Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

168 ratings
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows Full Walkthrough + Achievements Complete Guide
By I am the senate
Complete walkthrough and achievement guide for Corpse Party Book of Shadows [Eng]
Hello everyone and welcome to my guide about Corpse Party: Book of Shadows. This guide will be about all the achievements and the full walkthrough of the game, as of now the guide is, but since this is my very first guide please leave a comment if you have noticed something is wrong or needs to be corrected in any form.

I hope this guide will be helpfull for you, good luck!
New Features/Mechanics
This game has a few 'new features/mechanics' in comparison with the first game

The two that are immediatly noticable is the way your character moves around the place and the amount of save slots we now have

For the Character movement you now instead of using the 'wasd' keys you click on a room on the map which you can open up with 'm'
Since we now have more save slots then just 3, feel free to use the save option as much as you want when you aren't certain about your next step, i've also put in the walkthroughs where you can save at the best places so that doing the bad endings is a lot easier to do.

Notice that the game also uses quicksaves but those dissappear after you turn off the game.
You can save or load a game file by clicking the right mouse button, which brings me to the last new mechanic called ''Darkening''

When you click your right mouse button to open the menu you will see a paper doll that shows much percentage your darkening now is, be careful with the darkening mechanic cause if you reach 100% the game ends.

There are a few interactions that assure the rising of your Darkening Level:
  • Examining corpses or enviroment
  • Unskippable Events
  • Getting Attacked

For some Endings or events a higher darkening level is needed to trigger, I will note those steps in the episode walkthrough's as I go along
Overall Achievements
No Corpse Unturned

Unlocked all artwork, music and cast messages in the bonus menu

Forgotten but Remembered

Found all name tags from every school

Painfully Aware

Attained all endings and found every name tag
Achievements Episode 1: Seal
In this episode you can unlock these achievements

Where all Stories converge

Unlock chapter 8, this achievement popped immediatly for me cause I transfered over the save data from the previous game and got all the true ends in it. you can also get this achievement by unlocking all the wrong and true endings in chapters 1-7

Hard Feelings

Clear Chapter 1

Persistence of Destiny

Unlock all the endings in Chapter 1

In this episode you will make progress towards finding all the ID Name Tags for all the schools

Shobu Chevalier

1/6 Name Tags from Shobu University Middle School)

Karasuyama Chronicler

2/7 Name Tags from Karasuyama High School)

Matsukaze Maniac

2/6 Name Tags from Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
Student name tags Episode 1: Seal
In this Episode there are a total of 5 ID name tags to be found
[#5 Found by Naomi]
  1. Masashi Kawasaki (Shobu University Middle School))
  2. Sato Yuzuki (Karasuyama High School)
  3. Miki Sato (Karasuyama High School)
  4. Kazuhiro Murofushi (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
  5. Rei Kurosawa (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)

Here is where you can find them

The first victim Masashi Kawasaki (Shobu University Middle School) resides in Classroom 1-B

The 2nd and 3rd victim Sato Yuzuki (Karasuyama High School) and Miki Sato (Karasuyama High School) both lay in Classroom 1-C

The 4th victim Kazuhiro Murofushi (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) can be seen in the hallway before the reference room

The 5th and last victim Rei Kurosawa (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) lays just after the stairs you will ascend to reach the girls toilets
Walkthrough Episode 1: Seal
Episode 1: Seal Good Ending:
Episode 1: begins with a large dialogue section with Naomi and Seiko, after that you regain control over Naomi.

  1. As Naomi go to classroom 1-A, pull the lever that is present in the room
  2. Now go to the hallway in the upper right corner of the map where the the sharp strings were.
  3. pull the nearby lever
  4. Go up the stairs north of where you are now
  5. Get your darkening meter up to above 40%, an easy way of doing this is to examine a corpse

    Optional but recommended for the no corpse unturned achievements is to go back to room 1-C while having a darkening of higher then 35% you will get another CG of the creepy picture

    Also optional is to go for the 100% darkening (do save before hand) cause that will give you another soundtrack that you need for the no corpse unturned achievement

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1 and 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  6. go to the girl's bathroom
  7. Choose Think of something else.
  8. Choose Think of something else, once again
  9. Choose Hoist her up on your shoulders.

