Devil May Cry 5

Devil May Cry 5

184 ratings
How to play Devil May Cry 5 without Denuvo
By Cloud
Capcom had removed the Denuvo officially at 6 February 2020
Purpose of this guide
The purpose of this guide is to make Devil May Cry 5 players who purchased on Steam have a better gaming experience without being disgusted by Denuvo.

I don't support or encourage any piracy, so this guide will NOT provide any cloud disk / share link, all the required files can be downloaded from Steam.

As long as you purchased Devil May Cry 5, you can follow this guide to play DMC 5 without Denuvo. :)

Store Page (buy the game first):

What happened?
The Denuvo free file was not cracked by anyone, but is provided by Capcom. :O

It should be related to the QA’s team.

A few hours after the game was released, there was a public branch on Steam, which was used by the QA team to ensure the game quality. (guess from the branch name)

This branch is not encrypted by Denuvo. Reasonably speaking, this branch should not be public.

Because the visibility of branch was public, the Denuvo free file we have.

Hours later, Capcom deleted this branch:

However, we still can download the Denuvo free file through Steam console.
Denuvo VS. Denuvo free
Files diff:

They're all signed by Capcom, so nobody can modify these files.

Performance diff:


Denuvo Free:

FPS from 74 to 93, about 20 FPS improvement and more stable.

The data above was tested in the author's computer environment.
How to F**k Denuvo
1. Open the Steam Console

Enter the following address in your browser
Then, you can see the Steam Console.

2. Download the Denuvo free file.

Enter the following command in the Steam Console:
download_depot 601150 601152 8448614996291133808
Then waiting for the downloading.

Ooops, Depot download failed, File not found. :) Nice work Valve!

I'll NOT provide share link for this file. Please do NOT add me for this, thank you. :P
(Hint: Maybe you can find it in comments. :D)

3. Overwrite the file

You can find a DevilMayCry5.exe file(About 131,200 KB) in the folder shown on Steam Console.

Then overwrite the DevilMayCry5.exe file(About 486,549 KB) in your Steam Devil May Cry 5 folder.

Have fun! :)

It may fail due to game update.

Update: Remember delete "re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak" file in the game folder.

4. Recovery the file

If the game does not work or has bugs after replacing the file.

Please use "Verification integrity of the game files" to recovery the file.
gold Feb 7, 2020 @ 8:50am 
Denuvo just got removed
2ndlive Apr 26, 2019 @ 6:26am 
Ajaxe, it`s work, but blood palace does not work and the fonts get worse:FFXIII2mirochu:
pipeysh Mar 31, 2019 @ 12:46am 
fps improved a little bit with denuvo-free exe.
and also there are no more game crashes:cozymhw:
Cloud  [author] Mar 25, 2019 @ 4:36am 
Name: DevilMayCry5.exe
Size: 134347984 bytes (128 MiB)
CRC32: 50D6AB04
CRC64: 923F5225CE359768
SHA1: 4B2BD90F4F3B59D99F5C8B535049C400D8AF27F6
SHA256: A4F3051EC8F1D52C1AE10AC9C518BD736BDD91E101A5647DFDEF7F1FB441DC2A
Kryss Mar 20, 2019 @ 3:35am 
Guys, who see big improvements in FPS, can you post your CPU model pls?
Ajaxe Mar 19, 2019 @ 2:51pm 
The game got updated (March 19th, 2019). The way you can get the denuvoless exe working again is by deleting re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak in the game folder and putting back in the same denuvoless exe. Achievements and everything seems to work fine and just as before for me.
Oscardulcepan Mar 13, 2019 @ 1:38am 
Lo quitaron el denuvo? o sigue en el juego? porque no pienso comprarlo si tiene denuvo yo tengo un pc modesto un fx8320e 16gigas de ramb 1866 y una rx580 8gb no pienso comprarlo si todavia tiene el denuvo si me vas a vender un juego vendemelo bien, no me pongas antipirateria para que a mi y a mucha gente le valla el juego horrible para eso no creais juegos
Triggerpigking Mar 12, 2019 @ 1:18pm 
i'm using another file from a different site but it seems to make the voice acting completely out of sync...anyone else had this issue?. Also fuck Denuvo.
Metzix Mar 11, 2019 @ 7:09am 
Never support games with denuvo, people which still think denuvo doesnt hurt the performance are simply dum* :disapprove:
Mr. Respect Mar 10, 2019 @ 5:41pm 
Again. Do not buy games with Denuvo :ADNalert: