

52 ratings
Nexomon wild encounters + Wardens
By missiloon
In this guide I'll tell you where to find the different kind of nexmon and wardens
I hope you're enjoying this game, I really liked it and had a blast finding all the Nexomon. I did mostly collect them while playing the game, but when I look back at it I think it is wiser to just play the game and enjoy the story and collect them all at the end. You'll go to places where more rare Nexomon spawn and you'll wander through all the areas again late in the game, enough time to collect most of them that way.

There might be missing a few on this list, but I tried to write all the Nexemon down. Some will spawn on more than one place, I might only have listed the first place, sometimes I wrote it on the other places as well.

I saved my golden traps for the legendaries, but looking back, I saved them too much. I would suggest only save around 7 and use the others on specials as well, maybe even on mega rares. I ended up with 65 golden traps unused because I did only want to use them on legendaries. You'll be able to find most of them after you complete the main story.

In the list with wild encounters, I'll list them by general area, but it can be that a Nexomon only spawns at one or 2 maps within that location. If you have trouble finding it, please use this website to see on which specific map they spawn:
Wild Encounters
The encounters in the first area, or maybe the first 2 change after you complete the Nexolord Tower, so make sure you find all those Nexomon before progressing too far into the story.

East Home:
#003 Hobyn
#008 Pandicub
#018 Perleo
#035 Saxia
#066 Terbite
#090 Dandelloon
#092 Alpoca
#120 Mustino
#148 Ventofawn
#154 Owlie
#169 Basten
#220 Sheral
#253 Fleecius

Mountain passage:
#002 Gnob
#033 Candrama
#124 Nightite
#136 Pincer
#214 Rafodillo
#226 Magnego
#271 Spink

West Mountain Village:
#022 Camoleon
#023 Fanfrou
#054 Chirpoint
#068 Silkmaid
#106 Ratapon
#151 Browi
#163 Stoaic
#250 Cheekmunk

East Mountain Village:
#015 Flexel
#029 Scurrel
#030 Digga
#031 Parrpy
#046 Amphant
#048 Polenblom
#078 Thrano
#146 Berawn
#172 Cavel
#190 Roohopu
#205 Clobolt
#217 Angalo
#265 Perchara
#277 Blizo

West Ignitia:
#012 Ignia
#017 Stoogu
#019 Bulken
#072 Flaminglo
#086 Flandle
#128 Igneamp
#181 Barky
#202 Fumous
#238 Toka
#262 Ferosera
#286 Sprunk

East Ignitia:
#005 Pira
#010 Flybuster
#027 Emotel
#033 Candrama
#052 Molobomb
#058 Kindala
#100 Drash
#114 Bozofin
#142 Magpot
#160 Tropi
#223 Heifry
#227 Magnymph
#244 Kindeor
#247 Clonkey
#268 Ponirius
#274 Vulazy

Khan's Jungle:
#021 Florantis
#028 Tryflap
#032 Bowish
#074 Eele
#076 Cordyant
#118 Seedread
#157 Seaguard
#199 Tycroc
#211 Hissa
#259 Fluzard
#283 Bevy
#292 Petril

Jungle cave:
#020 Kiklick
#033 Candrama
#038 Durtworm
#098 Mellow
#132 Porapora
#184 Cronic
#193 Obelink
#208 Tinito
#256 Frulf
#280 Fethra

South Hidden Village:
#004 Algamaid
#014 Spina
#021 Florantis
#040 Breeshy
#104 Sprouti
#126 Blurk
#134 Treemi
#166 Leafegg
#187 Hoppeti
#229 Mandrass
#241 Floatle

#003 Hobyn
#017 Stoogu
#028 Tryflap
#031 Parrpy
#036 Arnut
#050 Mudlug
#067 Scizarina
#130 Honbuzz
#175 Chicolo
#228 Magonfly
#251 Cheekmunch

West Phantom Citadel:
#022 Camoleon
#025 Turbinha
#087 Thermofly
#110 Silkpha
#130 Honbuzz
#138 Pompatiel
#155 Bulie
#196 Sylphi
#257 Luberg
#290 Acca

Hilda's Maze
#009 Gorgonita
#012 Ignia
#077 Zombyant
#119 Hollowretch
#125 Nocgoyle
#129 Lavamp
#182 Barkrunch
#212 Slithera
#218 Seraforona
#248 Gritch
#293 Frilia