Episode 1 is now cleared

Episode 1 Bad ending #1
  1. Start at the Bad Ending 1 and 2 save
  2. Choose to grab the bucket outside

Episode 1 Bad ending #2
  1. Start at the Bad Ending 1 and 2 save
  2. Choose Think of something else
  3. Choose to grab Seiko
Achievements Episode 2: Demise
In this episode you can unlock these achievements

The Price of Nice

Complete Chapter 2

Drama and Tragedy

Attained all endings in Chapter 2

Momojigawa Monitor

Found all name tags from Momijigawa High School

Musashigawa Matron

Found all name tags from Musashigawa Girls' Middle School (last one is found in Wrong End 6)

In this episode you will make progress towards finding all the ID Name Tags for all the schools

Shobu Chevalier

2/6 Name tags found from Shobu University Middle School

Karasuyama Chronicler

3/7 Name tags found from Karasuyama High School

Renaissance Recoverer

1/3 Name tags from Renaissance Elementary School

Matsukaze Maniac

4/6 Name tags from Matsukaze Prefectural High School

Takine Municipal Middle School

2/6 Name tags from Takine Municipal Middle School

Student name tags Episode 2: Demise
In this Episode there are a total of 15 ID name tags to be found on which 14 are in the good ending and 1 in bad ending 6

Good Ending Name Tags
#5 Found by Mayu]
  1. Shiori Fujiwara (Karasuyama High School)
  2. Hina Hirose (Momijigawa High School)
  3. Shunsuke Sasaki (Momijigawa High School)
  4. Ayaka Shimizu (Momijigawa High School)
  5. Mitsurugi Amano (Momijigawa High School)
[#4 Found by Yoshiki]
  1. Juzo Nouki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
  2. Chiaki Hiyama (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  3. Mamoru Tsukano (Shobu University Middle School)
  4. Takashi Hanada (Renaissance Elementary School)
[#4 Found by Mayu, Yoshiki and Nana]
  1. Hikari Kirigami (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School)
  2. Teru Arai (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  3. Hodoka Manome (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School)
  4. Rena Saeki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
[#1 Found by Mayu, Ayumi, Yoshiki and Nana]
  1. Ao Amano (Momijigawa High School)

Bad Ending Name Tag
  1. Nari Amatoya (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School)

Here is where I found the ID Name Tags

First Victim Shiori Fujiwara (Karasuyama High School) found in 2F - 3-A inside the classroom

2nd Victim Hina Hirose (Momijigawa High School) found in 1F - Exit inside the entrance way (Mayu is standing outside cause due to an event I couldnt screenshot the map when I found her)

3rd victim Shunsuke Sasaki (Momijigawa High School) Found 1F - Hall where Mayu is standing in this picture

4th victim Ayaka Shimizu (Momijigawa High School) Found in 2F - 1-C within the classroom

5th victim Mitsurugi Amano (Momijigawa High School) at the end of the hall close to the Ref. Room

6th victim Juzo Nouki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) Found 1F - Pool at the far end of the poolside

7th victim Chiaki Hiyama (Takine Municipal Middle School) Found 1F - Pool within the pool, Ive been noted in the comments that 6th and 7th victim do appear at the same time as opposed to what I thought

8th victim Mamoru Tsukano (Shobu University Middle School) Found 1F Hall, Hallway 4 spaces North from the Exit

9th victim Takashi Hanada (Renaissance Elementary School) Found in 1F - 5-A, inside the classroom

10th victim Hikari Kirigami (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School) Found in 1F - Hole, within hole in the ground leading to Body Pool

11th victim Teru Arai (Takine Municipal Middle School) Located at 1F - 4-A, Inside the classroom, after Yoshiki and Nana joined the party

12th victim Hodoka Manome (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School) Located 2F - 1-C, Inside the classroom after Yoshiki and NAna joins party with Notebook and Student ID in inventory

13th victim Rena Saeki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) Found at 3F Hall, in front of the Boys' Room, after Yoshiki and Nana joined the party

14th victim Ao Amano (Momijigawa High School) Found within the Ref. Room

Bad Ending Name Tags

15th victim Nari Amatoya (Musashigawa Girls' Middle School) Bad Ending 6 Found in 2F - Science Lab
Walkthrough Episode 2: Demise
Episode 2: Demise Good Ending

  1. After a bit of Dialogue you are able to control Mayu
  2. Directly next you on your left where you start there is a door that you need to examine
  3. After that head to Classroom 3-A and examine the corpse that lays within
  4. Shift to the left until you hear a sound then look back at the corpse again
  5. Examine the Spirit
  6. Choose Try to help
  7. Headback to the hallway in front of the Nurse's Office , and pick up the sheet that lays on the ground there
  8. Cover the Girl up and pick up the Loose Board that is located in the middle of the room
  9. The girl will also drop a paper charm and you chose if you wanna pick it up or not (the charm protects you once, but it is possible to still get all the endings even if you take it)
  10. Go the the hallway south of the Nurse's Office and lay the Loose Board down

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  11. Go down the stairs and go towards the exit
  12. In here you can examine the corpse and the note on the wall
  13. Try to leave
  14. Try to leave again
  15. (Do not go north of the exit just yet you will encounter a bad ending that you cannot escape if you didnt pick up the paper charm )
  16. Instead go down the 1F-2F stairs located Southwest of the school

