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Useful overall tips and information
Por MonkeyPocket
This guide will introduce you to some tips and useful information you may not be aware of, and can be of use when playing Monaco. It's more than a run and gun game, know how it works!
(I might add some more info that isn't obvious to the common player, and isn't in any of the existing guides)
Aggro, alarms and avoiding danger
There are many ways to die in Monaco. Be it angry guards or punishing traps, you've got to keep an eye out for these perils. The most common type of lasers are those attached to alarms. When you trip one of these lasers, the alarm will start ringing, and attract the nearest guard around. If you trip one, don't panic! Find a safe spot, away from the guard's line of sight. Consider that if a guard attracted by an alarm spots you, he'll start attacking you, and then the game engine will "let go of" that guard, and attract a second one. If you're not careful, tripping a single alarm can be the cause of utter failure, as it'll keep attracting guards if you keep getting spotted by them. The alarm rings for 30 seconds, and it attracts guards each 5 seconds, meaning it can draw up to six baddies before it automatically shuts itself down. Although you won't be thinking about all these numbers during a hectic run, knowing how the alarm behaves can save your life. On a side note, if you're spotted by a guard that was attracted by an alarm, the next guard that the alarm will attract will be whoever is closer to you; the world really is against you.
You can turn off a ringing alarm by yourself; surprisingly, many players don't know of this, whilst it proves useful and saves the trouble of waiting for a guard to come turn it off. If an alarm is out of reach (behind items that block the way, for example), the alarm shuts itself after the guard finishes investigating the spot the laser hit you.
Another trick I find myself using often takes place after you trip an alarm-ony laser. If you're hidden in a bush or a ladder, and the guard finishes investigating the spot, he will apparently lose all his aggro, and turn around to shut down the alarm. While he does this, you can freely get hit by the same laser without worrying, as the alarm won't ring twice, naturally. This doesn't work when a laser is attached to a gun, as it will still shoot everytime regardless of the alarm already being active. Make sure to sneak though, as guards shutting down alarms are fully aggroed, and will instantly chase you if they hear the slightest footstep behind them.
Teamplay and multiplayer tips
There's a lot to consider when playing online with friends or strangers. Other than the obvious (be polite, a team playa), there are a couple of ways to make your partners' job easier:

-If you're in a bush, and your being-followed-friend enters it to die next to you, you can slightly bump the guard hitting your friend, thus making him suspicious (red ? mark), and stop the violence. This is especially effective if the bumping player has a disguise, or is a Gentleman, as it'll nullify the possibility of aggroing the guard, and be attacked instead. It's only viable if your being-attacked-friend is above half-health, as below that point is profitable to just wait up and revive him once killed, since he'll resucitate with 50% health.

-If you're inevitably going to die, try to do so in safe spots, although consider from where your teammate can revive you. If you spot a bush, die just beside it, and leave room for your partner to first enter the bush, in order to revive you safely. Don't die directly inside a bush!

-As Redhead, to make things work swiftlier, keep a guard charmed that otherwise would directly get in the way of your partners. A clear example would be, waiting on someone to get to the stairs. This is rather common in Monaco, and it can help your pal keep a bit more health for the upcoming floors.

-If you're not a Redhead, you can still keep alerting a guard if you have a guaranteed safe spot, such as a third player holding the stairs. By doing this, you'll keep the guard from going back to his original patrol and have the missing player run a safe route.

Guards' stats
Guards are annoying. Without them, however, there'd be no fun. Each type of guard mess your day up differently. For example, the devilish Doctors. They don't deal a great amount of damage, but they stop you cold when they shoot. If you're in the middle of cracking a lock or a safe, they'll just keep interrupting you. They shoot each 3 seconds, giving you sufficient time to open locks, even if you're not a locksmith. Also, you can climb up vent ladders if a Doctor is trying to euthanize you, but just barely. Don't panic and run amok, you have time to escape to safety between each shot.
Ah, melee guards (white shirts, wield wrenches), another low-tier type of enemies. They deal the same damage as doctors (2 blocks, out of the 24 total you have), but they strike each second. In multiplayer, if your ping is not ideal, these guys can be your doom. Along with the lag, when they hit you, you will "rubberband", meaning, a small delay each time you are hit. If you're up against a couple of Melee guards, you will most likely die, slowly and painfully, as they each will rubberband you, and the frequency at which they hit is brutal.
Gendarme (shotgun guards, real scary) also slightly rubberband when they hit you, and on top of that, they hit you hard. The farther you are from there, the more the shot will scatter, and therefore the less damage you take. Their trigger finger is fearsome, and their extended-magazine, custom shotguns are almost unfair. They kill you in three shots if they're considerably close.
Police (blue shirts, wield pistols) are the most common type of enemis. They deal slighter more damage than your regular Melee guards, and experience a small recoil when shooting. Even when keeping a distance between, they still deal the same damage.
Agents (bald, glasses, machinegun) are, for me, lesser gendarme. Their shots are as deadly, but the recoil of their Machineguns is very convenient. If timed right, you can avoid most of the damage when they are chasing you, if you turn around a corner or hide from their sight.
NPCs and tricks
Non playable character or NPC; your regular civilian. These guys are a nuisance. Some players don't take them seriously, they should. Just like a ringing alarm, an alerted civilian is able to attract a lot of guards if you don't know how to handle them. When alerted, they will run to get a guard. As they run, they can even look behind, until they lose sight of you. Then they'll pull a guard to the last location you let the civilian spot you on. Even after getting one guard, if the civilian is still suspicious and sees you, he/she'll go pull yet another guard, and so forth. It generally is a good idea to get away from civilians when they are alerted.
The Cleaner is your best chance at rooms filled with civilians. When you knock guards or civs, they'll remain asleep for 30 seconds, just like a tranquilizer dart gun. Make sure to not stick around asleep NPCs, as they wake up at the worst possible moment.
There it is, some stuff I just wanted to have written, and visible for people to see, in case you didn't know of some of these. They can prove useful, and help plan ahead before deciding on running amok.
6 comentarios
hman1614 7 ABR a las 11:15 
L( ' _' )__ this is bill copy and paste to take Steam do it
Qine 20 AGO 2020 a las 8:56 
LOL XD AGGRO xdddddd
76561198120577908 27 DIC 2013 a las 12:54 
dante4d 22 DIC 2013 a las 7:09 
ok, thanks
Snake 21 DIC 2013 a las 13:24 
fubuki 21 DIC 2013 a las 8:01 
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