Hand Simulator: Survival

Hand Simulator: Survival

54 ratings
General Guide to all things Hand Simulator: Survival
By microman502
A guide made with help from other guides. Adapted from discord, sorry for any weird text!
Hand Controls
Shift to switch to hand movement / Switch the hand you are controlling
move the mouse to control your hand on one plane
scrollwheel to move your hand up and down
LMB to use all fingers, for grabbing objects
RMB to rotate your hand* The hand you are controlling will not react to further movement if you have used WASD controls until you press LMB, RMB, scrollwheel, or SHIFT
Movement and Misc
W, A, S, D to move in all 4 basic directions
Space to jump
Ctrl to crouch down *
R to Stand *
E to eat things
Middle Mouse Button to speak and tilt head
*This will affect both hands too
Building, Crafting, Fire
Chopping a tree
Pick up a rock with LMB
Find a tree and hit it with the rock
Yields: 3-5 Palm Logs, Unknown amount of coconuts
Getting Planks
Hit the logs with a rock until they turn into Palm Planks
Getting Coconuts
Hit a raw coconut (the green blobs) with a rock until it gives you a coconut
Hit the coconut until it gives you 2 coconut slices
Getting Stakes
Hit bamboo (the very thin trees with sparse leaves) until a pole falls off
Killing Enemies
Use a rock, plank, or stake and hit the enemy (this includes frogs, tigers, snakes, scropions)
When it is dead, hit it with a rock (if it is a snake or frog)
Yields 1 Raw Meat, 1 Fat
Crafting Recipes
Put Fat and a Bone from the ground together to make a Torch. (Torches can be lit in a fire)
Planks and Stakes
Rotate a stake with RMB and use the mouse scrollwheel to plant it in the ground
Put another stake over the one in the ground and hit the parts that intersect with a rock
Position a plank on top of a stake (ideally horizontally) and hit the intersecting part with a rock
Grab 5 sticks (naturally spawning woody objects, they vary from looking like sticks to looking like bark) and put them in a pile. Grab two rocks and hit them together near the sticks to make sparks and create a Fire.
Vitals, in this case, includes Health, Food, Water, Stamina and Temperature
Health goes down when hit by enemies or players
Food goes down over time
Water goes down over time, and goes down more if you sprint
Stamina slowly refills, it allows you to run fast
Temperature goes down at 18:00 and back up at 6:00. If it drops to 0 you start taking damage. Fires will keep your temperature up, and torches make you lose temperature slightly slower.
Damage Values to Players, Enemies, Buildings
Note: Enemies cannot hit buildings and Bees cannot be hit (From my knowledge)
Building - Rock: 10 damage - Basic: 4 damage
Players - Rock: 10 damage - Basic: 4 damage - Stake: 5 damage - Snakes, Scorpions, Tigers(?): 30 damage - Bees: 5 damage - Going Underwater: 5 - 10 damage(?) Note: Hitting someone on the head does 2x damage
Enemies - Rock: 15 damage - Basic: 4 damage* - Stake: 5 damage* - Hitting an enemy with any weapon will knock it out instantly as of right now - *These cannot "harvest" enemies to get meat and fat
Objects - Rock: 15 damage - Basic: 4 damage
Basic Includes Stick, Plank, Coconut, Bone, Torch, Fat, Meat, Dead Snakes & Frogs & Scorpions, etc.
You can escape from 20:00 to approx. 1:00(?) each day by lighting or adding sticks to a fire, requiring around 7+ sticks for a big enough fire. Make sure the cruise ship comes close to you so it can see the fire. This will trigger the cruise ship to let off a firework / flare, saying "[PLAYER NAME] has left the island!" prompting a win screen.
Exploring (At night)
Have 1 friend with a torch on them, while either of you has a plank / stake. the plank / stake allows defense from a distance, and the torch gives you sight and a little bit less temperature loss.
It's a good way to see what's out there but as of right now torches do not increase your temperature much, just make it go down slower, so this approach is limited. Using planks or stakes to fight will help in any situation nonetheless.
Base Building
It is recommended to have two planks next to each other, in order to create rudimentary storage for your items. If you manage to get into late game and want to avoid snakes at ANY cost, then attach a stake to your main one and place a roof above you.
Avoiding Bugs
There are many bugs in the game, such as items going through the ground, invisible snakes, etc. Here's how to stop some of them.
To avoid items going through the ground, all you can really do is make sure to not drop things from a distance, and never put too much weight on something.
Torches also seem to warm others up, but not yourself. To remedy this you may have to make two torches, which may be costly.
Extra Information
The guide is not absolutely extensive, and there are obvious values that need to be filled out. However, this will hopefully help with the most basic things to some less obvious features.
Also, check out The Drifter's guide on Times
I have also made a discord server for the game that also has a normally more up-to-date guide here[discord.gg]. If this link violates the rules on guides please tell me and I can remove it.
Mr. Now Man Feb 19, 2021 @ 1:32pm 
I'm putting the fat and bone together but it won't craft
microman502  [author] Aug 15, 2020 @ 9:54pm 
rest in peace hand simulator survival, it's also very annoying to mod so that probably will not happen.
buck Jul 27, 2020 @ 9:34am 
one thing that was missed if fire management, put down five firewood then when it burns down to just one add some wood, you usually need about 3 spare wood for the fire to last the night
TODDLEBEAN May 17, 2020 @ 10:51am 
how do i open a door?
XpyMka Feb 16, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
if you drop the torch to your legs you can increase your temperature :survfire:
Nondi Feb 8, 2020 @ 5:27am 
very nice, finally a full tutorial and not just the basics, the rate at which sticks get consumed is insane though
microman502  [author] Jan 27, 2020 @ 3:55pm 
^ ^0 SnhowBear Bone can be used to make a torch. Put fat and bone together and it makes a torch, as said in the guide.
Snow Jan 27, 2020 @ 8:14am 
Nice guide but what can i do with bone?
Mogly Jan 20, 2020 @ 7:40pm 
caio Jan 19, 2020 @ 7:26pm 