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 5 and 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  17. Go to Classroom 1-C and examine the object on the floor to acquire the Notebook
  18. (For Ending 5 and 6 you do not pick up the Notebook )
  19. Go to room 1-A and take the Rusty Key from the teachers podium
  20. Go up the 2F-3F stairs that is north of you, then go to the far end of the hallway
  21. Examine the corpse and the note on the wall
  22. You will be returned to the 'Exit' of the school
  23. Examine the corpse again and choose to Examine the body in detail. if you previously grabbed the notebook , also pick up the Student ID that will have dropped after you have examined the corpse
  24. Go North an event will appear, after the event go down the 1F-2F stairs on the south west side of the school.
  25. Go north and another event will begin
  26. In the locker room examine the 3rd faucet from the right to obtain the wire
  27. Go to the hallway in front of classroom 4-A, examine the door and choose try it

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  28. Go in classroom 4-A and choose to Pull the lever
  29. a secret door will open next to the custodian's closet (Bldg. Super) Examine the gap and choose to go in

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  30. Pick up the small chest and then examine the sliding door

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    (You can save during the dialogue or during options w/e you like ^^)

  31. after a long bit of dialogue you need to choose, chose to remove the bandages
  32. Go east until you encounter a hole in the floor
  33. Go back to the locker room to pick up the bandages

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  34. Go back to the hole in the floor
  35. choose to Step up
  36. Examine the yellow-clothed corpse 2 times
  37. Go down the stairs of 1F-2F in the southwest part of the school then go to the 2F-3F stairway in the north of the school
  38. Examine any of the red spirits and choose to throw the holy water
  39. Go up the 2F-3F stairs and go to the hall below the Ref. Room
  40. Examine the door and try the key
  41. After a bit of dialogue examine the bookshelf to the far right and exit the Ref. Room
  42. Another bit dialogue appears and after that exit the Nurse's Office

Episode 2: Demise Good Ending is complete

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 1
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 1 save
  2. Go to the exit of the school
  3. Examine the corpse and the note on the wall
  4. Try to leave
  5. Examine Ryou Yoshizawa
  6. if you picked up the charm this wont work the first time
  7. but after examining Ryou Yoshizawa a second time will do the trick then

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 2
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 2 save
  2. Go into classroom 4-A
  3. Examine Ryou Yoshizawa
  4. if you picked up the charm this wont work the first time
  5. but after examining Ryou Yoshizawa a second time will do the trick then

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 3
  1. Start from Bad Ending 3 save
  2. Choose Try to reach the bucket

*Note that you can also follow the steps for bad ending 5 but at step 14 choose Try to reach the bucket *

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 4
  1. Start from Bad Ending 4 save
  2. Go back to the hole in the floor
  3. Choose to Send Yoshiki down the hole

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 5
  1. Start from Bad Ending 5 and 6 save
  2. Go to room 1-A and take the Rusty Key from the teachers podium
  3. Go up the 2F-3F stairs that is north of you, then go to the far end of the hallway
  4. Examine the corpse the corpse and the note on the wall
  5. You will be returned to the 'Exit' of the school
  6. Examine the corpse again and choose to Examine the body in detail.
  7. Go North an event will appear, after the event go down the 1F-2F stairs on the south west side of the school.
  8. Go north and another event will begin
  9. In the locker room examine the 3rd faucet from the right to obtain the wire
  10. Go to the hallway in front of classroom 4-A, examine the door and choose try it
  11. Go in classroom 4-A and choose to Pull the lever
  12. a secret door will open next to the custodian's closet (Bldg. Super) Examine the gap and choose to go in
  13. Pick up the small chest and then examine the sliding door
  14. after a long bit of dialogue you need to choose, chose to remove the bandages
  15. Go up the 1F/2F stairs in the southwest part of the school
  16. Walk north until a dialogue starts
  17. Go back to the locker room to pick up the bandages

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  18. Go to 2F and walk north until a dialogue part begins
  19. After the dialogue get caught by Yoshikazu by either going back to the stairs where the dialogue ended

Episode 2: Demise Bad Ending 6
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 6 save
  2. Go to 2F and walk north until a dialogue part begins
  3. After the dialogue go to the Nurse's Room to get a bit of dialogue there
  4. After the Nurse's Room go to the Lab
  5. Examine the door
  6. Chose to try the key
  7. Examine the Corpse within the room for the last name tag
Achievements Episode 3: Encounter
Fever Dreams

Completed Episode 3

Another Time, Another Space

Attained all endings in Episode 3
Walkthrough Episode 3: Encounter
Note that some choices in this chapter are timed, be sure that you know what to do!
There are no points in where you can save as far as I know and tried, cause you are always in dialogue either with yourself or someone your character knows, so if you go for the bad endings after the good ending, the 'Ctrl key' skips most dialogue ;)

Episode 3: Encounter Good Ending
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to stand at the teacher's podium
  3. Choose teachers podium
  4. Choose to make a break for it
  5. Choose to grab the salt
  6. Choose to break the glass or run somewhere else
  7. if you chose for run somewhere else choose reach out hands

Episode 3: Enouncter is completed

Episode 3: Encounter Bad Ending 1
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to Leave the classroom

