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Enclave Easter Eggs
By Amran
Enclave is packed with secrets left by both the level designers and gameplay scripters, but only some of them were ever found. This guide offers a level by level list of currently discovered Easter eggs.
Light Missions:
  • Celadia Village - "Buk"
  • Celadia Village - Designer credits
  • Deserted Temple - The Crypt
  • Deserted Temple - Skeleton
  • The Divided City - "Tom"
  • The Divided City - "CW"
  • The Divided City - "Hank" / "Jerk"
  • Harbour of Ark Amar - Fishing
  • Meckelon - "Und keine eier!!" (And no eggs!!)

Dark Missions:
  • Celadia Village - "Saga"
  • The Plateau - "Doghouse"
  • The Great Wall - Rocket Pack
  • The Great Wall - Exploding Rat
  • The Mines of Ungard - "J.A. Was Here"

  • Sorcery
  • Unlockable Characters
  • "If You Can Read This Call"
Light Missions:
Celadia Village - "Buk" on the rooftops

Go up to the roof area where a goblin archer pushes the barrels off of, and jump across the gap onto the small ledge at the bottom of the shingles. Follow this ledge and jump across again to another. Continue along and you will find it at the end.

Celadia Village - Designer credits

There's a texture hidden in the game files that looks like the "Celadia" signs seen throughout the level, only with the names of the level designer and texture artist instead. This texture is never used in either of the Celadia levels but has been included in the game's files.

Deserted Temple - The Crypt

Go around to the left side of the temple from where you start and hit the base of the cross shaped stone with an attack. Once it crumbles, go over to the crypt and 'use' the door six times.

Deserted Temple - Skeleton (More of a hidden detail, although a developer listed it as an egg)

In the room where you find the temple key, shoot the center of the cross on the coffin lid. Also in this level, although not an egg, is a force field which can be activated by shooting glowing switches inside the first room (right after the color coded door is opened).

The Divided City - "Tom"

After starting the level, if you keep to the right path you'll come to a pit that has a painted skull sign to the right of it. There will also be a sconce here with a block and plank that fall into the pit when you get near. Jump up onto this sconce. Now, without moving, (If you fall off the sconce the Easter egg will no longer trigger) shoot the skull on the sign a few times. Shooting the symbol which appears will also injure the player. (This symbol spells "Tom" from top to bottom and can also be found on some paintings in the game and on the textures for the Footman, Halfling, Wizard, and Jasindra.)

The Divided City - "CW"

In the area that has the crane which is blown up, there's broken wall with a tattered banner hanging down in the center. Look up near the top right edge of this broken wall and you'll notice a brick sticking out slightly. Shoot it with a staff or bow.

The Divided City - "Hank" / "Jerk"

Head to the area with the metal plate underneath the stairs, then turn around and look up. See that brick hanging out up there? Shoot it with your staff or bow. In the Xbox and PC versions of the game this reveals "Hank", while the Wii version has "Jerk".

Harbour of Ark Amar - Fishing

To the side of the ledge that the assassin is on with the ladder going up to it there are some supports sticking out of the wall. Jump along these and follow them around the corner. The use icon should pop up.

Meckelon - "Und keine eier!!" (And no eggs!!)

Begin the level with the Druid and the Astral Staff. Once you reach the small waterfall, you'll need to summon a golem and jump on top of it to reach the top of the waterfall. From here, head to the left where you'll find another short wall where you can summon a golem and jump up. Now, follow the ledge all the way around the blimp and the look down at the wall to the right. (Credit for finding how to reach this one goes to MisterPronka.)
Dark Missions:
Celadia Village - "Saga" on the rooftops

Located in the same spot as "Buk" on Light.

The Plateau - "Doghouse"

Once you reach the top of the plateau with the ruins on it, you will see two archways. Find the archway that is not broken and stand on the side opposite from the portal. Now, look up and to the left where you'll see a stone block hanging off the corner, shoot it.

The Great Wall - Rocket Pack

Follow the small ledge to the right of the bridge as far as possible and you'll find a spot where the use icon comes up. You'll then hear a switch sound, followed by "Keep your eyes open". Now once again follow the ledge, but this time back to the bridge.

The Great Wall - Exploding Rat

Near the end of the level is a small building with a forge and a number of valves inside. You'll need to turn these in a specific order. (Far right, far left, center)

The Mines of Ungard - "J.A. Was Here"

When you first come to the bridge you will find two gold pickups along the side. Take the first, but not the second (If you collect the second the Easter egg will no longer trigger). Next, you'll need to walk down each of the four supports on the sides of the bridge, right to the edge, and then back up. Finally go to the opposite end of the bridge and to its left where there's a carved out section of rock. Go right into the corner and the use icon will show up. The initials presumably stand for Jan Andersson who worked on the game.
Much of the framed artwork found throughout the game are images from the canceled Starbreeze project Sorcery. This is where the engine that Enclave is based on originated. Other material was also carried over, including the bone bridge at Ark Moor, the sconces and fire (from later builds), and some unused models in the game files.

Unlockable Characters
The two characters rewarded for finding all gold in the campaigns are from an early version of Enclave when it was a deathmatch game similar to Quake3 Arena. There are also numerous textures left in the game files from this time, two levels which were included with the editor as samples, and a number of model files hidden in the Wii version's release files. A number of the textures from this version of the game were also used, as well as some of the machinery, in The Sanctuary.

"If You Can Read This Call"
The gold coins in the game have a message written on the back which has been cited by one of the developers to be followed by their old phone number. Though difficult to make out, "If You Can Read This Call" followed by a number that begins with a Swedish area code is visible on the coins.

Goblin in Riddick
One of the following games released by Starbreeze, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, includes a section where the player can interact with the intercoms outside various doors in the guard quarters. One of the intercoms reveals the voice of one of Enclave's goblins, mumbling something about Vatar.
endorphin82 Aug 9 @ 12:14pm 
MOS Exception report
0000 class CDirectoryNode:: ReadDirectory Line 253, SMFile_Misc.cpp Unknown error. (00000016)
Exhorter Feb 18, 2023 @ 10:12am 
CrumbleCat Apr 7, 2021 @ 2:15pm 
VAC BAN ... Apr 15, 2016 @ 4:06pm 
iSMÆȽj Aug 10, 2014 @ 7:11pm 
SnakeJuice Jul 21, 2014 @ 8:49pm 
i do everything and nothing happen in the crypt
КАЛІСТЕТІКА Jul 1, 2014 @ 3:51am 
Drama Jun 12, 2014 @ 7:53am 
_uncensored May 30, 2014 @ 5:28pm 
that's useful
frq May 21, 2014 @ 6:19am 