Old Port:
#001 Platyfoo
#007 Toxipore
#044 Charoon
#105 Lantora
#122 Bunrock
#232 Cotondee
#235 Rocstrich
#275 Vulpep

Behind Palmaya's Kitchen:
#018 Perleo
#025 Turbinha
#073 Flaringo
#075 Eelowatt
#102 Kyte
#200 Gnaligator
#230 Mandrove
#242 Driftle
#254 Shrepian

Palmaya Pier:
#010 Flybuster
#032 Bowish
#041 Skoi
#042 Trampole
#088 Jellufo
#112 Seatail
#158 Seadian
#178 Ballery
#206 Clunder
#260 Hydrax
#284 Barver

Palmaya beach:
#004 Algamaid
#010 Flybuster
#013 Shashock
#018 Perleo
#021 Florantis
#041 Skoi
#070 Pentapus
#088 Jellufo
#096 Fowling
#099 Twillow
#127 Spurk
#140 Azite
#144 Gervore
#185 Sonicoco
#197 Vozette
#209 Tomathorn
#240 Aristokan
#263 Firius
#266 Galvaria
#278 Blizbrow

Royal City West Forest:
#023 Fanfrou
#034 Replicanti
#055 Vanarosta
#064 Monkapow
#096 Fowling
#161 Tropite
#170 Felynth
#188 Shrubbit
#245 Asteor
#287 Expunk
#269 Favolia

Royal City Sewers:
#007 Toxipore
#020 Kiklick
#030 Digga
#043 Frogue
#051 Grumug
#084 Venemona
#103 Satray
#164 Enermine
#203 Steamous
#215 Scabrillo
#221 Shereef
#272 Vivizard
#281 Tempestra

Royal City East Forest:
#014 Spina
#017 Stoogu
#022 Camoleon
#024 Arigami
#029 Scurrel
#035 Saxia
#049 Polerina
#060 Robatt
#069 Weabride
#082 Miglet
#116 Vultic
#121 Fuzztino
#133 Mushamusha
#137 Pincertron
#149 Tornadyr
#151 Browi
#167 Flousper
#191 Rooskipa
#201 Ferodile
#231 Manzan
#252 Hoardent
#255 Raamu
#258 Arctivore
#285 Bedam
#294 Corozard

Solus West Desert:
#013 Shashock
#030 Digga
#062 Cactino
#091 Dandemill
#108 Aulot
#114 Bozofin
#173 Dromeruf
#183 Abaddog
#249 Malfunctor
#264 Carnagrius
#279 Blizloo

Grunda's Chamber:
#005 Pira
#013 Shashock
#016 Tyregg
#034 Replicanti
#039 Dethwurm
#095 Gemeen
#107 Ratatusk
#111 Pharamoth
#131 Emperabee
#171 Felicient
#176 Spectrice
#179 Sliffery
#194 Monexus
#219 Angelique
#243 Tirtrauma
#273 Prismazor
#282 Draclone

Solus East Desert:
#005 Pira
#019 Bulken
#016 Tyregg
#027 Emotel
#037 Nutchok
#063 Cacteone
#080 Dunefin
#115 Drakuza
#145 Vorapest
#186 Resonect
#224 Hamoo
#233 Taffaca
#236 Jagstrich
#246 Stelmo
#270 Mistralion
#291 Jeeta

Frozen Tundra West Forest:
#011 Fropip
#015 Flexel
#018 Perleo
#045 Parchyon
#056 Furpy
#071 Hexopus
#085 Venowar
#093 Alpania
#123 Boxrock
#147 Kumacho
#156 Wiselie
#159 Seaphon
#180 Bogarp
#198 Idolette
#204 Vaprat
#213 Columbra
#276 Kitsunox
#261 Torrex

Frozen Tundra North Forest:
#001 Platyfoo
#003 Hobyn
#011 Fropip
#015 Flexel
#025 Turbinha
#029 Scurrel
#035 Saxia
#059 Serala
#089 Jellien
#097 Suavian
#113 Seatusk
#139 Bosdour
#141 Aziton
#150 Hurristag
#165 Weavolt
#168 Floreus
#207 Nimburst
#216 Cragodillo
#222 Shermit
#267 Voltosfere