Episode 3: Encounter Bad Ending 2
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to stand at the teacher's podium
  3. Choose to hide in the supply locker

Episode 3: Encounter Bad Ending 3
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to stand at the teacher's podium
  3. Choose teachers podium
  4. Choose to stay hidden in the teacher's podium

Episode 3: Encounter Bad Ending 4
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to stand at the teacher's podium
  3. Choose teachers podium
  4. Choose to make a break for it
  5. Choose to grab the broom or allow the timer to run out

Episode 3: Encounter Bad Ending 5
  1. Go through the line of text until you have an option to make a dialogue option
  2. Choose to stand at the teacher's podium
  3. Choose teachers podium
  4. Choose to make a break for it
  5. Choose to grab the salt
  6. Choose to run somewhere else
  7. Choose to Pray to the pencil
Achievements Episode 4: Purgatory
Ends to the Friends

Completed Episode 4

Used and Discarderd

Attained all endings in Episode 4

You will be working to attain all the Name Tags from these school

Komashiro Curator

1/5 Found Name Tags

Matsukaze Maniac

5/6 Found Name Tags

Renaissance Recoverer

2/3 Found Name Tags

Karasuyama Chronicler

5/7 Found Name Tags

Shobu Chevalier

3/6 Found Name Tags
Student name tags Episode 4: Purgatory
In this Episode there are a total of 6 ID name tags to be found
[#6 Name Tags found by Sayaka Ooue]

  1. Mina Nishio (Renaissance Elementary School)
  2. Tomomi Isomura (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
  3. Shihiko Usaki (Karasuyama High School)
  4. Yoaki Kamimizu (Karasuyama High School)
  5. Hinako Meguri (Shobu University Middle School)
  6. Seksi Hagiwara (Kamashiro Trade School)

This is where to find them

1st victim Mina Nishio (Renaissance Elementary School) Bomb Shelter - Girl's Room

2nd victim Tomomi Isomura (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) Bomb Shelter - Hallway

3rd victim Shihiko Usaki (Karasuyama High School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, 3 spaces west from death room

4th victim Yoaki Kamimizu (Karasuyama High School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, 3 spaces east from Body Pool

5th victim Hinako Meguri (Shobu University Middle School) Bomb Shelter - Hall

6th victim Seksi Hagiwara (Kamashiro Trade School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, north end of central hallway
Walkthrough Episode 4: Purgatory
In this chapter lots of events will stop you, you just have to continue after them

Episode 4: Purgatory Good Ending

  1. Head to the very west of the hallway
  2. Head to the very northwest hallway
  3. Head to the center of the northeastern hallway

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  4. Enter the Death room
  5. Examine any of the buckets
  6. Choose Inside the cabinet

You have completed Episode 4 Purgatory

Episode 4: Purgatory Bad Ending 1
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 1 save
  2. Enter the Death room
  3. Examine any of the buckets
  4. Choose hide under the blood-soaked table
Achievements Episode 5: Shangri-La
Simple Pleasures

Completed Episode 5

Savoring the Moment

Attained all endings in Episode 5

Koyo Collector

Found all name tags for Koyo Girls' Academy Middle School

Seisho Savior

Found all name tags for Seisho Junio High School

Shobu Chevalier

4/6 Name Tags found for Shobu University Middle School

Reubens Recounter

4/5 Name Tags found for Reubens Academy Senior High School

Kurashiki Custodian

4/6 Name Tags found for Kurashiki Industrial High School
Student name tags Episode 5: Shangri-La
In this Episode there are a total of 17 ID name tags to be found

[#8 Found by Mitsuki]
  1. Haruma Harukaze (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School)
  2. Nozomi Makita (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School)
  3. Masaru Nijino (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  4. Koichi Kanesada (Reubens Academy Senior High School)
  5. Take Taiga (Reubens Academy Senior High School)
  6. Akira Yutsuka (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  7. Rena Misato (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School)
  8. Moeka Natsuno (Reubens Academy Senior High School)

    [#9 Found by Morishige]
  9. Norika Miharu (Seisho Junior High School)
  10. Honoka Nanjo (Seisho Junior High School)
  11. Reiki Negishi (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  12. Kiyomasa Kagei (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  13. Arisa Kaida (Seisho Junior High School)
  14. Osamu Murada (Shobu University Middle School)
  15. Itsuya Goto (Seisho Junior High School)
  16. Shino Noguchi (Reubens Academy Senior High School)
  17. Hiroko Kikumura (Seisho Junior High School)

This is Where I found them

1st vicitm Haruma Harukaze (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School) 1F - Music Room

2nd vicitm Nozomi Makita (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School) 1F - Hall, Hallway northwest of Music Room

3rd victim Masaru Nijino (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 1F - Hall, Outside the staff room

4th victim Koichi Kanesada (Reubens Academy Senior High School) 1F - Hall, Outside the Boys' Room

5th victim Take Taiga (Reubens Academy Senior High School) 1F - Hall, Hallway southwest of the Boys' Room

