Enderal: Forgotten Stories

Enderal: Forgotten Stories

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Handicraft malus fix
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5 mars 2019 à 20h48
5 mars 2019 à 23h54
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Handicraft malus fix

If you were wearing the Skaragg gauntles, shoes or Hoofbeat's amulet when patch hit, your handicraft value will permanently get a malus if you ever remove your equipment.
This removes the fortify handicraft from those pieces so that you can fix your save, but it's NOT download and forget.

This file is for troubleshooting purposes only
It's safe to uninstall, don't worry about your saves.

  1. In the game, make a save while wearing the gear you had on at the time of the patch. Check your handicraft modifiers in the hero screen, you should see only your base value or +4 racial bonus if you are Arazealean.
  2. Subscribe to this mod and install it from the Workshop section of the Enderal launcher.
  3. Load your save and get naked, SAVE and exit.
  4. Back in the launcher -> Workshop, uninstall and post here about how grateful you are even if you didn't check yet, because "It just works™"
  5. Load your save, equip your stuff and check your values, everything should be good. Save again and have fun!

Update: added Hoofbeat's amulet but I could not reproduce the issue, let me know if this fixed it for you.
5 commentaires
Tequila Sunset 9 mars 2019 à 7h35 
Can you add the starling helmet that gives handicraft and health to this?
Spirit 8 mars 2019 à 21h58 
It would be nice to have the +15 ring added to this fix if you have time. I got to say I find it a bit wired that Enderal devs are not able to fix this mistake, or at least provide instructions on how to solve it.
Cutlass Jack 7 mars 2019 à 4h28 
That command removes the buff when I put the amulet back on but doesn't fix the damage already done, when not wearing it. I just ended up using 'player.modav smithing 6' to put it back to +4 where it should be for my race instead of -2. Not graceful but it works.
BrolyLSSJ5  [créateur] 6 mars 2019 à 22h45 
Are you familiar with the console? Try this command: player.dispel 0101fe07
Cutlass Jack 6 mars 2019 à 8h57 
Unfortunately it didn't fix Hoofbeat for me. However its likely because I had already removed the necklace on my saves before realizing there was an issue. Putting it back on then doing all steps of your fix sadly didn't help. Thanks for trying though! :D