The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

83 次評價
Morrowind Mod Recommendations: Comfort Mods (QoL)
由 Danae 發表
A list of mods that will make you life easier without removing (much of) the challenge
Vvardenfell is a harsh world and we love it for that. We even add mods to balance the game[] i.e. remove obvious exploits, and add realism[]. Some of us actually like the pain and install mods that make the game way more challenging[].
All that is good and well, but there are mods that don't make the game easier, just a little less tedious. Here are a few of my must-have comfort mods.
Warning: Because these mods do the impossible, they typically require MWSE/MGE.
Inventory Management
- inom - Inventory mouse wheel []by isNaN. I will NEVER play without this: transfer anything to and from your inventory with the mouse wheel.

- MWSE Containers[] by Greatness7. With this you can buy containers (duh) that look great (thank you LondonRook). Cherry on top, they are portable and some even act as sorters: ingredients, books, scrolls, potions, and ammo. Cherry on top of the cherry, even items added by mods get sorted.

- Mort's Quickloot[] lets you see what is in a container (unless it is locked or scripted). Also lets you empty said container in one go or alternatively, selectively pick up what you want, all that at the press of a button.
Player Management
- Merlord's Auto Ammo Equip[]. Does what it says on the tin - every time you run out of arrows, every time you equip a bow, every time you switch to a crossbow.

- Mort's's Ultimate Leveling Experience[] is the latest levelling mod, taking advantage of the latest MWSE lua scripting capabilities. This means that 1/ there is no esp (yay) 2/ it does not work with OpenMW (aw) The in-game menu lets you configure pretty much anything: how much health you get per level, the importance of misc. skills, etc.. A good alternative (and a simpler mod) is Linora's leveling mod[] that also removes the headache of leveling up but lets you have the multipliers.

- Merlord's Quick loadouts[] lets you equip a whole set of gear at the press of a button, and switch to another set of gear at the press of another button.

- Remiros' Torch Hotkey[] or Fliggerty's older Handy Equip[] that lets you set up a hotkey for torches, lockpicks, and probes.

- For lockpicks and probles only, check out OperatorJack's excellent Security Enhanced[].

- SuperQuail's Descriptive Shrines[] so you know what the blessing you are paying for it! Also adds the option to cancel and restore health.

- Apoapse's Attack[] so that when your attack connects... it connects! If you are in for a bigger combat overhaul, I recommend Next Gen Combat[] that adds loads while letting you configure the mod the way you want, directly in-game.

- Morrowind Code Patch[], be sure to select swiftcasting. Arguably, this makes the game a little easier since you don't have to switch between readying a weapon and readying a spell.
Companion Management
- Merlord's Kill Command[]: press a key (K by default, but easily configurable in-game) that sends your companions, followers, pets, and summons to attack whoever you were looking at. No more slow ghosts floating around in circles before going poof! Also fun to use.

- Melian's Teleport Mod[]: never lose a companion again. Also lets you have multiple marks (more balanced with Abot's patch[]).
NEW Customizable MWSE Multi Mark and Harder Recall[] by Virnetch does the same but offers more in-game custom options.

- NullCascade's If you find that the option is not responsive enough. Personally, I am not using this anymore because I love sending my minions to kill my target with Kill Command.

- Easy Escort[] by NullCascade makes any follower (scripted or not) follow MUCH better. A must-have.

- Abot's Take My Place[] to make NPCs and companions move out the way.

- Companion Health Bars MWSE[] by Mesafoo, to keep an eye on your comapnions'health.
UI Improvements
- NullCascade's UI Expansion[]. A must if you have a very large spellbook: UI Expansion lets you filter spells by school or search them by name. My favourite feature is the dialogue window: topics that don't have any new information are greyed out so you don't have to read the same rumour again. Includes an option to tranfer items faster as well.

- Greatness7's Poison Crafting[] lets you craft poison (duh) but it made this list because you don't need to pick up your apparatus to make potions anymore, much like the old At Home Alchemy[] did. It also makes potions on shelves and in your inventory easily recognisable.

- MWSE Alchemy Filter[] by Greatness7. In the alchemy window, lets you bring up a menu with potion effects, once you've selected one, the mod filters all your ingredients and, based on your skill, will leave the ones matching your criteria.

- Aleist3r's Clock Block[] adds a small clock right on top of the mini-map: fits seamlessly into the UI and ... tells the time, yours or the Nerevarine's.

