Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

111 ratings
The Revised Manual to Firefight
By Psychedelic Adventurer
A comprehensive guide to help you get to grips, and master, Halo Reach's Firefight mode.
Artwork can be here. Original Artist: Pixelflare Studios

So, here we all are again. Hello, all of you!! and welcome to my guide. Today we'll be going over the finer of points of staying alive in Halo's survival mode. Firefight, introduced in ODST, was one of the first vanguards of what we would now consider a 'wave-based, survival mode'. With each wave and set, the enemies get harder. This guide will aim to go over both the basic mechanics, as well as some of the best positions and tacts to employ on each map, along with its own fully kitted out heatmap for the visually inclined.

So, without further ado, let's get to it! But before that, give this guide a like and a fave, it helps boost my fragile ego you see. Or you can wait until you actually read the guide. I'd recommend both to be honest.

Be sure to check out my other guide(s) on Halo MCC here:
Change Log
Date/month/year notation are written in the UK standard.

--18/12/19 - Guide Published.
-Next update: Finish off missing maps: Holdout, Overlook, and Waterfront.

--09/01/20 - Guide officially finished. Added extra tips for each section, and fixed incorrect stuff for the heat maps.
The Basics
This guide aims to make your time in Firefight as smooth as possible. Firstly however, this guide shall assume that you are playing on Heroic or above, since the former is the base difficulty for Firefight limited. However, these tactics are specifically designed to be as conservative as possible, and so are very much suited to the highest difficulty possible: Legendary.

While most weapons are viable at lower levels, we will be trying to kill larger units, such as the Elite or Brute, in the most efficient manner possible.

Here is a little example of what kind of weapons you should be using when dealing their kind.

The Elite
Sangheili, or going by their usual (un)affectionate name: Elites, are the staple of the Halo mythos, highly mobile and deal huge damage very quickly. On higher difficulties, they will tear you to shreds within seconds and 1 hit KO you with a single melee attack. This means that, unless you have no other choice, the old technique of trying to dodge melee attacks for a quick assassination isn't viable since, depending on the animation the AI uses, could be your instant death.

At higher difficulties, you will note Elites employ far more effective tactics than on lower difficulties and will frequently rush your position, taking advantage of its far tankier health pool. This always goes for it's use of cover and general evasion tactics in terms of vehicle splatter attempts or grenades.

The core theme to killing the Elite is too knock down his shields at long distance, and plug him with quick shot to the head from a semi auto weapon - an instant kill no matter what the rank. Do not bother with spray weapons, they will barely touch him and will give him time to close the distance. If forced to use spray weapons, find Covenant weapons suited towards taking down shields.

Best tactic: 'Noob Combo': Fully charged Plasma pistol bolt + Precision head shot = Instant kill

The Brute

Another old school mainstay in Halo's rogues gallery Brutes, or Jiralhanae come in greater variety than their Elite allies, most predominantly in the fact that high ranking Brutes actually have shields. However, most of their kid do not rely on such technologically sophisticated items and only make use of body armour. This allows you to make sure work of them if you only employ their own Covenant armaments against them. Most effective are Needle based weapons which, after a certain amount Needles pierce their target, explode [supercombine] - which will almost always kill the target as well. Unless of course, they have shields.

Another option is to simply go for head shots with a high precision weapon, and keep shooting the head until their helmet comes off, allowing for a one-shot kill. Do not, under any circumstance, ever spray at brutes. They have too much health and will simply mow you down; this always goes for getting in melee altercations with them. Just don't do it.

Tip:In the event you are facing a Brute Chieftai, use the Plasma pistol. A charged blast can disable his energy shields and allow him to be dealt with with the supercombine effect or simply repeated headshots.

Finally, it should also be noted that Brute have the added ability to go into armour lock when threatened with vehicles or grenades. Do attempt to ram the Brute if he hunkers down into AL, you will simply bounce off (and die).

