Journey of a Roach

Journey of a Roach

268 ratings
Achievements guide
By Caspian Roach
Complete achievements guide. (except for one seasonal cake achievement, for information look at the other guide - )
Walk like a roach
Fly Whisperer
Out of the frying pan into the fire
A new hope

Story progress achievements. Non-missable.

Like a bull in a china shop
Throughout the story you will have 6 opportunies for destroying stuff around you. It should be non-missable. If you didn't get it, restart the game and play again, it might have caught you mid-patch.

Cleaning bug
Use washing machine 3x without adding any washing powder (after you get a fly stuck to you.)

Honest soul
Try and play the ball game without cheating 5 times

No additives!
Feed the fish 5 times without irradiating the food first

Welcome to Alcatraz
Finish the flaming blades vent segment without touching any blades and without taking too much time. (Save before you start and it's okay to turn off the double blade fan.)

Pile'em Up
In the missile room, put 3 crates on top of each other in the center of the room, right on top of the throne after you remove the pesky bugger out of there

Hardcore Walking
Walk 5000.... uhmm meters? Units? 5000 something. Counts across different playthroughs.

Once doesn't count
Finish the game twice

Super Retro!
Finish the game without saving/loading (in one sitting)

Roach on speed
Speed-run under 18 minutes

Slimy, yet satisfying
Find 10 hidden worms during the game. Refer to corresponding pictures below for visual identification. Counts across different playthroughs.

1) Beginning of the game, near the leftmost pipe.
2) In the next room with the sewer pipes, on top of the catwalk.
3) In the spider-mother room, on the ceiling in the far corner. (where the nail is, but further)
4) In the vents after the spider-mother room, in one of the alcoves.
5) In the vent in the kitchen to the left of the showroom.
6) In the control room above the working ant. Get it from the ceiling. You can get onto ceiling from a wall in a nearby room.
7) In the safe room on top of some boxes.
8) In the nuclear missile room, to the right. To get it you need to stack three boxes in the far right spot (close the hatch first) and climb them.
9) Same room, to the left of the missile. Go to the ground level to the left of the missile and climb the wall.
10) Deep cave has a second vent, not the one you came through. It's in there.

Like a boss
This one should unlock after you get all the other achievements.
Slimy, yet satisfying pictures
Here are general areas for finding collectible bugs. Refer to text description above for more information. 1 through 10, left to right, top to bottom.

benzodance Aug 15, 2022 @ 5:56am 
Moonix Mar 7, 2020 @ 7:58pm 
James Feb 26, 2018 @ 8:13pm 
Helevorn Nov 26, 2017 @ 2:36pm 
great thanks!!!
Lefty ♣ Jun 26, 2016 @ 9:01pm 
Thanks for your guide mate. :fly:
work4dvd Oct 13, 2015 @ 8:39pm 
This worked for me after several tries:

Smell The Glove Dec 4, 2013 @ 10:55pm
Alcatraz wasn't unlocking for me at 1st either. I was using a save inside the cage after I had dug out the fan tunnel to load from but no matter how fast I did it it would not unlock. I got it by creating a new save point just before getting on the treadmill to trigger getting thown into the cage. I think the timer for the speed requirement starts as soon as you are caged and not when you enter the fan tunnel and I must have been slow digging on my first go. I did not turn off any fans.
Cygnus May 27, 2015 @ 2:09am 
thanks so much
andreiasanches05 Mar 1, 2015 @ 2:10pm 
Nice...thanks!!!!! :-))
Kiraboss Nov 30, 2014 @ 5:58am 
really good guide, thanks a lot =)
Epic Fail X Nov 10, 2014 @ 11:24am 
For Alcatraz: I even got hit once and still got it. So I guess it's all about the speed.