Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

118 ratings
Developer Console + NoClip
By AltSierra117 and 1 collaborators
⚠️Requires Cheat Engine 7.1 in order to work properly⚠️
Download → Cheat Engine 7.1[]

With this Cheat Engine Table you can enable the Dev Console for Metro Exodus, allowing to change many aspects in-game, such as game difficulty, FOV, create a game checkpoint/savegame, change map-to-map with default starting weapons or carry previous ones to any other map. Enable the script and use F1 to toggle the console.

Download → Metro Exodus: Developer Console + NoClip[]

If you are aware of my save, it has everything unlocked for the beginning of the campaign.
Here is the guide for NewGamePlus Unlocked = All Weapons + Customizable Flamethrower

Metro Exodus Commands - Part of Ranger Update
new_game_plus_allowed Unlocks new game plus settings for campaign to be selected on main-menu.
ngp_armored_mode Human NPC's are upgraded one level of armor across the game.
ngp_backpack_limit Crafting in the backpack is disabled, you must only use a workbench.
ngp_bad_weathert Fog, Rain, Snow and Sand storm conditions occur more frequently.
ngp_dev_comments Green tape players throughout the game will be available to play developer commentary.
ngp_grenadier_mode Human NPC's uses explosives more often.
ngp_iron_mode Fully disables the save system, progress is only saved between levels.
ngp_radiation_mode Additional radiation zones will appear across some levels, making the gasmask more important.
ngp_realtime_weather Change the game's day/night cycle from 2 to 24 real hours for complete immersion.
ngp_tough_creatures Creatures have thicker hide across the game.

Metro Exodus Commands
r_gamma Sets in-game gamma (Only for DirectX 11)
r_exposure_control Sets in-game gamma (Works for DirectX 11/12)
r_exposure_bloom Set value to "-1" to experience the vibe of E3 2017 Announce Gameplay
r_bloom_prefiltered Set value to "0" to experience the vibe of E3 2017 Announce Gameplay
g_disable_hud_scale_coll Sets weapon scale while colliding with objects
hud_scale_type Pre-set weapon position on screen. Use values from 0 to 5
hud_scale_force_xy Custom weapon position on screen, but first, set "hud_scale_type" to value 3
weapon_count Reduce or Increase weapon slots. Use values from 1 to 3. Re-enter value after reverting checkpoint
r_base_fov Changes Field of View (FOV)
enable_backpack_craft Enables/disables backpack ability to craft Medkits, Filters, Ammo and Throwables
enable_costumes_craft Enables/disables workbench ability to change suit upgrades
ngp_sneaky_combat Reduces character-to-character visual combat against each other. Working status unknown
return_to_main_menu Returns player to main-menu
pause Pauses/Unpauses the game
joy_sens_y_scale_ Changes controller pitch sensitivity scale, since there is no other way of changing it
gamesave Creates save checkpoint
gameload Loads saved checkpoint
g_game_difficulty Changes engine core difficulty
g_ranger_hud_alpha Heads-Up Display (HUD) transparency (Only in game difficulty set to 3 - Ranger Hardcore)
ranger_mode_game Metro Redux left-over command, not sure if still does anything
g_survival_mode Same above (Digital or Non-Digital wrist watch sounds changes, uses default Digital watch model)
disconnect Stops 4A Engine from everything being used, then use command "map" to load any map
map Loads any map, but first "disconnect" command is needed to stop 4A Engine.
restart Restarts any map that 4A Engine has loaded
change_map Changes current map to any other map and gives the player default starting weapons profile
change_map_cl Same as mentioned above
change_map_nl Changes map-to-map as well but saves and gives last current player weaponry
nextlevel Advances to next campaign mission
g_player_speed_scale Changes the player walk/speed/sprint scales
g_god Sets the player deathless
g_global_god Sets every character deathless
g_unlimitedammo Medkits, Throwable Equipment and Ammo count doesn't decrease, but weapon's clip still runs out
g_notarget Player doesn't get targeted by NPCs (Non-Player Characters)
g_autopickup Not sure what it does

