Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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DEFENDING (for those new people)
Defending for new players, yes... the one who tend to roam around outside of caps.
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So you got RO2/RS?
Great! we the community welcome you with open arm and expect you to do well in your few first months of baptism! Yes it takes time to learn the game! what? you expect to do well because you play similar game like Insurgency and ♥♥♥♥? LMAO throw those ♥♥♥♥ knowledge OUT! we ain't got ♥♥♥♥♥♥ auto weapon for every man! You see this Mosin and Kar98??? THIS IS YOUR NEW WEAPON FOR MONTHS TO COME! YOU WANT THOSE SHINY PPSH? DON'T! SCOPED MOSIN? DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING SNIPER CLASS! MACHINEGUN YOU SAY! HAHAHA I'M LAUGHING IN TEARS! DO THE ♥♥♥♥ NOT!

Okay, after getting your hopes down i will tell a lot of you why. Those other class are deadly *IF* used by veteran and knowledgeable players! So... how do you distinct between veteran and new players? well... kills... but that is only small franction of it. i would say 80% of RO2 skill are about MAP KNOWLEDGE! So don't even think about using those shiny weapon without knowing the map and the map flow!

where are enemy strong points? where they usualy push? where are the best spot to cover this route? those are some of the stuff you need to understand before I PERSONALLY will let you play other class than riflemen.

BUT... there is one exception. Fallen weapons! get them from fallen allies or enemes and use them againts the enemy! Basic button for picking stuff up is Lctrl, and don't forget to drop your old weapon to lighten youself up with Backspace. especially those PPSH for close up BRRRRRRRR action.
uhhh Defend what? how? which?
So let's start with the basic of defending in the relatively new map for you!

So... you don't know the map. Then get in the cap zone! what are you doing outside of it!? GET THE ♥♥♥♥ IN! I WILL tell you multiple times inside the match TO GET THE ♥♥♥♥ IN the cap. STAY! don't even think to leave! the system which RO2/RS use is, the team with the most player inside the cap zone will capture it. so we need bunch of people to hold it.

HOLD! be patient! let them come... yessss those bastard will need to get in with you pointing gun at the door! or field.. or hole... the maps are confusing and there are multiple entrance for a cap. learn these entrances! both yours and enemies! get ready infront one of their entrance! and BAM... you prolly got the kill. But if you're dead then CONGRATS! you're dying TRYING TO HELP THE TEAM. YOU DO MORE THAN MOST NEW PLAYER DO AND RUN AROUND DYING FROM 200M ENEMY MG FIRE. If you got the kill then even more CONGRATS! you rack up a kill! that one enemy tickets down!

It's kinda boring? Don't worry... if you still inside the cap I WILL let you look around from the windows or small holes! Thats your reward for staying in the cap! BUT WAIT! don't stand that high up! Enemies will see you from hundreds of meter away! I will forgive you for dying the first time in that window, But not the second time! Don't re-peek the same window twice with the same angle! they know you're there! set your self a small killzone and wait in that killzone only! possibly where the enemy would pass... their flow... their river... their river of movement YES! i will keep using this term! Aim for that area and wait for them to pass or stupid enough to peek slowly! SEE now you are the hunter laying a trap for the enemy! Keep doing this and be very liberal and experimental with your spot! learn the map outside the capzone from these small holes while keeping yourself safe. You heard a bullet hitting the wall next to you? back up a little or find another spot, they know that you're there! don't push it and be patient, they will come to you! THEY need to come to you for the cap zone! oh and the most important thing, shoot to kill. Do not think to spam these people with you rifle, they will know your presence and shoot back at you. Making you once nice spot a bad spot for a while as they will keep looking for you in that spot.

Then come the question of which capzone. There are two of them? you can't be at 2 spot at the same time? well... it's your choice for this one. UNLESS! there are talks and orders from more veteran players to hold better to defend cap like B in Station, E in Winterwald, and D in Pavlov's House. Help them! help the team and get yourself there! these players will really need you to cover their flanks and the team! If you're not sure just ask. don't be shy! like really... we won't come to your house over a simple question of "what cap to defend?" "cap to defend?" "should we defend A more than B?". It's fine to ask, some player will answer you back. But sometime they won't, but thats no reason to be shy! ask again later. Maybe they were in a tight spot and can't type back to you.

Uhhhh Russians????
YES do learn them! yes i am joking! you don't need too but if the server is full of Russian sometimes they will only talk Russian in voice chat. Just learning some of call out will do. Im no Russian... oh no... but i do understand some of their speech and talks. The callout that you need to look out for are usually general direction of enemy attack like left and right, Sleva and Sprava.

I find Russian in RO2/RS to be sometime nice... or bad... it really depend person to person. Some of them will say sorry in two language if they killed you and if they are not sure if youre Russian or not. Like one time this Russian dude killed a team mate he talk in VC " izvini izvini, sorry sorry" i really find that interesting, i dunno why.

How bout Germans tho? yea sometimes i heard them but i usually play Soviet in campaign and damn... Soviet defend a lot. LIKE A LOT! that is why im confident enough to write this guide. Hoping this guide will help some of them runnin around and gunned down from 200m away MG to stay away from death and actually helping the team to defend.
Is there any exception tho?
Mostly... no. Regarding the maps, most of them have very nice capzone for defenders. Comfy and nice to defend, with lots of cover. However i can't help much with caps that are located on an open field. Some will have trenches, some will have good trenches and some will have bad ones. With these type of caps i can't give too much advice on how best to defend them. Some even have to be defended from outside of the cap to withstand any attack. But the the river of enemy will usually push from the flanks in these caps! so lookout for flankers on both left and right flank of the cap. Some example to get youself started. Winterwald site C, the enemy like to push from right high on the hills or from the left of the town through a very small valley. map knowledge! learn them!
I disagree!
write them in the comment! both suggestion and F words! I will maybe look at them... maybe. But yea If there are suggestion for the guide do write them! even some small tips for new players would be nice.

And once again i welcome you to RO2/RS Community! we won't die anytime soon, and personally i like RO2/RS better than RS2.
Комментариев: 1
Kangaroo 13 июн. 2020 г. в 7:02 
Great guide for new players, garden-variety average Joe's and veterans with thousands of hours up everyone each & all can learn something from this lucid sensible salient guide.
Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm the best FPS game on Earth, hands down. :RedStar::doicross: