makes the load time of all my mods way more bearable lol
moosetwin May 1 @ 10:36pm 
Ah, I probably should have read the comment mentioning the mod's incompatibility with RocketMan before making a comment, either way I recommend mentioning this incompatibility in the Incompatibilities, Interactions, and Workarounds section of your description.
moosetwin May 1 @ 10:33pm 
Having the exact same issue that is described in this post , down to the error location, on 1.5.
Samboy063  [author] May 1 @ 10:20am 
Interesting, well, prepatcher changes the early-loading process enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it causes some issues, so i guess it's on the category of "it might work, but i can't offer any support"
BIG SOUP May 1 @ 1:09am 
I've been running both Prepatcher and BetterLoading and I don't think I have noticeable issues cause both loading systems seem to work fine