Idle Heist

Idle Heist

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Idle Heist: Achievement Guide
This guide will help you 100% Idle Heist in the fastest time possible using two major glitches. Please let me know if further clarification is needed on a topic discussed here or if any of my methods no longer work so that I may upgrade the guide for you.

I'd like to thank MisterXYZ for taking his time helping me understand the Prestige glitch and inspiring me to try this game.
You'll need to have an autoclicker otherwise this will take forever. I used the Logitech software to set up a clicker that clicks once every 2 milliseconds. Setting it to 1 millisecond made the game and my system unstable. I've provided the steps to set up a clicker using Logitech software below. You can also use Auto Hotkey as an alternative if your mouse software does not support a mouse sequence. This will cover the following achievements:

  • Get on the floor!
  • Got to Start Somewhere...
  • No Time to Waste!
  • Part-time Criminal
  • Certified Criminal
  • Super Villian


  1. Click on Customize Buttons
  2. Click on the "+" sign to add a new game profile
  3. Once set up your profile icon should display on top
  4. Once set up your clicker sequence should show in the location you chose to have it

  1. Name your profile "Idle Heist"
  2. Select the "+" sign at the bottom and find your game in your Steam Library usually the path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Idle Heist\Idle Heist.exe". You'll find the image of the exe in this box.
  3. Click OK

Once you have your profile set up. Click on any button in the display (see first image, box 4) to set up the mouse sequence. Select Multikey in the left side menu.
  1. Name your mouse sequence
  2. Right click the black box and choose Insert Mouse Event - Left Button - Down
  3. Right click the black box and choose Insert Delay and edit it to "2" (which translates to 2 milliseconds)
  4. Right click the black box and choose Insert Mouse Event - Left Button - Up
  5. Set Repeat Option to "Toggle"
  6. Set Delay to "0"
  7. Click OK

Once in game, use the button on the screen to begin autoclicking for those achievements.
Bomb Upgrades
This section of the guide will address the following achievements:
  • Gun Modifications
  • Getaway Speed
  • Pure grip
  • Fully Incognito

It is recommended to get these achievements first since using the prestige glitch might ruin your bomb count. If you decide to do the other achievements first, you might have to backup your save and start a new one to avoid any issues.

Method 1:
Once you have accumulated 250 bombs from the Daily Rewards
  1. Back up your data.sav from
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user id>\858060\remote
    Note: You'll use this save repeatedly so don't waste it.
  2. Start Idle Heist and purchase one of the following skins
    Note: These purchased skins will be attached to the save file and you'll be able to make one purchase per save.
    • Weapon upgrade
    • Van skin
    • Wheel skin
    • Mask skin
  3. Exit Idle Heist
  4. Replace current save with a *copy* of the backup save
  5. Repeat until you have acquired all skin/upgrade achievements.

Method 2:
This method requires that you're using Steam in offline mode to change dates 1 day forward sequentially to claim that day's rewards until you have reached 250 bomb credits then you resort to Method 1.

  1. This method is not recommended and is not allowed by achievement tracking websites.
  2. Moving your computer's dates may cause Windows to falsely report that your antivirus's protection is out of date. This is expected since Windows will assume you've gone a few days without updating. Once we're done with the achievement and you roll back to the real date the error will resolve itself.
  1. Exit Steam
  2. Disable your internet connection from Windows
  3. Start Steam in Offline Mode then start Idle Heist
  4. Claim your Daily Reward in-game then exit the game and exit Steam.
    Note: Always use the "Exit Game" option in the settings to avoid corrupting your save which can happen when exiting through other means. You'll also need to exit Steam to allow Idle Heist to register the new date.
  5. On Windows, move the day field 1 forward (15th => 16th)
    1. Click the time-date at the bottom right of the Windows taskbar
    2. Click Date and Time Settings
    3. Click the Change button under "Set the date and time manually"
    4. Change only the day of the week to 1 day forward to simulate 24 hours passing. Do not touch the month, year, or time.
    5. Click the "Change" button at the bottom
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 until you have 250 bomb credits.
    Note: This will vary for each person as the Daily Reward can output anywhere from 1 bomb to 100 bombs per day.
  7. Change the date back to the current date
Prestige Glitch
This section addresses the following achievements:

  • Now We're in the Money...
  • The Holy Grail
  • One of Many...
  • Third Wheel
  • Time to Crack the Vault!
  • Criminal Collecter
  • Criminal Hoarder
  • The Don
  • Crime Celebrity

Glitch Concept
Play the game until you are able to utilize the "Prestige without Reset" glitch. Utilize glitched tokens to purchase unlimited "+10% Clicker Bonus" then Prestige normally to utilize the bonus. This will allow the player to upgrade "Click Upgrades" much quicker and complete the game within minutes.

  1. Start a new game and click on gun icon at the bottom of the screen to purchase "Click Upgrades"
  2. Use autoclicker on main screen to make money then use money to purchase "Click Upgrades" until you arrive at "$1.40k / per click"

  3. Open Prestige menu and use the autoclicker to click on "Bypass Reset and Prestige" as many times as possible. Then use gained tokens to purchase the "+10% Click Bonus" as many times as possible (5-10 thousand purchases recommended).

  4. Click on Prestige Now and make sure to restart the game before doing anything else. If you don't restart the game, you won't have the bonus. Afterwards play the game to get Click Upgrades much quicker allowing you to unlock all characters.
    Note: Prestige erases all money and characters earned thus far. However, it'll allow you to utilize the bonuses previously gained with glitch tokens.
AntonHDMI #69 Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:55am 
If anyone wants a safe file with 250+ bombs add me on discord

Anton (HaderDuMitIslandHDMI)#2269
AntonHDMI #69 Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:41am 
@immagetchyah if you go to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<user id>\" folder (maybe it is located somewere else but find the userdata and your user id folder) once you are there delete the folder "858060" I don't know if you have to be en offline mode but I was and it worked
Immagetchyah Mar 26, 2021 @ 1:08pm 
How do i delete the save lol. do i need to do it offline?
RVK  [author] Mar 26, 2021 @ 7:49am 
I don't know of a way to fix it besides deleting your save and starting fresh. This is why I suggested backing up your save before doing the prestige glitch. Good luck!
Immagetchyah Mar 25, 2021 @ 10:28pm 
how do i fix the whole negative 2 million bombs thing aha
Cristi Aug 5, 2020 @ 4:00pm 