6th victim Akira Yutsuka (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 2F - Hall, Hallway southeast from the Girls' Room

7th victim Rena Misato (Koyo Girls'Academy Middle School) 2F - Hall, Hallway southeast from the Girls' Room

8th victim Moeka Natsuno (Reubens Academy Senior High School) 2F - Girls' Room, at upper portion of the stalls

9th victim Norika Miharu (Seisho Junior High School) 1F - Hall, Hallway northwest from the Exit

10th vicitm Honoka Nanjo (Seisho Junior High School) 1F - Locker Room

11th victim Reiki Negishi (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 1F - Pool on the left side

12th victim Kiyomasa Kagei (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 1F - Pool on the right side

13th victim Arisa Kaida (Seisho Junior High School) 1F - Exit

14th victim Osamu Murada (Shobu University Middle School) 2F - 1-A within the classroom

15th victim Itsuya Goto (Seisho Junior High School) 2F - Hall, Outside classroom 1-C

16th victim Shino Noguchi (Reubens Academy Senior High School) 3F - Girls' Room inside

17th Hiroko Kikumura (Seisho Junior High School) 3F - Hall, Outside of Ref. Room
Walkthrough Episode 5: Shangri-La
Episode 5: Shangri-La Good Ending
  1. Examine the door.
  2. Descend the 1F-2F stairway to the south.
  3. Enter the Music room , and watch the ensuing scene; you should obtain the candles and matches . Before leaving, be sure to examine the piano as well.
  4. Head to the Exit
  5. Examine the bloody-looking shelf , and choose to Check it out , to obtain the Old Key .
  6. Return to the hallway outside the Art Room , then examine the door, and Use the old key to unlock it.
  7. Enter the Art Room , then examine the easel on the left, and choose to Take the palette knife .
  8. Return to the Music Room , then examine the piano , and choose to Try it . You should obtain the Small Key . Examine the nearby shelf, and choose to Take out the box . You should find a Grave Tag .
  9. Head to the 1F-2F stairway on the far left side of the map, and ascend it.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1,2 and 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  10. Go to the hallway 1 south, 1 east of the Girls' Room , and examine the glimmering object on the ground to obtain the Wind-Up Key .
  11. Go to the hall just outside the Girls' Room , and examine the door. When given the option, choose to Try it .
  12. Enter the Girls' Room , and examine the second stall from the right. When given the choice, Choose Don't do it followed by Insert the wind-up key
  13. Return to the school's Exit , and events should proceed.
  14. Once you regain control, Examine the corpse on the ground.
  15. Head to classroom 5-A, and examine the cabinet, then choose to ake the kite string .
  16. Head to 1F-2F stairway at the southeast part of the map, and ascend it.
  17. Head to classroom 1-A, and you'll be stopped along the way. Continue to classroom 1-A, then examine the cabinet within, and choose to Take the wire .
  18. Head back to Morishige's starting point (1st Floor, 1 north, 1 west of the Exit).

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  19. Examine the hole in the ground, and choose to Try fishing it out , followed by Try fishing it out again . You should obtain Mayu's ID .
  20. Return to the school's Exit , and an event should occur.
  21. Ascend the 1F-2F staircase to the southeast, then ascend the 2F-3F staircase at the northeast.
  22. Enter the Girls' room , then examine the shining object on the floor. You'll obtain the Class Logbook .
  23. Descend the 2F-3F stairway, then enter Classroom 3-A, and examine the podium.
  24. Ascend the 2F-3F stairway to the northwest, then head to the hallway outside the Ref. Room.
  25. Examine the door, and input the following combination: 8, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2 .
  26. Enter the Ref. Room , then examine the center bookshelf. You should obtain a Goya Statue
  27. Return to the first floor, and head towards the Locker Room . When given the choice, choose Turn back , and you should obtain the Copper Key .
  28. Head to the hallway outside Classroom 4-A, and unlock the door with the copper key .
  29. Enter Classroom 4-A, and examine the shelf to obtain an Alcohol Lamp .

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  30. Once again, attempt to head towards the Locker Room . When given the choice, choose to Light the lamp .
  31. Head to the Pool , and an event should occur.
  32. Attempt to head to the Staff Room , and you should come across a hole in the ground.
  33. Ascend either 1F-2F staircase, then head to the hallway 1 west, 2 north of the Art Room, and pick up the Battery Pack which should be lying on the floor.
  34. Return to the hole in the ground on the first floor, and things should progress.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 6,7 and 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  35. Examine the body lying across the hole.
  36. Choose Don't look back .