Old Woods:
#008 Pandicub
#023 Fanfrou
#024 Arigami
#047 Boltusk
#083 Moink
#109 Aulion
#135 Trimion
#162 Trondle
#174 Moundrian
#177 Kromatice
#192 Jampa

Nexomun cave:
#015 Flexel
#016 Tyregg
#053 Excavat
#081 Sharnoll
#210 Lycopain

Outside Nexomon Tower:
#006 Golematon
#057 Walnormous
#117 Enerfox
#061 Francelstud
#065 Grush
#189 Lagorove
#234 Froppe
#237 Ostridge
#294 Corozard

#006 Golematon
#026 Nekomba
#079 Onsloceros
#101 Tephragon
#195 Monolix
#225 Bovicue

I haven't listed all those, because I found already most of the Nexomon in earlies before this. It might be a nice grind for some of the elemental Nexomon, but you can find them later in the game in earlier areas or in the Nether World.

Some specific ones for those rooms:
#143 Magpillar
#288 Fetidoom

If you're missing one than I might have missed one while writing this down or you might only get it by envolving Nexmons.
Wardens in the main world
When you get back from the Netherworld there will be Warden minions all over the map. You first have to find all the 10 minions from the first 6 before the 5 purple ones will spawn on the map.

To find those first 60, start from the beginning of the map and explore every screen, most of all don't forget to explore every floor in every house and the shop and healing centers. I did put "repel" on to make this easier and not have wild encounters while searching for them. The first 60 will have Nexomon around level 80 and how many they have varies between 3 to 6.

The achievements for finding all 10 of one color for those first 6 different one's only pop after restarting the game.

After you found all 60 the purple ones will spread over the map. They have level 90-99 Nexomon and most of the time have 5 to 6 Nexomon to fight. Here are the locations for those 5 purple minions:
1. In your own house
2. Where the house of the overseer of Mountain village was
3. Before Hilda's house
4. Before the overseer's house in Royal City
5. North in the frozen city where you fought with overseer Glacier
You'll get 6 legendaries from completing the warden quest. I would highly suggest completing those first because 2 of the legendaries only will only show up after you've found all the wardens.

When you're ready to hunt for legendaries, go to two screens next to each other where Nexomon can spawn and keep hopping between those two. I did this in the first cave you find in the game, between Parum and Mountain Village. When you see the message on the top of the screen that there is a legendary close by run around on that map till you encounter it or the message goes away, otherwise just keep hopping between two screens. Legendaries spawn are random, you might see a lot of the same one before you find the ones you're looking for, but keep going with hopping between two screens and in the end, you'll find them all. This is, in my opinion, the most boring part of the game.
Thank you!
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kosmosskatenew Jan 24 @ 3:45am 
Thank you for legendary hopping between 2 screens, cave parum and mountain village tips. to spawn my last one . So i could 100% this game. :steamthumbsup:
Pandafunkey809 Jul 5, 2024 @ 2:52pm 
and no i did not know legendaries were a thing, just the specials and mega rares xP
Pandafunkey809 Jul 5, 2024 @ 2:51pm 
i actually got very lucky and got luhava in the area near the artist by pure chance! :3
i was trying to get an early vulazy, but i never could find it. meanwhile fethra was all over the inside of the caves between parum town and the next one, and velokitty was all over the bushes before that town after the cave.
Sparrow Jun 21, 2023 @ 2:37pm 
Scratch that, I found two Vivizard's almost back to back.
Sparrow Jun 21, 2023 @ 2:33pm 
I found a Vivizard in the Old Port but it's not on here.
Buggerlugz Apr 5, 2023 @ 5:15am 
Once you've beaten all the wardens and ziegler what do you do then?
Mad Mav Feb 8, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
(or can "special" rarity nexomon be found anywhere/everywhere, and I'm just now learning that? If so, disregard me and sorry for wasting your time)
Mad Mav Feb 8, 2022 @ 1:54pm 
Missing: #280, Fethra - Mountain Passage (very first one, between Parnum and mountain town)
alexthewolf2014 Sep 19, 2021 @ 4:29pm 
ok butwhat if the "Legendary Nearby" Icon appears in a town or city with no grass? I am trying to catch the supposed Legendary in parum
Eden Apr 20, 2021 @ 8:22am 
Which of the legendaries appear after you beat all the wardens?