Map Description: The bread and butter of Halo Reach's FightFight mode. This map has it all: a defensible position, long firing lines but decent varying geometry to stop you (and enemies) sniping from insane distances. There are four paths that phantoms take when dropping enemies, two of the paths drop wraiths and one drops a ghost; and an extra two that can land elite units by drop-pod in the far corners of the map. Be aware of this if you're considering splitting off from your team. Enemy paths mostly consist of rolling up the driveway, straight up the bridge intersection and will usually attempt to storm the main complex if players are holed up in it. Underbridge and east pass spawns will make a dash across the open stretch to the bridge intersection to do the same. It is very unlikely that the AI will consider taking the driveway entrance into the complex unless you are hiding right at the back of the complex.
  • In terms of vehicles, you'll only be facing one at a time (usually). These consist of a wraith and a ghost, which spawns on opposite sides of the map, intersected by the western side of the mountain pass. The Wraith can spawn in two places, either on furthest pass on the west, behind the mountain, or in the middle strip, just behind the bridge. Both places allow for the Wraith to bombard your position without too much difficulty.
  • Ordnance spots are spread out sporadically from the main building, 100 meters from your starting position. You will be likely be taking enemy fire if you attempt to retrieve the power weapons early in the round.

  • Beachhead is always a good map to get a good sweat going. There are plenty of escape routes to avoid a flush by the AI if one point gets too hot. The complex - to - beach firing line is very clear so you will have no difficulty laying down fire on the covenant running from the beach and adjacent building lounge. Carefully placed DMR shots will deal with the most dangerous enemy you will face: FuelRod grunts. Do not allow them to pin you in the complex, or push you up against the wall. They will almost never kill you with direct hits, but the splash damage from the wall behind you will do just as good a job.
  • It is prudent to stay within the confines of the complex if you are able, only straying out to pick up power weapons or deal with any vehicles that spawn. The AI spawn location easily allow for the unaware player to be cut off in enemy territory and be mowed down by savvy Ghost driver, or even more humiliation, a rogue fuel rod from a daring Grunt. The firing lines allow for almost all areas to be successfully cleared with a DMR or NeedleRifle, but when enemies inevitably breach up the stairs, it is wise to keep a plasma pistol on you at all times.
  • Following on from the last point. If you are indeed overwhelmed, do not fear. There are usually at least two rotation points from which you can escape. Either the garage path at the northernmost entrance, which opens out to a Rocket Warthog, or by taking the stairs up to the second floor of the complex. The latter choice is the safest, as enemies cannot get up without first taking the building. Just make sure you look below you before you leap off, as there could very well be an angry Covenant Elite waiting for you with nice shiny Energy Sword. If you are playing with a well-coordinated squad, you will have no trouble keeping mobs off the complex. Just make sure you pack the right counter for the right enemy [Refer to the Basics section of this guide]. Single players, however, will struggle to keep all corners covered, so it is a good idea to keep the main beach/intersection path clear to Covenant.
  • It is a good idea to deal with any Wraiths as soon a lull opens in enemy reinforcements. While the complex offers some protection from bombardment, it is usually only a matter of time before the wraith scores a lucky hit on an unsuspecting Spartan. An anti-vehicle power weapon or a quick plasma bolt will and a hijack will make quick work of it. An additional note, if the wraith which spawns on the bridge is marked with the laser designator, it is possible to completely whiff a whole salvo if the Wraith hides underneath the bridge. Consider firing after the Wraith has left its hidey-hole. Ghosts also must be dealt with extreme prejudice. They may lack the killing power of Covenant artillery, but it's very difficult to deal with one if you're caught out in the open.
  • Hunters pose a serious threat to you and your squad, for a myriad of different reasons. More often than not, it will not be the Hunters themselves that kill you, but the mobs which players will have neglected, allowing them an easy path up to catch you with your Spartan big boy pants down. Always keep at least one or two people fending off Grunts, Jackals, and whatever else comes your way while your friends lay down fire on your two big wiggly friends. If they do manage to come into firing range, treat them like you would a Fuel rod opponent, stay clear of walls, and don't stay still. Unfortunately, it will often be the case that you will have to momentarily leave the complex to dispose of the Hunters by putting a few into their wormy backs. If you do this, make sure your friendos are giving your covering fire. You don't want the Hunter clocking on to you and backhanding you into the nearest galaxy cluster.
  • It is generally ill-advised to drive around any of the vehicles offered to you on this map. Firing lines are way too long, and the enemy will simply pepper you with fire until you or your vehicle combust, whichever comes first. It is better to simply blow up Covenant vehicles than risk a newbie player getting into them and wasting lives, or even worse supplying the AI with another resource. Generally, this should only be done on higher difficulties or waves.