Episode 5: Shangri-La is completed

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 1
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 1,2 and 3 save
  2. Choose to help the red spirit
  3. Pick up the bucket from infront of the Ref. Room
  4. Go to Exit
  5. Examine the skull in the small cabinet
  6. Take it with you in the bucket
  7. Dont run from the figure coming towards you in the bomb shelter

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 2
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 1,2 and 3 save
  2. Choose to help the red spirit
  3. Pick up the bucket from infront of the Ref. Room
  4. Go to Exit
  5. Examine the skull in the small cabinet
  6. Take it with you in the bucket
  7. Run from the figure coming towards you in the bomb shelter

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 3
  1. Start from the Bad Ending 1,2 and 3 save
  2. Go to the Girls' Room
  3. Choose to look into the hole in the Girls's Room

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 4
  1. Start from Bad Ending 4 save
  2. Examine the hole in the ground, and choose to Try fishing it out
  3. Choose to jump into the hole

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 5
  1. Start from Bad Ending 5 save
  2. Once again, attempt to head towards the Locker Room . When given the choice, choose to Use a Candle .
By choosing this your darkening will go up 20% each time
Just choose to pick a candle 5 times and you are good to go

Note You need to have cleared the episode, after that replay the last bit and a new scene with Mitsuki appears

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 6
  1. Start from Bad Ending 6, 7 and 8 save
  2. Choose to go to the second floor
  3. Light the Lamp

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 7
  1. Start from Bad Ending 6, 7 and 8 save
  2. Choose to go to the second floor
  3. Choose to try something else

Note: if you already gotten the good ending for Chapter 8 you can follow the extended steps and choose Look back at the end

Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending 8
  1. Start from Bad Ending 6, 7 and 8 save
  2. Examine the body laying across the hole
  3. Choose to Look back

Note next section is gonna give you 2 CG's and 1 soundtrack that you are going to need for the No Corpse Unturned achievement

Episode 5: Shangri-La Good Ending 8 Extention
  1. Start from Bad Ending 6, 7 and 8 save
  2. Choose to go to the covered walkway
  3. In the Artroom examine the shelves on the right to obtain an oversized chisel
  4. Choose to Dont Look back
Achievements Episode 6: Mire
Only Way out

Completed Episode 6

Little Sister, Big Sister

Attained all endings in Episode 6

Takine Talespinner

Found all name tags from Takine Municipal Middle School

Renaissance Recoverer

Found all name tags from Renaissance Elementary School

Shobu Chevalier

Found all name tags from Shobu University Middle School

Reubens Recounter

Found all name tags from Reubens Academy Senior High School

Great Harbor Guardian

Found all name tags from Great Harbor Elementary School

In this episode you will make progress in completing these achievements

Komashiro Curator

3/5 Name Tags found

Karasuyama Chronicler

6/7 Name Tags found
Student name tags Episode 6: Mire
In this Episode there are a total of 14 ID name tags to be found
[#14 Found by Yuka]
  1. Ai Honda (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  2. Chihiro Tamamura (Great Harbor Elementary School)
  3. Sakura Motoi (Komashiro Trade School)
  4. Mako Sakurai (Great Harbor Elementary School)
  5. Hiroshi Takano (Great Harbor Elementary School)
  6. Koi Kawahara (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  7. Michi Moritoshi (Shobu University Middle School)
  8. Kyugo Shibuya (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  9. Yuuki Tanaka (Takine Municipal Middle School)
  10. Tsuyoshi Kawasaki (Karasuyama High School)
  11. Akiko Sekine (Shobu University Middle School)
  12. Asuka Mizuno (Komashiro Trade School)
  13. Satomi Koorogi (Reubens Academy Senior High School)
  14. Yukari Sekiya (Renaissance Elementary School)

This is where I found this episodes victims

1st victim Ai Honda (Takine Municipal Middle School) 2F - Science Lab

2nd victim Chihiro Tamamura (Great Harbor Elementary School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, Hallway north of Store House

3rd and 4th victim Sakura Motoi (Komashiro Trade School)
Mako Sakurai (Great Harbor Elementary School)
Bomb Shelter - Death Room

5th victim Hiroshi Takano (Great Harbor Elementary School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, west of Death Room

6th victim Koi Kawahara (Takine Municipal Middle School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, hallway north from the Boys' Room

7th victim Michi Moritoshi (Shobu University Middle School) Bomb Shelter - Hall, Northeast of Death Room

8th victim Kyugo Shibuya (Takine Municipal Middle School) Bomb Shelter Hall most north hallway

9th victim Yuuki Tanaka (Takine Municipal Middle School)
10th victim Tsuyoshi Kawasaki (Karasuyama High School)
11th victim Akiko Sekine (Shobu University Middle School)
12th victim Asuka Mizuno (Komashiro Trade School)
13th victim Satomi Koorogi (Reubens Academy Senior High School)
All Found within the Body Pool

14th victim Yukari Sekiya (Renaissance Elementary School) Bomb Shelter - Storehouse
Walkthrough Episode 6: Mire
Episode 6: Mire Good Ending
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1 and 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1. When the dialogue choice appears, choose to Consider other options

    *Note that there is an ID that you can find in here but can only get it now since you can not return to this room