Metro Exodus Graphics Performance Improvement
ph_dbg_render_range Default "150", set to "20"
ph_movables_range Default "96", set to "20"
r_adaptive_ssa Default "1", set to "0"
r_dof_tile_max Default "1", set to "0"
r_enum_ssaa Default "10, set it to "5"
r_foliage_scale_clr_mp Default "1.200000048", set to "0.5"
r_foliage_scale_ao_mp Default "1.100000024", set to "0.5"
r_foliage_scale_range Default "1.25", set to "0.5"
r_lod_shadow_quality Default "1", set to "0.5"

Instructions on How to NoClip given by SunBeam are very clear, so keep in mind of:
W A S D = keys for movement, use the mouse to point which direction to travel
SPACE = moves the player horizontally up
CTRL or ALT GR = moves the player horizontally down
SHIFT = increases movement speed
Note → When using Noclip feature it is NOT recommend to left it enabled between map changes or savegame/checkpoint loads.

Metro Exodus Map Names
Use the command change_map_nl to change maps and carry the weaponry with you to any map.
Changing maps on command will make unsynchronized introduction custcene animations, to avoid this do not pause the game, let it be running normally.

m3\000 MAIN-MENU
m3\01_dead_moscow MOSCOW
m3\05_winter WINTER
m3\06_bridge THE VOLGA
m3\06_spring SPRING
m3\07_yamantau YAMANTAU
m3\08_desert THE CASPIAN
m3\08_summer SUMMER
m3\12_valley THE TAIGA
m3\12_autumn AUTUMN
m3\13_deadcity THE DEAD CITY
m3\14_outro FINALE
m3\dlc_1_deadcity THE TWO COLONELS DLC
m3\dlc_2_vladivostok SAM'S STORY DLC
Developer Console + NoClip

Jcking Jun 8, 2024 @ 9:40am 
For enhanced edition, if you open the file with a text editor like notepad and remove the part that starts with local aob_infFlamethrower, the script will run properly and you can use the dev console and such (though almost certainly not the flamethrower).
ERR://Cat Dynamics/ Feb 21, 2024 @ 7:09am 
can we get a latest update for enhanced edition?
LosKarlos Nov 13, 2023 @ 12:28pm 
Does this work for enhanced edition?
#00ff00 AlexTool� Jul 28, 2023 @ 4:40am 
can i get dev console for MLL Complete edition???
« _Rodes » May 27, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
for anyone having trouble finding cheatengine 7.1, heres the link:
download the CheatEngine71.exe file only, extract, install, install the script given above (google drive), place it on working cheatengine and it should work fine (click [ Initialize first ] option)
ƔενεσισAria🌸 Feb 13, 2023 @ 6:01am 
Can these commands not be put into user.cfg as well without needing console? I see a lot of overlap.
McLovin Jan 23, 2023 @ 3:46am 
How to enable noclip ?
John Shepard N7117 Sep 20, 2022 @ 8:10pm 
works but many commmands don't. I have Cheat Engine 7.1 and the non enhanced edition so updated automatically through steam.

God mod, or unlmited ammo doesn't work.

lastly, in the cheat engine what does adding extre "CVars" means?
Stinger Jun 26, 2022 @ 7:15pm 
What the hell gives with the Key Binding issue . the W. S.A.D. not my preferred but the arrow buttons to move , once I changed this. Radio use for tuning it does'st work. How about fixing this issue Patch it up .
moacir.silveira Dec 29, 2021 @ 5:46am 
I need a simple help... HOW THIS WORK ????? I downloaded the engine and the table, and now???? Execute him before launch game? after? the table, I loaded in cheat engine, and now ? I head the help, but it explain how create a table, not how to use with an game... thanks a lot for help.