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AR-K | Walkthrough and Achievement Guide
By lylat
We highly recommend playing the game in windowed mode (and regularly checking the Steam client) to see when achievements pop up and to be able to pause the game by clicking outside the window.

There's an achievement for finishing the whole first chapter in less than 30 minutes. Don't skip the final cutscene, else it won't unlock.

Hit ESC key to skip dialogues and cutscenes.

Without any additional effort, you will unlock the "Observer" achievement during the first episode.

Read tons of descriptions
Episode 1 - Gone With The Sphere
Interact with the wardrobe.
Exit through the door on the right.
Speak to Bollizei and choose:
  • I don't supposed you could, ah... help me piece together what happened last night?
around 100 times to trigger the achievement, but it won't unlock until you visit another location. End the conversation and head into the bar to validate your progress.

Technical information: You need 600+ sociable points to trigger the achievement and you get ~10 points each time you pick that option (each line of dialogue counts as 1 point).

Keep talking! Be sociable!

Head into the bar.
Speak to Franky and choose:
  • But Nuno met this guy I was with?
  • He hadn't had a drink before he stopped in here?

Speak to Franky again and choose:
  • I am never going to drink again. This hangover is killing me, Franky.
  • Gimme the works.
  • I'll leave you to your duties! Bye!

Pick up the tabasco - it's to Franky's left.
Leave the location.
Open your inventory and drag & drop the sandwich on the dog.
Keep dragging and dropping any item in your inventory. For instance the tabasco - repeat 100 times.

Trial and mistake
Combine 100 objects incorrectly

Go right and up twice to find the university entrance. Head inside.
Interact with the vending machine and get all three drinks.
Go upstairs and use the yellow drink from your inventory on the moving robot.
Go downstairs and take another "Super-Skunk" from the vending machine.
Go upstairs and use it again with the robot.
Repeat this step 10 times.

I love that drink!
Buy 10 cans of Skunk

Note: Make sure to have a yellow Skunk stored in your inventory before proceeding.
Combine the other two Skunks in your inventory (red and blue) to create a mixture.
Use that mixture on the robot.
Pick up the can from the broken robot.

Go right and interact with the sign labeled as "Info", to the left of the door.
Try entering the office.
Leave the university and use the phone box on the right, choose:
  • Hello, is professor Neediot there? First name is Ima.

Re-enter the university and go back out again.
Interact with the phone box one more time and choose:
  • This is Hamad Alhala, with Quest and Test.

Technical information: Re-entering the university is required for the game to save your "jokes" progress.

Go back to the street with the bar.
Open your inventory and use the yellow skunk on the sewer (bottom left).
Pick up the liquor bottle from the floor.
Go back to the university.
Open your inventory and use the booze on William. Choose:
  • It'll help you relax, like you were talking about.

8 Bits
Find the retro video

Interact with the secret compartment and pick up the camera. You'll also receive a brick.
Pick up the keys from William's belt (under the table).
Use the brick from your inventory on the coffee machine.
Pick up the paper cups from the floor and use them on the coffee machine.
Go upstairs and all the way to the right.
Open your inventory and use the keycard on the office door.
Pick up the funnel under the water dispenser.
Click on the screen on the desk.
Leave the room and go downstairs.
Head back to the bar.

Give all the ingredients to Franky (the coffee, the red bottle, the box, and the brown thingy).
Open your inventory and use the funnel on Nuno (guy sleeping on bar).
Use the drink from your inventory on Nuno.

Head left to the subway and immediately go back.
Go back to your room (Residence) and interact with the wardrobe.

Dressing properly
Put on the seductive dress

Return to the subway.
Click on your dog and then on the guy.
After the cutscene, click on the shelf in the dark.
Interact with the stick, it's nearby the door.
Pick up the string to the left of the door.
Open your inventory and use the string on the shelf.
Click on your dog and then on the shelf.
Pick up the sphere from the floor.

Open your inventory and use the picture on Bollizei. Choose:
  • No? Why not?
  • Pity. My father never had an unkind...
  • He said you had great potential as long as you stayed...
  • He called you a hard worker, studious, diligent.
  • Sure, he always called you Otto.

Use the picture again on him.
Go right and click on the statue in the distance.
Go back to the university entrance and interact with the phone box.
  • Reithi? It's your mother. I wanted...

Tell at least 3 jokes

Open your inventory and drag & drop Eduard Leopold (right side) on the phone box.
Go in and upstairs.
Speak to Nuno and choose:
  • In an era of interstellar travel and aliens...

Click on your dog and then on Nuno.
Go downstairs and outside.
Go down once to reach the bike, then pick up the ticket from the booth.
Go all the way back to the subway.

Click on the window and choose:
  • Oh! Oh no! Help!
  • Ow! Ow, help! Help!

Open your inventory and use the rope on the lock.
Use the rope with any streetlight.

DON'T skip the final cutscene, else the speedrun and completion achievements won't unlock.

Go inside the cargo.

Gone with the sphere
Complete the first chapter
Fast girl
Perform a speed run
Episode 2 - The Girl Who Wasn't There
Interact with the waste paper basket next to the door, then go upstairs.
Pick up the glass egg underneath the left bookshelf.
Go back downstairs.
Use the glass egg on the train model in the bottom left corner.
Interact with the train on the floor.
Go upstairs and use the magnet from your inventory on the right bookshelf.
Go downstairs and through the door.

Interact with the terminal between the stairs.
Input the code 013248. Be fast - if you take too long, try again.
Go right twice to reach the university area.
Pick up the branch under the ash tree.
Interact with the terminal and input 058213.
Go up twice to enter the university.