- Either the Morrowind Code Patch[] option to add "owned" to the tooltip of owned objects, or use Pete the goat's Ownership Indicator[]. Admittedly, this makes the game a little easier: if you want to steal, make sure no-one sees you and ownership won't be a problem.

- NullCascade's Sophisticated Save System[] will autosave your game regularly. In my setup, occasionally, when my game crashed, I could not load some of the autosaves. But then again, if I have no autosave to begin with, I have nothing to load.

- Expeditous Exit[] by NullCascade to quit Morrowind in a second.
Getting Started
Morrowind is a harsh place and rats are deadly for a prisoner freshly off the boat. Here are a few mods to kickstart your adventures (without checking every tree stump in Seyda Neen):

- Gavrilo's Adventurer Starter Pack[]: a balanced solution, you buy a handy set of potions and tools all at once.

- Spuzzum's Starting Equipment []is a more generous mod that will give you items and spells based on your skills (great for custom classes). The only downside is that you need to go to Seyda Neen to collect.

- Merlord's Starting Equipment []does something similar, minus the spells. It will however work with any chargen mod you use.

- If you only want spells (or additionnal ones), grab Tizzo's Useful Starting Spells[]

- Personal Effects[] by R-Zero is a balanced mod where you get a set of items based on your vanilla class.

- I've already recommended Chargen Revamped Expanded Lands[] in a previous guide: it gives you all the options you can think of to create a character, if you want something more lighweight to skip the chargen, Quickchar[] is for you.
Final words
What did I miss? Let me know~
Many thanks to members of the MW discord who pointed out mods I forgot.

More guides on my blog[] and tons of Morrowind livestream on my Twitch[]
12 則留言
Mr. Steal Your Gun 2021 年 11 月 11 日 下午 7:13 
Better Dialogue Font is hugely useful if you use MGXE or OMW's UI scaling options, make text not be horribly fuzzy
Zathras555 2020 年 5 月 8 日 上午 5:03 
Danae Thank you for the reply. I have been a member since Nexus's first year but only in the last 12/12 have I had problem downloading mods "free". I have spent hours looking for alternative sites and there are none and they effectively have a monopoly. I can understand the Xmas staff reason as an excuse although computer wise I fail to see how that can happen.
However I found a way to access the mods without paying and I have no idea as to why it should have worked as it merely involved a totally different browser. I am still suspicious of Nexus but I do retract my claim about my lack of access being definitely deliberate, although time will tell here.
Danae  [作者] 2020 年 5 月 8 日 上午 1:30 
@Zathras555 Nexus mods are really not behind a pay wall.
There might be ads (use adblocks) and their premium service simply includes faster downloads (which I don't have)
Zathras555 2020 年 5 月 8 日 上午 12:15 
The real pity here is that ALL Nexus mods are often ONLY accessible for download IF you have a paying account. The excuse at Xmas was that the staff were on holiday. Now it is the CV19 one. I fully expected this to happen once Nexus had the monopoly that they now have and I wonder just how much the actual mod makers receive. Not much I bet. Do keep the sneers about paying to yourselves as my invalid status was in service to my country.
Sutasu! 2020 年 5 月 5 日 下午 4:19 
@Danae You'd help me a lot with this. I appreciate your answer
Danae  [作者] 2020 年 5 月 5 日 下午 1:12 
@Sutasu! This wasn't meant to be an installation guide but merely a list of mods. A lot of them do have a major requirement in the form of MWSE, not a mod really but a utility, much like SKSE for Skyrim, it simply needs to be there in your game folder.
That being said, I'd be happy to write an installation guide.
Danae  [作者] 2020 年 5 月 5 日 下午 1:10 
@KreeashinMith A great mod I've used for years. Not quite a QoL mod imo. Lately, we have mods such as GMST Menu ( that let you tweak gmsts while in game, which is basically what Speechcraft rebalanced did with an esp.
KreeashinMith 2020 年 5 月 4 日 下午 10:51 
Speechcraft Rebalance is a really great mod that I would never play the game without. It's a hair too easy imo, but you can adjust it by tweaking numbers in the Construction Set
genjurro 2020 年 5 月 3 日 下午 12:50 
Hi Danae, thx for your answer. I will check it out.
Sutasu! 2020 年 5 月 3 日 上午 5:16 
Huge lack of meaningful instructions. Mods say that they need other mods that need other mods.