  2. Examine the pills on the ground (bottom left, between the stools), and choose to Take it .
  3. Descend either 1F-2F staircase to the south.
  4. Head north two spaces, and an event should occur.
  5. Head to the Girls' Room , then examine and take the loose Piece of Wood on the ground.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  6. Enter the Body Pool , and an event should occur.
  7. Enter the Death Room , and things a scene will play out.
  8. Return to the Girls' Room , and things should progress.
  9. Examine the futons on the far right side of the room.
  10. Choose between Give it or Stand Firm

    *Note that if you wanna get all the CG for this game you have to choose stand firm

  11. If you choose to Stand Firm the next thing you need to do is go to the Body Pool

Episode 6: Mire is completed
*note you can only get the ID tags from the Body Pool if you went to the Death Room with Sachiko

Episode 6: Mire Bad Ending 1
  1. Start from Bad Ending 1, 2 save
  2. When the dialogue choice appears, choose to Run for the door

Episode 6: Mire Bad Ending 2
  1. Start from Bad Ending 1, 2 save
  2. When the dialogue choice appears, choose to Consider other options
  3. Let Yuka's darkening meter rise up to 100% in the science lab by clicking on random objects just dont pick up the glass jar just yet. everything you touch will give you a 30% rise in darkening so is easily done aswel

Episode 6: Mire Bad Ending 3
  1. Start from Bad Ending 3 save
  2. Go to the death room
  3. Make sure you check the cabinet before letting your darkness get 100%
  4. let your darkening get to 100% in the death room
Achievements Episode 7: Tooth
The Stairs of Perdition

Completed Episode 7

Cracks Showing

Attained all Endings in Episode 7

Komashiro Curator

Found all name tags from Komashiro Trade School

Matsukaze Maniac

Found all name tags from Matsukaze Prefectural High School

Karasuyama Chronicler

Found all name tags from Karasuyama High School

Kurashiki Custodian

Found all name tags from Kurashiki Industrial High School
Student name tags Episode 7: Tooth
In this Episode there are a total of 6 ID name tags to be found
[#6 Found by Tohko]
  1. Tomomi Morinaga (Komashiro Trade School)
  2. Onda Fourthstreet (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  3. Megumi Onda (Karasuyama High School)
  4. Mothiro Suzuki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School)
  5. Leona Oomura (Kurashiki Industrial High School)
  6. Tooru Takahashi (Komashiro Trade School)

This is where I found this episode victims

1st victim Tomomi Morinaga (Komashiro Trade School) 3F - Inside Girls' Room

2nd victim Onda Fourthstreet (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 2F - Hall, outside classroom 3-A

3rd victim Megumi Onda (Karasuyama High School) 2F- 3-A inside the classroom

4th victim Mothiro Suzuki (Matsukaze Prefectural High School) 1F - Hall, hallway east from the Exit

5th victim Leona Oomura (Kurashiki Industrial High School) 1F - Hall, hallway northwest from the Exit

6th victim Tooru Takahashi (Komashiro Trade School) 1F - Hall, hallway North from the Exit
Walkthrough Episode 7: Tooth
Episode 7: Tooth Good Ending
  1. Exit the Girls' Room.
  2. Descend the 2F-3F stairway, then head to the hallway outside the Nurse's office
  3. Descend the southeast 1F-2F stairway.
  4. Attempt to walk down the hallway northwest of the Exit and/or the hallway north of the exit.
  5. Begin heading back to the 1F-2F stairway to the southeast
  6. Ascend the 1F-2F stairway to your south, then head towards the 2F-3F stairway to your north
  7. Descend the 1F-2F stairway to the south.
  8. Head to the Exit , and a blue spirit should appear. Examine the blue spirit , and you should obtain the Amethyst.
  9. Ascend the 1F-2F Stairway to the southeast.
  10. Return to the hallway just south of the northeast 2F-3F stairway.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Here for Bad Ending 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  11. Examine the ghost , and choose to Use the amethyst
  12. The next dialogue option doesnt have any different conscequences other that a few lines differ

Episode 7: Tooth is completed

Episode 7: Tooth Bad Ending 1
  1. Start from Bad Ending save 1
  2. Examine the ghost
  3. choose to try and sneak past him
Achievement Episode 8 Blood Drive
The Turning Point

Completed Episode 8
Walkthrough Episode 8: Blood Drive
Episode 8: Blood Drive Prologue
  1. When you gain control, examine the only 4 objects you can
  2. Either choose to think of something else or walk back ,
  3. Once you gain control, examine either photograph on the wall to the left.
  4. Ascend the staircase.
  5. Enter the northwest bedroom and examine the desk, then choose to take the key
  6. Enter the northeast bedroom, then examine the safe

Episode 8: Blood Drive is completed
EVP Machine
The very last achievement called Ghost Stories, you can get this achievement when you make a conversation in the EVP machine.

Its pretty straight forward you have 2 menu's to choose from the upper one is the person and the lower one are the different voice lines that person has, by using the insert key you can insert them in the row on the left until you have your own conversation.

