"Teamwork" 2013 Saxxy awards short

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28 comentarios
Pandafunkey809 24 NOV 2013 a las 9:35 p. m. 
I'm tired and looking for very good quality so i gave bad review, sorry. But in my honest opinion I didn't like it that much. It made no sense.
TheGhostThatWas 24 NOV 2013 a las 8:44 p. m. 
This is good but I noticed a few recording errors. You must have just forgot to delete those extra props that appear. This is really funny though.
MeShrewd 23 NOV 2013 a las 6:20 p. m. 
The FF can turn a game more interesting like Alien swarm. Anyway friendly fire is more to coop shooter games
Champaroni | [parpah] 20 NOV 2013 a las 5:34 p. m. 
friendly fire in a nut shell but with... even less teamwork
Wolftale 20 NOV 2013 a las 2:17 p. m. 
That's why there's no friendly fire in TF2. Good job Valve.
Lucak Convento dev 20 NOV 2013 a las 10:53 a. m. 
upvote just for the heavy faces XD
Mittens  [autor] 19 NOV 2013 a las 9:58 a. m. 
@Straitjacket What do you mean longer? It can only be under 60 secs
peropero 19 NOV 2013 a las 12:29 a. m. 
FF MODE ON:sticky:
skrubmen 19 NOV 2013 a las 12:03 a. m. 
This is alright I guess....
straitjacket 18 NOV 2013 a las 10:40 p. m. 
Needs to be longer, and have more gags. the "funny posing" was too buggy to be humorous, and came across as lazy.