Speak to the studious girl sitting on the stairs and choose:
  • Yes. That's me. Do we know each other?
  • If you want me to find your friend, I'm going to need a description...
  • Don't worry. I'll find your friend.

Go upstairs.
Interact with the yellow toolbox to find a wrench.
Go downstairs and outside afterwards.
Open your inventory and right click on the the A++, then open the inventory again and right click on the new paper with the magnifying glass.
Open your inventory and drag & drop the paper with the magnifying glass on the student inside the booth.
Right click on the long-haired guy image in your inventory.
Go down twice and into the residence hall.
Enter Alicia's room.
Use the wrench from your inventory with the moving doll on the desk.
Leave the residence and go into the bar.
Pick up the cutter from the bag under the dirty table.
Talk to the barman and choose:
  • Long hair, black t-shirt with a dragon on it...
  • Rising
  • Warriors
  • Ehhh... The Telephone number of the beast.
  • See you around, Dude.

Use the sound chip on the barman.
Open your inventory and use the long-haired guy (right side) on the barman.
Go out and left to the subway (the sign is the hitbox).
Enter Blaine's apartment.
Open inventory and use the mic on the jacket, next to the door.
Leave the apartment and go back to university's entrance (right twice and up once).
Use the burger with the student in the ticket booth.
Pick up the glasses from the floor.
Combine the stick with the glass in your inventory.
Go back to the street outside of Blaine's apartment, then back to the bar street.

Go to the residence hall and into Alicia's room.
Click on the sphere between the dog's legs to see a cutscene.
Go out of the room and knock on Nuno's door.
Leave the residence.
Open your inventory and use the rat icon on Bollizei.
Speak to Bollizei, choose:
  • Are you high?
  • Ambar is being unbelievably disobedient today...
  • Keep your eyes open, Officer.

Use the trap from your inventory (glass + stick) on the rat wandering around.
Open your inventory and use the dog icon on the rat.
Click on the scared hamster to trap it inside the glass.
Open your inventory and use the rat icon on Bollizei.
Pick up the glass.

Go inside the residence and use the hamster on Nuno's door.
Open your inventory and use the magazine "CILF X" on Nuno's door.
Break into Nuno's room.
Enter the bar and use the X-rated magazines from your inventory on the barman.
Go out, right and up twice to enter the university.
Give the hamster to the girl.
Go upstairs and pick up the crowbar from the right side.

Make your way back to Blaine's apartment.
Go upstairs and use the magnetic bracelet from your inventory on the floating table.
Use the wrench from your inventory on the telescope and then interact with the telescope.
Go downstairs and outside.
Use the crowbar from your inventory on the big letters (CINCO).

Go up to the square.
Speak to Bossman and choose:
  • Mr Bossman, could you give me the official version of the radiation leaks in the plants of sector 3?

Speak to the journalist.
Interact with the terminal and input 015369.
Go left, right and into the hall of residence.
Enter Alicia's room.
Interact with the desk and move the letters CIC to the light.
Rotate them to create a wrench (ɔ-c).
Pick up the pants from the wardrobe.
Go out of your room and leave the residence hall.
Go to the alley area, bottom right.
Open your inventory and use the whistle on the dog.

Go left and upper right.
Use the golden sphere from your inventory on the broken terminal.
Go left and into the residence.
Enter Alicia's room and use the charged sphere from your inventory on the big letters.
Leave the room.

Go to the bottom right and use the big wrench from your inventory on Franky.
Go left after the cutscene.
Interact with the terminal by the door and input 056321.
Interact with the terminal to the left of Bollizei and input 053426.

Interact with the terminal again and input 082460.
Use fast-travel to any other terminal (click the images on the left) and input the same code again (082460). Repeat for all terminals.

Unlock every terminal code

Go back to Bollizei, speak to him and choose:
  • I'm seeing a lot of cops, Officer. Did something happen?

Law abiding citizen
Behave, Citizen!

Go right twice and up to the university.
Use the wirecutters (red thing in your inventory) on the coffee machine.
Go upstairs and use Blaine's sweets on the professor.
Go back downstairs and use the keycard from your inventory on the drinking bird (Wallruce's helper).
Open your inventory and use the disc on Wallruce.

Go into the university and upstairs.
Interact with the site locker on the right.
Go back to Blaine's apartment.
Go upstairs and use the crowbar from your inventory on the helmet to the right.
Open your inventory and combine the yellow tape with the helmet.
Use the golden sphere from your inventory on the robot.
Go downstairs and interact with the temperature screen, to the left of the TV.
Go upstairs again and use the dog from your inventory on the police jacket.
Leave the building.
Go right twice, to the alley.
Open your inventory and use the pants on the paint bucket, in the corner of the alley.

You'll be teleported to the exam.
Wait until the professor turns away and immediately open your inventory, click on the cheat sheet and use it on the upper left footballer.
Click on Nuno after the cutscene.

The girl who wasn't there
Complete the second chapter
IvorBigun Oct 30, 2020 @ 10:19am 
only 1000 characters lol don't waste your money!!
IvorBigun Oct 30, 2020 @ 10:18am 
This game has potential but has too many bugs. 1 click on an item in inventory does'nt say what it is, tried the narrator guy and then she just say's not a good idea? i have only had 2 hints from him others don't work lol also completing tasks before initial task and having to go back to finnish the original task overlap ? (very confusing) I like the open language normal swearing is ok more realistic !! unable to save at a specific point not good, because you have to completley start over if you have completed tasks in the wrong order!!!!! these area's should not be accessable or not be able to complete until initial task is done this is very intermitant and completley throws you from the story line. All in all good idea but not as good as broken sword series far from it well i played chapter 1 got the sequence wrong could not get back to the subway after taking ticket this could