The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

320 ratings
Morrowind Resolution & Bug Fixes
By Breaking Femjamin
Simple set up guide for playing Morrowind in modern resolutions and squashing some pretty infamous bugs.
Before you ask about OpenMW
It's not compatible with the mods we'll be using, and this is really for people who want to use the retail/Steam version. This process leaves us with a vanilla+ base for modding or a casual play-through.

See: if you're interested

"Mods that require Morrowind Script Extender (MWSE), Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE), Morrowind Code Patch (MCP), or similar game engine mods are not compatible because they modify the original Morrowind.exe engine, which OpenMW replaces."
Turn Off The Steam Overlay
The Steam Overlay can cause issues with the game, similar to the Discord Overlay. This is a case by case basis but I still recommend turning it off for the smoothest experience. Simply right click the game in your library, and click properties. It should be the first option listed when the Properties window pops up.

While not necessary, it marginally improves stability.
Modding Time
Now you'll need to download and install MGE EX, basically it just makes the game run and look a lot better. Just drop it into your Morrowind directory.


"But how do I get to the directory?" Well just like the overlay, open the properties window and this time look for local files, it'll look something like this:

Click "Browse Local Files" and keep that window open, just for the sake of ease.

It'll tell you in the readme to install DirectX 9, you don't have to do this as DirectX 10-11 etc. is already on your machine. Just extract the whole folder to the Morrowind folder. Not any folders you see in the tab you just opened, Just to the Morrowind folder you opened with Steam and I told you to keep open.

From there just run the installer, it does most of the work for you, and has instructions in the program itself. You can likely crank every setting as high as it'll go.

"It says my computer doesn't support [setting here]"

This is very case by case, but should be largely ignored.

Now why I said to do this first is because MGE EX comes with Morrowind Script Extender, that I have no idea how to get otherwise, but is needed for any sort of mods to work.

Now like always we're gonna fix Bethesda's game for them with the Morrowind Code Patch


Like last time, extract the file to your Morrowind folder and run the application.

Check and uncheck what patch options seem appealing to you, make sure to thoroughly read each option's description first.

I personally recommend the sound fix. Trust me if you've got tinnitus you'll thank me.

And you're ready to go!
Enjoy <3 (Message From The Author)
Now you can play and mod Morrowind as much as you'd like.

The initial version of this guide was poorly written, and incredibly inflammatory. I decided to rework it now that I've grown and changed as a person.

I hope you enjoy the game, and that I was in some small way, able to help in that.

Breaking Femjamin  [author] Oct 30, 2024 @ 3:38am 
Hey y'all

I did a thorough rewrite of this guide. I've grown a lot since initially writing it. I hope you enjoy it.
Frozen Cold Jan 9, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
nevermind i cant read
Frozen Cold Jan 9, 2023 @ 4:21pm 
good guide, but I prefer the morrowind code patch so it can run off of the game's orignal engine.
Mr. Fujiwara Jan 4, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
Good guide, though I unironically regret digging through the comment section and reading through some of the shit people be saying lole
VeeTheFox Nov 25, 2021 @ 6:08pm 
I was able to do this with minimal brain usage, thank you. I even knowingly got rick rolled just for you
d3Lap0r3 Nov 25, 2021 @ 6:00pm 
Hey thanks bro
Ol Dan Tucker Sep 30, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
Impressive...Very Nice
exojjl2 May 9, 2021 @ 9:04pm 
So I wasn't suppose to put my dick in the blender?
the guy from labyrinth May 2, 2021 @ 12:30pm 
OpenMW is nice if you don't plan on using any other mods, but other than that it's better to use MGE XE + MCP
jchancel76 May 2, 2021 @ 5:36am 