Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

188 人が評価
3d Castle Ravenloft DnD 5e Curse of Strahd
Game Category: Role-playing Games
タグ: Dungeons, 4+
1.645 MB
2019年9月14日 9時15分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

3d Castle Ravenloft DnD 5e Curse of Strahd

This is the entire castle ravenloft built out in TTS. It is very big, and right on the border for how big something can realistically be while still being useable (dimension wise). That Being said, I've tried to limit the amount of object in the file so it should hopefully not run to sluggishly in your multiplayer games. Have fun!

If you like it, feel free to shoot me a tip. I spent around 40 hours moving all the tiny little pieces into place. No obligation, though, I really just hope people get to experience this module in the most immersive way!
31 件のコメント
rynodragon23 5月27日 21時43分 
Any plans on fixes?
Geone 1月9日 14時33分 
No longer works. none of the models load
Jacky Crowbar 2023年12月9日 9時45分 
WOOOOAAAAA thx dude !!!
Thisjus10 2021年3月30日 13時46分 
other than what people mentioned about the obj failing to load, I also can't close doors that have walls next to them once they're opened, if I remove the walls hitting 2 will close them again.
Morpheus 2021年3月7日 15時12分 
I am having issues loading the map, getting the error:
Failed to load Model (.obj):
poppda24 2021年1月8日 20時03分 
This map is incredible. I dont DM but Ive created a RPG Warhammer 40k for my first DM session (Since I have far better undestanding of the 40k universe vs DND or Fallout). I have been looking for a map to suit my needs and this ticks the box exceptionally well!
Test loaded the map and the only failed load was a collider for one of the tree models.
Bork-Bork-Bork 2020年11月6日 18時22分 
Amazing work! My party got two months of play out of this map.

We played it as a standalone adventure and it worked pretty well. We did a few "flashback" scenes to visit other places in Barovia and provide some context for the main items (Tome of Strahd, Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, Sunsword).
[SrVallejo] Doc Emmet L. Brown 2020年5月20日 5時45分 
It's an amazin job, congrats. But i don't know how I can take this and use it on my table. It isn't loadable in one world or something like that.
V4N 2020年4月10日 10時13分 
This is fantastic. Thank you for putting this together!
Lynn 2020年1月9日 6時01分 
This is beautiful and I've gladly tipped you! One tiny concern: 4 models didn't seem to load at the beginning. Do I need to download another mod for the missing models? Thank you!