Holdfast: Nations At War

Holdfast: Nations At War

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How to use carbonPlayers in Holdfast: NAW
By WraithSeer
Want to use carbonPlayers in your Holdfast Server?
Tired of using one of your guys as target practice?
Want to get an 8 man multikill with out annoying your fellow players?
Hi and welcome to my guide on how to use carbonPlayers in Holdfast!
In the course of this guide i will cover:
  • General Basic commands
  • Expanded Commands
  • Errors and bugs
  • Possible Additions that i hope for the future!
General Commands
In this section, I will be covering the basics of carbonPlayers and what the commands do.

rc carbonPlayers spawn number

This command will spawn in an amount of bots that the user wishes. These bots will be spread randomly around the map and will be of various classes from the 2 factions on the server.

rc carbonPlayers join

This command will join all the bots into the centre of the map. (Bearing in mind they will spawn near Camp Area on training grounds)

rc carbonPlayers disperse

This command will spread the bots through out the map. (Very useful for Hide and seek games such as Bunny Hunter etc)

rc carbonPlayers forceInputAxis (true/false)

If this command is set to true the bots will not move. They are only allowed to spin (If forceInputRotation is set to false) This is very useful to stop the bots moving and unclumping.

rc carbonPlayers forceInputAxis (true/false)

This command controls whether the bots randomly turn or not. Although not neccesary to have turned on or off. This can be useful as it makes the bots all face the same direction.
Movement and turning
rc carbonPlayers inputRotation (number between 1-360)

In this section i will talk about the commands to tell all the bots to face a certain direction. This can be useful to turn the enemies from their current facing.
The number that is inputted with the command determines where they are facing in regards to north. Similar to degrees on a compass.


I.e. rc carbonPlayers inputRotation 60 and then inputting the command again will not turn them to 120 but they will stay at 60 until a differnent command is added

rc carbonPlayers inputAxis (Number? Letter? We will never know)

Thanks to Lill Tue for giving me the correct commands for this section!

rc carbonPlayers inputAxis 0 1 will move the carbonplayer forwards
rc carbonPlayers inputAxis 0 -1 will move the carbonplayer backwards
rc carbonPlayers inputAxis 1 0 will move the carbonplayer right
rc carbonPlayers inputAxis -1 0 will move the carbonplayer left
rc carbonPlayers playerAction
The best bit

In this section i will cover the numbers requiered to get the bots to do an action

  1. Nothing (?)
  2. Jump
  3. Present Arms
  4. Shoulder Arms
  5. Fire
Below are the commands for the various dances etc
rc carbonPlayers playerAction 34 = stop Animations
rc carbonPlayers playerAction 35 to 47 Animations

For some reason the fire command will not work at the moment. I am unsure whether that is a problem with my server, or a problem with the recent game version.
rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack (numbers)
While at the current moment the animations for the hits them selves are not working, the bots attack as normal.

rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack 1

This get the bots to do an up attack. Also known as MeleeStrikeHigh

rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack 2

This gets the bots to do a down attack. Also known as MeleeStrikeLow

rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack 3

This gets the bots to do a side attack from the left. Also known as MeleeStrikeLeft

rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack 4

This gets the bots to do a side attack from the left. Also know as MeleeStrikeRight

rc carbonPlayers meleeAttack 5+

This does not currently do anything noticeable.
Broken commands
While these commands are not game breaking or server crashing, They are currently not working in the current game version.
These are:

  • teleportToPlayer
  • switchWeapon
  • autoWeaponsSwitchToggle is currently useless (just rotates through the weapons: Fists, musket, Sword)
  • meleeAttack (The animations dont currrently show)
Additions for the future
The future for carbonPlayers could be bright, with a few tweaks to certain commands and an expansion of ease of use would make them an interesting addition to game.

In the future, I hope for:
  • Programable lists of commands for the bots to carry out.
    I.e. Have a line of bots march along a path, stop and right face (For example)
  • Be able to choose which class, faction the bots spawn as.
  • Be able to control the bots as seperate groups, rather than as a whole.
  • Program more melee attacks, I want my bots to become the fidget spinners of Death, ready to take on any opponent!
  • Make the shots that the bots fire actually matter and work
  • Be able to adjust the height at which the bots aim, whether it be straight at the enemy or down a hill
  • Be able to set names for the bots. I want all my bots to be called Bob, Bill and Terry!
Final words and Thanks
I do hope you enjoyed reading this guide.
Dont forget to: like comment and favourite! As i hope to constantly update this as the game changes.
Dont be afraid to ask any questions in the comments, as ive probably made that mistake too!

  • The 45th Regiment of Hampshire, for allowing me to use their server to test and experiment
  • The Holdfast Regimental Discord
  • The Official Holdfast Discord, for giving me the idea to write this guide.
  • Lill Tue from 3. Jyske for helping with various commands