The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac

56 ratings
Some things you may not know!
By Cheek Loins
I've gone about reading the actual code of the game and this is some statistics and analytics you may not of even thought were the case!

I will try to update this whenever I find more secrets, or if any more secrets are presented to me.
Floor facts
- If it is the first run of your game session (Starting up the game and doing your first run), it is impossible to get a Deal with the Angel.

- Arcades can ONLY spawn on even floors and XL floors, IF you have at least five cents on you.

- XL floors ALWAYS count as the second of each section of floors, so if your first floor is an XL floor (Basement XL) you WILL be able to get a Deal with the Devil/Angel. Or if you accuire 5 cents and have a forget me now, you could also get an arcade.

- If on an XL floor and one of the two bosses is a horsemen, it IS possible to re-role the other boss item into a cube of meat.

- Taking red heart damage on the boss effects the percentage of getting a deal with the devil/angel.
Note: This is arguable, but I have seen a line of code with my own eyes to ensure it, but taking red heart damage on the floor at all will effect the chance as well.
Items and Trinkets
- Trinkets are only in each run one time. Even if you haven't picked it up, just seeing it makes it impossible to see again.
Note: This does not affect scripted trinkets. (IE the Polaroid dropping from Mom)

- If you pick up the item Roseary, it will make the Bible appear in the shop.

- Using the Book of Revalations on a floor if you haven't beaten the boss, it will ALMOST, not 100%, ensure you fight one of the horsemen. Famine, Pestilence, War, Death, Headless Horsemen, Conquest. Each are determaned by the floor you use the book.

- Using the Best Friend active item isnt alway safe! If it gets hit with a blood lazer or if it gets stomped on while deployed, it will kill you instantly.

- If you have an item such as Brimstone, Moms Knife, Polyphemus, or anything that makes one consistant damage output, taking the Inner Eye or Mutant Spider will decrease your base damage.

- When used, the Book of Belial will increase your percentage with getting a deal with the devil.
DooT Apr 15, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
This looks great. Good job! Since you update this from time to time, you can next time fix one typo:
Beanos, The Canned Sep 3, 2022 @ 12:28am 
when you say taking damage to a boss effects the chance of getting a devil or angel deal, you didn't specify if it increases or decreases the chances
RoboMan Jun 30, 2021 @ 10:32am 
Thanks! :3
Velyro Apr 18, 2021 @ 1:27pm 
Thanks for the info!
eoghan_og0 Apr 10, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
Thanks for the info
WillBuddy Apr 8, 2021 @ 5:30pm 
evil nonbinary gastropod Dec 19, 2020 @ 5:46pm 
Thanks for the information. You deserve this being liked and favorited by everyone who visits the page.:steamhappy:
John Fallout Oct 11, 2020 @ 4:20pm 
jacksonahhh Oct 10, 2020 @ 7:00pm 
Thanks :toasty: