The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Reduce or remove Dialogs.
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Reduce or remove dialogs of Guards, Villagers, Townspeople and others who you may meet. Also if you want you may suggest things I should add, and I will.
Itens (12)
Remove Lydia's Trade Dialog
Criado por Beratna
Remove Lydia's "I am sworn to carry your burdens." dialog option. She now says "What do you want me to carry?"...
Less Condescending Guards
Criado por Naomi
Guards will no longer comment on your skills until level 75. Unlike previously when they commented after you brought your skills up to level 30. Featured in PCgamer: Now available on th...
"Arrow in the knee" dialogue remover
Criado por Naomi
Removes the "Arrow in the knee" dialogue from guards. If you do encounter the phrase from other guards, in whiterun or otherwise, just comment and tell me what guard and in what city and I'll see if it can be fixed. It can be downloaded seperately for use ...
Do You Fetch the Mead?
Criado por The_Exploder
After you join the Companion's Guild, town guards will occasionally ask you if your job there is to fetch the mead. This persists no matter what your rank in the guild is, and the frequency of the question is already annoying. This mod removes this dialogu...
Farengar Dialogue Fixes
Criado por The_Exploder
Farengar Secret-Fire, the court wizard at Dragonsreach in Whiterun, will no longer ask if you're here about the ongoing hostilities, nor will he recommend that you go to the College of Winterhold, "If you've got the aptitude." If you prefer to track this m...
Nazeem "Cloud District" dialogue remover.
Criado por Naomi
Do you get the cloud district very often? What am I saying, of course you don't... Well he won't be saying it any longer! Removes this often repeated line from his dialogue options. Requested by Madgreenb....
Resolving Muiri's problem
Criado por Li-ion
Edits the annoying phrase "Thank you again for resolving my problem" to say once only....
Quiet Bound Weapons
Criado por Darkzyrklord
The constant sound of conjured weapons is irritating (especially in dungeons and caves). This drastically lowers the idle sound volume for conjured weapons....
Sigur and Belethor
Criado por The_Exploder
You're likely to run into Sigur, the assistant of the owner of the general goods store, if you frequent Whiterun a lot. This mod removes some lines that he utters with great frequency. I suppose I could just delete him from the game, but I'm afraid that mi...
Shut up dogs
Criado por PiTux
If you like your dog but hate it every few seconds he let's out the exact same double bark? This mod is for you! It simply removes the bark's sound from your game so it's compatible with all other mods because it doesn't modify any dogs in the game, it jus...
Shut UP Nirnroot!
Criado por GnarlyNerd
Removes the Nirnroot's annoying sound and nuclear glow. I got tired of listening to these things whining all the time. After I got a bug that made them glow like tiny suns, I decided to do something about it. I toned them down and shut them up for good. Th...
Quieter Children v1.1
Criado por The_Exploder
This removes a few repetitive and/or irritating lines of dialog from the kids in Whiterun, whom you will bump into a lot if you frequent this town. Version 1.1 changes: --Added the kids in Dragonsreach....