Map Description: A good all-rounder. Corvette is my personal favorite map to play singleplayer, simply because it's much easier to see what you're doing than when you're in a party of randoms firing off god knows what trying to steal every point for themselves. You will have ample sightlines to be able to pick off targets from all across the map, only hindered by the small barricades on the stairs and the assortment of supplies on the hanger floor on the left and right sides of the map. The same goes for your enemies, however, who will have much less travel time to come into range with their explosives, so be prepared to duck and weave to avoid being toasted. Enemies drop the east and west sides of the map from the energy doors placed over the hanger. Also, occasionally a veteran squad/Hunter duo will come through the central northern door to shake things up.
  • Ordnance drops are predictable, only dropping on the left and right sides of the map, making it simple to pop out from behind cover and grab what you need.
  • There are very little vehicles on this map, with the only thingy you have to worry about being the occasional single Wraith in either of the spawn locations.
Overall, this map rewards careful placement and forward-thinking; it's very easy to get stuck up against a wall, a free meal for the FuelRod barreling your way. Walls will be your greatest enemy on this map. You have two options:
  1. Stay on the upper levels and fire down on the enemies being dropped off on the sides of the map. Use the energy shields for cover and be ready to rotate when the Phantoms start firing on your position.
  2. Stay on the ramp just left and right of the southernmost main spawn doors, and use the pillars and outcropping for cover. Use the ramp to rotate round if enemies manage to get close enough to you.
The only thing you must keep track of is the position of the incoming phantoms. There is very little cover if you're on top of the bridges and make easy pickings for the turrets. Either take cover while they leave, or blow up the turrets to make an early start on the enemies below.

  • As previously stated, this map is very confined. This means you will be under the eye of those pesky FuelRods at all times. Do not expose yourself for too long, and do not run out into the middle of the map unless you know it's safe. The barricades give some protection and will allow you to pop off heads shots very easily. Stay on the ramp yourself from being decimated by the Phantoms, and if all else fails and you need a full retreat, duck into the spawn room behind you and cower there until the deluge subsides. Just be aware that you will have to stand and fight, as AI tends to like performing pincer maneuvers, cutting off your line of retreat, so keep both spawn doors covered.
  • Loadout wise, you will best served by the Armour Lock/DMR combo. The map size allows for easy traversal, and the verticality of the bridges allows you to use the DMR to its fullest extent. At least one person should also consider using the Drop Shield since health can only be found in the spawn rooms behind you, leaving you exposed while you run back and forth for health.
  • The Wraith which spawns later in the round will need to be dealt with virtually instantly. The area is simply to small for it to be left to blast holes in your defenses. You should be in range (from cover) to give a quick pop from a plasma pistol and what explosive you have available. Again, it is ill-advised to actually try and hijack the Wraith. It is unlikely that you even kill anything before you're blown to smithereens. Line of sight does not favor the player and enemies will stick you before you even see them.
  • Corvette is one of the few maps where enemy spawns can be exploited. While the majority of mobs will come from the Phantoms, the Covenant that spawns through the top and bottom plasma doors on the left and right side of the main door on the north side of the map are very easy to cover and deal with. If you have employed my strategy of holding the southern side of the map, you have plenty of time to break the shields of even the hardiest of Elites.

Map Description: One of Reach's most popular Firefight maps, even back in the day. Courtyard has a variety of defensible positions packed into quite a small map size. You'll have plenty of opportunities to use the Target Designator given the map's open and clear area, guaranteeing you a least a few multi-kills. The primary bridge intersecting the two halves of the map and its surrounding canopy gives you almost limitless cover and fantastic sightlines to shoot down home into Covenant spawn zones. Be aware that mobs seem to be prone to lobbing tons of grenades up the stairs, so if you're defending the main zone, be watchful for any well-thrown Plasma's coming your way.
  • There is a good side to this, however, since the map is so small, you will not have to worry about any vehicles spawning in to harass you. Save the Falklift that is. You should also be wary of the explosive tankers on opposite sides of the map. Getting to close to them might yield an untimely death, but you may also be able to use them to your advantage if an enemy squad gets to close.
  • Enemy spawns are very erratic and will often place down one on each side and attempt to corner you in the middle of the map. Make use of the easily attainable Ordnance just underneath the bridge to clear them out quickly.

Bip, bap, bang! line em up, shoot em down!
The trick to this one is simply to make sure you clean out your back yard. Don't let mobs start to coagulate inside the two open areas. Sooner or later they will breach your defense and will infest your spawns, all of which are also found in the compounds.