Here is an example of how I did it

After you have done that I scrolled down to the play all button et voila, your last achievement for the game!!

Corpse Party Blood Drive
Hello Guys I have made a 2nd guide for the Corpse Party series, feel free to check it out! :)
In here I will place the updates I have done to the guide after upload, names might differ after a while

Name of Update
Prompted by
Speaks for itself
I am the senate
EVP Machine
Finished the EVP machine section within the guide
I am the senate
Bad Ending 8 Episode 5
Changed the name of the extended ending from "Episode 5: Shangri-La Bad Ending??" to "bad ending 8 extention"
Mire Walk-through
Added notes about a specific ID tag in the beginning of the chapter, a note about bad ending 3 and a note about the ID tags in the body pool
Bad Ending 3 Episode 2
Added a note that you can also achieve this ending if you follow the steps of bad ending 5 but choose a different option
Luke Hatsune
Blood Drive
Added Blood Drive tab
I am the senate
Save Point Chapter 2
Changed the position of the save point for Bad Ending 3, Chapter 02 Demise
CG Episode 6
Added a note talking about what option to choose if you want to have all CG in Chapter 6
Panoptic Owl
Chapter 2 Pool Name Tags
Changed the note about the name tags in the pool in chapter 2
Special Thanks
Special thanks to my friend Rezareth on steam they really helped me with all the ins and outs of making a guide and also helped me with a few ingame stuff aswel
Pls Rate and Favourite :)
When you liked this guide and found it helpful please feel free to rate and favourite the guide, it would mean a lot to me ^^
Hal Feb 17 @ 2:21pm 
Does anyone know why Megumi Onda (karasuyama high, ID found in 3a/chpt 7) doesn’t show up on the name tag list at all? I checked all schools in case it was a typo on the games part but it’s just not there haha
Hal Feb 17 @ 12:33pm 
Nevermind! Turns out I was able to go to the pool earlier in the chapter
Hal Feb 17 @ 11:40am 
I’m having some troubles for finding the two name tags in the pool area for chapter 5. I can’t get to the pool area any earlier in the chapter because I haven’t obtained the alcohol lamp yet, but when I do get it, and go the the pool, the Urabe scene plays and I’m unable to return to the pool due to all the events. Great guide by the way!!
I am the senate  [author] Jan 6 @ 4:14am 
Hiya thank you for the additions, apologies for the late reply.
⑨ ChocolateMystia Oct 16, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
In short, to clarify:

If you haven't beaten the good end yet, "Examine the body laying across the hole" then "Don't look back" is good end.
"Examine the body laying across the hole" then "Look back" is bad end 8.
If you HAVE gotten true end, after examining the body you get the new Mitsuki sequence, if in it you choose "go to the second floor" it leads to either end 6 or 7. The only way to get back to the Look/Don't look choice is with "go to the covered walkway", and from here the choice becomes the same: "Look back" for bad end 8, "Don't look back" for good end.

So to fix it, the changes should probably be: Edit the final extension segment to replace the 2 references to Bad Ending 8 with Good Ending, and add a note before Bad End 8 to mention that if you already got the good end, you should instead follow the extended steps, just choosing "Look back" at the end.
⑨ ChocolateMystia Oct 16, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
Found a couple more errors in the Episode 5 walkthrough. Right after Bad Ending 8, there's a paragraph that says "The next bit is an extension to Bad Ending 8..." and the section below "Episode 5: Shangri-la Bad Ending 8 Extension".

Those steps do not lead to Bad End 8, rather to the good ending (since you choose Don't Look Back), so instead of referring Bad Ending 8, they should be labeled as Good Ending Extension.

There's also another problem: if you've cleared the good end and the extra scene plays, it becomes impossible to get Bad End 8 with the listed steps, because the Mitsuki sequence will always play, so you don't get the "Look back" choice mentioned in Bad Ending 8. Instead, you need to follow the steps from your extension segment, by choosing "go to the covered walkway", and getting the chisel from the art room, just that when the Look Back/Don't segment appears afterwards, you choose Look Back for Bad End 8, or Don't Look Back for the extra CGs and soundtrack.
I am the senate  [author] Oct 8, 2023 @ 2:53pm 
Hiya apologies missed these, they have been corrected now thank you for using my guide!
⑨ ChocolateMystia Oct 8, 2023 @ 8:04am 
Awesome guide, been using it for 100%!

I noticed a typo however, in Student name tags Episode 2, the very first one shows class 3-A (correct one) but the text mentions 1-C (wrong one, since 1C is shown 3 tags below).

Also in the main walkthrough for Episode 2, step 21 says "the corpse" twice.
I am the senate  [author] Jan 10, 2023 @ 10:02am 
ah thank you, I will add it soon in the guide
Ping Pong Ya Jan 9, 2023 @ 4:36pm 
There's a picture of a man in the infirmary from Chapter 1 that I would recommend adding as it's easily missable if you don't know about it.