Saints Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third

483 ratings
Achieving the 'Jumped In' & 'Saintified' Achievements in 2024(+)
By Alpha2749
This guide aims to help people get the 'Jumped In' and 'Saintified' achievements for Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV respectively now that the servers to upload characters are down.
This guide does not use programs such as SAM to cheat in the achievments, rather it allows you to actually save your characters via the 'upload character' function in the game (the one that is now broken due to the servers being down).
This is just a disclaimer that the mod that I use in this guide is in no way, shape, or form, written by, or contributed to by me. I am simply writing up a guide that uses this mod to allow people to unlock the two achievements, and be able to use the save character function once again.

All credit for the mod goes to 'Minimaul' from whose profile is:

Now, that that is out of the way we can get on with activating the character save feature, and unlocking the two achievements!
Starting off
The main reason I decided to write up this guide is to help the countless people I have seen who have posted about getting this achievement, but have not yet been able to find a solution. Of course there is always the use of SAM, but I personally want to avoid using SAM if there are other ways to get the achievement. Plus, with this method, you are actually able to use the 'upload character' function in the game to save your characters (to use later on if you wish). So here is how you can do this.

To get started, you will need to check out the following link, which contains a mod made by Minimaul, that allows you to trick the game into thinking it is connecting to the SR character server, but in reality saves the character files on your computer:

Now, you can either follow the instructions on there, (which are pretty much identical to the ones in this guide), or come back here and follow the instructions from this guide.

Setting it up
Remember, you can either go over to: and follow the instructions there, or just continue on with this guide, the instructions are mostly the same.

  1. The first thing you want to do is go over to: , and download the most recent version 'MySteelportEmulator', that is an attached file to the bottom of the post.

  2. After you've downloaded the file, you want to extract the contents of the file anywhere (doesn't matter where it is extracted to).

  3. After that's done, you want to trick the game into thinking that the Saints Row Character servers are in fact up. And redirect the game to your own local machine. You can do this as follows:

    1. Open up notepad as administrator by clicking on it (either in your start menu, or otherwise) and clicking 'run as administrator'.

    2. Go to file > open, then navigate over to your OS drive, (Usually the C: drive), and go to: C: > Windows > System32 > drivers > etc

    3. Open up the 'hosts' file (You may need to switch the file type from '.txt' to 'All Files' if you do not see a 'hosts' file).

    4. You will need to check whether there are already any lines with '' in it, if there is then make sure to delete it.

    5. Then you have to add the following line to the very bottom of your hosts file:

      Your 'hosts' file should now look something like this:

  4. After that's all done, all that's left to do is run the 'MySteelportEmulator' exe file that you extracted earlier, a command window will open up, and should display the version, the link to the post the mod was downloaded from, and text that says 'Ready for connections'.

  5. All that's left to do is just run Saints Row: The Third (or IV, depending on which achievement you want/ what game you want to use it for).

  6. When you are in the main menu, you should see text scroll through at the bottom of the screen that says:

    'Connected to My Steelport Emulator, Login with any user name and password'

  7. After you have seen that text, you can use the character gallery as if you were online. You can do this either in character creation, or at any store by clicking the 'Character Gallery' button. It will ask you to enter a username and password, you can enter whatever you want for these, they do not actually matter. After that you will be taken to the character gallery screen (such as can be seen below)

  8. To get the achievement, you simply need to go to the 'Character Gallery', and upload any character, this will trigger the achievement.

    And there you go! You've now gotten the unachievable achievement, without cheating it in, while restoring some of the games functionality.

By going through this process you also now have back some of the games functionality that was lost when the servers went down. You can now save and load characters (and even share them across devices)!
Closing Remarks
Once again, I just want to reiterate, I in no way contributed to the making of this mod, I simply used it to obtain the achievement and restore the save/ load character functionality to the game. All credit goes to Minimaul on for the fantastic and (literally!) game changing mod!

The reason I decided to make this guide is due to the amount of posts I stumbled across without any solutions regarding this achievement while researching how to get the achievement myself (as I am against use of programs such as SAM, even when the achievement is 'broken'). And it took me a while to find a solution to this as well. So Hopefully this guide can help someone out in achieving the achievement 'Jumping In' in SR3 and/ or the achievement 'Saintified' in SRIV.

Lynch Jun 27 @ 10:16am 
Thank you very much !:profgenki:
MomanteFPS May 29 @ 5:00pm 
Thanks bro!
kanashimih May 29 @ 3:34pm 
thanks, it worked!
Thank you!! works perfectly and now i can download and upload my characters in local
TellMore Mar 27 @ 10:00am 
can some one help me with this i try my best but cant mannage it
Trollface Mar 12 @ 3:10am 
13.03.24 Всё ок, сделал по инструкции. Достижение получил когда вышел из магазина.
Lumbah Rye Feb 13 @ 4:22pm 
Nice ^_^ Thanks
Bad Wolf Jan 5 @ 3:08pm 
After that extra download, as mentioned in my other post, I managed to download the MySteelportEmulator without issues and go through the steps. Got the achievement shortly after :cleanseal:
Bad Wolf Jan 5 @ 3:03pm 
If it hasn't been mentioned, and you aren't tech savy same as me, the file at the bottom needs a program to extract it. It is a 7Z file and not a regular zip (at least for me it showed up as a white page file, something that you need a special program to read). So you will need to download a program in order to read and extract the file. For windows it seems like 7-Zip works to extract the emulator.

I bring it up because it took me a minute since every time I download the emulator it didn't show up as the usual compressed folder so I thought I was doing something wrong.
THE FRENCHIEST FRYE Dec 27, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
Still works as of 12/27/23! Just wanted to note that if you're having trouble editing the "hosts" file because it's currently being used by another process, you should check your antivirus software. I had to disable the relevant option for mine that was preventing me from changing it.