Map Description: My overall favourite of the bunch. This one was included as little add-on with Halo Anniversary back in the day. It has the most interesting and versatile geometry of the whole collection and allows for a quite a few strategies. The map consists mostly rocky terrain broken up by three forerunner structures, the middle of which will be serving as our base most of the time. Enemies spawn locations are many and varied, seldom every going down in the same places consistently, but mostly circling the main tower, giving a good reason to circle round and keep a 360 degree vantage point constantly. Ordnance drops also orbit the tower itself, so it shouldn't be a problem to pop out every once in a while to get some extra firepower.
  • Another oddity of this map, you get a little fire support in the way of the random ODST AI allies that spawn with you on launch. Do not expect these little guys do much however. Their AI is nowhere near as advanced as the enemies and will either die quickly, or in the case that they sit in the tower, do nothing.
  • Every set, there is a possibility that you will receive a Pelican reinforcement drop of another Rocket Launcher Warthog. As per usual, on harder difficulties this will probably be more likely to get you killed. However, with the right set of enemies (usually Brutes or Elites), you can park it on top of a hill and rain fire down. There is also a mongoose that spawns at the bottom of the tower.

  • The main tower allows for an absurdly defensible position from all angles. The only thing you need to worry about is is heavily armed troops storming the stairs. You may choose to have all four players up here and it would be completely viable. I have chosen to make it more interesting and split two of them off, in a very good spot for sniping and keeping the tower clean for, clearing out small mobs for the 2 in the tower. This keeps a health balance of enemies split between the two forces and mitigates any large threats which might break through kill your Spartans.
  • In terms of vehicles, you'll be the only one commanding any drivable ordnance. This gives you the upper hand in travel and, in the case of the Warthog, firepower. It also means the enemies will be hard pressed to keep up with you, so use your added distance to snipe them from afar before they get too close.

  • In terms of rotation, your options are going to be limited on this map, so making sure you equip for all eventuality and just making sure it doesn't happen is going to be your best bet. Keep the base exterior of the tower clear will be your best bet. However, if you do get overwhelmed, your best bet will be to jump off the tower on the side that is defending by your other fire team, and the one that isn't infested with enemies. Give the many spawn locations, it is difficult to predict which one that will be, so it will vary on a case by case basis.

  • The looming threat of the two Hunters at the end of the Set should definitely not be too much of a hindrance on this map. Your options are either getting the Hunters up the tower and to blind fire them from behind, or to just simply just off and make quick work of them with some spare Ordnance. This one is pretty self explanatory. Usual rules apply: look before you leap, don't get to close unless you can calculate the Hunter's next attack, and don't lose track of the remaining Covenant.

Map Description: Another favourite, unearthed launched on the Defiant map pack - the last DLC for Reach in its original form. A cracking map by any standard. verticality, different bases to defend, and shed load of different enemy spawns. One of the better maps of Firefight. To begin, Unearthed has a myriad of different spawn zones for Covenant Phantoms to deploy troops, meaning you won't always know be able to keep solid sight lines on spawning mobs. Ordnance spawns are quite far out from the recommended sight line locations, meaning risking a little danger to acquire them, although it is still recommended since Unearthed gives the enemy many opportunity to use their tanks than any other map.
  • Wraiths will consistently spawn to bombard the complex so dealing with them in a timely fashion will be paramount. You also have access to the Rocket Warthog which is decently effect on this map given its size.
  • The complex's primary door and its bridge to the adjacent building is your primary defensive line, allowing everyone a great set of sight-lines to be able to deal with encroaching squads without letting them get close. The other thing that should divert you from this strategy is the arrival of the Wraiths outside the mining complex, or the Hunter duo.

  • If you are planning on following my advise and trying to defend the catwalk between the ammo room and the outer complex, I would highly advise keeping someone at your back to keep your angles covered. While it makes it difficult for random explosives to one shot you, it can happen still.

  • If things get too hairy, you can always just pop back into the ammunition room and jump back into the fight once your shields are back up. Alternatively, you can always just camp there and let the mobs come to you. However, there is some to this since you're in a confined space with Grenades, and possibly FuelRods, flying everywhere. Of course you have the option then of rotation out through the windows and through the garage doors.

  • Aside from one or two spawns, Covenant spawns are rarely at your door step. This at least means that you should be granted a reprieve from the Phantom drop ship deaths that we all experience at one point or another. It also gives you a ton of time to prepare, as you'll see most of them off in the distance waddling towards you. Your DMR will make quick work of them.
  • Leaving the mining complex will probably end in you getting killed. The Phantom's line of sight is very long, and can snipe you from pretty far away. That, coupled with the Wraiths and Ghosts, unless you're going to get Ordnance I really wouldn't bother. A good alternative is to stand on the conveyor belt and snipe down in the area behind the complex.

Map Description: The classic. Glacier is a fan favourite for it's long lines of sight and irregular map design. Enemies spawn at the bottom of the map and work their way up. The map has 3 corridors to defend, each of which have the possibility of a Wraith drop (most likely to drop on the right side). Ordnance drop are static, with the very small possibility of Ordnance drop pods spawning at the back of the map.

  • A map that rewards the conservative approach. Glacier will punish you hard for overcommiting and pushing hard down down the ice corridors. Once Phantom reinforcements come, you will have very little in the way of escape routes.
  • Glacier has one effective tactic, and one only. Camp the corridors and keep mobs from getting too close. Plasma pistol Covvy Elites and and noob combo them back to the Shadow realm. Keep a watchful eye out for FuelRod grunt, and don't stay still for too long or the incoming Wraith will ruin your day. Hunters are not a challenge given that they usually only spawn right up close to the complex ramp, or at worst, at the bottom of the left most corridor. Let them roll up to you, and deal with them as you see fit.
  • Ordnance drops are static and are quite limited. Common drop are Snipers and a Rocket launcher with one full reload, and the occasional Spartan Laser: not a big selection.
  • Banshees will f*** your s*** up.
    Wait, they're aren't any on this map.. WHY AREN'T THERE ANY BANSHEES ON THIS MAP!

Map Description: Few will not recognise this mission from the climatic final battle of Noble Team in the campaign. The map takes place on an outcropping on side the side of a mountain which overlooks the last functioning shipyard on Reach. The main facility scales downwards onto two outcroppings on the mountainside where enemies will spawn, jumping on the edge of the cliff and making their way up to you, however, they can simply spawn on top of you in the facility itself. You will have clear firing positions to shoot down the map and hit your target with building interference.
  • Ordnance locations are scattered across the tail end of the map, giving you very little space without having to run through gunfire to get them. The usual rule applies, at the start or end of rounds, pop out to grab what you want.
  • No vehicles spawn on this map, so not have to worry about Vehicles harassing your position.

  • One of my personal least favourites of the Firefight maps. Holdout holds very place for you to, well, 'holdout'. You will find that many positions can be flushed out very quickly. The only places that I have had success with is the top floor of the building complex, as well as the long stairs leading into the arena (where you enter the map from the campaign). This gives you some time to employ long range tactics against the stronger enemies and keep them at arms length while you whittle down their numbers.

  • Considering the small size of the map, it would be prudent to watch out for Phantom drop sites. Unless you are in good cover it will be difficult to stop them clapping your cheeks.

Map Description: One of the most difficult maps to defend well. Overlook is situated on a hill, with a dividing river at it's base. The main base on the far south of the map holds the majority of Spartan spawns, as well as all ammunition crates. It also provides the only cover you will have on this map.
  • Ordnance locations are very balanced across this map, with most of them landing in the circular fence that will be where most firefights seem to take place. They also occasionally drop a strong power weapon to the west side of the bast, near the cliffs.
  • You will have to deal with Wraith spawns on this map, who are particularly dangerous on this map, since they have free reign to fire up at you with impunity. You would be well advised to deal with them as soon as they spawn, no matter the danger.

  • This one really is a doozy. Overlook, being the oldest map in Reach's rotation,
    harkening back to the Halo Reach beta, Overlook has a rich history in the Halo Reach's mp mode. Now, it will haunt your nightmares in the form of the most brutally difficult map. As already stated, there is very little cover on this map, meaning if you get a bad enemy spawn, you will need to run for cover all the way back at base, or move to the other side of the map. The easiest way to avoid getting caught on the drop is keeping small mobs clear, so you will have free movement across the part of the map which are safe to hold. This extends also to the cone of death that the Wraith will reign down on you. Do NOT ignore the Wraith.

  • With that said, the best place I have found to hold is the space west of the building, adjacent to the bridge (marked on my map); which is marginally connected to the base, giving you a decent rotation point if a phantom does get too close for comfort (which does happen). Your firing lines are long, giving you time to pick off enemies on the bridge and in the water, and also gives you time to deal with the encroaching covenant swarming into the building complex.

