Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood

Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood

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Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood unofficial guide
By Man Of Nottingham and 3 collaborators
An unofficial, community-curated guide to Nocked! True Tales or Robin Hood.
Header Note, Disclaimer, and Access
Hi Robin Hood fans. This is a guide to Nocked! True Tales of Robin Hood, a massive, text-based RPG with thousands of choices and many a forest path not taken. While I've created this space, it's up to you, the players, to share your tips and trick, stories and adventures.

If you'd like to be a contributor, please ping me, manofnottingham, with a Steam friend request and I'll grant access. (This sounds silly, but as far as I can tell, it's the only way I can allow people to freely edit this guide.)

Thanks for playing Nocked!
Robin Hood Backgrounds
Who is Robin Hood? Mysterious outlaw, disgraced crusader, how does your identity change who you become?

The following backgrounds are available:


Each background changes how you are perceived by the factions of England, grants a unique resource benefit, and confers special dialogue options and a unique backstory quest.
Friends and Allies
Tips and hints on the friends and allies you can find in Sherwood Forest.
Romance in the Woods
Who can you romance, and how?

The list (Spoilers below):
Marian - Trigger: Marian proposes courtship after you save her father.
Little John - Trigger: Female Robin, build the Brewery in the Tavern.
Will Scarlet - Trigger: Finance his training plans(?)
Eli - Trigger: Male Robin.
Much the Miller’s Son - Trigger: Female Robin. Build the Gambling Hall in the Tavern.
Rosalind - Trigger: Male Robin. Finance her studies.
Amaranth - Trigger: Rebuild her hoard.
Palamedes - Trigger: Requires female Robin, fully upgraded main base, no other ongoing romances. You have to propose a deeper friendship/courtship at some point, and can finish the courtship in the final season.
Elsepth - Trigger: Female Robin. Court her over the course of the game.

In all cases, you need to be available - not involved in any other romance - at the time. Some romances can be picked up later if you break a prior relationship. Others can’t.
Walkthrough Tips
For forest trails charted and discovered.

Link to Spoiler-ish map of Castle Nottingham:
Secrets and Treats
What hidden stories have you found in the woods?

There’s been some confusion about a friendly wolf. Wolf is a trickster, and a cipher. He’d tell you that he’s your friend, do you need more? But the clues are there — his relationship with Oberon antd his penchant for tricks and jokes suggest that his true identity is that if Robin Goodfellow, aka Puck (who features prominently in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Nights Dream” which, if you have not seen the play, is worth seeing on film or stage).
Write Your Story
Do you have a True Tale of Robin Hood you'd like to tell? Add it here.
Outstanding Questions
Wondering about something related to Nocked? Post it here and someone will hopefully answer it!
Zuza2000 Nov 27, 2023 @ 12:45am 
Hey @Man Of Nottingham. I have a question about statistics, because I use NVDA and honestly don't have access to them. How much Renown, Gold and Power i have on start? I hope that at least in this situation the Sheriff will be merciful. :)
Man Of Nottingham  [author] Jun 9, 2023 @ 9:40am 
The tracks gives you Much the Miller’s Son, the scarf(?) gives you Rosalind, and book gives you Wolf. There are ways to find them all otherwise, but I confess, it’s been a long time since I wrote those choices and I don’t totally remember the alternates. Don’t worry too much about the 12 men, you’ll find more in time.
filips Jun 7, 2023 @ 5:04am 
are there any others? asking this because if I choose the lost book I won't get the 12 men you usually get by choosing the tracks in the forest
Man Of Nottingham  [author] May 22, 2023 @ 7:17am 
When you have the 3 options to follow tracks in the forest early in the game, pick the one that looks like lost books - this will lead you to magic Marian and eventually Wolf (he’ll show up before too long).
filips May 19, 2023 @ 11:31pm 
I don't understand. my apologies but I use NVDA to do stuff and the only thing in your reply it reads is "You can! There are several ways to do so, but one of them is this:
Man Of Nottingham  [author] May 19, 2023 @ 8:06am 
You can! There are several ways to do so, but one of them is this:
When you have the 3 options to follow tracks in the forest, pick the one that looks like lost books - this will lead you to magic Marian and Wolf.
filips May 19, 2023 @ 7:15am 
there's this wolf in the forest. the one trying to catch a deer. I think you can make it your pet or something. if so, how
denagrey Oct 17, 2021 @ 5:57am 
Where exactly in the Nottingham castle is Marian's father?
Man Of Nottingham  [author] May 7, 2020 @ 7:00am 
Key note: the iOS and Desktop versions have the same written content! 😀
Darkovika May 6, 2020 @ 10:10pm 
Will Scarlet romance help- and spoiler! Should be noted I got all of this from the iPhone version, not sure how things differ between steam and iPhone, I imagine not much!
Will Scarlet is into men. To quote, "I favor the company of men." He invited my male Robin to a dinner I think in... Fall? And then asked if he'd read the signs wrong. Eli had apparently told him I was interested in Will Scarlet. I'll be totally honest, I have absolutely NO idea how I cued it otherwise- like I totally thought he was into women literally up until this exact point when he straight told me to my face "I'm into men." I didn't even hang out with him on May Day, and now I TOTALLY wish I had! Very cute, 10/10, TOTALLY recommend the romance.