Dungeons of Dredmor

Dungeons of Dredmor

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Playing Workshop Mods Offline
By ひき
Tired of connection issues causing your Steam Workshop mods to not load, thus forcing you to play any new characters mod-free? Here's a quick and easy way to play all your favorites without any connection whatsoever!
To prevent confusion: you don't need a connection to play existing saves since mods are copied to the save itself and cannot be changed without manual intervention, but the game always checks the Workshop when launching the "Mods" menu which is how you make new characters with a new set of mods enabled/disabled. If a connection isn't found then the list simply won't populate, making a new setup impossible.

The solution, therefore, is to get all those wonderful Workshop mods and make them offline/non-Workshop versions so that the game doesn't need a connection at all! It's as easy as copying a few files, I promise! Continue on, fellow traveler.
1. Downloading: Workshop Mods
NOTE: It should be obvious, but you'll have to have a working connection the first time you do this since you will need to actually download all the mods first.

  1. Go through the Steam Workshop and subscribe to whatever it is you want to have a copy of
  2. Launch the game and go into the "Mods" menu
  3. Let the mods download and the list populate
  4. Once finished you can exit the launcher

You've now got a copy of the mods on your harddrive. Time to do something with them!
2. Making: Mods Non-Workshop Versions
  1. Go into the "C:\Users\<yourusernamehere>\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor\steam_workshop\subscribed\" folder
  2. Select and copy all the files inside (they should all have names like "<numericworkshopidhere>-<longnumberhere>.dat")
  3. Return to "C:\Users\<yourusernamehere>\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor\"
  4. Make a folder called "mods" if you don't already have one (the structure should end up being: "C:\Users\<yourusernamehere>\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor\mods\")
  5. Paste the copied .dat files inside the new "mods" folder

Bingobango, offline-ification (nearly) complete! The downloaded .dat files are actually just renamed .zip files, so if you have other non-Workshop mods already there may be a mix of .zip and .bat... that's okay and everything will work just fine.
3. Turning Off: Steam Workshop
IMPORTANT: This step is one you need to remember because if you ever want to download new/updated Workshop mods you'll have to turn the option back on. The reason we're doing this at all is because otherwise you'll see duplicate mods in your list if you're connected to the internet when you play, and that will cause all kinds of problems.

  1. Open the "config.xml" file that is inside the base save folder with a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++ ("C:\Users\<yourusernamehere>\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Dungeons of Dredmor\config.xml")
  2. Inside there is a line that looks like:
    <setting name="enableSteamWorkshop" value="1"/>
    Change it to:
    <setting name="enableSteamWorkshop" value="0"/>
  3. Save the file and exit
  4. Go play your newly offline-ified modded Dungeons of Dredmor!

The game will now not look for Steam Workshop mods at all (including those still in your "steam_workshop" folder) and will only populate your mod list with those in the "mods" folder. If you ever want to connect back to the Workshop (to download new mods, have others updated, etc.) then you will need to change that value back to "1".
Answering: Questions
  • Q: I'm seeing duplicates of mods in my list?
    A: Make sure you did "3. Turning Off: Steam Workshop", otherwise the game will be looking at both the Workshop and the manual mods folder... which in this case means everything will be duplicated and/or conflicting in all kinds of crazy ways. I cannot stress enough how important that step is!

  • Q: There weren't any .dat files in my "\steam_workshop\subscribed\" folder?
    A: There is a chance your mods didn't download like they should. Restarting Steam and/or the game launcher will usually fix this. If not... just keep doing it until it does.

  • Q: I want to remove a mod, but I don't know which one it is?!
    A: Look up the mod on the Workshop, get the ID from the page, and compare it to the .dat filenames. There is a more detailed walkthrough of this process in my "Save Corruption/Fixes/Backup" guide here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1980540046 Keep in mind that you'll be working within the "mods" folder, NOT the "steam_workshop\subscribed\" folder!

  • Q: Can I rename the .dat files?
    A: Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it since if you ever want to update the mods you won't be able to just overwrite them with the new versions.

  • Q: A mod got updated and/or I want to use some new mods!
    A: Re-enabled Steam Workshop (reverse the process of "3. Turning Off: Steam Workshop" and rinse+repeat the whole guide, overwriting any files in the "mods" folder with the new versions from "\steam_workshop\subscribed\".

  • Q: Why not infographics with this guide?
    A: Because I hate making them more than you could imagine. I may still do it at some point since no doubt it'll nag at the back of my mind until I do, but no promises.