  • Ordnance will actually be of help on this map, especially anti-vehicle power weapons. Have at least one player hold onto one for the Wraith spawn, it's worth one character weapon slot.

  • The Phantom which drops from the north side of the map across the stream can be easily exploited, as they take so long to drop off their payload, you can safely snipe half of them out before they get out of. It also helps that most Phantom drops across the river hold basic squads, and not a majority of shielded enemies. Head shorts are a must of course.

  • It is generally not a good idea to fight inside the centre of the complex. There are too many sight lines that enemies can use to pick you off, and too many openings for small mobs to get in and overwhelm you. The restricted movement also makes it likely a FuelRod will catch you eventually. I high advise only going through there to get a Ordnance supply or to rotate around to avoid being mobbed by Covenant.


Map Description: Another map from the campaign; this time a reengineered version of ' The Package', 'Outpost' holds a decent amount of variety in its map design, allowing a decent degree of viable defensible positions. Large elements of the map consist of barren land with three main buildings (two covenant anti air guns and one UNSC outpost), and a small scouting complex just south of the upper most covenant anti-air battery.
  • Covenant will spawn in the majority around the centre of the map, with a few clusters forming behind cover to stop you from mowing them down before they have a chance to get to you.

  • Ordnance drops spawn close to the complexes, and each base has no shortage of escape routes.
    Both Ghosts and Wraith spawn in on this map.

  • Spawn zones are very close together, so choosing the right spawn if your prior position is overrun will be paramount to not waste another life.

  • Outpost, being one of the flattest maps in terms of geometry and environmental objects, is very open and desolate in terms of defensible positions. Outside of the main complexes that is. You should generally avoid leaving your little camping spots to venture out; you will be picked off by Phantoms before you can say "I'm Master Chi4f and I doesn't afraid of anything". Inversely, this also applies to your enemies, who will have to have to run through large stretches of badland to get to you, often getting dropped off in barren stretches of map like the large water de[posit in the middle of the map. Use this time to take out the small mobs and deal with the more deadly infantry once they get close, preferably with a good old fashioned one-two: a quick Plasma bolt, and nice bullet in the brain for good measure.

  • Save at least one piece of ordnance for Hunters. If they get into your camping spot, you will have a lot of trouble getting there out again.

Don't play it.

  • Quit out if you get this map.
There ya have it. I hope you've found my guide both entertaining and informative. I'm also glad all you have found my Data Pad guide, so if you haven't seen that, be sure to head on over and give those collectibles a whirl.

Halo's Firefight is definitely no push over at higher difficulties and offers a substantial challenge to even the most hardened Halo player, so don't be ashamed to die at least a few times per game. You will learn to hate those evil little FuelRod grunts, if you haven't already.

Now, let's all wait calmly for Halo:CEA to drop, so we can get our next fix of Halo goodness.
[Optional] Donate!
If this guide helped you out, and you would like to say thanks,throw something my way.
Of course this is not necessary however; It just gives me a little more incentive to write and edit more in the future!

Valdes the Betrayer Oct 21, 2021 @ 8:35am 
How 'bout I play Waterfront anyway?
Psychedelic Adventurer  [author] Dec 28, 2019 @ 9:27am 
Thanks, I'll add it to the OP. I wasn't able to find anything on who Postums had commissioned it from; I even reverse-image searched and found nothing. Much appreciated!
rexy Dec 28, 2019 @ 3:05am 
Artist is @pixelflaregfx on Twitter. It was a commission/gift for 343Postums.
Psychedelic Adventurer  [author] Dec 26, 2019 @ 9:37am 
Refer to the [Basics] section. Plasma bolt + Precision headhshot deals with any Elite very quickly. For Brutes, consider using a weapon capable of supercombine. That will kill most in one or two explosions.
ScorpionGod Dec 26, 2019 @ 9:33am 
It's hard to kill those Yellow elites and the Brutes with that face armor. Is there any tips for those 2 specifically? BTW nice guide.
KnockBoots69 Dec 26, 2019 @ 2:06am 
remember guys your score does not matter, if you want to maximize exp you need to do more than get uber amounts of kills, i personally will spend the first 2 sets of the match trying to get nothing but assists, and then in the last set and bonus round i try and get as many multikills as possible
Raiu Dec 25, 2019 @ 3:11pm 
10/10 i know this guy:aragami::aragamialt: