Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

37 人が評価
Alien RPG Tabletop
Type: Game
Game Category: Role-playing Games
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 6
5.011 MB
2019年5月27日 14時12分
2020年9月3日 16時41分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Alien RPG Tabletop

A tabletop RPG for the new Aliens RPG by Free League Publishing. Scripted Dice and Character sheets.
Many assests taken from Thirteenstrings and his awesome Coriolis tabletop. Check him out at:
55 件のコメント
Ancistrus 2023年11月3日 11時59分 
There are 159 missing files in this mod. Can you reup?
Peter Trayus 2022年3月31日 16時37分 
Alien RPG Dice is the name of the object I made.
Draganwolf 2022年1月20日 23時39分 
The MU/TH/UR side does not load. I tried several things. It gives errors.
DarkShad3z 2021年12月6日 19時55分 
Would love to use this.. a lot of assets missing , especially the alien models?
Figgus 2021年11月2日 10時39分 
"You don’t get paid enough to deal with monsters. But hold your breath, count to three, and play your cards right with this one, and you just might walk away very rich. Oh, who am I kidding? You’re all going to die."

Thanks for the upload, definitely looking forward to giving this a try!
ShotGun Jolly  [作成者] 2020年12月24日 10時53分 
Yeah, for sure man.. that would be very nice @petertrayus!!!
Peter Trayus 2020年12月18日 15時23分 
Hi ShotGun, I created some alien RPG dice modeled after the official design. Would you like to adapt this to your scripted dice?
ShotGun Jolly  [作成者] 2020年12月6日 11時42分 
Pretty simple really.. What I do, is I use Snipping Tool and capture the image of the character sheet. Save it to my computer. Then in TTS, go to add a custom piece. I use a custom tile usually, and then upload the image you save earlier to it. Thats the jest of the way to do it. But its a simple process.
Lord_Cmndr_TacoTom 2020年12月5日 21時33分 
Probably a stupid question but how can I add the Hadley's Hope characters on here? The maps are on here but how can I add the characters from that cinematic campaign?
ShotGun Jolly  [作成者] 2020年11月29日 21時39分 
Hey ZeroSix. I took some of those assests from the Coriolis tabletop that was made before hand. So I think that came from there. And your welcome! I hope you have fun with it.